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>> No.10813672 [View]
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>how does one become an apprentice of the tooker?
Send me an email with a proposal.
Also, buy my book and tell me which was your favorite part.

>> No.10810802 [View]
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>what book to get.

>> No.10805960 [View]
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>models are still wrong.

This article illustrates what is, to me, the wrongest thing about black hole cosmology. The article doesn't explain what the big problem is, but they say that the mass of the black hole in the center of a galaxy is proportional to the mass of the whole galaxy. When you turn the crank on this, however, to see why that it is, the crank will tell you that the black hole has no way of knowing what is happening outside of its very small local neighborhood in the teeny tiny little central-most region of the galaxy, and that its mass absolutely SHOULD NOT be correlated with the mass the entire galaxy spreading out tens of thousands of light years away from the BH.

>> No.10799670 [View]
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Buy my book

>> No.10788495 [View]
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Absolute shit. And the author is probably homosexual.

>> No.10783231 [View]
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Probably won't be talking for a few days.

>> No.10778721 [View]
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Since you're so interested in what I write, how about you buy my book.

>> No.10758652 [View]
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Please don't buy my book.
I love being indigent.
www amazon com/Weather-Vane-Gedalia-Gershon/dp/1723762806/

>> No.10752407 [View]
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My thing is all ready to go here. That's why statistics and computer science.

>> No.10746675 [View]
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I will upload the revisions manaña, should be good to go on Monday

>> No.10734432 [View]
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I'm indigent because no one that already has money agrees to give me any and I'm not confiscating cash. I have no income and no assets, and that's the recipe for poverty and indigence.

<------- BUY MY BOOK

>> No.10715856 [View]
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Maybe Perelman doesn't know about it yet because Shinichi only exists in a private fake internet bubble designed to ensure that he can never find any success in any professional endeavor besides wagecucking in a role that places his enemies as his slave masters.

>> No.10709050 [View]
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>If f(x)^g(x) are functions and f(x) -> 1 and g(x) ->inf then it's inderminate form but 1^inf is not.
Thank you. I learned this in my first semester of kindergarten and it was easy for me to find again when I was refreshing my memory about it this week.

>> No.10689615 [View]
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I didn't win the prize, probably because arXiv rejects every manuscript I send to them. However, it could be because I'm not on the real internet and I'm in a gay NatSec bubble, or it could be that the CIA put code in the PDF so looks legible when I read it but looks different to others. I was wondering if they were doing that int he character encoding on my website too.

Clay Institute extended a waiver to Perelman because he did not publish in a peer-reviewed journal as is required by the rules for the $1M, and for me to get the money for my publication on viXra, then Clay Institute would need to extend to me ~THE~EXACT~SAME~WAIVER~ that they extended to Perelman. However, it seems like everyone would rather pretend like the problem is unsolved than to admit that I'm the one who solved it... because fuck me.

Buy my book though, pic related.

>> No.10655603 [View]
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>> No.10491518 [View]
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Who is the overall smartest of all time though?

>> No.10488296 [View]
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>> No.10434309 [DELETED]  [View]
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If you are young and doing squats, just concentrate on gaining weight in general. Trying to gain muscle but not fat is basically retarded. Cook with more butter. Then put more butter on it after you cook it. Eat more with more butter on it. Everyone likes butter.

>What are your plans now?
Listen to me. I have written this novel: pic related. It is really fantastic and I am sure you will like it if you read it. I have it published on Amazon and Kindle, and I am confident that if I could just a few people to read and recommend it then it it would sell and I could stop being a homeless criminal bum. It is really fun and exciting, and I think it might even enter in the realm of books you can't put down. Since I write non-fiction under my English name, I wrote this novel under my pen name. I wish you guys would buy it. I know people like to own physical books and even if you don't read it the cover which I designed is very nice looking and the spine will add a nice spicy flavor to the spines of the other books you can see on your bookshelves. They way it's priced I get about $5 for each copy sold.
>The Weather Vane
>by Gedalia Gershon
>amazon com/Weather-Vane-Gedalia-Gershon/dp/1723762806/

>> No.10289753 [View]
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my problem is indigence. capitalism says that what I do is essentially worthless

>> No.10284884 [View]
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I had a look at this book by Whitaker. They say this was a very important book for Dirac. I bought a copy, some people including myself actually like to own physical books, but I do not have it now and I recently found a .djvu on libgen. I glanced through the book and I noticed that it reminded me of Gel'fand's "Calculus of Variations" with respect to how nicely and clearly everything was laid out. I bought that book too, but I don't have it with me. Gel'fand has ~a~lot~ of worked examples, and I noticed Whittaker reminded me of Gel'fand.

>> No.10282913 [View]
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Pic related in the middle there is the one who probably baited me into not getting a book deal, mocking me with her "schizo" meme. You can still buy my book any way (self-published on Amazon) but you should not think and I am not asking you to buy it. However... I do have a book and if they would acknowledge all my great research then people would buy my book, I assume, and that would instantly remedy my condition of indigence, which is the main problem in my life right now as I have refused to continue to beg for money. I choose instead to protest the economic conditions I find myself subjected to, and my research has seemingly benefited from a change in direction.

They put the scene about my book in The Equalizer 2, and the woman said, "Oh, I haven't read it and I probably never will," and that meme comes from the person in the middle there. I think it's my mother.

>> No.10228387 [View]
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>The dude is (according to him) a literal hobo.
I've been squatting in an abandoned house lately. In Exodus, the two times it describes the ark of the covenant, it fairly well describes the two times I had a tent set up behind the train station. I'm glad it wasn't in there a third time!!! I started reading Numbers recently. They talk about moving the tent, and made it clear that anyone who approaches the tent should be put to death.

>> No.10227966 [View]
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Black people don't seem any stupider than white people to me, but they seem a lot poorer on average and approach life that way as an affluent class generally takes an "affluent" approach. Helene was always so proud of her MENSA qualifying, 130-ish but sub genius IQ and I do not think she is very smart. This tells me that IQ and intelligence might not be as tightly synonymous as is memed. I won't deny that the whites perform better on the tests whose results show they perform better but what conclusions can we draw from these results? I've seen it reported that childhood poverty is strongly anti-correlated with high IQ, and who's to say what is more causal regarding one race's ability to outscore the other on the little puzzle metric? Obviously I myself am white and my high IQ is obviously correlated to some high IQ score that I have, but I am drawn to ponder the meaning of phrases like "if and only if" and "cum hoc ergo propter hoc."

>> No.10226926 [View]
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The General Relevance of the Modified Cosmological Model

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