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12778765 No.12778765 [Reply] [Original]


I'm 25 and I have had incredibly severe mental issues for years now in the form of anxiety, insomnia, depression and panic attacks. It's been hard to breathe for 5 years straight now and I have constant heart palpitations with my whole body shaking and tensing up. My memory of the past few years is hindered; feels like I have literally constant panic symptoms. Is this a medical anomaly and can I expect to get a heart attack any time soon?

>> No.12778816

Go to a doctor and get your ass medicated so you can develop coping habits to handle your mental illness.

>> No.12778838

You need to get to a doctor. If you don’t want to do that, you can take lethal amounts of acetaminophen everyday for the rest of your life and hope you don’t get the numbers wrong. Invest in a food scale and food processor.

>> No.12778841
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this is caused by the stress of capitalism and the effects of labor alienation or the interaction with a society feeling these effects

>> No.12778898

I got bloodwork done and it was fine apparently, SSRIs didn't help and they wouldn't prescribe me benzos. I have a family history of OCD too so it seems impossible to stop obsessing over my own heartbeat and stressful thoughts, didn't know maintaining this level of stress was humanly possible

>> No.12778943

I literally had all those symptoms but they would come and go.

Sometimes I couldn't breath and had to crawl to the bathroom other times I was just shaking all night and felt as if I haven't slept in 4 days in a row and other times I thought I was having a heart attack when my heartbeat started going insane.

Guess what ended all of it?

Getting my shit together and not being a worthless pos who games all day.

>> No.12778962

It got to its worst point when I had a moderately respectable job tho, it feels like it follows me everywhere. I think the only thing to make it go away is if I stop worrying about shit constantly, not sure how to tho... will continue with therapy and meditation

>> No.12779850
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Become right-wing.
Stop listening to those academics who whore themselves out of money and sell you nothing but meds that hide your symptoms.
Read the protocols of Zion.
Learn the truth about the Holocaust, that it was nothing but hate war propaganda with no orders, no plans, no budget.
Don't take your meds, do some fasting, do not listen to the media fear mongering.
Listen to people who were former atheists before their NDE to learn the truth.

>> No.12779949

bloodwork is very often useless, even if the reference ranges weren't completely fucked in the ass. If you have a magnesium deficiency for example, it doesn't show in the blood, the blood levels are homeostatically controlled. You should post all your daily habits and diets. Do you do anything that would raise your stress levels?

>> No.12780002


List all the things you dislike in your life so we can understand what is bothering you.

>> No.12780155

Stop medication, stop carbs, stop stimulants like caffeine.
Do psychedelics if necessary

>> No.12780339

>daily habits and diets
I don't really do anything anymore except worry about how I'm gonna stop panicking, what I'm gonna do for my future, and if I should kill myself. Neurotically get epiphanies and switch life plans daily, for the past few days I've been pretty much eating a single sandwich per day and nothing else.

Pretty much a phobia of other people, especially women. In high school I was awkward and ashamed about it, in college I kind of grew out of it but then I got my first panic attack due to hating myself so much for getting nervous around a girl I had feelings for and then the self loathing and panic amplified to the point where I started panicking constantly because I was so afraid of panicking in front of people. Now I nearly faint during phone interviews and even talking to close friends is hard, and some girl recently who I was really into who had been breadcrumbing me for months I found out has been fucking a married dude twice my age which destroyed my last bit of self esteem. And I have no plans for future too, as a side. So yeah, constant worrying and self loathing over the most extreme possible social anxiety. I realize how pathetic it is btw

>> No.12780429
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> for the past few days I've been pretty much eating a single sandwich per day and nothing else.
This will raise your stress levels. Go eat a hearthy and salty meal of steak and potato, drink a glass of coke. General healthiness aside, calories, sugar, and salt will lower your stress levels. Stop stressing out about a bunch of shit, as long as you're not congenitally deformed everyone can always improve their health, your current state is alarming, but it's not permanent.

You're very socially awkward and with bad self esteem, but this is partially a product of your disrupted biological state, and a self-feeding mechanism. If you improve your biological state, you will resolve your mental problems, at least to the point where you can work on socializing without it being terribly uncomfortable. Eat plenty of salty carbs and protein, try to improve your nutrient status (vitamin D is wasted by stress, and so is magnesium, and both work to counter stress).

Try to avoid panicking over your future and other stressful thoughts, just work on getting by day-to-day and stopping your extreme stress and nervousness. If you have any social contacts that don't provoke anxiety, like your mom, try to spend time with them. Go spend time in the sun, if possible. Buy some liver and make liver paté. Eat chocolate. It's terrible to be in a shitty state and seeing no way out, but take your health into your own hands and believe you can find a way out. I've also been in shitty mental and physical health, but I just discovered I've been heavily vitamin d deficient, and I'm making progress by leap and bounds. Just last night I laughed my ass off at a greentext like I haven't done for over a year, i'm masturbating like a madman and I've almost sprinted to work several times, just a few weeks ago I was lying in bed all weekend, like I was dead. Also, if you are making improvements, don't be alarmed if you feel worse one day or two.

>> No.12780442

Take DMT. I heard it’s a one-shot cure for anxiety

>> No.12780518

>I realize how pathetic it is btw

It is not pathetic, but it is evidently making your life difficult so I'd say you should aim to solve the issue.

Here's my useless internet advice, take it for what it is.

The best way to deal with social anxiety is voluntary exposure.
Do you have ways to expose yourself to social interactions?
Start doing it in a small incremental way, you must give yourself time to habituate.

Next, learn how to be more assertive, part of being socially anxious stems from being afraid of conflict because you intrinsically view yourself as the weak part so you avoid the things which, in your mind, will leave you defeated and shattered.

Assertiveness has a lot to do with executive function, which we call self regulation, so it is both an inward and outward mechanism.

Start setting a constant sleep regime and eat regularly and stick to it, that is a form of self-assertiveness.
Start doing light physical exercise, consistency is king from a neurological frame, you need to give time for adaptation to set.

Stop meaninglessly apologizing, make mistakes, own them and then don't feel guilt about them, learn from them and improve your future behaviour if you can.

Most importantly, DO NOT APOLOGIZE for what you like to do in your free time, otherwise you will feel a misfit because you are allowing other people to tell you who you are and that is will fuck your sense of self and you will become a husk of yourself because you've valued external whims more than your self integrity.

>> No.12780522

>Do psychedelics if necessary
>Take DMT.
He suffers with panic attacks you dick splashes. You think psychedelics offer fairyland 100% of the time? Idiot. Grow up. There's a chance you could fuel the fire.

The reason you retards don't suffer negative effects with psychedelics is because you're both dumb as a plank of wood. Drugs probably put you to baseline of a normal person. Shit advice, not everyone is a retard like yourselves.

>> No.12780619

Cool, I usually skip breakfast but will try eating some of the things you recommended today.

Theoretically I could go to a public place and start talking to people, but I usually avoid talking to people unless I'm drunk because of how bad it's gotten. And yeah, due to low self esteem and always feeling like a slave to the wishes of my parents I'm like the least assertive person ever, constantly feeling like a huge pussy. My sleep is fucked due to insomnia but that should stop if the negative thoughts stop, so honestly yeah I like a lot of this advice I make zero effort to be consistent in anything because my obsessive thoughts make it hard to think, but hopefully if I force a workout, eating, and work regiment shit will hopefully get less noisy in my head? I also should maybe try talking to people even if I feel like I'm gonna faint, not sure tho.

>> No.12780644

>shit will hopefully get less noisy in my head?

Absolutely, you can count on it.

>My sleep is fucked due to insomnia

Start waking up at the same time, no electronics 1 hour before bedtime, start getting your melatonin and sleep cycle in order, this will help with insomnia.

If you can't sleep read a book, on a physical medium, doesn't matter which kind of book as long as you enjoy it.

>I make zero effort to be consistent in anything because my obsessive thoughts make it hard to think

Yeah, shit is tough, you're carrying a lot of baggage from your past and you keep clinging to it due to guilt and emotional attachment.

You're not a bad person if you let stuff go, don't carry other people ideas if you don't want to, don't self guilt trip and then crash under the weight of those things.

It won't be easy, it will take time (at least 1 month) to start seeing some effects, but you are able to do it.

Godspeed anon

>> No.12780645

skipping breakfast is also bad, I think. I used to drink black coffee for breakfast and then nothing until lunch and it made me extremely skittish and jittery, because you haven't eaten for 10+ hours and then caffeine ramps up your metabolism even further, so stress hormones have to release blood sugars so you don't die

>> No.12780656

>Theoretically I could go to a public place and start talking to people,

Forgot to comment about this part, you don't need to talk to people necessarily, just staying in a public place if you have severe social anxiety is a start, I bet you'd find reading in the park or going for a jog with people around you kinda challenging.
Start from that

>> No.12780729

>He suffers with panic attacks you dick splashes. You think psychedelics offer fairyland 100% of the time? Idiot. Grow up. There's a chance you could fuel the fire.
Cured my anxiety by showing me how dumb I was by being afraid.

>> No.12780754

Don’t listen to this faggot. Take DMT and get ready to see Valhalla.

>> No.12780773

About 6 years ago in college I took a tab of acid on about 10 different occasions. Towards the end of the summer after taking my last tab was when the hard-core panic shit started happening, so I don't think I'll be trying psychedlics again any time soon.

Thanks anon, this has been some of the only advice to ever get through to me, I think I'll actually get shit done today

>> No.12780899

set aside a few mins. of your time, clear your mind and meditate.

>> No.12780917

This is great fucking advice. I'm about half as bad as OP. I've been slowly improving over the last few years.
I met a beautiful woman and we had some good nights but I got attached too fast, scared her off, and had my first panic attack in a while. The anxiety was unbearable and uncontrollable. I feel like I'm back at square one. I should have never fucked her. I want the memories gone. I want to go back.
I know I need to grow from this, but fuck man. Fuck.

>> No.12780925

DMT works, but I do not recommend doing a lot. Slowly work your way up. I almost freaked out last time and wanted it to end as soon as it started. When I came back I was shaking and sweating. I felt small and naked, like I wasn't just my body, but something else.

>> No.12783620

Tried magnesium? Tried B vitamins? Tried better hydration? Tried not wearing mask? Tried detox? Tried not being alcoholic? Tried sport? Tried vitamin D? Tried detox? Tried prayer? Tried not giving a fuck?
Medicine is a scam, profit from it or denounce it.