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>> No.11199137 [View]
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My book (which is excellent):
https://www.amazon [doot] com/Weather-Vane-Gedalia-Gershon/dp/1723762806/
Some shirts and stuff:
https://teespring [doot] com/stores/jonathan-tooker

I don't know why you all don't buy my book. It is really good!

>> No.11185111 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.11097899 [View]
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This book is hyper-fast-paced and it will hold your attention.

>> No.11094043 [View]
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>> No.11091592 [View]
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It is good if you like fiction.

>> No.11068715 [View]
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>You make it impossible for people to help you.
Buy my book. It costs $10. Is that not easy enough?

>> No.11051908 [View]
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Why don't you buy my book then?

>> No.11021252 [View]
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Well... she did leave to me rot in the gutter and the to rot in jail without offering a dime, so what does that tell you? My opinion is that Helene has to present a front of acting with my interests in mind if she wants to be able to continue to steal from me on an ongoing basis. If her true feelings were known, namely that couldn't care less if I died right now, then she would not be able to spread the lie the that she was acting with my proxy as the head of our family. I have also speculated that she pretends, very diligently, to have multiple personalities, and that one of the fake personalities she has conjured cares about me.

So not only did she leave me to rot in the gutter, and not only was she the primary reason why I quit my job, and not only do I think she was the primary reason Israel turned me away, and not only do I think she was the one who expelled me from college because she hates it that I love pussy when she tried so hard to make me into a bottom botch faggot, but my believe is that when I went to the real office real where the real backrooms are located, and they were asking if it was ok to kill me, her exact quote was, "If he dies, he dies."

She only cares about herself, and she loves to be able to pretend like she selflessly cares for me, but in fact she is the rapist who tore up my guts and fucked my whole life, leading directly to 90+% of the problems I had now.

Helene is my rapist. That's the primary relationship between her and I.

I will destroy Israel first, and then I will spread the truth: Who but the Sovereign Lord God has the power to turn that land into a radioactive wasteland that can never be repopulated? At that time, I might not say, "The rest of the cities are about to get it too," but at that time the rest of the cities will be about to get it too. The warning is in the Good Book: God doesn't like cities and he will destroy them.

>> No.11002885 [View]
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did someone say book?

>> No.11001334 [View]
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I have personal details in my free book (section 3.2)
>The General Relevance of the Modified Cosmological Model
but my for-sale book is purely fiction
>The Weather Vane

>> No.10984490 [View]
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>my book though are you, pic related?

>> No.10971882 [View]
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If you were going buy what I'm selling, then you'd buy my book.

>> No.10971790 [View]
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>> No.10967370 [View]
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The Truth About Evolution

>> No.10966574 [View]
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>his book

>> No.10957336 [View]
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>Do you feel like being confronted with falsehood without it being evident?
This is an incredibly deep question. Let me ask a similar one:

If you were in the CIA black site fake city constructed totally for the purposes of cucking you, would you want the crisis actors pretending to be the city's other residents to act weird enough that you can be sure you're in the black site?

The answer is NO!!!! I don't want to them to act weird. There is no way they can act weird enough for me to know I am in the black site. All it does is give me tsiris that I don't want. How can I tell if they are acting weird because I am the black site or because I am the regular area where the CIA has sent its slaves and prostitutes to act weird to reverse-gaslight into thinking that I am in the black site when I'm not.

>> No.10951591 [View]
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you just want to suppress true progress of society

>> No.10950836 [View]
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So here's a thing I didn't mention yet: Why is the bottom of the well at future timelike infinity and not also at past timelike infinity where, according to the reasoning for the point mass at infinity in
>Modified Spacetime Geometry Addresses Dark Energy, Penrose's Entropy Dilemma, Baryon Asymmetry, Inflation and Matter Anisotropy
the point mass should exist at past and future timelike infinity? For what reason have I only put a well in the future but not another in the past? If my main argument is that "My unquantified idea makes sense and that why it is better than the other 50,000,000 quantified ideas which make no sense, then I need to fully motivate the arrangement.

This is very easy to explain. I have positive time and negative time, the times of the two universes in the paper, so define them as
[math] t_+:=\widehat\infty-t \quad\text{and}\quad t_-:=-\widehat\infty+t [/math]

In this scheme, we can easily come up with an arrangement so that the point mass DOES exist at past and future infinity, but the energy from the one at past infinity is zero on the hypersurface of the the present in the universe with forward-flowing time. Call the proper time in the present there t_0 = inf-hat -t_p. Note how it makes perfect sense that "forward" time is closer to future infinity and "reverse" time is closer to past infinity. Then we can write the two energy contributions from past and future infinity as
[math] \phi_+(t_0) := \dfrac{GmM}{|\widehat\infty-t_0|}\quad\text{and}\quad \phi_-(t_0) := \dfrac{GmM}{|-\widehat\infty-t_0|}[/math]

By the definition of t_0, the denominator of the first function will be finite
[math] \widehat\infty - (\widehat\infty - t_p) = t_p [/math]

but the denominator of the second will be infinite
[math] -\widehat\infty - (\widehat\infty - t_p) =-\widehat\infty + t_p [/math]

meaning that the contribution of that energy curve vanishes at t_0.

>> No.10939795 [View]
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I attempted to publish this paper
>Modified Spacetime Geometry Addresses Dark Energy, Penrose's Entropy Dilemma, Baryon Asymmetry, Inflation and Matter Anisotropy
10 years ago this month. In the 2009 paper, I offer a totally logical explanation for dark energy (Nobel 2011) but somehow, despite ten years having gone by, my enemies are able to form a 100% unanimous, flawless block of all of the scientists in the world to all agree never to discuss my obvious solution, and instead to pretend like dark energy is some big mystery THAT NO ONE HAS ANY IDEA ABOUT.

Despite my decade of perseverance and hard work, I have gotten fucked by the USA at every turn. I published my book on Amazon one year ago this month. I hope another 10 years of trying doesn't land me in this same pile of hopeless indigence where my hard work that never has paid off continues never to pay off. Certainly I was not paid a lot as I had hoped, but unfortunately I was not paid even a little. In fact, if I would have flipped one burger at McDonald's then capitalism would have rewarded me infinitely more greatly than it has for sticking with my scientific work. Nine more years are about to go by no matter what. Will they fuck me as hard in these nine as the last nine? Will I get a turn at fucking people over? Maybe instead of wiping poison ivy on my balls to help Helene with her fetish, in this upcoming decade you all will make better decisions.

>> No.10920594 [View]
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No, my book is not really about RH. I did write a book though, a light fun one, and I hope you buy it, pic related.

>> No.10888996 [View]
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>> No.10870375 [View]
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It is a strange property of the universe that your 4-velocity squared is always normalized to be equal to the speed of light squared. When your 3-velocity is zero, then your 1-velocity squared (1-velocity is time) is equal to the speed of light squared. If you increase your 3-velocity (3-velocity is the speed of your 3D motion) then your 1-velocity has to decrease to maintain the overall normalization of your 4-velocity. That's why time goes slower for you when you increase velocity relative to the stationary observers' frame.

If you like hard sci-fi, then buy pic related book which I am totally not the author of and won't make about $4.22 if you do buy it.

>> No.10867612 [View]
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>There are.
They are, in my perception, so much less vocal then their dissenters.

>> No.10848151 [View]
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Please buy my book and tell other people how awesome it is.

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