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14858659 No.14858659 [Reply] [Original]

>130ish iq
>still a massive failure in life
scientifically this just makes it worse

>> No.14858665

If you took an online IQ test and thought the result is legitimate you might as well be classified as retard
>>still a massive failure in life
Then do something to improve it, I can assure you posting on /sci/ won't make the situation better

>> No.14858667
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130IQ doesn't stop you from being:

- short
- ugly
- socially retarded
- cowardly
- Indian
- lazy
- having bad luck
- having bad parents
- growing up in bad circumstances
- getting properly educated


There's alot of reasons why you've failed. Finding out about this website is one of them. Finding this website was incredibly bad luck for you, now you're here forever. This site serves as a demoralization programming tool, yet you'll stay, continue to look at the sad pepe and wojack memes. Continue to self loathe, and jerk off. And there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. Good day

>> No.14858693

you're only a massive failure with that defeatist attitude
You're more than capable of finding success.

>> No.14858985
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>Being indian

>> No.14859004

Get out and do something useful. At 130 you’re smart and can achieve lots of great things. Remember you’re not some special genius, the world doesn’t owe you shit and you will have to work hard.

>> No.14859029
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My IQ was 112, but that was after a long day of work and had just ate McDonalds so I was feeling bad. Guessing if I tested under better conditions I could possibly bump it up to 119, but could never hit that elusive 120 regime.
I am a massive failure. I am supervised by people with IQ around 87-98. They live content lives never questioning authority or what they see on the local news. If I even dare suggest improvements, or joke about anything mildly socially faux pas they freak out and run to the executives to report on my mischievous nature.
The executives are smart and cunning. They are sociopaths who either meet my level of intelligence or far exceed it. They know how to control the mindless drones. They know I work in torture, and they do not care. To them I am simply too empathetic to allow any responsibility in the organization. They never punish me, because they aren't masochists, but they don't give me any breaks either.

>> No.14859039
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This tbqh. Learn useful skills and acquire currency.

>> No.14859067
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>you know what? you're right!
>oil is in demand, I'm going to drill some and sell it
>oh... it's not allowed?
>permits? licenses...
>well okay then I will sell hot dogs out of a cart!
>food permit...
>hot dog medallion?!?
>umm uh
>I'll start simple
>lemonade stand?
>no business papers
>no health inspection
Ha. Just pull myself up by those bootstraps right anon?

>> No.14859074

>Mischievous nature
It's really funny that when anon is intelsignaling he writes like Wordsworth's moron brother. Please just write normally.

>> No.14859077

Maybe if you're a sad incel doomer that sits on /pol/ all day. Out of the mounds of crap here you can find honesty and genuine insight you can't find anywhere else

>> No.14859091

Christ. You’re just listing some common problems any entrepreneur will solve. That’s the thing, you go out in the world and overcome problems. Get a job anon

>> No.14859092
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>zoomer gets befuddled by basic paperwork

>> No.14859388

>smarter than 97.5% of average retards u see everyday

>still a total brainlet compared to the top 1% that is responsible for all academic achievements of mankind

It's over, truly it would be better to be a simple brainlet than to be cursed with just enough intelligence to be aware of ones inferiority

>> No.14859408

You can't "solve" regulations because they are put in place to stifle competition by the og hotdog stand mobsters. Every single large industry is owned by the mob and you either buy your way in or go in under the radar which is very risky.

>> No.14859466

Okay, let me rephrase and use the world ”obstacle”. There’s lots of regulations on businesses and you just have to deal with them. Like I said, get a job

>> No.14859504

yeah, sucks to suck
t. 148iq

>> No.14859542

>If you took an online IQ test and thought the result is legitimate you might as well be classified as retard
Pretty sure that's a myth. There are plenty of online IQ tests that you can pay for. And most of them are ran by psychologists...

>> No.14859549

If you pay for an online test you are even more retarded than previously assumed.

>> No.14859649

T. No job

>> No.14859660

You sound like the type of person who is pretty sure about lots of things that turn out to not be correct.

>> No.14859678

Lmao how do you apply for unemployment benefits when you’re so afraid of regulations and paperwork

>> No.14859756

IQ doesn't matter on an individual level.
This. This is always true.

>> No.14859766

Digits confirm.

Protip: a lot of education is intentionally teaching you wrong to program you to failure. You need to learn to deprogram yourself from all the nonsense they put in your head to sabotage you.

>> No.14859883

>IQ doesn't matter on an individual level
In what way does it not matter? It predicts lots of outcomes on an individual level

>> No.14859895

It predicts lots of outcomes on a statistical level. It is a statistical tool.

>> No.14859912

Okay, but you can predict things about an individual, lets say potential academically, on his IQ with reasonable confidence. It’s not exactly useless on individuals, or am I getting something wrong here

>> No.14859952

It gives you good measurements of what percentage of people of a certain intelligence bracket will do what. That doesn't work for an individual because it's a portion of a group, not a random chance. It is still up to you to do what you want to do and either fulfill or defy what the majority of people of similar intelligence to you do. You aren't just rolling dice.

>> No.14859990

I got 135 (online test) and then 137 at the MENSA exam (presential).
Cope moar, low-IQ nigger.

>> No.14860000

You got filtered by mischievous?
Lmao, my sides.
Imagine being this dumb.
This is not the board for you, kid.

>> No.14860011

Okay, but lets say you have a group of people, give them an IQ test and have them learn a new subject or task. The person with the lowest test score is likely to be the one to learn the slowest and grasp the least complex ideas. You can predict that persons outcome, and can do the same with other things, but you’ll have to accept there’s randomness in the outcomes and it won’t be a perfect on an individual level. It’s still useful in many cases.

>> No.14860087

In this example I think what you're saying is guaranteed. I'm speaking more with respect to life in general and broader things. Success, while being able to be measured quite accurately at a statistical level by intelligence bracket, is very much up to the individual.

>> No.14860113

Cool thing bucko but honestly I don't believe you. I got 160 in every internet test and then 145 at the MENSA. Either way I did it out of curiosity and not to boost my ego, I have actual accomplishment to be proud of. Same cannot be said about OP; he should actively do something to improve his life instead of giving importance to a score

>> No.14860154

Of course you did, buddy. Now post your MENSA card.

>> No.14860186

Most of the studies correlating IQ with income were done decades ago. If you did the same studies now you wouldn't find as large of a correlation because career advancement has become less about merit and more about networking, obtaining credentials that are completely meaningless outside of the field they're for from institutions that are financially linked to the most prominent companies in said field, or being the proper demographic so that they look good on paper and receive money/support from nonprofits and activist investors.

>> No.14860211

I have no way to prove it, you obviously have no reason to believe me. On the other hand I can tell you are poor because it doesn't cross your mind that someone might not be at his primary residence.

>> No.14860237

I test in the 130's online and 120 in person but I am pretty much a failure. I actually quit school to be a rail worker but couldn't stand the monotony and quit that too. I would much rather be average or below, at least they're having fun while everything goes to hell. Being a midwit is a fucking curse. You're just smart enough to notice you're in the cave but not enough to escape it.

>> No.14860259 [DELETED] 

If you really was serious about the MENSA exam, you would know that it got an e-card too. And almost no one uses the real card.
I should have suspected of your brainlet English. But oh well...
Also, I earn high 6 figures, I doubt you can top that. (Daddy's money doesn't count, 'mkay?)
Now cope and cry, faggot.

>> No.14860264

If you really was serious about the MENSA exam, you would know that it got an e-card too. And almost no one uses the real card.
I should have suspected of your brainlet English. But oh well...
Also, I earn high 6 figures, I doubt you can top that. (Daddy's money doesn't count, 'mkay?)
Now cope and cry, faggot.

>> No.14860289

And what happens to the e-card when you don't pay the quota anymore because you aren't interested in it? Faggot.
>I should have suspected of your brainlet English. But oh well...
Dude you literally wrote "If you was serious". That's unironically how niggers talk. lol.
>Also, I earn high 6 figures, I doubt you can top that.
Nice LARP but by using income rather than assets as a measure of wealth you are telling me you are poor. The daily swings of my stock portfolio probably corresponds to your actual annual income.
>(Daddy's money doesn't count, 'mkay?)
Daddy's money DO count. Merit accrues over generations. If you don't have anything it's because your parents were garbage and you're probably garbage too.

>> No.14860292

I hate 130 subhumans so fucking much.

>> No.14860295

*Does count

>> No.14860421

I tested at 135 IRL but my reading comprehension was below the 50th percentile. Talk about being cursed…

>> No.14860447

>Daddy's money DO count. Merit accrues over generations. If you don't have anything it's because your parents were garbage and you're probably garbage too.
you sound fucking retarded, i don't care what your iq is

>> No.14860466

Correct, if your family can acquire and maintain sizeable assets they are most likely smart
>t. Guy whose great grandpa was retarded and fucked the family estate

>> No.14861009

Yeah, I guess with ”life outcomes” and the like there’s more opportunities for randomness and other factors to affect outcomes.

>> No.14862485

>pay the quota
You should think WAY harder b4 trying to LARP, brainlet.
The card (INCLUDING THE ELETRONIC VERSION) is an one-time fee.
You are so stupid that you can't even Google something to embellish your LARP.
What a pathetic low-IQ.

But of course, we will believe that:
>The daily swings of my stock portfolio probably corresponds to your actual annual income
Fucking kek, lmao even.

>Daddy's money DO count
Again with the Nigger English.
Do you want a tutor or something?
I bet your daddy can pay it, but don't forget to ask "pretty please", because it's not your money.
Also, there is zero chances that your parents have more assets than mine. But unlike you, I don't masturbate with other's dicks, nor keep low-level LARPing in an anon forum.

>> No.14862582

The IQ matters threshold has an abrupt entry: you're either retarded or you're not - there are a million ways to be retarded, all of them equally debilitating just in their sharing ANY distance from normality.
Imagine it like an ICBM, where the ICBM is a relative black box, and people can only really make estimations about it: high IQ = high payload potential. But, what if you're a bomb strapped to a dud rocket? Then you're stuck in your secret hole in siberia or nevada or wherever. It's arguably better to have a rocket without a bomb than it is to have a bomb without a rocket, at least in modern society. A little bit like some freakishly giant guy. He's giant but because of the freak mutation he's also retarded, so it essentially balances itself out.
All this means that the man willing and capable of walking on the most people will be the one to succeed. And due to MAD, bombs become impotent. But rockets - how you look, how 'fast' your life is, your upbringing, and so on - all of this is highly valued in society.
So, essentially, unless you have a low IQ, or unless you're so mutationally loaded that you're just a volitional cripple (though both amount to the same social presence) you're ok.

>> No.14862650

you have to instinctively reply
>who measured your iq
to these sorts of threads
it's the only way

>> No.14862664

I ironically have a 165 iq.

I know. Cool, right!

Not lying about anything on the internet, and anonymously.

xd, who'd do that?

I don't get it.

This thread is poop and I'm on da' poo. Why am I here? I am using social media, but I'm introverted.

Are extroverts ever high IQ?

What kind of neurodivergence does that typically latently express? Genuinely curious at this point. I shouldn't be here, this site is retarded like me.

OP sucks pee nis. OP shoe abort

am now confuse about my heterosexuality

what was i born?

retard levels of natalescence sleep .DAAEEEEEEMMOOOOOOOOOOOONSSSS
should I delete me post?

No really, though, my iqI don't know what it is. It's probably lower than that. I got a smart phone it showed me this morning on quora that someone iq is 86 though they though they were a genius before. NO WAI!

>> No.14862681

This chart says success -> IQ, not IQ -> success. IQ is bogus anyway though; I think its more reasonable to say that most people fit the description of the middle columns.

>> No.14862745

>130 IQ
Nice joke. Keked

>> No.14862753

You have to put in the work.
The grit thing isn't a meme. You literally just have to suck it up and put in the work.

It's like you got this super strong vaccuum cleaner... but then you just lay the nozzle and the floor, and are surprised it didn't clean up everything in the room.
Meanwhile this retard with a brush has cleaned his room, because he actually put in effort.

>> No.14862852
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as a sub 100 iq anon this reply thread made me chuckle

>> No.14862857

>At 130 you’re smart and can achieve lots of great things
Midwit cope moment

>> No.14862893

Twice confirmed 175+ here, I'm too smart to succeed. I can't work 44 hours a week in a job when i know that sucks, I can't get disability bucks for retardation because I'm less retarded than the double digit bureaucrats responsible for signing off on it.

>> No.14862948

just go back to africa, no licence needed there

>> No.14862991

IQ is one of the dumbest horoscope stats to take seriously, it’s only purpose is to identify levels of retardedness for government assistance programs and padding the stats of colleges. You’re a failure *because* of your vain grasping for for a proof to your dreams of superiority, not in spite of it.

>> No.14863936

Said the low-IQ nigger.

>> No.14863950

Said the loser who relies on a number to determine his self-worth

>> No.14864013

If you fire a bunch of projectiles and hold all other variables more or less constant, what would help you determine each one’s trajectory and end point better: the physical characteristics of each one, or each one’s starting point?
Unfortunately for us intelligence isn’t everything it’s just a modifier. I’m very high IQ, but I spent the majority of my youth wasting time due to environmental issues out of my control (mom was a gambling addict, father left etc etc). From pretty much 13-22 I didn’t do anything of worth except for try to figure life out on my own. But I ended up going back to school for engineering at 23 and now at 33 I am finally being paid very well and able to interact with other intelligent people. What I’ve learned by speaking with and observing very intelligent people in very good positions (I work mostly with phds in research labs at places you would recognize) is that the majority of them had a very big head start. Being born with 110 IQ let’s say but a loving family and a strong support network beats being 130IQ with none of that (at least if you want to live a traditionally successful life). Just accept that you fucked up or were fucked up early on so you won’t be making any groundbreaking discoveries. Just pick something you’re good at and be consistent, you will do OK but don’t expect to be a rockstar.

>> No.14864017 [DELETED] 

You mean my bank account?
Yeah, that's right.
Being high-IQ is just a bonus.
Now cope & seethe low-IQ nigger.

>> No.14864095

iq 143.
i can't write a paper.
too many conflicting thoughts at once. can't clear the logjam

>> No.14865427

Lmao at your troll post getting swept

>> No.14865441
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IQ/Abt 89.
Yeah what about it, you fags gonna cry? Pull your cocks off and give me a rub or you're no man.