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File: 130 KB, 1002x1024, space_dangerous_mission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15232132 No.15232132 [Reply] [Original]

MMU edition
Previous: >>15227978

>> No.15232137
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>> No.15232160
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i sleepy

>> No.15232166

Read a book you stupid fedora nigger

>> No.15232168
File: 119 KB, 921x686, Gemini Program mmu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15232171
File: 262 KB, 512x512, new spacex vehicle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think scott manley is going to be extremely interested in the new spacex ship. The implications of AI in spaceflight will be yuge

>> No.15232176


>> No.15232184
File: 2.76 MB, 2560x1440, mars red rike china frag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more chinks in basements making cool shit.

>> No.15232189

>Space station freedom was supposed to be mostly powered by solar thermal panels
But why?

>> No.15232195

due to autism mostly. you will see once the resident solar thermal shill replies.

>> No.15232202
File: 571 KB, 1534x1534, 4851159A-6659-4EFA-B5FD-E64E18D73582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many starship launches this year?

>> No.15232203


>> No.15232205


>> No.15232209

2 this year, neither fully succeed.
3 next year, a majority successful

>> No.15232210
File: 60 KB, 450x300, sun naz beam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in favor of space solar thermal power being transmitted to Earth

>> No.15232211

2 at most, 1 if it explodes on pad

>> No.15232215
File: 205 KB, 1280x852, 8FE548DF-3F77-4BC4-94BE-71A905AF1B03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would NASA ever allow Orion to be flown on anything that isn’t SLS?

>> No.15232220
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>> No.15232221

1 per day next next year

>> No.15232230
File: 294 KB, 1024x876, 10NATURE-jumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starlink, named after Starling, a kind of falcon. Pretty cool

>> No.15232234
File: 16 KB, 297x500, pt.3.5176.figures.online.f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now you're thinking in Starship

>> No.15232236

Space is fake and gay. When will you learn?

>> No.15232237


>> No.15232239

It still is.. they are even adding new ones (i-rosa)

>> No.15232242

refer to this >>15232237

>> No.15232245
File: 2.19 MB, 3600x2400, FjOctEAUcAgvRK_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refer to this

>> No.15232246

Nuclear is a fucking scam

>> No.15232248
File: 945 KB, 1200x630, 0AA9C134-F96E-4511-AD90-B4146BBFB662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will we ever have NTP in our lifetime

>> No.15232250


>> No.15232251

>Entrepreneur Launches Low-Cost Space Rockets

Thoughts? looks promising

>The cost savings come from reducing the launch team from hundreds of people to 15–20, making the first stage reusable, building most of the rocket in-house, and deploying the latest technologies. Unlike current rockets, Falcon V is designed to be able to lose an engine and still deliver a payload to the correct orbit. SpaceX, based in El Segundo, California, already has signed customers such as the government of Malaysia and the US Department of Defense, and interest from the science community is growing. Researchers from the University of Washington, MIT, and the University of Queensland hope to launch the Mars Gravity Biosatellite on a Falcon in 2007. Musk has received dozens of inquiries from potential customers. “I would be happy if Falcon I achieved a four-to-six launch rate per year. It looks like we will probably do even more launches of Falcon V, once that gets going.”

>> No.15232252
File: 324 KB, 786x493, EATCS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refer to this >>15232189

>> No.15232255
File: 191 KB, 2160x1080, blueroadmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with Blue anything's possible

>> No.15232263

>How it started

>How its going

>> No.15232264

Can we launch a bigger telescope already
Jwst images is boring

>> No.15232267


>> No.15232274

Sara Seager truly is a shill for hire. She'll whore for anything if you pay her

>> No.15232290

>Starship may not reach expectations. It may operate, but at a much higher cost and at a reduced mass capability, or on-orbit refueling may not be achieved. The Starship launch costs given by SpaceX are presumably estimates of the cost to SpaceX, not the price to a customer, which will be more expensive. Perhaps most importantly, realizing dramatically lower launch costs depends on rapid and frequent reuse of each Starship, but a market for sufficient launches may not be forthcoming. The anticipated savings promised by Starship also may prove illusory after careful inspection.

>> No.15232292
File: 446 KB, 1916x2048, Fa50-XdVEAECIVc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that TakeTwo Interactrive fired the original staff of KSP and hired a new one to take control over KSP2.

Don't give them shit.


>> No.15232297

I unironically think Starship isn't launching this year

>> No.15232300

>take over company
>fire Mexicans
>hire US dev team
Don't often see that.

>> No.15232302

>Even if Starship works as advertised, extra mass is not without disadvantages. More mass increases the moment of inertia of the spacecraft and so requires more massive reaction wheels to point to a target. In addition, station keeping in the popular Sun–Earth L2 halo orbits either will require proportionately more propellant or will limit mission lifetimes because of the extra mass.

>> No.15232304

They're right, important to keep that in mind and not fall for mindless hype and all eggs in one basket thinking

>> No.15232306 [DELETED] 

Isn't grinding the mirror the most expensive part of space telescopes?

>> No.15232305
File: 20 KB, 260x400, 1A886F5F-4D2D-480F-95CA-BAC1D224ED97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neutron is so sexy, can’t wait till it flies

>> No.15232307

It wont look anything like this

>> No.15232310

New Hazegray kino dropped https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0Ob6DaMM2k

>> No.15232311

Less sexy and more goofy, but I still love it

>> No.15232312

>all eggs in one basket thinking
already happened there's nothing to do about it.
either starship succeeds or musk dies trying

>> No.15232317

He's so bad with 3d.
Is it like keyframes on a 2d background instead of a real rendering?
His shit always looks so goofy.

>> No.15232318

even if refuel or reuse fails I think they can still pull it off but will be much more limited

>> No.15232323
File: 65 KB, 667x861, Chris Moore space airship Orion Shall Rise by Poul Anderson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the Sun–Earth L2 location a meme?

>> No.15232325

It's funny how they immediately ruined engine balance by putting in a hypothetical gas core engine.
To be fair it was already a bit messed up by the vector in KSP 1, but now there is practically no reason to not use that engine for everything outside of atmosphere.
I wonder how well implemented the hydrogen tank mass ratios are as well, probably not very.

>> No.15232326

It's not. Stationkeeping is also not a concern just use electric propulsion.

>> No.15232327

because astronomers are prissy

>> No.15232328

>station keeping in the popular Sun–Earth L2 halo orbits either will require proportionately more propellant

>> No.15232329

Lunar far side telescope when

>> No.15232333

Midwit take. Having torchship engines in your space game is absolutely a good idea.
What you want is a career mode where those are very hard to get and a sandbox mode with lots of realistic options the simfags can use instead.

>> No.15232336
File: 94 KB, 755x796, Samuel Herrick asteroid Geographos new canal across Central America 1971- ASTEROIDS, edited by T Gehrels, U Az Press, 1979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gas core NTRs are torchships
they are not

>> No.15232337

cant be done, too expensive. be careful shilling for this because soientists are already crying about not allowing NASA to fund a starlink infrastructure around the moon because we need to maintain radio silence on the moon

>> No.15232358

Not the point. Anon was complaining about balance.

>> No.15232370
File: 107 KB, 1292x517, Screenshot 2023-02-26 090053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this actually happening?

>> No.15232373

Should use something like that on McMurdo station.

>> No.15232375

Musk is delusional

>> No.15232376

>caring about engine balance in a game with interstellar travel

>> No.15232377

>a game with interstellar travel

>> No.15232379

The point is that in the current state of the game there is basically no need for this kind of engine.
In KSP1 for a long time they tried to ensure a reasonable balance with the available engines so that everything had a use, even in sandbox mode.

This is the kind of engine you would use for actually interplanetary colony work, at the moment with the game being effectively Duna and Eve it just feels like a cheat mode that cheapens the experience.

>> No.15232381

SpaceX is about to have its full original ComCrew contract launched before Shartliner has even flown crew

>> No.15232388

what do you think?

>> No.15232389
File: 40 KB, 611x448, twr isp 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15232392

>nuclear pulsed fission

>> No.15232413

Kinda wile how the US went from 34 launches in 2019 to 87 last year

>> No.15232423

From what I've seen in videos it looks like the hydrogen tanks are taken directly from one of Nertea's KSP1 mods, so they're probably pretty good. What baffles me is their insistence that all the previously-understood-to-be-kerolox engines are no methalox, despite having none of the characteristics of methalox engines.

>> No.15232424


>> No.15232437

I feel like I am caught in a timeloop with these people.

Sincerely, replace "Starship" with Falcon 9 and this thing reads almost exactly the same as an article from 2013.

>> No.15232454

Falcon 9 is lame and always has been

>> No.15232469
File: 1.12 MB, 2000x2114, 2000w_q95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop arguing and post cool space photos

>> No.15232493

Like either you do multifuel or you don't.
There was a reason it was how it was in the old KSP and why the game deliberately limited it's scope.
Now you have the problem of not only kerolox and hydrolox, but also all of the hypergolic fuels, then you start getting into the pros and cons of each system with re-startability, boiloff, density ect. It all becomes a lot more complicated.

Making a game with advanced propulsion systems, that feels authentic still to autists but is still accessible to normies is very challenging.
Like as it stands at the moment, it feels poorly conceived and it bothers me, the same way that the ASOIAF TV adaptation bothered me as soon as they started diverging from source material.
It feels like whoever is making decisions doesn't really 'get it' if you know what I mean, it's not that I am against changes, it's just that the changes don't make sense in how they are implemented.

>> No.15232516

I checked, hydrogen tanks have the same 1:9 mass ratio as the methalox tanks

they're much less dense however. like 3-4 times less dense.

>> No.15232528

To build on this, the original KSP has plenty of unrealistic features in the game, that were a part of designing the balance around a subscale earth and solar system.
Engines have low TWR compared to real life and tank mass ratios are poor. If they were realistic, then it would be trivial to build SSTOs for everything, indeed some degree of powercreep was already making this the case in KSP 1.

If you are going to use realistic fuels do you now have to use realistic tank and engine weights? Or does that have to continue to be pseudo-balanced? It's all a lot more complicated than just copy-pasting assets across from the old game.

>> No.15232541
File: 3 KB, 140x140, 2B254CC4-D633-46D4-84CE-8737F8B12509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post Valentina

>> No.15232544

I like the one engineer one with the ponytail on the launch screen, the one holding the wrench. She's cute.

>> No.15232554
File: 955 KB, 676x877, wind rider plasma sail cubesat deployed- Jupiter Observing Velocity Experiment (JOVE).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15232560
File: 491 KB, 1920x1080, l0xUzkPq-1920-1503860247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


SpaceX in Redmond, WA is expanding with 2 new buildings and adding 125K sqft of area.

pics semi related for visual aid. Its 125,000 sqft of building size.

>> No.15232562
File: 2.59 MB, 1250x1424, FUCKING UGLY BITCH DIE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to rape & hatefuck the annoying AI tutorial girl

>> No.15232567
File: 46 KB, 629x668, Maya_Cool_Shot_Drums_CROPPED_ee3fa7ee47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she wants you to destroy her, use all her holes anon

>> No.15232570

Cantwell cumming right now

>> No.15232574

Kerbals should not (NOT) speak english, I don't like it and its weird.

>> No.15232586
File: 24 KB, 399x399, maya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's not a kerbal, she's AI, she can speak any language, and she's a tight little piece

>> No.15232591

Is SH really going to dogleg into the chopsticks like that? Also haze animated the tower ‘moving down’ with the rocket, Musk has stated multiple times this is not how it’ll go down

>> No.15232592


>> No.15232597

god i want to fuck her so bad

>> No.15232605

>mini V2 starlink
Mini starship when?

>> No.15232608


It's over, production has halted, bottlenecks in the supply chain, they went from 57 to 21, its so fucking over

>> No.15232612
File: 2.86 MB, 2560x1440, 1649465017154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It needs to be nerfed, people are building SSTOs with over 4 km/s of dV once in orbit.

>> No.15232616


>> No.15232619
File: 55 KB, 2048x1152, Fp6QUHMWAAMv8S4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This will also be the first time ever that argon Hall thrusters are operated in space



>> No.15232620

Potential velocity changes are stored in the balls.

>> No.15232622

You just need to reduce those tanks to two, add some antennas on top and I can have my fetish satisfied

>> No.15232623
File: 445 KB, 2048x1366, Fp6QAz-XsAUDKwK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15232625
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>> No.15232626

embarrassing, expensive, unscalable

>> No.15232627

I predicted this. everyone please clap

>> No.15232628

It will do the belly flop then land on the arms. The arms will be stationary as if they were the ground. Thus you can expect the bellyflop to be as far from the arms as it would be from the ground.

>> No.15232630

do these have laser links?

>> No.15232631

how did u do it, anon? teach me

>> No.15232639
File: 36 KB, 800x450, like_thats_ever_gonna_happen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>laser links?

>> No.15232640

Could FH fly normal sized V2 starlinks?

>> No.15232645
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>> No.15232646
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>> No.15232647

>i'm literally shrek

>> No.15232654

>wiki pages need updating


I love when a company just dumps all this cool new shit they've been working on in the background out to the public and it includes all new tech first time, now I have a reason to watch a Starlink launch again

>> No.15232657

Bezos is shouting at Kuiper people this second

>> No.15232658


>> No.15232660
File: 145 KB, 730x860, 1677434418703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be pedo

>> No.15232661

Volume restricted

>> No.15232663

>in space

keyword there

>> No.15232664

laser links never
what's so fucking hard?

>> No.15232674
File: 1.37 MB, 4096x2304, s27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is nobody addressing the elephant in the room? Due to structural issues, SpaceX currently is not able to make a regular cargo Starship. First we had those prototype payload sections that were tested once, but didn't appear in prototype. Then they switched the Starlink dispenser and it also caused problems. Its how mass caused the steel to bend around the door and thet led to "armor" being installed on S27.
How can SpaceX overcome this issue?

>> No.15232677

Photovoltaics were really bad at scale until the mid 90s. Solar thermal was space and weight competitive at the time. There's a 1989 NASA study on PV vs. thermal for Freedom that confirms it. This is also why NASA used chemical fuel cells on Apollo and the Space Shuttle. By the time the ISS was actually built, photovoltaics had improved to the point that was no longer true.

>> No.15232683

>How can SpaceX overcome this issue?
More structure, more mass
>Why is nobody addressing
it's relatively unimportant compared to the test flight coming up. that's why they didn't fix 24 instead opting to go without a door.

>> No.15232684
File: 41 KB, 730x468, soviet rocket penis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the first use of the HET in space being the former USSR Meteor satellite launched in 1972
Another glorious Soviet first comrades :)

>> No.15232685

It's over, SpaceX is finished

>> No.15232691

They may need to increase the size of their photoshop department or buy more empty warehouses.

>> No.15232696

its impossible to reinforce that clearly, starship is done

>> No.15232706

they might have laserlinks, but maybe that equipment takes too much space/mass to put on these miniversions (750kg)
the actual V2 that will be launched on starship will be 1250kg, and are supposed to have a 10x capacity compared to v1.5
these V2 minis have a capacity that is 4x

>> No.15232710
File: 105 KB, 800x673, chinks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that chemical rockets are archaic technology and we are doomed to perish on this rock unless a new physics based propulsion system is discovered.

>> No.15232714

Musk does it again

>> No.15232716

Okay, you go work on that. Every one else will be using chemical rockets in the meantime.

How long will we need to wait for your breakthrough and commercialization?

>> No.15232718


Why does this guy's animations always have faraway shots? When real rockets launches they are always remote cameras setup on the launchpad or close by.

>> No.15232723

He can't into 3d.

>> No.15232728

I'm terrible at algebra.
But the physics community is stunted by the incorrect theory of relativity, which is why there have been no advances in 50 years.

>> No.15232731

After seeing so much rocket material for years I have come to the conclusion that the only reason why we aren't a space faring civilization it's because our whole civilization is suffering from something similar to a median income trap in which it is simply much easier and cheaper to extract our resources and study things from afar than actually start colonizing Europa, Venus or Mars
>B-But The technology is not there
The technology has been there since the 60s, and engineering issues had been solved by the 90s, to the point where some weird south african with autistic ideas and some money could simply contract his own engineers and do things that were though decades before

At this rate, the only way we might start becoming colonizing the solar system will come first from brain uploading and ubiquitous nanotech(therefore sending laser propelled milligram seeds) than through the actual effort of building the rockets and habitats, therefore reducing the barrier cost.

>> No.15232732

please ignore the schizos, you can hide their posts

>> No.15232734

Why is it incorrect?

>> No.15232742

How about you produce a paper first Eric?

>> No.15232745

Overall I can safely say that despite what it might seem at first, Children of a Dead Earth has been a good and somewhat revolutionary influence in the sci-fi community but with far more subtle effects than KSP.

>> No.15232754


So how does this change the rocket equation?

>> No.15232756

Saying that "It's all been solved!" is just announcing to the world that you don't really understand why it hasn't been done yet. This is further confirmed by saying that the only way it'll ever be done now is through voodoo science magic. "Brain uploading nanotech" is just the reddit atheist's way of begging a wizard to conjure away the things they can't comprehend.

>> No.15232761

>can't into middle school math
>wants to tell physicists, engineers and people spending their own money what to do
Thank you for your opinion! It will be given the attention it deserves.

>> No.15232770

Once it gets going, it will launch once a month, just like the space shuttle

>> No.15232771

Or a way to cynically say that we will never see spaceships because the whole world will advance in literal magic than actually trying to do what is already possible, meaning that no one cares about technological or scientific transcendence but pure material hedonism(which oddly enough it is a point in which I can agree with most religions although not in the ends).

And yes, it has all been solved, what it has not is been built and tried but NTR have been a thing since the 90s as proven by the 15 prototypes built by the soviets.

>> No.15232774
File: 63 KB, 569x602, 1677437317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15232783

who that

>> No.15232784

Apparently he's Alex.

>> No.15232785

I may not have developed the math skills, but my intuitions are correct and can't be ignored, because the results, or lack thereof are obvious to those who dedicate their lives to physics.
Chemical rockets are an archaic technology and a waste of time and resources that will never carry man beyond the Moon.

>> No.15232786

Speculative motive physics

>> No.15232787

Ignorance is no excuse for cynicism

>And yes, it has all been solved
> it has not is been built and tried
These two things are mutually exclusive statements. Ideas have been proposed, but there's worlds of difference between a paper on the NASA Technical Reports Server and a mature technology.

>the whole world will advance in literal magic
>no one cares about technological or scientific transcendence
>pure material hedonism
I don't say this often, but, my man, you need to get off the computer. Go outside. Touch grass. Fuck someone. Do something other than what you're doing right now. Please.

>> No.15232788

>my intuitions are correct and can't be ignored
Based gut-listener

>> No.15232794

>These two things are mutually exclusive statements
They are statements of incompletness
>I don't say this often, but, my man, you need to get off the computer. Go outside. Touch grass. Fuck someone. Do something other than what you're doing right now. Please.
How so? Take away money from some government department and no one bats an eye, take away money from NASA and outside some minor inconveniences and no one cares.

The literal obliteration of NASA budget in the 70s is proof of this, some people actually cheered it as a way to reduce inefficient government spending instead of seeing it as the death of the space dream.

>> No.15232796

> from some government department and no one bats an eye
>An everybody goes on a revolution

>> No.15232797
File: 76 KB, 454x739, IQ 83 a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based retard

>> No.15232801
File: 163 KB, 1000x1500, Fp5Hsg_XwAMIAke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did we go from Space Shuttle

to this dinky soyuz USA version

>> No.15232803

I would rather have that, which implies some life in the aerospace industry, than keep using the old soyuz for everything.

>> No.15232809
File: 45 KB, 613x403, Integrated Space Transportation Plan before the Presidential Vision announcement of January 14, 2004 Rogacki, 2003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't we stick with the shuttle? There were still two left that hadn't killed anyone

>> No.15232816

Because it was an expensive piece of shit.

>> No.15232817

The Apollo-era budgets were not sustainable and were never intended to be. The "death of the space dream" didn't come from budget cuts, it came from building communications satellites with transistors instead of fragile short-lived vacuum tubes and from the energy crisis of the 1970s being solved through terrestrial rather than extra-terrestrial means.

Again: please go outside.

>> No.15232819
File: 27 KB, 500x304, venturestar-x33-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did they cancel it again?

>> No.15232823
File: 134 KB, 1280x877, Trent1_600dpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MOGS your oversized fireworks display

Heh, nothing personelle

>> No.15232824

Lol at these retards in the thread
>muh spaceplanes
>muh chemical bad
destined to forever remain in the atmosphere

>> No.15232825


Are these going to be what launches on Star Ship? Or are they going stop launching these "Mini V2 Starlinks" in favor of the bigger ones?

>> No.15232827

hub cap

>> No.15232830
File: 207 KB, 1080x1236, bb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how will we ever compete?

>> No.15232831

nice weather balloon

>> No.15232832

>Are these going to be what launches on Star Ship?
>Or are they going stop launching these "Mini V2 Starlinks" in favor of the bigger ones?

>> No.15232836

>The Apollo-era budgets were not sustainable and were never intended to be
That's why they projected a refueling base for the Moon and a possible Mars mission in case the Moon race failed? It almost feel like they actually intended to keep the missions going on, as it happened, but sure thing they weren't sustainable because no one cared when they died and everybody just expected NASA to build a space plane that the magical private industry could pick up and mass produce.

Comm satellites did not help, that is for sure, which comes back to my original point; we would rather go through the easy means here than actually try to imagine a way to do it outside.

The energy crisis was artificial as hell, it wouldn't have lasted much and it's a circus trick that can't work twice unless we finally get the famous peak oil and countries find themselves actually unprepared, it did not help but it wasn't determinant.

>> No.15232842
File: 46 KB, 750x715, 1553719604424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My source is you're using archaic technology (chemical mass ejection) in 2023.

That implies that the (((people))) responsible for directing physics/math research have been mired for the last 50 years.

>> No.15232844
File: 193 KB, 1232x557, ayy chads & chicks congress deboonker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I will remind them

>> No.15232845

Just post it on another sci thread instead retard.

>> No.15232850
File: 34 KB, 750x749, 1620323004796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, because chemical rocket worship is the subject of this subreddit, and it is an embarrassing celebration of scientific failure and stagnation.

>> No.15232851

>There were still two left that hadn't killed anyone
That's not really the vote of confidence you think it is.

>> No.15232855

You don't even know what that means. Chemical is not the same as ejecting mass.
Reactionless drive discussion goes in one of the schizo cope threads.
You will unironically be banned if you keep at it

>> No.15232859

You don't have to pretend to be stupid in order to be funny

>> No.15232861

Do we have a real schizo again? Finally! I was getting bored with all the FAA shenanigans.


>> No.15232867

Chemical rockets are a form of mass ejection propulsion.
About as sophisticated as a kick scooter.

Don't get upset at me that your heroes use archaic technology in a space program that can't even reach the Moon.

>> No.15232871

Chemical rockets aren't the only rockets. Nuclear is real and it's lack of use has nothing to do with a failure of physics.
Also chemical rockets can and do reach the moon. Cope on Reddit

>> No.15232873

Ok, what propulsion system do you propose which does not rely on mass ejection?

>> No.15232876

Just an uninspired troll. Eric Weinstein went on Joe Rogan recently and complained about:
The stagnation of physics and that his obviously great ideas that have been sidelined.
Elon Musk having a wimpy chemical rocket company with the goal of saving humanity.
He was exasperated that he has not met Elon Musk yet despite them sharing a lot of friends.
Implied that his physics could offer breakthrough propulsion technologies.

>> No.15232879

You make a clear and convincing argument for forcibly sterilizing morons.

>> No.15232881

How far away in the solar system could you see the space shuttle launch, ignoring earth's atmosphere and own brightness?

>> No.15232885

what are all the white spots on the film? are those fairies?

>> No.15232886

Kek Weinstein is such a fag. With the QI söy I think he believes it himself, Weinstein just comes off as a conscious liar and aggrandizer with nothing to show for it. (just like felon tuskbrat)

>> No.15232888
File: 759 KB, 854x740, 1609640854473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice strawmen.
I didn't say chemical rockets didn't reach the Moon. I said your Reddit space program can't reach the Moon.

A gravity drive, obviously. But the mathematics and physics needed to develop the theory and engineering solutions are beyond the human intellectual capacity.

Maybe AI will evolve to the point of unlocking the secrets of nature, because the biological human brain is clearly at a hard limit of comprehension.

>> No.15232891

Don’t know what you’re talking about
Maybe you’re a retard

>> No.15232894

>your Reddit space program
take your meds.
>gravity drive

>> No.15232895
File: 84 KB, 988x772, shuttle sortie can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the naked eye? MEO, if it was a night launch

>> No.15232896

>A gravity drive,
Your next phrase is going to be "exotic matter", "negative mass matter", "dark energy"

>> No.15232900

>gravity drive

>> No.15232903
File: 66 KB, 669x669, 1632948656115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, because those are all extensions of bad physics and don't exist.

>> No.15232905

Go revolutionize physics by disproving dark energy then

>> No.15232908

2 more weeks

>> No.15232911

>Disprove a negative bro!

Sure, right after you disprove God, using rigorous mathematics.

>> No.15232912

>ESL english
>long redundant wording
>reddit reaction images
this is the schizo from before. at the beginning of an episode he is intelligible still

>> No.15232913

Retarded faggot nigger

>> No.15232915



>> No.15232916

ping pong

>> No.15232917


I absolutely agree

>> No.15232918

fak u pear harbor 2

>> No.15232921


Huge lunar impact seen from Hiratsuka Observatory in Japan

Crater estimated to be 20 meters (65 feet) wide

>> No.15232922
File: 54 KB, 813x611, dark knight chechen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hear proposition

>> No.15232923

it's simple

>> No.15232924

moonoids warring with rabbits over control of the mochi industry

>> No.15232926

We kill the SLS?

>> No.15232928


>> No.15232931

>Just create a sail that's several times larger than the diameter of the Earth bro.

>> No.15232933

Just make a bunch of little ones then tape them together, what

>> No.15232934

looking at these comments I honestly can't tell if they're from retarded people pretending to be Japanese or Japanese retards

>> No.15232936

Be could be an interesting person is he wasn’t so autistic. His brother talks about biology, btfo sjws and lots of people like it.
If Eric would just talk economics maybe people would give him more attention. Just ask people on Twitter what they don’t understand, it’s not that hard.

>> No.15232949
File: 27 KB, 444x433, kerbal swas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the spacedrive schizo to the anti-plasma magnet schizo

>> No.15232950

Has anyone studied the efficacy of antipsychotics in space? Asking for a friend on reddit.

>> No.15232955

That's not his problem. He actually does the pretending to be competent while being a retard that so many accuse Musk of.

>> No.15232962

>what is a magnetic field

>> No.15232964

He has a PhD on PDE (or maybe he dropped out idk?) and he has worked in finance. In principle he knows enough to answer questions and be entertaining.

You might have replied to the wrong person, I didn’t say he was autistic.

>> No.15232974

For what purpose?
Sending spastics to space?
Making everyone mentally numb to make the journey go smoother?

>> No.15232976

Isn’t everyone here autistic

>> No.15232977
File: 16 KB, 370x202, pinbacker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, best gaslighting I've seen.

>> No.15232990

>The Wind Rider uses superconducting rings approximately 9 m
in diameter to create a large-scale plasma bubble, tens of kilometers
in diameter, that can interact with the solar wind or a planetary
magnetosphere, producing significant drag force. The coils generate
a rotating magnetic field (RMF)that inflates the plasma structure,
which consists of a plume and wake as diagrammed in Figure 1.

whats so hard to understand?

>> No.15233007
File: 20 KB, 752x425, dark star pinback 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15233009
File: 2 KB, 45x45, aliendance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've looked into this. I've been abducted multiple times, and have noticed that when in orbit, anti-psychotics can teleport you away from ayys. Saved my ass from many probings. why NASA and the pharmaceutical industry cover this up, I have no idea. I can only assume that both are in league with the aliens.

>> No.15233020

I just don't think pills that mess with the mind are a good idea, under any circumstance for any reason.

>> No.15233023

photos of the craters (plural):

the next day:

>> No.15233024
File: 1.13 MB, 2119x902, 2 weeks kerbal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15233027

What is a magnetic field?

>> No.15233028

The plasma magnet (Slough and Giersch, 2005; Slough, 2007) would use a polyphase antenna onboard the spacecraft to drive currents in the surrounding medium, creating a magnetic structure that would inflate via self-repulsion until the magnetic pressure is balanced by the dynamic pressure of the impinging solar wind. The plasma magnet appears particularly encouraging in that it is able to interact with an enormous volume of the solar wind (e.g., tens to hundreds of km in extent) while only requiring a small antenna (e.g., meters) with modest power requirements.

>> No.15233030

I was hoping anon would explain it further, magnets are weird.

>> No.15233032

The fuck is this? Fuck you

>> No.15233034

same here

>> No.15233037

watch this

>> No.15233040

My Starlink has been trash recently. After getting an email of another price hike... going to shop around.

>> No.15233043

What are the old and new prices?

>> No.15233051


>> No.15233057

Feynman was redditor before reddit existed.

>> No.15233058

residential was 110, now 90 or 120 depending if you are in an area that has excess capacity or is not enough
RV price also got increased from 135->150 and a new global tier at 200
the ability to move residential dishes also got removed, so now if you want to have starlink internet in the woods for example, you need to buy the RV version, you can turn it on and off but only for a month at a time

>> No.15233062

Getting to the surface of mars from the surface of the moon takes less fuel than getting from the earth to low earth orbit. Now getting from the surface of Mars back to earth, that takes substantially more.

My guess is that we would make some kind of refueling station in high orbit around the moon, then construct an unmanned refueling station in orbit around mars. Most of your fuel budget is spent just getting off the surface and into orbit. Once you are into orbit, the amount of fuel to go from orbit A to orbit B is comparatively less.

>> No.15233066

>Now getting from the surface of Mars back to earth, that takes substantially more
Can't be cause a single stage can do it.

>> No.15233078

If you want to do it with humans on board, it takes a lot more. If you are just canceling out your relative velocity, and using "falling towards" the sun to accelerate, your astronauts are going to die of old age.

>> No.15233084

im lord farquaad (boner rep)

>> No.15233085

you have no idea how orbits work do you?

>> No.15233086
File: 84 KB, 600x781, Feynman sexist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, because he didn't simp for women. He got cancelled for that a while back

>> No.15233088

do you?

>> No.15233089

Take your meds.

>> No.15233093

Why didnt they choose Argon in the first place

>> No.15233095

>Don't bug me, man!
It's perfect.

>> No.15233094

His next reply should have been a pipebomb.

>> No.15233098
File: 118 KB, 371x353, crumbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15233102


>> No.15233103

According to the chart, chemical tockets have a higher thrust to weight than antimatter or nuclear, so get fucked

>> No.15233105

When they ran into problems with fuel tank, some NASA director decided it's technology demonstrator, and won't become anything else than technology demonstrator. So he insisted they will fix the composite tank, or there is no point in this project at all. Then told Lockheed that they will have to fund the project out of their own pocket. Then new chairman of Lockheed said fuck this shit, and pulled out.

>> No.15233108

>According to the chart, chemical tockets have a higher thrust to weight than antimatter or nuclear, so get fucked

Ok bro. So fly to Alpha Centauri in 5 years.

>> No.15233109
File: 92 KB, 620x425, apollo 12 playboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ionisation energies, I imagine. Argon is cheap compared to krypton and xenon as its plentiful in the atmosphere
Its based Jew vs. cringe Jew

>> No.15233112

Thruster specs

>> No.15233114

dont try to have a retarded hinge attached to sheet metal

>> No.15233123

Watching estronauts stoke space video. Seems like they have quite a few good ideas and a slick fast iterative setup, seems to me like their upper stage idea could scale very well too. Shame they are a decade late like everyone else. Wonder if any of these companies are going to make it in the long run given that a starship equivalent will cost billions to develop and is anyone going to give then that kind of seed money?

>> No.15233124

Ok bro Ok bro Ok bro

>> No.15233131

Minimum 2, maximum of 10. Next year, minimum of 10 and maximum of 25. The year following minimum of 25 and maximum of 50. Expect it to exponentially increase with each year thereafter. By 2035-2040, is roughly the timeline by which I'd expect to see upwards of 1K ships being launched either to orbit, Moon, or Mars.

>> No.15233133

Argon Hall thruster tech specs:
>170 mN thrust
>2500 s specific impulse
>50% total efficiency
>4.2 kW power
>2.1 kg mass
>Center mounted cathode

>> No.15233132
File: 680 KB, 1865x630, 1648199969152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15233135

If they launch if March-May window and Starship clears the best, then 2.

>> No.15233136

What did he mean by this

>> No.15233138

Yeah he's soi as fuck but at least he makes good content and gets into technical details in the interviews.

>> No.15233145

Stoke is above Arca and behind Astra in terms of scam measure. They will never build an engine capable of orbital flight. Theyre as naive as Firefly when they decided to try and build an aerospike. Actual retard engineers work for Spoke,and the low IQ CEO will run the company into the ground

>> No.15233146

>a starship equivalent will cost billions to develop and is anyone going to give then that kind of seed money
I'm sure there are some Bezos types around that could be motivated to invest in companies that can actually build and send stuff into orbit within lizard lifespans.

>> No.15233148

>low IQ CEO
midwit detected

>> No.15233153

But that wouldn't make lizards more rich, maybe if starlink manages to generate tremendous amounts of money we could see them more motivated in that regard.

>> No.15233158

we need to reinstate a captcha based on high school physics, this would eliminate the schizos

>> No.15233159
File: 99 KB, 1024x860, Screen-Shot-2023-02-24-at-11.54.50-PM-1024x860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China announces plan to launch 12,992 satellites, "suppress" Starlink

Can they really pull it off?

>> No.15233162
File: 421 KB, 2048x1366, Fp6QAz8WAAIoqj6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15233163

not right now

>> No.15233164
File: 125 KB, 1023x400, Screenshot 2023-02-26 at 15-19-55 Rocket Launch Schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15233166

With which falcon clone are they planning to achieve that?

>> No.15233167

He's actually dumb, listen to him talk. Literally has no clue what he's talking about

>> No.15233172

Glory China will destroy America and simple Musk soon

>> No.15233181

I feel like I could beat him up real easy but don't want to because he's alright for a dork.
Unlike Zubrin, who is alright too but that man would fuck me up and I know it.

>> No.15233187

I wanna rape Tim's gf

>> No.15233188

That's illegal

>> No.15233191 [DELETED] 

>tested 145 IQ a year after taking the vaxx
bro was I 160 IQ?

>> No.15233194

I'm ecstatic for the static

>> No.15233197

can't wait for the news stories of satellite debris raining down on cities

>> No.15233202

Tried the Bible but God creates the Earth with a dome on top to keep the ocean out on the first page

>> No.15233213
File: 137 KB, 631x914, argonthread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX really stepping up their tech PR you love to see it

Do they intend to sell these?

>> No.15233218

They're trying to kill Tom Mueller's business

>> No.15233219

Why don’t they give these engines a name?

>> No.15233222

I hope they're not just stories.

>> No.15233227

stuff like this is probably helpful for recruitment

>> No.15233228


>> No.15233234
File: 52 KB, 750x593, bd1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15233237

Impulse is focused on chemical space tugs, a concept which fills a completely different niche than anything that'd use EP. Nothing SpaceX is doing is really stepping on his toes.

>> No.15233247

Hydromeme upper stage is their Achilles' heel

>> No.15233252


>> No.15233262

Wasnt krypton also first used in space by spacex? honestly fuck NASA for not flying new tech and instead forcing the private sector to be trailblazers. NASA should be testing all kinds of fringe propulsion, but they arent. Commercial space will be driven to test magsails themselves

>> No.15233266

testing the nuclear thermal rocket engines will be the new gig for NASA's contractors

>> No.15233293

blue throater

>> No.15233296

i'm sure they will enjoy innovating with all that nuclear red tape

>> No.15233299

just be glad that NASA isn't wasting more money employing NOCs in 50 states to accomplish nothing

>> No.15233316
File: 83 KB, 1044x2048, CA8D9984-8D82-41E4-A075-B79DD4273CF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this

>> No.15233317

a scam

>> No.15233327
File: 171 KB, 600x600, fetchimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The satellites will carry new weapons, including lasers and high-power microwaves, which would be developed and used to destroy Starlink satellites that pass over China or other sensitive regions.
I'm behind on the news here
I thought China had a fairly respectable Mars rover, small modular station, etc.
When did they devolve into full Roggy tier schizoposting

>> No.15233339
File: 84 KB, 351x371, 1677430618661519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when Starlink teabagged Russia's electronic warfare systems in Ukraine

>> No.15233352

>There were still two left that hadn't killed anyone

>> No.15233360

having engines that are strictly better is not a problem by itself, would probably make career mode more interesting for example
first you use a V1 of some engine and after flying it a number of times, you iterate and get V2 etc

what if the game started in times equivalent to 1950? and you had to go through the development of different propellant combos etc

>> No.15233375

Red Glenn

>> No.15233381

I have a PhD in pure mathematics and I don't know shit about shit.

>> No.15233385

starship launch when?

>> No.15233387
File: 328 KB, 1200x1200, 0081124902024_3_A1C1_1200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>destroy Starlink satellites that pass over China or other sensitive regions
Acts of war will not be tolerated.

>> No.15233396

Will we eventually get Helium ion drives?

>> No.15233400


>> No.15233413

Can't ionize helium, it just turns into hydrogen

>> No.15233414

Not really. I don't think you understand how hall-effect thrusters or noble gases work.

>> No.15233416

ok neon then

>> No.15233419

Sure, it's likely not as efficient as other noble gases.

>> No.15233420
File: 108 KB, 600x637, Energia_Polyus (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15233423

you don't understand the most basic math, but say you are dedicated to physics? this has to be bait

>> No.15233424

Neon is harder to come by and objectively worse in every metric to argon so no.

>> No.15233427

Is Xenon ideal but too expensive or something?

>> No.15233432

It pure performance it is since it's relatively dense, high atomic mass and easily ionized which means you can store more in the same space of volume while getting a higher thrust for the power put in. Expensive as shit though.

>> No.15233436

expensive and only getting more so as demand grows but supply doesn't, there just isn't enough demand for it to justify increasing production

>> No.15233437
File: 27 KB, 809x523, Hypervelocity Tether Rocket 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read nigga, read

>> No.15233441

I'm editing ICP juggalo facepaint on the guy on this video. Will post as soon as the render completes.

>> No.15233443

When I joined the waiting list the price was 90$ and short of Verizon my only choice.

>> No.15233445

cellular internet is poopy caca

>> No.15233449

lmao didn't know that episode related to Elon as well, I saw a twitter thread about the episode and though he had finally went off the deep end, but wasn't interested in the exact manner too much
I wouldn't be surprised if Musk started avoiding Eric Weinstein on purpose and told his friends this so they wouldn't meet on accident

>> No.15233453

i'm confused why Argon is better than Krypton by ever performance metric if it has a lower ionization energy

>> No.15233457

>sharing a lot of friends
Eric Weinstein is like the new Howard Bloom

>> No.15233463

He's a very talented bullshitter, I'll give him that

>> No.15233467

>we were not satisfied
>it is important that you correct the impression
>we are serious about this issue and intent to pursue it further.
Insidious jews has an ability to make omnious threats while sounding harmless and friendly.
I've slowly began to hate them.

>> No.15233468

With millimeter wave 5G it's actually not bad. I canceled my cable and switched to my carrier's home 5G potato device. I still get enough speed and I save like $1500 a year.

>> No.15233472

if you live in an area that already supports mmWave 5g why the fuck do you need starlink or any kind of wireless internet?

>> No.15233473

Its only 170 more kJ/mol than krypton and costs a great deal less.

>> No.15233477

some of us are schizos instead
And I wish I could understand what the hell is my problem

>> No.15233478

And that was back in the 70s, really contextualizes how long this shit has been creeping in. McCarthy was right and we should've listened.

>> No.15233481

before? I haven't read the threads in like a few weeks

>> No.15233492
File: 118 KB, 595x456, 001137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is just disgusting, not funny like crystal porn

>> No.15233497

More and more people are listening...

>> No.15233498

Should I take Physics or Electrical Engineering for my AS before I transfer to Aerospace at uni?

>> No.15233499

krystal porn is cute and hot

>> No.15233505

because its new tech basically, SpaceX iterates on everything and waiting to develop argon hall thrusters would have delayed the deployment of starlink

>> No.15233511

it won't hurt

>> No.15233512

such is life in Japan

>> No.15233521

I'm not that anon. I didn't get Starlink precisely because I don't need it.

>> No.15233524

Perhaps reddit in 2010 lmao

>> No.15233530

Unfortunately the way StarLink is preforming now it isnt.

>> No.15233537

god he's being such an obtuse faggot in this video and plus the interviewer is a total moron

>> No.15233544

which one of you is this

>> No.15233545

That anon I absolutely loathed Verizon enough to switch the inferior tmoblie and pay for other internet. Likely could switch back with out a data cap and save 100 a month. Smart thing to do would be ditch both for a flip phone but how else could I stare at the nightmare square.

>> No.15233554
File: 90 KB, 1200x675, spaceport-company.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The initial sea-based platforms the company proposes would operate several kilometers offshore, remaining in U.S. territorial waters at depths up to 60 meters. “We can operate up and down the entire East Coast,” he said, based at any major industrial port. It would host small launch vehicles in size up to Firefly Aerospace’s Alpha, which can place about one ton into orbit.

I kinda wish it was me.

>> No.15233562

>he had finally went off the deep end
that happened when a few years back he handed Joe on his show a bundle of papers that he says is the theory of everything.
>Howard Bloom

>> No.15233569

Also for unlocked phones

>> No.15233573
File: 144 KB, 973x601, argon atoms julius caesar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon is now expending precious argon atoms that have passed through the lungs of historically important people in his mad schemes. Disgraceful .

>> No.15233577

Why does retarded shit like this require calculation

>> No.15233578

I was just making comment comparing a bullshitter of old to a modern bullshitter. Bloom also has a lot of friends in high places, yet you never see him with any of them. It's a weird fake it till you make it kind of person, where they talk themselves up and ponitifcate about the world and everyone wants to hear what they say, but they wind up saying nothing really. Both are Jews, go figure

>> No.15233583

level 2 mental disability makes it sound like some kind of rpg

>> No.15233587

anon, it's an exercise book problem

>> No.15233588

It's a way to make science homework "relatable" to retards and women.

>> No.15233590

>Howard Bloom

>> No.15233593

its just an exercise you sperg

>> No.15233597

meant for >>15233562

>> No.15233606
File: 12 KB, 480x360, STINKS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It stinks and I don't like it

>> No.15233623

>his last exhalation had a volume of 450 cm3

>> No.15233631

Yeah I'd rather say people like Elon might avoid him. I know he worked with Thiel closely. He also met Epstein and Sam Harris both of whom met Elon

>> No.15233640
File: 68 KB, 867x656, The Sands of Mars manchu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they made a death mask of his lungs instead of his face by mistake. it's in the vatican.

>> No.15233656

you're a small guy

>> No.15233657

For me?

>> No.15233661

hummingbird would be awesome too

>> No.15233673

yes, and soon this will be the new normal
1000 launches/year by end of decade

>> No.15233677

I think it has happened a few times in the last year

>> No.15233678

>NASA should be testing all kinds of fringe propulsion, but they arent
Marshall is pouring decent money into RDE research.

>> No.15233705

my understanding of RDE is they are only marginally better in the ideal theoretical

>> No.15233707

They actually seem to pretty good on that front even if progress and in-space demos are slow and few between

off the top of my head
>Solar Cruiser/Advanced Composite solar sail
>MSFC HERTS (e-sail)
>RDE engine
>Hall effect / SEP thrusters
>NTP/NTR Rover 2.0
>random crazy concepts at NIIAC (diffractive solar sailing, etc)
>novel cubesat plasma propulsion (not going so good for Lunar Flashlight)
>that other novel propulsion cubesat on Artemis 1 that was lost

>> No.15233710
File: 45 KB, 948x531, insip 4 a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>approximate prices for the purchase of small quantities in Europe in 1999 were 10 €/L (=~€1.7/g) for xenon, 1 €/L (=~€0.27/g) for krypton, and 0.20 €/L (=~€0.22/g) for neon,[61] while the much more plentiful argon, which makes up over 1% by volume of earth's atmosphere, costs less than a cent per liter.
Noble gas cartel hebrews SEETHING at thrifty Elon

>> No.15233713

most of that from Ukraine and Russia too

>> No.15233718

think of the jobs

>> No.15233725
File: 52 KB, 500x514, mars canals illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diffractive solar sailing
All money for photon sails should be transferred to the plasma magnet dudes, they could never solve the deployment problems anyway

>> No.15233726

They can learn to code

>> No.15233734

The answer is that you must take one inhalation. Needing to take more than that isn't guaranteed since you may inhale one of the atoms on your first attempt, but you must take at least one breath.

>> No.15233736

Solar sails still necessary for inner system travel, its best to have both in operational capability

>> No.15233737
File: 47 KB, 844x461, duct tape pressure suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's surprising; surely there's air liquification somewhere in the West?

>> No.15233740

Also this is your reminder that we have neither in operational capability, solar sails seem like old tech but NASA has yet to execute a successful mission with one


>> No.15233741

so that they then get fired by musk? no thanks

>> No.15233750
File: 592 KB, 1x1, Electric solar wind sail applications overview 1404.5815.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, e-sails can cruise to Mercury and back. Photon sails are obsolete.

>> No.15233754

Off to the mines with them, then

>> No.15233756

Fuck it lets have e-sails, solar sails, electromagnetic sails, plasma sails lets fill the fucking solar system with tiny spacecraft that cannot under any circumstance fly in Earth's atmosphere

>> No.15233765

fuck earth

>> No.15233775
File: 205 KB, 878x687, dd ftl drive z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the solar wind sails have to be used outside the magnetosphere. Solar photon sails don't have that drawback but they have to be deployed far above LEO or air drag fucks them up.

>> No.15233777

yeah but nobody bothers to capture Xenon and Krypton they just settle for Argon

>> No.15233778


>> No.15233782
File: 3.90 MB, 1280x720, SpaceX-1629991315378425856-20230226 174628-vid1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15233804

ksp2 sucks so much that it inspired me to quit my career in aerospace

>> No.15233816

Yeah, the benefits are really more on the systems and simplicity side rather than massive Isp gains. Still cool technology, though.

>> No.15233825

I would go with electrical. Your EE and controls classes will be more difficult then the basic college level physics that you would take, and you will spend more time going further into different aspects of physics like statics, dynamics and aerodynamics. Make sure whatever university you are going to has a proper Aerospace program and not a generic engineering program where you do everything the same as mechanical engineering students then take two electives to make it "aerospace"

>> No.15233842


>> No.15233849


>> No.15233853


>> No.15233859
File: 83 KB, 1024x572, based_beyond_belief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tranny devs broke the gamer

>> No.15233873

Unironically speaking, imagine all the people in this world that have quit their career in aerospace because of musk

>> No.15233887

imagine the kinds of people that get self-filtered out if that were true

>> No.15233890

imagine all the people that have been inspired to become aerospace engineers (or engineers in general) because of musk
I would assume its 100-1000x more than have quit due to him, maybe even more

>> No.15233891

>Your EE and controls classes will be more difficult then the basic college level physics that you would take
Can confirm.

t. currently putting off systems dynamics homework

>> No.15233915

So when we laumnchin and dont day two weeks (or any variation of 2 weeks like 21-7 days or some dumb shit)

>> No.15233918

terran 1 a week and a half away be there or be square

>> No.15233922

March 12th

>> No.15233924

I've seen some estimations that put it at a fortnight (a bit less than half a month)

>> No.15233936

>some estimations
Where can I see these estimations you are talking about?

>> No.15233943


>> No.15233944

right here on /sfg/, the internet's leading speculation station for all spaceflight hypotheticals!

>> No.15233945

>How can this guy who posts gay furry porn beat us?

>> No.15233946


>> No.15233972
File: 851 KB, 1668x1877, 40EDB8F9-2910-4509-AE6A-8E50279600C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wen capsule

>> No.15233975

Do. Not. Forget
>NASA to launch safety review of SpaceX and Boeing after video of Elon Musk smoking pot rankled agency leaders
>"We need to show the American public that when we put an astronaut on a rocket, they’ll be safe.”
>[...] a months-long assessment that would involve hundreds of interviews designed to evaluate the culture of the workplaces, the agency said.

>> No.15233984

does equatorial launches give you a certain percent bonus or is it more significant for small launch vehicles?

>spacex could get 3% more PTO if they launched from the equator
>this launch company doubled their payload launching from the equator

seems kind of silly to add in an oilrig and all the risk and logistics and inconvenience just for 3% to orbit

>> No.15233986

He barely even puffed that blunt, I'm not even sure he got a good inhale.

>> No.15233987

It's much better for GEO though

>> No.15233992

3% is huge at scale, but no space enterprise is properly at scale yet, not even starlink

>> No.15233993

is it really though? is there an equation or general rule for it?

not that I'm hating though, props to these companies for experimenting and trying to maximize

>> No.15233994

will future generations even believe this shit

>> No.15233997

>we're gonna make a space elevator launch loop

>oh yeah how are you gonna launch that?

>> No.15233999
File: 265 KB, 1241x1861, CF4546A4-3685-4D0F-9B86-EC93A2218361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Glenn lives

>> No.15234000

not real

>> No.15234001

God I hate the government

>> No.15234004

It hates you too, always.

>> No.15234008

How many BE-4s can BO make/made so far? I doubt there is enough to go around between them and ULA

>> No.15234009

This is an old photo and it’s not even real hardware

>> No.15234012

Watch ULA get frustrated and switch to Raptor

>> No.15234014

Equatorial launch was a bigger consideration back in the 80s and 90s when everyone was trying to loft big payloads up to geostationary orbit and they needed to squeeze out every bit of performance that they could. These days everyone's launching smaller payloads to SSO. Sun-synchronous orbits are latitude agnostic and none of the small launchers they could fit onto the floatport are going to be big enough to lift GEO payloads, so latitude doesn't factor in that much. You'll get some extra performance from going further south, but that seems secondary next to the simplified paperwork and lack of congestion.

That said, I'm not sure I buy the argument that US spaceports are overcrowded. Rocket Lab has Wallops all to itself 98% of the year and while SpaceX is keeping the staff at the Cape and Vandenberg busy I don't think they're too busy to be able to fit a RS1 or Alpha launch into their calendars given their low overall flight rates. That's not even getting started on how neglected Kodiak is currently.

>> No.15234022

Spin the wheel - you decide


>> No.15234023


>> No.15234024

Vandenberg and Kodiak are a giant pain in the ass for companies east of Denver with wide rockets. ULA has to ship via the fucking Panama Canal because the roads won't permit anything wider than a Falcon core. East coast polar/SSO is currently restricted to just SpaceX and Rocket Lab since Antares is a dedicated ISS truck.

>> No.15234028

time for endless babbling

>> No.15234032

That’s not gonna happen

>> No.15234035


>> No.15234037

do you guys have a dV to LEO for Florida vs Panama or some kind of concrete stat

>> No.15234046


>> No.15234050

> 1:45 a.m. EST (0645 UTC)
so 3h 15min for the crew launch

>> No.15234051
File: 1.55 MB, 4080x3072, PXL_20230227_032751453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really busy tonight

>> No.15234056
File: 1.64 MB, 1288x750, 001138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh lmao the countdown was actually on the screen already

>> No.15234075

It's ~800 m/s of dv to do an inclination change from geosynchronous orbit at 28.5° to 0°, so maybe ballpark 650 m/s total when you combine it with the circularization burn. Not a huge difference, but not really negligible either and there are certainly payloads that could launch from the equator and not Florida.

Of course these days they might as well just pack an engine and not bother with launching it directly.

>> No.15234078



>> No.15234080

You'd need to work out rotational speeds for various latitudes and compare that to the latitudes of existing space centers. I did a bit of this at one point, although I'm fucked if I can remember exactly how I did. I found this bit in my random space notes, but since I don't know what fever dream I was in when I produced it I can't say anything about its overall accuracy.

>Cape Canaveral has a rotational speed of 408.6 m/s. Relative to that Spaceport Camden would have -9.7m/s; Charleston, South Carolina -17.7m/s; Cape Fear, North Carolina -24.1m/s; Yabucoa, Puerto Rico +33.5m/s.

Overall, you get the most performance to GEO by launching from the equator but it's not enough to turn an under-performing rocket into a superstar.

>> No.15234081
File: 2.17 MB, 3840x2160, [3840x2160] vtime=[25_06], take=[2023-02-26 21.39.32].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15234089


>> No.15234090

ehh I guess it makes sense if you want to launch 1 ton that is just over rocketlab capacity but not scale up to a medium sized rocket

>> No.15234123

Elon has his assistant filter out grifters. Look at him emails on sam banker fraud

>> No.15234126
File: 2.77 MB, 3840x2160, [3840x2160] vtime=[43_31], take=[2023-02-26 21.57.58].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15234127

>3 SpaceX launches in one day

>> No.15234132

Yep, that's why Elon never bothered with the plasma magnet grift.

>> No.15234142

Rest of the world sisters....

>> No.15234146

There's a ton of international people here for the launch, it must suck living in a country that doesn't have a manned space program

>> No.15234152

or its just not a priority yet, the philosophy seems to be "do whats necessary as fast as possible"
if something is not necessary, ignore it because it wastes time from the things that are actually necessary
some things might shift from unnecessary to necessary, but pure research stuff like the magnetic sail is pretty far out there still
with starship making payloads that much cheaper, hopefully some university or institution funds it

>> No.15234155

If the Saudis are any indication we've reached the point where you can just buy a manned space program

>> No.15234159
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>> No.15234164

you can buy seats on the program, not the program itself

>> No.15234182

Plasma magnet sails need to be tested in lunar orbit. It's the one non moon landing thing Gateway will be good for.

>> No.15234191

Even a rideshare heading to the moon is fine since its a 16u cubesat iirc

>> No.15234192

you guys will never be satisfied

>> No.15234194

>4K Nasa stream
>capsule interior cameras at 144p
Kill yourselves

>> No.15234196

and old picture of some random tank is cringe dude
when are they going to reach orbit?

>> No.15234199

slow and steady wins the race

>> No.15234206

the moment bezos dies or decides to stop paying for blue origin, is the moment blue origin disappears

>> No.15234208

thank you kamala harris

>> No.15234217

*Mike Pence

>> No.15234222
File: 3.01 MB, 4080x3072, PXL_20230227_043434497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't believe Starship will be bigger than this

>> No.15234224

Did Mike Pence give Bob and Doug an award? Nope. The Biden administration respects our brave astronauts

>> No.15234226

I just wanted a (you), arigato~

>> No.15234230
File: 72 KB, 1199x675, https___specials-images.forbesimg.com_imageserve_5f7ccc711cb8ae4caaee3154_0x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jared Isaacman has entered the chat

>> No.15234231

Why do they need to "plan" the mission? Just go lol

>> No.15234235

>I was only pretending to be retarded
yeah I know

>> No.15234237

i dont think so, now that they are selling engines to ULA. they can be the next aerojet

>> No.15234239

crew launches are so comfy, dont you agree?

>> No.15234241

Hell yeah, more exciting

>> No.15234243

Medals are gay, I'd ask for tax-exempt status as my reward.

>> No.15234247

Based, fuck taxes

>> No.15234248

Xenon was the industry standard at the time before SpaceX. Krypton was already proven and the math worked out. Now they optimized it for Argon, which they can literally make in Starbase given the abundance in atmosphere. Its the 3rd most common gas in air. Its 23x more abundance than CO2. Let that sink in. If we can do take CO2 from air and make fuel, we can do argon. 23x more efficiently at least.

>> No.15234249

It's not just getting there, for best results you'd have humans in lunar orbit operating the test. If the sail works as advertised it'd be multiple m/s of delta-V before signal of successful startup reached Earth.

>> No.15234253

Starship is going to destroy the competition
whats left for ULA?
they might not die right away, but especially if some of the new startups come up with partially reusable rockets, you think ULA is going to stay around?

>> No.15234254

>whats left for ULA?
dissimilar redundancy

>> No.15234256

Mars also has a lot of atmospheric argon so Marslink could do ISRU as well, or Starships could fill a depot on Phobos or Deimos for nuclear-electric ships heading further out.

>> No.15234259

This basically, important to not have all your eggs in one basket, even if that basket is made of straw instead of stainless steel

>> No.15234260

also SMART

>> No.15234261

Fuel from CO2 on earth is not going to be a thing for a very long time
but argon is a byproduct (like xenon and krypton, but more abundant) of air liquefaction that is necessary for O2 anyway, so its kind of free

>> No.15234262

SpaceX isn't selling Raptors.

>> No.15234264

SpaceX wants to practice solar electric Sabatier on Earth first.

>> No.15234265

BAsed senator administrator is HERE

>> No.15234268

sure, but a small research system is not going to result in a meaningful amount of methane
especially if you look at how much they are going to need it when they really ramp up the launches with Starship

>> No.15234269
File: 1.81 MB, 1917x1077, 001139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what missions are you most looking forward to?
<all of them
so none of them
what a brainlet lmaaoooo

>> No.15234272

Nah it gains the speed slowly as the plasma bubble inflates slowly over the course of an hour or so, read the paper it explains it I think


>> No.15234273
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Starlink making gains

>> No.15234283
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>> No.15234285

That's 0.4% of the population of Australia isn't it? 1% adoption would probably cause some ISPs to shit their pants and maybe the aussies will finally get some good land-based internet

>> No.15234289

2.6 people per household avg in Australia
25m people / 2.6 = 9.6 M households
100K/9.6M = 1% Households

Then again, there are ~1.36M rural households in Australia. Thus 7% penetration for rural, if you assume all the 100K are rural., Which they're not, even if its 50% are rural, that means 3.5% rural market penetration.

>> No.15234300

Wow I really dropped the ball on that math, 50% sounds more likely so 3.5% penetration for rural is absurd

>> No.15234318
File: 2.47 MB, 400x332, 1673733305896891.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Falcon still capable of yeeting a Dragon around the moon? I know that dearmoon is a thing, but if Jared went and drank too much coffee before the next Polaris meeting, could a Dragon successfully return from a lunar free return trajectory?

>> No.15234332

falcon heavy definitely could. it would probably need to be upgraded to survive reentry from lunar intercept

>> No.15234335

I think so, but its a dead end tech tree so theres no real interest

>> No.15234336

Australia is a mafia state, it will just get Starlink banned.

>> No.15234340

>dead end tech tree
Dragon is flying until at least 2030

>> No.15234344

Wrong. Starship will launch 150 times in 2024 and be human certified.

>> No.15234345

Yeah but there's no beyond earth at this point because Starship is the next step forward. Falcon9/Dragon's local maximum has been reached a while ago, now it will coast over the decade.

Starship's local maximum will take us to Moon with lot of margin.

>> No.15234348

Jessie live


>> No.15234351

damn jessie got FAT

>> No.15234352


T-53 min

>> No.15234354

her gf beats her :(

>> No.15234356
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, trump dm-2 dragon rally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jessie and Kate, weather is green, we GAAN.

>> No.15234357

she has a gf?

>> No.15234359

Wow we are laumchin arabs?

>> No.15234360

I want to creampie her

>> No.15234363

>When Trump said "manned spaceflight" instead of "crewed"

>> No.15234367

Oh neat, UAE gets a crewmember.

That was pretty cool.

>> No.15234369

will they ever launch more than 4 ppl on dragon?

>> No.15234371

I used to have a pic of her armpits but cant find it now

>> No.15234372

no but they'll take more than 4 back when the baseduzes all die and an emergency return is needed

>> No.15234374

They would need to at least use the seven-seat config for that. I don't think NASA has even requested one.

>> No.15234375

Katie looks like a mess

>> No.15234376

Duct tape the ruskies to the walls, easy peasy.

>> No.15234377

they should give each of them a custom color for their suit. that would look cooler. do they get to keep their suits afterwards given how they're custom fit?

>> No.15234378
File: 263 KB, 1000x642, plesetsk soyuz on pad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still a better ride than Soyuz.

>> No.15234379
File: 280 KB, 1150x2048, 1664979415839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jessie would rank mid-low on an official "cuties of spaceflight" list

>> No.15234381

who is top space cutie

>> No.15234382
File: 385 KB, 1229x2048, 1660340941033099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15234383


>> No.15234384
File: 2.92 MB, 640x480, space_cute_10.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15234385
File: 502 KB, 1432x2048, 1646321025372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably the chinese astronaut

>> No.15234387
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>> No.15234388
File: 133 KB, 1080x1326, 1677478126093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pre-wall jessie

>> No.15234389
File: 1.15 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20230227_060148044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a proper camera next time

>> No.15234390
File: 3.10 MB, 1500x2130, __irina_luminesk_tsuki_to_laika_to_nosferatu_drawn_by_homajor__f493b1a1654ece0a04f467272d777f79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15234391

Nice anon, enjoy the launch

>> No.15234392

30 minutes

>> No.15234394
File: 1.02 MB, 1187x1251, 99086223_p19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just launch the sucker

>> No.15234395


>> No.15234396
File: 1.53 MB, 1262x708, 001142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean its not that bad

>> No.15234397


>> No.15234398

I'd still do her without a condom.

>> No.15234401

Find any cute girls yet, anon?

>> No.15234402
File: 128 KB, 615x816, 1677478586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15234403

Several, and they're all here with their partners

>> No.15234404

Did those procedures stem from Gemini or Apollo by chance? There was a LOT of hybergoogligs sitting directly under the crew for those missions. On Dragon it's just an unpressurized trunk behind the heatshield.

>> No.15234405

If you guys ever get the chance, come out to KSC, pictures and videos don't do *any* rocket justice honestly, they're always so much better in person

>> No.15234406
File: 1.45 MB, 1273x654, 001143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15234408

there's that word again

>> No.15234409

I mean Dragon has to have hypergols somewhere

>> No.15234411

get over yourself

>> No.15234412

I use it because I never like to assume boyfriend/husband

>> No.15234413

Seek out weak men and beat their ass. The female will have no choice but to choose the more dominant (You)

>> No.15234415

Good idea, I shall channel all the Florida man energy and punch my way to the top

>> No.15234416

they could be siblings

>> No.15234417

Yeah that's what I said, boyfriend/husband

>> No.15234421

>Don't bug me, man!
fucking lol
this needs to be on a flag outside some tiny lunar ice-mining town

>> No.15234422

i cant wait for the day when manned spaceflight is so routine that we no longer have media events for their launches. just buy your ticket, hop on the rocket, and go.

>> No.15234423


>> No.15234424

might happen surprisingly soon
certainly much sooner than the general public thinks

>> No.15234425

>broadcasting to ham radio

>> No.15234426

>public VHF/UHF radio broadcasts
lol cool

>> No.15234427

t-13 mins

>> No.15234428
File: 1.01 MB, 808x1052, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15234430

Do they have the proper licenses for that? Broadcasting sems a questionable use of amateur band

>> No.15234433

They're the government, they are the license.

>> No.15234435
File: 203 KB, 768x936, Df1Ro-1U0AERz9V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All smiles

>> No.15234436

place your bets, what is the zero g indicator? Maybe a squid

>> No.15234437

Pepe frog

>> No.15234438

Why isnt she streaming bros? i hope she is ok

>> No.15234439


>> No.15234440

>safety briefing is given at t-minus 10 minutes warning us that things can explode and how to gtfo quickly
This is great

>> No.15234441


>> No.15234442

racist shit get off /sfg/

>> No.15234443

They're really going for airline style ops.

They posted it on the stream earlier.

>> No.15234444

paradoxically, the first manned flight without some kind of stream/press relations/presentation of some sort will likely have a Berger article written about it for being remarkable in its unremarkable nature

>> No.15234447

year of the RABBIT

>> No.15234448

ur face a shit

>> No.15234449


>> No.15234450


>> No.15234451

it's over

>> No.15234452


>> No.15234453
File: 1.30 MB, 245x280, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15234454

What's with all the Chinese posters in this thread?
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.15234455


>> No.15234456

China stronger and stronger each day

>> No.15234457

Finished AND bankrupt

>> No.15234458
File: 254 KB, 597x701, 001141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15234459
File: 175 KB, 1200x1200, space_bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15234461


>> No.15234462

She is currently moving to hokkaido for a month, so she's a bit busy

>> No.15234463

unironically over

>> No.15234464

>2 AM dump

>> No.15234466


>> No.15234468

>on an instantaneous launch window
see you guys tomorrow

>> No.15234467


>> No.15234469


>> No.15234470

fucking kms

>> No.15234472
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>> No.15234473
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ground issue with TTEB

>> No.15234474

You just know the commander has his hand on the abort button

>> No.15234475

this will ripple into the other launches. no triple launch day. all scrotumed


>> No.15234476

how do u know? she is very cute
you dumbass xD

>> No.15234477

I'm calling off work and coming back lol

>> No.15234478

teatab issue

it's over

launch cat poster stand down

>> No.15234481

Is this the first time in a while they scrubbed on launch? Idk I haven't been watching streams

>> No.15234482


>> No.15234483

(Tri-Ethyl Aluminum - Tri-Ethyl Borane)

>> No.15234484


>> No.15234485
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now i schlep

>> No.15234486
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>with the crew continuing to look comfy there inside dragon
>tfw sitting on a liquid fuel bomb with engine starter issue

>> No.15234487

I stayed awake for this shit on a work night, gonna kms myself

>> No.15234489

goodnight sfg

>> No.15234490

d e s u I would only stay up for Starship at this point. Crew and even Falcon Heavy are routine boring shit

>> No.15234491
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good night /sfg/

>> No.15234492

I'd watch a fully expendable FH just for the novelty.

>> No.15234501


>> No.15234505

NO you don't understand this gives me 24 hours to go to a best buy and get a new camera

>> No.15234508

elon lied again...

>> No.15234512

What happened

>> No.15234514

The world most reliable rocket everyone.

>> No.15234515

Igniter didn't want to ignite

>> No.15234521

These types of failures never happen to Starliner btw

>> No.15234533

My condolences anon, hopefully you don't need to return to the wage cage and can camp out for another day.

>> No.15234544

Space turned out to be hard

>> No.15234545

>Howard Bloom compares himself to Darwin, Einstein, and Buckminster Fuller
>just some random music producer
>now comes to us with theories of how the world works
I still dont get how anyone ever took this guy seriously

>> No.15234550

the russians can launch on demand whenever they want. the only reason we cant is because nobody wants to spend the money.

>> No.15234558

It's because of latitude. To get a due-east corridor to the ISS with unlimited launch windows like Baikonur has they'd have to launch from Canada. There's actually an argument to be made that an aerial refueling SSTO spaceplane that can dogleg north over the Atlantic before ascending is useful for that capability.

>> No.15234563
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>> No.15234576

Scrubbed with the Russian guests on board. Shamefur dispray! Well, at least it didn't have to be an inflict abort like with Soyuz.
I bet old Rogozin would be shitposting about reliable rides for couple hundred million at this point.

>> No.15234582

Is this the first SpaceX Crewed on-pad scrub?

>> No.15234592

Demo-2 scrubbed due to weather.

>> No.15234613
File: 143 KB, 837x1024, skymusters-updated-price-reachnet-1-1-837x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starlink absolutely mogged the rural Australian internet market the same way SpaceX mogged the commercial launch market. The only way to get Internet was via the approved gubment satellite, and had slow speeds and data caps. Then in comes Starlink offering 100 Mbps unlimited for cheaper, pic related. Looking at prices now they've actually started to drop (the cheapest plan is $35), so at least market pressure is slowly starting to have an effect.

>> No.15234615

>$35 with a datacap
Not enough market pressure, needs to be that price but unlimited data

>> No.15234713

Good morning, how did the launch go?

>> No.15234714

they're dead

>> No.15234725

How is dragon even attached to its trunk? It's all heat shield on the bottom.

>> No.15234741

Total kike death

>> No.15234755

aussie here, funny that dogshit government trash is getting fucked, who would buy skymuster junk over starlink when their shit gives you 1000+ms ping LOL goodbye and goodriddance faggots, heil megacorp era

>> No.15234826

Because Elon Musk is a CHUD

>> No.15234833
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>> No.15234845


>> No.15234863
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>go to bed 3 hours before launch
>wake up
>turn on radio
>scrub-a-dub-dub thanks for the grub

with a launch escape system

>> No.15234879

That's exactly how I feel. I don't give a fuck that Comcast has suddenly had a change of heart and is charging less, and massively increased their speeds. Fuck 'em. Cunts raped me for years, do they think I am just going to forget that? And we all know that their plan is just do this for as long as they're forced to, and once the competition is dead they can go right back to being total rapists.

>> No.15234889

does this make sense? sealaunch but they only own the platforms and rent them out to rocket companies.

maybe if congestion at existing spaceports becomes too much? we are supposed to double or triple the number of launches soon.

>> No.15234901

Do they have to stay in the capsule until the next launch window?

>> No.15234915

kek https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1630111207167492097

>> No.15234950
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he's probably still driving home right now

>> No.15234962
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>NET March 2
Yep time to fly home, I'll be back for the next weekend launch I guess

>> No.15235003

I'm honestly sorry anon, that really sucks. At least you got to see KSC

>> No.15235022

Thanks anon, I'm only about 2ish hours away by plane so I can pop back over any time, I really feel bad for all the Europeans I saw who might not ever get a chance to return in their lifetimes

>> No.15235030

It’s called a fermi estimate. You have to solve a problem with incomplete information by guessing some numbers at reasonable ranges. I remember another where you have to guess the chances the water in you has been in a dinosaur, no other info given.

>> No.15235047

I must say, not only were the ksp2 doomers here right, but damn the shit performance really exceeded expectations. I hope you retards that bought it refunded

>> No.15235052
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>The global production of xenon is approximately 53,000 kg a year, such that any mission requiring several tons of propellant would undoubtedly have a large impact on the cost and supply of xenon [17]. Such a quantity of propellant is not absurd, with some Mars-Earth mission analysis predicting the use of 20,000–23,000 kg of xenon for a single round trip, or the planned Lunar Gateway space station requiring 2,750 kg of xenon for the yearlong orbit transfer and 2–5 kg of xenon for station keeping thereafter
Can we swap out Gateway's thrusters for argon ones?

>> No.15235053
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>rover fails
>don't tell anyone
>hope no one notices

>> No.15235061

>You have to solve a problem with
No I don't you're not the boss of me

>> No.15235066

I...it's a figure of speech, man

>> No.15235069

>more cryo testing today

>> No.15235070
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That's true, no one would employ a faggot like you

>> No.15235074

Turn off fuel crossfeed chud and stop complaining

>> No.15235081

Yeah, could someone please throw a rock at the Electron earmarked for Capella to delay it by a month? I really want to see that launch.

>> No.15235084

Can we swap out Gateway for something that makes sense?

>> No.15235085

Don't ever reply to me again you black gorilla nigger

>> No.15235092

>throw a rock at the Electron
>delay it by a month
this is carbonfag cope in disguise. have fun replacing the entire tank.

>> No.15235093

>no Clear stream
>launch scrubs

>> No.15235100

Elon announce he is buying boeing.

>> No.15235103

just announced*
Dammit. I should read before posting.

>> No.15235112

Elon just revealed his new quantum computer

>> No.15235115
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>> No.15235116

TEA-TEB in the news

>> No.15235119


>> No.15235123

I just announced you are a black gorilla nigger

>> No.15235129
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starling, named after the starlink satellite

>> No.15235132
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Anyone can edit this bigfoot sighting?

>> No.15235141

Firefly, that company named after a fucking TV show, has successfully conducted a static fire. What a crazy world huh guys

>> No.15235155

everything in the modern space industry is named after some gay nerd thing

>> No.15235164

Scrub X

>> No.15235176


>NASA and SpaceX have opportunities to launch the Crew Dragon mission on March 2, 3, and 4 as well. (Update: NASA and SpaceX are targeting Thursday May 2, at 12:34 am ET, or 05:34 UTC.)

That's gonna be a long wait for Crew 6

>> No.15235185

you should kys yourself

>> No.15235187

this except FH still

>> No.15235188

maybe they're waiting to see if MS-23 springs a leak too

>> No.15235192

E2E starship wont be a thing for 50 years at this rate

>> No.15235196

It wont be a thing ever for passenger flights, supersonic air travel will be established long by then

>> No.15235206
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I have heard doubts if the dragon and its passenger holds up well to the increased acceleration but seeing as the Tesla roadster launch maximized at 4g it should be relatively fine.

>> No.15235209

>March 4

>> No.15235216


>May 2nd

>> No.15235222
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Typo on Eric's part, May 2nd would be a Tuesday

>> No.15235226
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You mean suborbital travel from normal airports

>> No.15235227

cope its May 2nd. 3 months of ScrubX begin now

>> No.15235228

That would be fucking neat too

>> No.15235249


>> No.15235250

>first launch scrub of an operational Crew Dragon Commercial Crew Program flight

Embarrassing, SpaceX has lost the plot, distracted by Starship and Elon's demoralization effect rippling across the company from his sheer stupidity

>> No.15235252


>> No.15235257

this is the first scrub due to tea teb in history

>> No.15235260

mega-embarassing SpaceX is finished, NASA cancelling CCP contracts as we speak and going back to trusty, ol reliable Boeing and their flawless, flight proven, Starliner

>> No.15235270

star "flawless record" liner

>> No.15235281
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>> No.15235284

We need to open an investigation into the nature of woke force operations at SpaceX; Musk has been the subject of questionable likes, retweets, and replies on twitter. And he is a know marijuana abuser. We must fix this procurement problem (the “SpaceX problem”)

Sent from my iPhone

>> No.15235298


>> No.15235308
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I hate page 9 so much bros

>> No.15235315
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>> No.15235323

scott manley is such a cunt lmao

>> No.15235325

She's pretty good, but there's also the Japanese astronautress

>> No.15235327

SpaceX is OVER

>> No.15235329

You sound extremely gay

>> No.15235331

Jeff Bezos must be laughing so hard right now.

>> No.15235336

You should dilate

>> No.15235337

The harsh sound of his forced laughter echoes through BO's empty rocket hanger.

>> No.15235341

Eloquent and compelling!

>> No.15235354
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>> No.15235357
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stoke sister stay winning

>> No.15235400

Someone fucking stage already page 9 is a mess

>> No.15235426

>wanting to stage before page 10

>> No.15235436


>> No.15235503

I was literally shaking after this and had to double up on my meds.

>> No.15235681

Why is bezos allowed to run roughshod on our space program like this? will anyone be held accountable?