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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12592895 No.12592895 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12592926

>Ex Machina
>The Lobster

>> No.12592959

Hidden figures

>> No.12592971
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20000 leagues under the sea

>> No.12592977


The one with Justin Timberlake, unironically.

>> No.12593091

The future solaris remake or interstellar if Nolan wasn't a hack.

>> No.12593109


>> No.12593117

for me:
Back to The Future Trilogy
Matrix Trilogy
Star Wars first 6 movies
12 monkeys
The martian
The Time Machine (both the old and new one)
Bicentennial Man
Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy

>> No.12593119

I like that one too but it's more of a steampunk movie... does it count as sci.fi?

>> No.12593150

Yeah, it does. Steampunk is a scifi subgenre.

>> No.12593158
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Very based, my anon friend.

>> No.12594381


>> No.12594392

Interstellar is really the best. Nothing touches so many good ideas, even if Coop is a ridiculous character.

>> No.12594400

This and The Martian.

>> No.12594403


>> No.12594417
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Return of the Jedi followed closely by Revenge of the Sith

>> No.12594421

Matrix-- can't be topped

>> No.12594479

I really enjoy majority of movies listed by other anons, so I would also like to add Blade Runner (old and new)

>> No.12594492

I Like Star wars, but its more Fantasy than sci-fi imo

>> No.12594857

You guys should check out the snowpiercer comic. its weird but I liked it. I feel like no one has read before the movie it except me

>> No.12595017

The ghost busters remake

>> No.12595052

a beautiful mind

>> No.12595337

no science in tenet

>> No.12595434

not saying they are the best but no one mentioned them yet and they are good

sunshine, Red Planet, aliens movies, terminator one and two city of ember Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

>> No.12595562

didn't even know it existed
I will have a look at it

>> No.12595568

Brokeback Mountain

>> No.12595592
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Primer (2004) by Shane Carruth is considered the most scientifically accurate time travel film out there

>> No.12595602
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Blade Runner

>> No.12595605

I watched it yesterday... very good one if you think it had a budget of 7000 $ only
you need to watch it 2-3 times to understand wtf is happening tho

>> No.12596827

The Man from Earth
The Martian

>> No.12596844

that movie pretty much sucks. It is about as redit as a soi fi can get

>> No.12596894

2001: A Space Odyssey
Event Horizon
Eternal Sunshine Of The Mind
The Martian

and so many more

>> No.12596913

Andromeda Strain
001: A Space Odyssey

>> No.12596922

*2001: A Space Odyssey

>> No.12596933

Children of men

Jupiter ascending (although technically non fiction)

>> No.12597299

all of these are great
but i found equilibruim great in a very different way to the other ones, its pretty trashy but very fun

>> No.12598152


>> No.12598181
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Just wanted to remind you guys

The show /sci/ loves to hate on has a new season that is just started this week.

>> No.12598227

In terms of consistency, the Dark series is pretty good too. That is, until season 3.

>> No.12598380

Blade Runner - BOTH
Logan's Run
Solaris both
Mars Attacks
Total Recall Original
Alien and Aliens
The fifth Element
12 Monkeys
Terminator 2
Matrix 1
ROBOCOP 1 and 2
Demolition Man

>in b4 muh leddit

>> No.12598469
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12 monkeys (by Terry Gilliam)
Hulk (by Ang Lee)
Limitless (by Neil Burger)

>> No.12598475

also Reanimator (by Stuart Gordon)
and Society (by Brian Yuzna)

>> No.12598802

Silent Running
Colossus: The Forbin Project
Forbidden Planet

>> No.12599181

Star Wars is fantasy in space. Why do lightsabers don't go infinitely?
Btw, Interstellar and the Martian are the best of the past decade.

>> No.12599203

*Actual* science fiction? "The Andromeda Strain": https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0066769/

>> No.12599213

A Trip to the Moon (1902)
Solaris (1972)
Stalker (1979)

>> No.12599225

Are you hoping to convince somebody that you actually enjoy that mommoth's shit?
The beginning of Solaris though is such a stealth anti-sovetism (when he just showed Japan, the capitalist society, which looked like something extraterrestrial to soviet citizens, making all the soviet propaganda null.

>> No.12599360


>> No.12599391

Ancient Aliens but if it was a movie

>> No.12599550

Starship troopers

>> No.12599816

any movie with jet engine engine sounds in space is pretty cringe

>> No.12599841

It's a good children's show

>> No.12600425

> a struggling writer who is introduced to a nootropic drug called NZT-48, which gives him the ability to fully utilize his brain and vastly improve his lifestyle.
Sounds like a good version of Lucy (2014)

>> No.12600719

already? I must watch it

>> No.12600727

Moon (2009)

>> No.12600814
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>Lucy (2014)
I haven't seen it, because I dislike Johanson.
Yet both Lucy is a slang name for LSD and NZT are the closest letters to those three, and its 48 suffix makes that allusion even more similar, because of the 25 suffix.

>> No.12602464

OK, that's true.
Interstellar is a lot better from the science point of view.
Not as hard but 2001 is pretty good until the trip. Forget it, the trip is cool and trippy as fuck.

>> No.12602536

Pacific Rim

>> No.12602569

>scientifically accurate
>time travel
anon please...you are embarrassing yourself

>> No.12603241

The only possible answer

>> No.12603258

The Hunt for Red October

>> No.12603259

I always liked Dark City. I ended up in Dark City too. It sucks but the movie was good.

>> No.12603346 [DELETED] 


>> No.12604674

Do you not believe that it could be possible to time travel. The movie even conserves causality, which isn't even necessary, strictly speaking

>> No.12605205
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Stalker 1979

>> No.12605245

If GR is true, space-time could theoretically include topological oddities such as holes and time "handles", that is, continuous back-feeding paths from one space-time location to another.

>> No.12605269

>Bisexual Man

>> No.12606443

"Gattaca" released Oct 24 1997. Scifi/Romance. 1 hour 48 min. PG13

>> No.12606627

if you mean the ending there's a pretty good interpretation of it as an allegorical representation of a wave function collapse. tannhaus creating the time machine puts the world in a superposition of two states (the two "entangled" worlds) and jonas and martha traveling to the original world before he created the machine collapse it by observing his son turn back home instead of dying in the car accident, giving tannhaus no reason to create the machine in the first place. jonas and martha disappear because they represent an entangled virtual particle-antiparticle pair that pop into existence (in the original world), influence it a bit, and then annihilate. you might think this is overinterpreting, but the show is filled with explicit references to quantum mechanics so this seems more likely than not

>> No.12607066


>> No.12607178

the oxford murders

>> No.12607200

Not even in terms of plot, but the whole thing was just so well made... It is also a physical proof that Oscars mean fucking nothing.

>> No.12607210

>do you not believe that it could be possible to time travel

No. Take your meds.

>> No.12607220
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Carlos IRL after I went and sat down next to him in the laundromat where he was heckling about how him and his little friends were getting my gf to let guys fuck her in the ass on my bed while I was out.

>> No.12607227

>>12592895 Prometheus

>> No.12607233

Sorry tooker, that's harsh to hear.

>> No.12607283

The way I look at it, I volunteered for all of my own hardships and it's the people whose problems are a lot worse than mine and who didn't volunteer that really deserve the sympathy. The way I view my own problems is that I am making war on the infidel and sometimes people get fucked up in war, and I didn't really even get fucked up that badly compared to how fucked up I could have gotten. So thanks for your sympathy but my scars don't bother me. It's the still beating hearts of the children of them who gave me these scars which make me angry. Those people go unhumbled, even to this day.

>> No.12607455

If you include scifi series it’s hands down Rick and Morty

>> No.12607546
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Buckaroo Banzai

>> No.12607961

I will never forgive diddly Scott for that.

>> No.12608004

the pig scene in Annihilation was kino

>> No.12608023
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Rick and Morty got made from where someone stole the rough draft of my pic related book.

>> No.12608856

You browse the /sci/ board yet you are this closed off to the possibility that there is even a slight possibility that time travel could be possible? I think you are a religious man instead of a true scientific man. You believe that our current understanding is the be all end all of the universe. And even that you get wrong because neither GR nor QM explicitly disallow time travel, so it is rather likely that String Theory / M-Theory won't exclude the possibility either.
We probably won't see time travel in our lifetime, but just pretending that our current knowledge is not just the limit of our scientific process at the moment but actually the limit of what is physically possible is complete bullshit.

>> No.12608857

futurama is better

>> No.12608921

Southland Tales?

>> No.12608970
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It could be a great movie, if these effects didn't disapprar once they entered the zone. I even have a theory that those effects were actually added at post-production, but they made people feel tripping, so they rolled them back for some shit-ethical reasons.

>> No.12609463

kys retard

>> No.12609517

I really liked Dark City and Jacob's Ladder.

>> No.12609567
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Wallace and Gromit - A GRAND DAY OUT

Name a better comfy sci-fi movie:

>> No.12609591

Based and CheesePilled.

>> No.12609960


>> No.12611789


>> No.12611806

God damn that looks like a fun mogul line

>> No.12611811

The MC is so awful that I find difficult to believe that people willingly watch this garbage. I think it is a big money laundering scheme.

Cells at work (and code black spin-off) on the other hand are great shows and /sci/ approved.

>> No.12612091

Primer hate is peak smoothbrain 4chan contrarianism

>> No.12612430

The Thing (80s)
Steins;Gate (not a movie obviously but still)
Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Ghost in the Shell (95)
12 Monkeys
Fifth Element
The Time Machine
Blade Runner (both)
Terminator (first two)
Jurassic Park
The Fly

>> No.12612468

Anons of fine quality.

>> No.12612599

Why did you not like s3? I thought it was better than s2. The only part I didn't like was how depressing the ending was, and how Jonas and Marthas actions ultimately ended up not mattering in the grand scheme.

>> No.12612685
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>Ghost in the Shell (95)
Great choice. Here's another one:

>> No.12612706

Good list but you left out space odyssey and event horizon

>> No.12612729
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As if that way any list would be complete.
Funky Forest
and who knows how many awesome movies were not mentioned itt.

>> No.12612962

their actions did matter. they completely changed things and prevented either of two apocalypses from happening. and the show finally ends on a point of hopefulness that maybe they aren't actually gone forever

>> No.12613218

I really liked the visuals but found it a bit childish. I did find the ending extremely impressing though.
Here's something that you akira fans may like

>> No.12613223

Also it really shows Japan's obsession with mass destruction events. Probably as a result of the atomic bombs in '45

>> No.12613229
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Clockwork Orange
Edge of Tomorrow
Battle Angel Alita
Love Death + Robots

>> No.12613367

>I really liked the visuals but found it a bit childish.
Understandable, because the film was adapted from the unfinished draft of the manga. But then, if you're interested, its 'your milage may vary' situation when it comes to the manga's story because it gets crazier and much more violent compared to the film.

>> No.12613377

The only manga I have ever finished is Junji Ito's Uzumaki, which I loved. So things getting crazier is a good thing. Will take a look at it anon

>> No.12613385

You're both right dunno how I forgot those two lol
Inception, as well.

>> No.12613815

2001 A Space Odyssey
Universe (1960 doc)
Dangerous Knowledge (2007 doc)
Children of Men
Ex Machina
A Boy and His Atom
The Quiet Earth
The Man From Earth
Fractals: The Colors of Infinity
The Thirteenth Floor
The Minds of Men (2018 doc)
Ghost in the Shell
Our Friend the Atom
Donald in Mathmagic Land
Trinity and Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

>> No.12614455

I'm no /k/ommando, but that gun looks weird.

>> No.12614500
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>> No.12614724

Fuck, how could I have forgotten Edge of Tomorrow??
Yea, ever since I read the completed manga, I couldn't take the movie seriously anymore, outside of the visuals/sound.
Children of Men, WallE, and Spaceballs were great as well.

>> No.12614749
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Sunshine is my favorite movie but holy shit it gets wacky along the second half escalating towards the end.

>> No.12614898

a fucking what now?

>> No.12616144
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The greatest metaphor for life and death. Also a great work of art.

>> No.12617501

Are you fucking kidding?
Traveling through time WITH THE POWER OF LOVE??
Interstellar is a fucking cringe fest in lingerie, it's so fucking bad. It has funny unrealistic robots and cool visuals thanks to Kip Thorne, and that's it. Jesus fucking Christ I swear everyone liking this shitshow of a movie has no taste whatsoever. Objectively.

Fuck that story was SO boring and predictable I cannot even grasp how there are people saying it has any depth to it.


Yeah I hate that movie. Fucking disappointment and waste of money.

>> No.12617809

Finally a movie I havent heard of. Will watch it

>> No.12618085
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>> No.12618102
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>eva green

>> No.12618178


>> No.12618324

You will not be disappointed. There is, indeed, bare Eva Green booba.

>> No.12618382

How does she get away with it everytime?
On this note, has anybody seen "love, death + robots" ? Is it worth it?

>> No.12618500

>How does she get away with it everytime?
Booba magic

>> No.12620490

I Am Mother was good.

>> No.12621155

Yall fucking disappoint me, Contact is it for me, if only because it was the movie that made me love space.

>> No.12621299

>Star Wars
>make plasma weapons
>call them lasers
no, that's not scifi

>> No.12622053

Dark City is better

>> No.12622814
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>movie bills itself as hard scifi but has FTL / time travel

>> No.12623171

Stargate SG1
Peak cozy scifi sprinkled with kino moments and good humor