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14671399 No.14671399 [Reply] [Original]

How true is this article? Bros.. I really don't want to believe it. The heckin dolpherinos... But seriously can we talk about the death of our planet?


>suggest 90% has now vanished.

>LE SCIENTISTS warn there are only a few years left before the consequences become catastrophically clear when fish, whales and dolphins become extinct, with grave implications for the planet. In the report, the researchers from the Global Oceanic Environmental Survey Foundation (Goes) state: “An environmental catastrophe is unfolding. We believe humanity could adapt to global warming and extreme weather changes. It is our view that humanity will not survive the extinction of most marine plants and animals.”

>> No.14671409


>> No.14671414

That’s what bugs are for

>> No.14671585


>> No.14671606

i welcome the collapse. humans have proven to be shortsighted and selfish creatures.

nature is self correcting. perhaps an intelligent species will arise in the far future. we are mere bacteria in the petri dish. self conscious bacteria that recognize we are destroying our petri dish. and yet we do nothing but watch TV and post frogs on the internet.

let it all burn.

>> No.14671608


humans are natural dumbfuck
every primitivist crying over humans paving over jungles should understand this

>> No.14671612

t. illiterate

>> No.14671750

>Severe mass marine extinction within a few years
Odd how all the areas shown on the map are full of dark people..........is there a correlation? hmmmmmmmm?

>> No.14671784

how is this the case

i don't know anyone who eats fish lol

>> No.14671793

Japan and China are said to have over 200 years worth of fish frozen and stockpiled. Imagine how much overfishing has been taking place by them to hoard that much fish.

Asians are a plague on the planet.

>> No.14671812
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>oxygen levels in shore zones were utterly rock steady throughout all of history, its only since we recently started studying them that we've noticed they started to have variation
environmentalists and their end-of-the-world scenarios, its always a messiah complex, always a cringey "i am the savior of mother nature" delusion

>> No.14672174

amen brother

>> No.14672186

Get a head start on it then. Be a trend setter!

>> No.14672229

>2 more years.

>> No.14672337

Will it really be that soon?

>> No.14672344

Article is bullshit. Plankton makes 40% of our oxygen. If 90% disappeared we surely would've noticed right.

>> No.14672352

No thanks, I don't like the taste of cum

>> No.14672361

>more climate alarmism
yawn. don't read their lies.

>> No.14672412

Because many countries just illegally fish in foreign waters.

>> No.14672420

The largest concentrations are Europe, Northeast Asia and the US coasts, but go off mutt.


>200 whole years

Not quite, but nation states and private properties hoarding 'strategic reserves' of fuel, food and water is indeed draining the food chain.

>> No.14672421

It's all good. Elon Musk is gonna power bottom trawling fishing boats with open pit lithium mines and zero point cold fusion nuclear to get the last fish before going off to colonize mars and suffocating to death there.

>> No.14672423

Dead zones are caused by overproduction of artificial fertilezers that give hypergrow to algea that end up consuming everything and they themselves died out, leaving zones where only tough jellyfish can survive.

>> No.14672431

Unironically how the hell will society survive all the environmental crises we are facing

>it won't
Then how come the US/China/Russia/EU/India/etc aren't preparing for total collapse?

>> No.14672434

What environmental crises? Name them and provide proof for your claims.

>> No.14672437

>pump the atmosphere full of CO2
>gets surprised when this causes algae blooms
Lmao. Also yeah, oceans fucked atm. Massive dead zones full of stretches of basically unlivable areas due to CO2. Fish have to breathe, and the atmosphere just ain't cutting it after all that carbon we've pumped in over the past 100 years.

Of course will the ocean survive? Yeah, but it'll be radically different. It seems that Jellyfish in particular thrive in high CO2 waters, so in the future we might begin to consider jellyfish as being more like normal fish and actual fish as being the aberrations.

>> No.14672448

They aren't preparing because despite popular opinion that our leaders are genius planners and have our best interests at heart (lol), they're actually just a bunch of self serving idiots much like the masses they supposedly serve.

>> No.14672454

>Then how come the US/China/Russia/EU/India/etc aren't preparing for total collapse?
The elites believe that they can weather the storm. Billionaires are buying coastal areas in rural Ireland to survive the effects of climate change, it was never "the government" doing anything, if the government freaked out then everybody else would freak out and hold the rich accountable.

>> No.14672456

>No more fish, just jellyfish
Back to the Pre-Cambrian…

>Self-serving idiots
I always felt that way about Wetsern leaders, loyal only to corporations, but nationalist countries like Russia or China or Israel or India are different. Those leaders are nationalists, they care for the nation.

>> No.14672460

And you are the exception to that rule. You are the one who sees through all the lies and the ego! It is YOU! You watched Don't Look Up and realized the truth! How powerful you must feel. The world is ending, and only you seem to notice!

Perhaps you do not live in a movie script, you are not the protagonist, and the environment is naturally shifting as it has done throughout history. I would remind you that correlation is different from causation.

>> No.14672465

>Those leaders are nationalists, they care for the nation.
They don't care about the nation at all.

>> No.14672484

Oh, well we'll still have stuff which eats jellyfish, mainly turtles, octopuses and the stuff which feeds off those animals. I, for one, welcome our new gelatinous overlords. The age of bones is over.

>> No.14672487
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The more obvious the destruction the more people will see it. Throughout history there has always been those that catch on quickly and those who don't.
More and more people are seeing it.
Soon only the remaining bottom 10% of the most uneducated and uneducatable (psychotard fuckwits) will still be the last who are still blind to it.

The sad part is that there are also people out there who see it and are totally fine with it. The absolute psychopaths are aligned with the absolute retards in that regard.

>> No.14672489

That's a really interesting theory. I can't wait to see proof of it.

>> No.14672501

I could show you proof of it
But it would be as useful as showing a crackhead proof that crack cocaine damages your brain
how exactly did you sustain your brain damage anyway, anon?

>> No.14672521

You can't show proof of anything.

>> No.14672543
File: 231 KB, 458x315, consumer20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another thing I can't show proof of your complete lack of selfcontrol and inability to stop stuffing your psychotic bloated face (basically a form of retard anathema to civilization).

>> No.14672559

Clean energy is more expensive than regular safe and effective fossil fuel energy. An unfortunate biproduct of this is that getting to and from the gym becomes unsustainably expensive for disadvantaged obese folk when relying on dangerous clean energy transport.

>> No.14672563
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>> No.14672570

Please keep your nazi language off this english speaking board. Additionally, you are posting data that is confounded by countless subsidies and taxpayer funds given to big clean energy as a result of their endless internet shilling and political lobbying.

>> No.14672575

>full of dark people
Well hes not wrong…

>> No.14672611

Ban chinks, jews, and mutts
Nature will heal itself

>> No.14672642

>countless subsidies and taxpayer funds given to big clean energy
Nigga EVERY energy source gets subsidies and funding you retard.

>> No.14672740

I think it's almost certainly bullshit, as the life in oceans is nowherenear dense enough for this tk happen on any wider scale.

I think people are panicking, because the "pristine" waters that were so clean you could see the bottom are gone now. Those, however, were lakes destroyed by the acid rain, and the reason why the water was so clear was because they were completely lifeless.

>> No.14674759



>> No.14674789


>> No.14674815

The people who vocally abandon religion always seem to be the quickest at replacing it with something new that's just as fundamentalist. Every faith needs its doomsday myth.

>> No.14675272

It's not hard to see past anoxia in sediment core (organic matter doesn't get eaten up in anoxic sediment), and we don't see anything like it before industrial times. Well, there was a bit in the Cretaceous but it was the result of a massive volcanic province opening up in the Caribbean. Good news is the problem is eminently solvable, the EPA has done a pretty good job solving the problem at San Diego and the Chesapeake Bay. Main problem is the ones causing it are farmers a few thousand miles inland and they gotta be convinced to give a shit.
It's not really related to climate change though, maybe a little bit bc warm water holds less O2.
The worst anoxic zones on the planet are around the lily-white Baltic Sea.

>> No.14675498
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>You were born just in time to live in the Onions Green time line

>> No.14675772

Plastics don't make the water acidic. CO2 does.

>> No.14675775

I don't know. Look at China, promoting Han culture to the point of oppressing others like Uyghurs (not a good thing, just evidence that the CCP care for their people, the Han Chinese). I find it absurd to think that a nation this nationalist would not care for its own land and nature. Or how about Russia, which is nationalist and yet is doing nothing to fight climate change, which will ravage its taiga/tundra ecology? I expect more from these nations. I have zero faith in Western billionaires/politicians, they are all going to run to New Zealand or fly to Mars, because they don't care for their people. But the Russians and Chinese I expect to stay with their land and people. The fact that these nations are not prepping for environmental collapse bothers me.

>> No.14675777

Wrong. These are the costs before subsidies.

>> No.14675839

the problem isn't what we're doing, the problem is that there are like 9 billion fucking humans. we're fucking overpopulated. any species would obliterate the environment if there were like 10x as many as can be reasonably supported. everyone wants to find a solution but the solution is sterilization.

>> No.14675842

they use nationalism as a form of control. culture is strength, and if you control the culture, that is a valuable weapon. western nations are banking on a mass ethnic replacement to create a globally homogeneous culture, as part of globalist ideology and one world government shit.