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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 529 KB, 1000x399, venusblimp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15286855 No.15286855 [Reply] [Original]

Venus Blimp Edition.

>> No.15286862


Thats God's Plan and SpaceX abandoned it

>> No.15286863

Hello to everyone, except the FAA.

>> No.15286871

Hello everyone, welcome to /sfg/ Spaceflight General
Listen OP, I know you literally can't not be gay, but you should know that Spaceflight is one word, not two. I know I know, SFG, that's three words S F G but you know what, we used to be called SG. funny that! So another faggot OP of old fucked it up even before you, and now you fuck it up even more. Great work retard

>> No.15286878
File: 1.29 MB, 350x228, gif-Russia-countries-explosion-768051.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the lengthy FAA investigation when the full stack RUDs immediately after launch.

>> No.15286880

Why don’t we just use tight fitting neoprene or latex suit on top of a cooling garment for a space suit? Just throw your kevlar armor on top of it and a dust cover. Feet could be in any old knee high combat boots with some closed cell foam.
Easier than all that balloon bullshit

You are as much of a gay nigger as OP

>> No.15286892

>You are as much of a gay nigger as OP
Patently false, for a variety of reasons that I won't even begin to go into

>> No.15286893

>>15286871 i just copy pasted from the previous thread lmao

>> No.15286895
File: 242 KB, 435x717, Swiftlaunch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you fly on the air-launched SwiftLaunch (tm)?
NK-33 powered! Dropped from an An-124! Srb safety and External tank!

>> No.15286896

Convenient excuse. Adolf Eichmann would be proud.

>> No.15286898
File: 274 KB, 916x643, Swiftlaunch2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15286902

would you have started the thread for the sake of avoiding it?

>> No.15286928
File: 594 KB, 577x935, jared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Jared /our guy/?

>> No.15286930

Always was

>> No.15286931


>> No.15286933

Yes. Do you take issue with that?

>> No.15286935

If you mean him being a Jew, then yes.

>> No.15286937
File: 27 KB, 455x553, Zubrin yes profile 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15286939

this but unironically

>> No.15286941
File: 273 KB, 1200x800, 6311864560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of the NK-33, the last one to ever fly might be going up one a Soyuz-2-1v later this week.

>> No.15286947

fuck your regulations, urfer

>> No.15286960

Spacex is getting ready to blow it up

>> No.15286964

Put it out of its fucking misery, that ship is over two years old

>> No.15286981

Probably has birds nesting in it

>> No.15286995
File: 155 KB, 950x682, Ariane5_1984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Ariane 5 would you have picked?
>Ariane 4 with big Hydrolox S2
>Ariane 5
>Single core full hydrolox

>> No.15287009

Take your meds

>> No.15287022

No you dont get it, this is about how we escape earth
Flight into space: the general
Fuck earthers

>> No.15287029

Fuck your seaside cottage, fuck beetles, fuck you sensibilities about planetary protection, fuck earth based astrobomy, fuck social programs, fuck diversity program gutted nasa, fuck congress, fuck crabs

>> No.15287036

space fear

>> No.15287048
File: 125 KB, 396x382, 1663619670297279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15287049

When are we gonna get ultra light nuclear reactors so we can do away with this chemical thruster bullshit. We want our dropships and we want them yesterday

>> No.15287052
File: 486 KB, 1920x1440, T6_ion_thruster_firing_pillars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will AI impact the field of rocketry over the next decade? Will AI accelerate the rate of advancement in design/construction to the point where rockets like Starship are rendered obsolete by 2030?

>> No.15287062
File: 222 KB, 900x619, 167918109925194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

manned Venus surface landing 2030. I can feel it in my bones

AI is a meme pushed by pajeets after the crypto and NFT schemes fell flat on their face

>> No.15287066

>ultra light
>nuclear reactors
Pick one and only one.

>> No.15287077

Probably will made industrial capabilities more important than design capabilities.

>> No.15287092

The AR5C had the best overall performance in the A5 development studies. The only reason they went with the AR5P instead was the fact that the 5C wouldn't be ready nearly as quickly as the 5P, and Arianespace wanted the rocket operational for customers by 1995.

>> No.15287095
File: 403 KB, 2582x1726, 9mkd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably stagnate the industry even further trying to develop meme tech, Chads from the 1960/70's would have been able to go anywhere in the inner Sol System with only a notepad and 4kb of RAM if they had the funding.

>> No.15287099

Might not actually accelerate the cutting edge that much, right now ChatGPT seems to be a good tool to automate the midwit/mundane white collar jobs. Productivity tools will come from it which will help and later perhaps discovery speed through iterating faster across many different preliminary ideas. But at this point It really seems to be more about copywriting, simple debugging of code and generating simple code, proofreading your text, helping retards google that were too retarded to use google before (also make it faster and better I guess, but not a stepchange in that yet)

AI has been improving fast lately and 2030 is pretty far away so who knows
To reiterate, the current systems will increase productivity, not make discoveries themselves

>> No.15287102

>The only reason they
Not the only one, A5P was also more easily improvable to keep up with the Hermes mass creep by increasing the SRB length.

>> No.15287142
File: 127 KB, 207x272, 1657186278630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15287171

Honestly I’m willing to bet the FAA license is being designed around a >80% chance something goes BOOOOOOOOM
So if it does, it won’t really be a big deal and they will be set to launch again pretty soon

>> No.15287173

Imagine regulation preventing explorers from leaving the shores of Europe for decades or longer.

>> No.15287204

but they weren't ready, they just got lucky, chud.

>> No.15287209
File: 31 KB, 271x306, 14746903362641225665313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>November 2022
>launch will happen next month
>December 2022
>launch will happen next year
>January 2023
>launch will happen next month
>February 2023
>launch will happen next month
>March 2023
>launch will happen next month
>April 2023
>launch will happen next month
>May 2023
>launch will happen next month
>June 2023
>launch will happen next month
>July 2023
>launch will happen next month
>August 2023
>launch will happen next month
>September 2023
>launch will happen next month
>October 2023
>launch will happen next month
>November 2023
>launch will happen next month
>December 2023
>launch will happen next year
>January 2024
>launch will happen next month
>February 2024
>launch will happen next month
>March 2024
>launch will happen next month

>> No.15287210

Venus colonies are a stupid idea.
Colonize mars, terraform Venus.

>> No.15287211

Good argument for deregulating and letting anyone try. Someone will succeed.

>> No.15287218

Elon said on twitter that Starship will be ready in just a few weeks, why wouldn't you believe him?

>> No.15287227

>Venus colonies are a stupid idea
Provide further explanation

>> No.15287241

You're going to live in your bouncy castle and do... what? Gravity is nearly equal to earth so space isn't any more accessible than on earth. Any valuable resources required to make your colony grow is either imported from elsewhere or you need to access the ore deposits blanketed under clouds of sulfuric acid rain and the surface is basically a giant autoclave. You have a fair amount of energy available but if that's the main concern you'd be better off on Mercury.
Seems pointless except for small research outposts.

>> No.15287249
File: 6 KB, 285x177, 1612790764797..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that they never had a problem with Starship on the way up, just with getting the landing right. There is no reason to expect a RUD until it leaves orbit.

>> No.15287251

You just dredge surface material, or filter it from the atmosphere at whatever height is best

Mercury has no atmosphere, meaning its insanely hard to get there...
Venus is easier than mars, harder to get back but whatever

>> No.15287257
File: 513 KB, 680x485, elon_hop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15287258


>> No.15287265

>I can feel it in my bones
that'd be the pressure seals failing

>> No.15287268

men are monsterfuckers.
we fuck large beasts into submission
we fuck complex problems
we fuck the planet
we will fuck alien babes among the stars
we will one day fuck the universe and reverse entropy
men fuck everything.

>> No.15287278

venusian air is literally made of potential fuel
plus solar and wind are both much more powerful there, making sequestration of the CO2 into hydrocarbons/carbon chains/waste oxygen using fuel-less energy generation even more feasible.

Venus is hilariously fertile for terraforming. Mars is a meme.

>> No.15287280

>we will one day fuck the universe and reverse entropy

>> No.15287286

least zoophilic /sfg/ poster

>> No.15287304
File: 405 KB, 607x873, 001495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15287309
File: 252 KB, 2048x1146, FrmoWtEaUAAP2TZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15287310
File: 47 KB, 602x440, 001496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15287314
File: 29 KB, 600x260, 001497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see Bruno does have some based ambitions

>> No.15287315

This fag has absolutely no concept of exponential growth

>> No.15287319
File: 86 KB, 611x797, 001498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15287324

>only 1,100 people in space by 2050
HAHAHAH, meanwhile Musk planning to send a fucking MILLION people only to Mars by that date.

>> No.15287328

musk is completely delusional thoughbeit

>> No.15287333

“human organ manufacturing” a.k.a. “we still don’t have a viable product to be manufacturing in orbit, so here’s some buzzwords to rake in that sweet VC money.”

Also, there’s no one with a near-term plan for a artificial gravity station...unless you count the Voyager Station guys, but that's even more of a memescam than 3d printing human organs in microgravity using ISRU lunar resources.

The “ISS expansion” part makes me think he’s had this jpg sitting in a folder somewhere for nearly a decade. We’re all getting ready for the ISS to make its big swan dive into the pacific, not making plans to build it out.

"We're going to use space internet money to yeet thousands of people to Mars every launch window until they somehow become self-sufficient" is a wild plan, but it's way more thought out and viable than any of this weirdness.

>> No.15287335

>Elon Musk's Mars Mission: A Failed Promise
>8 Oct 2050
>Elon Musk, the founder and CEO of SpaceX, had a grand vision of colonizing Mars and making humanity a multiplanetary species. He announced his ambitious plan in 2016, claiming that he would send a million people to Mars by 2050 using his Interplanetary Transport System (ITS), a massive rocket and spacecraft capable of carrying hundreds of passengers and tons of cargo per flight.
>However, after more than three decades of delays, setbacks, accidents and cost overruns, Musk's dream has turned into a nightmare. Instead of sending a million people to Mars, he has barely managed to send 100,000, most of whom are struggling to survive on the harsh and inhospitable planet. The Starship has proven to be unreliable, unsafe, and unaffordable, requiring constant repairs and upgrades. The Mars colony is plagued by technical failures, resource shortages, social conflicts and health problems.
>Musk's critics have accused him of being overconfident, unrealistic and irresponsible. They argue that he underestimated the challenges and risks of sending humans to Mars, and that he diverted resources and attention from more pressing issues on Earth such as climate change, poverty and inequality. They also question his motives for colonizing Mars, suggesting that he was driven by ego, profit and fame rather than by genuine concern for humanity's future.

>> No.15287336

10 points for sovl, -20 points for realistic expectations lol

>> No.15287337

why does gpt4 hate the oxford comma

>> No.15287341

Different stylebooks flip flop on it, but recently lots of gay people have opted to eliminate it and call it “informal” so it’s probably just pulling rules either directly from these stylebooks or just training itself off of NPCs who follow the dumb rules

>> No.15287344

>8 Oct 2050
>barely managed to send 100,000
honestly a pretty good outcome

>> No.15287347

>artificial gravity station
>BEFORE 2030
What the fuck does he know that we don’t?

>> No.15287348

Uh no, you missed the point. Elon Musk is a failure and a liar. he FAILED to send a million people to Mars. FAILED FAILED FAILED

>> No.15287349

Because ESL doesn't use it and probably most native speakers don't either.
So it just reflects the probabilities of its training data.

>> No.15287354

Benzos is buying ULA it's really that simple

>> No.15287355

is it? how long is it really going to take to build a city?

>> No.15287361

Enron Floordust

>> No.15287368

I just call him Niggerlon Niggerusk.

>> No.15287386
File: 367 KB, 1200x1542, ula_roadmap_to_the_stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15287390

I trust Truno a million X more than Fucklon

>> No.15287391

lol whatever you say, Anon.

>> No.15287392

when are they planning to develop a rapidly fully reusable launcher?

>> No.15287394
File: 40 KB, 1462x176, Screen Shot 2023-03-20 at 12.52.55 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did this post say? its deleted

>> No.15287398

Damn right

>> No.15287400

name one thing that ULA overpromised and underdelivered?

>> No.15287401

someone made a shitpost thread about /sfg/ being the best general on /sci/ or something to that effect

>> No.15287402

Launch date of Vulcan.

>> No.15287404

awww i thought we actually won a noble or whatwver :/

>> No.15287405

warosu archive still has search enabled

>> No.15287406

who cares? overpromising but still delivering amazing things is more impressive than not promising much, then delivering that turd
this phenomenon that people are disappointed and then discount the achievement completely just because you didn't achieve the completely pie-in-the-sky initial goal is so fucking retarded

>I'm going to make rockets 10x cheaper
>make rockets 8x cheaper
>look at that idiot hahaha

meanwhile some other retard says that we will make rockets 10% cheaper, makes them 15% cheaper and you think this is somehow impressive? having no ambition is not impressive

>> No.15287407

Christopher Columbus FAILED to find a trade route west to India. FAILED FAILED FAILED

>> No.15287408

usually those that underpromise still manage to underdeliver too

>> No.15287412

this, what a fag lmao

>> No.15287421

now when I think about it this large aversion to underdelivering might be some kind of shortcut for the aversion of scammers (and funnily enough, something that musk gets called a lot)

people think underdelivering -> scamming automatically without actually looking at what was delivered, how it compares to things in general and so on
maybe this works generally for most instances and is a good way to identify scammers? like if you don't have the capacity to really discern that at the promise stage due to it being technically difficult or something else and every promise is equivalent to you a priori, then I guess this would decrease your probability of getting scammed

and in most cases when something amazing is promised, it is a scam
the weird thing to me is not recongnizing the amazing things that have been achieved

>> No.15287423

He found something much better than smelly poos. Terra Nullius, untouched by civilized man.

>> No.15287443

>“human organ manufacturing” a.k.a. “we still don’t have a viable product to be manufacturing in orbit, so here’s some buzzwords to rake in that sweet VC money.”
Human organs are a very viable product. Scaffolds for more complex organs collapse under their own weight in gravity, so it's logical to try and grow them in LEO.

>> No.15287449

Actually good post, never thought of that.

>> No.15287473

Musk always overprimises and underdelivers. He's a FAILURE!!! If I had the money, I'd have a billion people on mars by 2050. Anyone can do what he's done and 100x more than him.

>> No.15287492
File: 663 KB, 1536x2048, tory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more true everyday

>> No.15287500

Tory will get us a trillion people on Mars by 2050. Musk is a fraud.

>> No.15287503

A man's man, sweet Jesus

>> No.15287507

Soon tory will have amazonbux and the shackles come off and the brass knuckles put on

>> No.15287519

would be based if he actually started accomplishing stuff, perhaps get the stuff blue origin is working on moving forward

>> No.15287527

Are ya winning, son? Have ya tried hydrolox?

>> No.15287528

Neural nets could be useful for things like finding novel materials to increase strength-to-weight or reduce $/kg. The science of rocketry is easy, it's the engineering that's difficult.

>> No.15287553
File: 152 KB, 478x523, 8B481E17-5C04-4BF0-BBD6-25ED22FA213A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros I know we are on the final stretch here but I don't know if I can make it 30 more days of watching workers weld the launch table for the gazillionth time and for the FAA to excel at doing nothing meaningful as hard as possible.

Falcon 9 starlink resupply #123456789 cannot quell the despair inside me. I'm losing my mind. Launch the goddamn rocket

>> No.15287554

I have mentally prepared myself for yet more delays
when the launch finally happens, its going to be a pleasant surprise

>> No.15287555

I'm actually working on a similar project with some big AI names and my uni right now. We're only working with organic molecules currently but it should be transferable. Expanding to all materials will be harder because they're a bigger search space, less data and more variables to optimize for but it should be possible soon enough

>> No.15287568

Why is this life so cruel

>> No.15287584

this should be a hollow knight boss

>> No.15287585

Because of the FAA

>> No.15287597

You don't need a spacesuit for your hands
Just some sunscreen and some pockets (mittens if you want to get fancy) that can seal when you aren't actively using your hands to keep them moisturized

>> No.15287598

It used to be called /sg/ back when it was SpaceX General
We got spammed by TeslaQ guys so we changed it

>> No.15287603
File: 114 KB, 256x256, Tmpsrnajbef-1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15287623

No, it used to be named SpaceX Fellating General

>> No.15287646

>the rumours are true and ULA gets put up for sale
>gets bought by Benzo because the best way of dodging the engine deadlines is to buy the company and cancel the deadline
>there's only room for one bald man and his ego in this rocket company
>Tory gets the boot
>remember, Tory is an actual rocket engineer. He started out from the bottom at Lockheeb in the early 1980's
>Elon sees the potential promise and ambition in Tory, hampered and constrained by decades of immersion in oldspace
>makes him an offer and helps remove his mental fetters
>The year is 2025
>Tory digs up his old Cislunar economy powerpoint slides to add several zeroes to the population estimates
An anon can dream. A man can dream.

>> No.15287650
File: 94 KB, 1217x784, sls mars fly by.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bretty gud, now write a glowing account of a NASA cuckbox flyby

>> No.15287654

now this is bait

>> No.15287657
File: 124 KB, 836x822, Energia 6SL and Polyus rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15287663
File: 111 KB, 1333x534, STAR, the Space Technology and Research Vehicle star-cutaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post one man spacecraft designs post-Mercury

>> No.15287666

>Working hard to complete and successfully launch version 4 of our mass-producible rocket that will be manufactured on our new Rocket 4 production line, designed to produce one rocket per day. Orbit was hard. Scale and Reliability is harder.
>one rocket per day
the meme never dies

>> No.15287667

Why's there so many things mounted to the sides?
Seems a single cylinder design should get strictly better mass fraction.

>> No.15287680

Do you mean the Zenith parachutes and landing system?

>> No.15287689
File: 1.03 MB, 836x822, things on the side.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean all the things I have circled

>> No.15287690

Those are boosters you drooling idiot

>> No.15287692
File: 8 KB, 238x192, 145659989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15287695

The black one is for shooting down Ronald Raygun satellites. After a flawless separation from Energia, it did a 360 degree flip, fired its engine against the direction of motion, and crashed into the pacific.

>> No.15287697

Why not just make a SSTO? Seems simpler.

>> No.15287698

Looks better than KSP2

>> No.15287713

Well okay but would they not be better off as part of the center tube?

>> No.15287714
File: 375 KB, 501x640, n1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greebles. Makes it look cooler

>> No.15287715
File: 41 KB, 586x873, nasa shuttle COLANI .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15287725
File: 63 KB, 898x460, Apollo 19 astronauts investigating soviet Luna probe Maciej Rebisz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15287730

This is like those old hilariously fake "leaked" images of the PS3 and Xbox 360.

>> No.15287738

They use different fuel and engines anon

>> No.15287772
File: 653 KB, 1280x720, 0E8A9E36-3411-4768-9F0C-AB5C8441C2B7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where's the SR72, Lockheed?
>I checked your twitter and shilled your movie now WHERE'S THE FUCKING PLANE SHITHEEEEAAAAAD

>> No.15287791

probably way more complicated than just bolting them on the sides, after you get high enough the shape is irrelevant from aerodynamics standpoitn

>> No.15287798
File: 23 KB, 250x247, 1678598536500130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A really good idea for a VTVL booster would be to use Vernier engines for landing.
I wonder if anyone has thought of that before.

>> No.15287806
File: 35 KB, 518x743, 15A878D6-12D6-4806-B2A2-82A41FB4B5CB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15287844

please refer to

>> No.15287856

wtf I love xkcd now

>> No.15287877
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, 1679312814014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Business idea: snowrunner but spaceflight

>> No.15287894

That's what the 33 Raptors are. It's all verniers.

>> No.15287904

How convenient no one ever complains about muh urf problems when billions upon billions are spent every single year on things like entertainment, sports, videogames, hollywood, sex toys, betting, drugs, trash food, etc etc etc

>> No.15287926

you weren't supposed to point that out! bad goyim!

>> No.15287931
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>> No.15287939
File: 87 KB, 724x740, ho 229 pressure suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its called Aurora chud
>The Department of Defense admitted it had operated “the fastest aircraft in the world”, to snoop on foreign nations since 1993. Long rumoured in aerospace journalism circles, the aircraft has been described in today’s press release as a “manned strategic reconnaissance aircraft powered by a variable-cycle ramjet capable of operating at speeds and altitudes unobtainable by other aircraft.” This remarkable revelation has raised more questions than answers, including whether the programme has been completely shut down. The release noted, “the aircraft had a top speed exceeding mach 6 and utilized advanced sensors. We can also confirm that it used visual and infra-red light spectrum low observable technology.“— in layman’s terms a degree of actual invisibility to the human eye or sensors that use light, a technology in its infancy — and until now unknown outside of laboratories. According to Pentagon spokesperson Luke Mentira, “The type was known as the RS-85 which grew from Project DOLOS in the early 1980s. Its declassification is following its withdrawal from service.” A public reveal of the appearance of the aircraft is expected this week. According to Mentira, “..it looks quite unlike anything else flying and incorporates a high degree of on-wing mission adaptiveness” without qualifying what this meant specifically.

>> No.15287953 [DELETED] 

never existed, just a rumor the cia planted in it's media outlets

>> No.15287961

It’s just such a fucking kino rocket like ugh

>> No.15288006

82 days until a quantized inertia test sat gets launched on a falcon 9 rideshare

>> No.15288010

I wonder what the schizo is going to do when QI is proven to be schizobabble decisively at last
moving goalposts? suicide?
what is it going to be

>> No.15288017
File: 70 KB, 512x671, glenn beck jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you going to do when he gets the Nobel and numerous physical constants named after him?

>> No.15288025

>meanwhile musk is busying sucking trump's dick

>> No.15288029
File: 62 KB, 542x674, qui musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> don't lock up ex-presidents for bs and become latin America tier pls
> omg elon is a nazi

>> No.15288033

>Bro stop wasting time shitposting about retarded politics and focus on space
Case in point

>> No.15288057

be grateful that some people push forward even through all the ridicule, breaking current paradigms
but I don't see a good reason why he would do it, its not like this is based on some edge case physics theory that is not fully understood yet? Seems to just be against the most basic conservation laws and the reason he keeps pushing it is hopes and dreams (and schizophrenia)
Has something like that happened before? I'm pretty sure when the physics paradigm was broken previously there was a clear problem/unexplained phenomenon that was explained

>> No.15288114

Bastrop update


> Today at this SpaceX facility, we see final ground preparation for asphalt and concrete application. A new structure was added on the west side. The main building is almost completed, targeting the end of this month and they are getting close!

>> No.15288126

it was nevrr called spacex general. it was just space general

>> No.15288128

A QI thruster isn't really a propellantless drive as much as it's a sail using gravitational aether pressure. QI would completely nuke the bent-space model of GR in favor of the universe being filled with a gravitational aether field which McCulloch currently describes as being absurdly long wavelength EM radiation. Then there's no Higgs boson or graviton, it's just masses getting pushed together by a sort of macro scale Casimir effect. I'm not sure what QI uses to explain gravitational lensing or SR.

>> No.15288181

I hope McCulloch is right, but in the “inventor of the tommy gun” kind to way where the end-product (in this case a QI drive) DOES work, but the schizo theory behind it is wrong. Would be cool if it worked—and in the process unveiled one or two big mysteries of GR/SR despite not trying to do that

>> No.15288182

>inventor of the tommy gun

>> No.15288188

Wait, is that really his model? If that were the case then light wouldn't be affected by gravity, since bosons don't interact with each other

>> No.15288189
File: 588 KB, 1170x636, 30C999BF-9DA3-4E04-918E-C240A12BE40B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John T Thompson was an autist who liked to scour through fringe patents. He came across some crazy adhesion theory of inclined metals under pressure and built the tommy gun prototype with a lock mechanism “explained” by this theory. It ended up being completely wrong, but still worked like a charm anyways

>> No.15288217

>Believing the words of someone called Mentira

>> No.15288233
File: 374 KB, 681x833, 16.14.07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to /x/, Aurora isn't real.

>> No.15288240
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>> No.15288246
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>> No.15288248

He claims it's an Unruh effect relative to the edge of the observable universe.

>> No.15288252
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>> No.15288256

wtf has SpaceX sent to the moon

>> No.15288257
File: 127 KB, 548x684, apollo 11 ticker tape parade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> US aviation topped out with the Blackbird
lmao even

>> No.15288260

No need for spyplanes when you have satellites.

>> No.15288265

Completely untrue, once people know about a spy sat they'll just hide shit on it's orbital period, or move.

>> No.15288268
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>> No.15288276

But photons don't experience time

>> No.15288281
File: 163 KB, 1443x819, Astra, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to their IPO presentation, they should be launching one rocket per week this year, be profitable next year and launch once per day in 2025.

>> No.15288283

Multiplying the transit time to the moon by like 30x to save single digit percentage of delta V seems retarded to me idk

>> No.15288291

cheaper I guess

>> No.15288293

Kek i’m sure there’s more to their decision but yeah I agree

>> No.15288295
File: 31 KB, 915x432, Fuji spacecraft fuji-separation2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be the first man to fly a Molniya orbit. The views would be so kino.

>> No.15288296

Impulsive TLI needs an assload of extra launch vehicle capacity, or strapping a serious rocket stage to the payload. These pokey low energy transfers can be done with chemical RCS. Look at Beresheet or the Electron-launched moon probes.

>> No.15288297
File: 43 KB, 640x450, jewish spacecraft attempts illegal annexation of moon, successfully repelled by local krakken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that time the Israeli lander kept looping out there a little more each time only to fuck up at the last minute and scatter tardigrades across the mare serenitatis?

>> No.15288304

Sure they do, it's just extremely slowly. That's the only way astronomical redshift can happen without expanding spacetime.

>> No.15288307

Why would spacex plant a literal bomb on starship?

>> No.15288313
File: 187 KB, 1232x704, FAA hive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not landing in the sea, anon.

>> No.15288334
File: 31 KB, 400x317, Convair Helios tractor spacecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He isn’t necessarily looking for complete extraterrestrial spacecraft, but is instead focused on searching for technology at sub-micron scales, in the guise of those novel, high-performance molecules. He reasons that a species no more technologically advanced than us might have begun mining asteroids in their home planetary system, producing voluminous clouds of debris that could contain traces of advanced technology. “Think of exotic metals in drill bits that spall off tiny traces as they bite space rock,” suggests Pinault.
>Or, a species slightly more technologically advanced might have seeded the galaxy with ‘programmable matter’—nanomachines capable of turning raw asteroidal material into something more useful, such as larger probes perhaps designed to study planetary systems or to engage with any life that the probes discover.
>Whether it be dormant nanomachines or metallic flakes from drill-bits, Pinault’s hypothesis, building upon research begun in the Soviet Union in the 1980s, is that over the eons some of this tiny artificial detritus could have arrived in interstellar dust and fallen upon the Moon or other airless bodies of our Solar System, where it may still lurk, hidden in the lunar regolith. It’s even possible that remnants of extraterrestrial probes, long since powered down and churned back into the regolith by space weathering and constant micrometeorite impacts, could be poking up above the surface of the Moon or other similar bodies.
>“The chances might be just one in a trillion, but machine learning and nano-scaled detection systems make this a surprisingly tractable task,” says Pinault. “We shouldn’t rule out well-preserved environments on Earth, either – studies of ancient micrometeorites strewn across the Antarctic deserts might be surprisingly productive, too."


>> No.15288346

>a species no more technologically advanced than us might have begun mining asteroids in their home planetary system, producing voluminous clouds of debris
Like the ones in KIC8462852?

>> No.15288348

there are pyramids on mars

>> No.15288350

There are pyramids in Antarctica too.

>> No.15288392

built by Kangz Penguins

>> No.15288411


>> No.15288418
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, starship horizontal flight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only when you hit the jumps

>> No.15288424
File: 17 KB, 515x288, penguins flying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but they fly now

>> No.15288454

>strap 2 starships together and spin 'em

>> No.15288456
File: 452 KB, 4000x2400, Frls6SpXsAIy-pm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15288457

Enjoy your intense nausea

A truss between two of them and spinning them to 1/3G would work perfectly.

>> No.15288465

>if you have opinions you're a nazi

>> No.15288466
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>> No.15288478


>> No.15288480
File: 118 KB, 411x403, dPsvrceoLLdivvrrfaoAxwzqukkayxxwws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has been quite a while

>> No.15288481

>Russia, Europe, USA
>SpaceX's three main competitors

>> No.15288487

Competitors for commercial launches.

>> No.15288488

absolutely fucking MOGGED

>> No.15288508
File: 902 KB, 989x900, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're dismantling the table, it's over

>> No.15288509
File: 28 KB, 646x680, FrgXt36acAMgkzt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the musk but SpaceX is truly based

>> No.15288512


>> No.15288518

>not counting starship
KEK because it won’t fly
He’s still mogging everyone though; I love Falcon so much bros

>> No.15288521

"competitors IN"
US is probably ULA, I'll let you decide which the other two are.

>> No.15288528

it has a link to the OP you don't need to do anything but plug it in

>> No.15288532
File: 652 KB, 768x924, 1655668169167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-b-b-but the shills kept saying the launch platform work was why no FAA license yet

>> No.15288544

Anon come on now

>> No.15288553

>bosons don't interact with each other
Weak force bosons do tho

>> No.15288554

>my name is Doug Dimmadome, owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome

>> No.15288558

That table sucked anyway, just launch it from the ground directly
If a few raptors blow up, yolo

>> No.15288559

>Astra is 19 years old

>> No.15288561

They're filling the upper leg extensions with concrete.

>> No.15288562


>> No.15288564

>I know we are on the final stretch here
I wouldn't count on that
Starship just keeps fucking slipping into the next month

>> No.15288585
File: 205 KB, 1170x1097, 2559D18F-252D-41DA-8EB9-6A11F4252CC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SN15 was seven years ago

>> No.15288595

I think that's counting the prior incarnation as Ventions. Astra proper is much younger.

>> No.15288602

Behold! A box within a box

>> No.15288608

>six engines
no wonder they didn't get anywhere, don't these aerospace engineers know that six is an unlucky number?

>> No.15288614
File: 243 KB, 586x681, a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a link?

>> No.15288622
File: 3.46 MB, 820x460, NASAAmes-1637857817892642841-20230320 114508-gif1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hip hop music passes by

>> No.15288625

they see me rovin
they hatin

>> No.15288631

>Relativity is scheduled for its third launch attempt of Terran 1, called "GLHF" (Good Luck, Have Fun), from Launch Complex 16 in Cape Canaveral, Florida. Our launch window opens at 2200ET on March 22nd, 2023. >https://www.relativityspace.com/
Will they succeed?

>> No.15288633


>> No.15288637


>> No.15288638

They will.

>> No.15288651

I think he might be referring to an off road truck sim: https://en.wikipedia%2eorg/wiki/SnowRunner
Not sure though

>> No.15288653

9:stunning success, Proonters win and get all the sweet investment dollars. Bezos comes down to personally congratulate them.
8-7:success. They've demonstrated that they are not a scam.
5-6:partial success. they almost make it, but some minor mistake means the correct orbit wasn't reached or something. Just needs some minor adjustments to work.
3-4:failure, but they still demo some capability. second stage engine eats itself, they run out of prop before they get to orbit or first stage hits second stage during stage sep.
1-2:pathetic failure. explodes on the launch pad or engages an astra maneuver a la tokyo drift. looks very bad for investors. Coping ensues.
0:catastrophic failure, multiple deaths. endless investigations, proonting laughed at forever.

>> No.15288672

Why not

>> No.15288683

Not looking good proonter bros

>> No.15288688

forgot the most likely option: ABORT!

>> No.15288689
File: 57 KB, 750x477, specsp_and_power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15288696

only if you hammer the IMU in backwards

>> No.15288706

holy shit
JWST launched
SLS launched

>> No.15288707


>> No.15288714


>> No.15288715
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, F80557E5-215A-477B-A83C-F64B4E85E110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don’t understand how this is better than just using a pusher plate on your ass, what am I missing here?

>> No.15288716

NSF keeps making gay hype videos

>> No.15288719

inshallah mission will success

>> No.15288724

>How do Rutherford engines cope with a dip in the ocean? Remarkably well.
>This engine was plucked from the water in one of our marine recovery missions and it performed flawlessly in a full duration hot fire.
(there is a video too)

>> No.15288730
File: 50 KB, 322x798, Valkyrie starship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tensile structures are lighter than compressive ones

>> No.15288731

its just larger in every way, collects more of the energy from the blast and applies it to the craft smoother

>> No.15288735

parachutes are highly complex,

>> No.15288742

Just 24 days before JUICE's launch anons
Why did they choose such a silly acronym for it?

>> No.15288744
File: 31 KB, 934x1170, 995ABDF4-EA90-4351-943F-9F5E1E1CF23B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can’t get over the new Terran R design

>> No.15288745


>> No.15288749
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What determines whether a rocket has soul or not?

>> No.15288752

they abandoned the 3d printed design for this

>> No.15288753

>Well lets just copy spacex with zero innovation a decade after they started

ok buddy

>> No.15288754

JUpiter ICy moons Explorer

>> No.15288755

It has soul if I personally like it

>> No.15288757

Should have been Jupiter Icy moons eXplorer
aka JIX

>> No.15288760
File: 1.38 MB, 2730x4095, Frq0xW6WwAY56GS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Commercial Orion

>> No.15288763

Jupiter IZy moonZ explorer

>> No.15288764

It should've been the Jupiter Europa Water Survey.

>> No.15288765
File: 998 KB, 500x375, C50BEB94-71C6-46D6-9EF3-85E9E79AE40D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve worked for a government regulatory body before - catchy acronyms mean a thing is more likely to be received well by the public.

>> No.15288769

>Boeing’s 702MP+ features all-electric propulsion for the first time aboard a 702MP, providing more sustained thrust and efficiency.

>commercial PPE too

>> No.15288771

I get it but why JUICE out of all things?
When I think of space juice isn't the first thing that comes to mind.

>> No.15288773

still is

>> No.15288774
File: 28 KB, 579x257, orion nuke pulse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Orion specific impulse 2500 - 5000
>Medusa specific impulse 50,000 -100,000

>> No.15288782


>> No.15288787

what am I looking at?

>> No.15288790
File: 20 KB, 400x480, 1671290979947831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free Mars

>> No.15288802

What's going to happen if Starship works? All those companies that are trying to copy F9 will be pointless, even now I somehow doubt it anyone will make anything better than F9.

>> No.15288804

>>Commercial Orion
What do you mean by Orion
>>commercial PPE too
What do you mean by PPE

>> No.15288805

>What's going to happen if Starship works?
that's still years away

>> No.15288806


>> No.15288807

Just like all those copies

>> No.15288809

Is the tube thing the umbrella?

>> No.15288811

I think so, its a mesh type

>> No.15288814
File: 146 KB, 1440x730, VS-3_Satellite_Hero_Image_002_1440x730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus look at this bitch

>> No.15288824
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[astroonomer seething intensifies]

>> No.15288833

she's a big girl

>> No.15288834

fellow enjoyers of unadulterated night skies...

>> No.15288852
File: 37 KB, 600x630, rafael clavel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never seen the Milky Way

>> No.15288854
File: 105 KB, 1080x1920, 1679348372531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need to go HIGHER

>> No.15288857
File: 63 KB, 645x773, 1654897867612374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Iridium flare

>> No.15288859

the day sky is next
soon you will never see the sun

>> No.15288889
File: 27 KB, 454x365, marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take three!

>> No.15288890
File: 1.01 MB, 2048x1536, mm20254367525_3550cea209_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave the city and embrace nature

>> No.15288892

rofket looknlike peenos xD

>> No.15288903

Holy fuck the difference is THAT big??

>> No.15288913
File: 48 KB, 386x500, 741F79AA-08B7-4BB3-AC48-8718C4017DC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh one of my deepest lizard brain memories is my dad taking us out to the middle of bumfuck nowhere texas to hunt. Not a large city within a 100 mile radius. We lived in Houston at the time, so you could always see a few stars at home—but my fuck. Out there you could see everything. Every square degree of sky was littered with white specs. The milk way center was so discernible it was unmistakable. And every 20 seconds a meteorite was burning up somewhere. It was kind of scary to be honest. I knew a lot about space because I already had the ‘tism and had a bunch of DK space books about black holes and planets and stars, and it was just so fucking cool seeing the raw night sky

>> No.15288915

based Oort cloud poster

>> No.15288934
File: 68 KB, 591x772, musk treason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send him to gitmo

>> No.15288938

It's good to see adults getting along. Maybe after Trump is reelected we can have an adult in the white house again

>> No.15288944

good joke

>> No.15288945

Musk is so retarded the moment he’s outside his field kek. Social media was a mistake

>> No.15288949

does he actually think china and russia are getting along? lmao

>> No.15288952

Russia is pretty fking irrelevant after demonstrating their one claim to fame, their military, is a joke

>> No.15288958

If you dont understand where its coming from, then you're in an information bubble.

China is set up upgrade their relationship with Russia if Ukraine-Russia peace deal doesn't work out after their talk. That means, likely supplying industrial materials for Russia to keep their economy/war machine running.

>> No.15288970
File: 571 KB, 1600x1065, orion_mutti_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15288987

Good, let China suck Russia dry. As much as Putin wants to believe this is not equal partnership

>> No.15288990

The last time they met (3 weeks before the invasion) Xi used more expansive language to describe their relationship.

>> No.15289001

Sorry musk is retarded and I know better than you.
Well he’s retarded about international politics and just generally. He’s an autist and like all autists he’s prone to being retarded when you get him out of his field. The Thai cave thing was still the biggest fumble for him, not even his idea just how he handled it
I’m a 2

>> No.15289032

Massive retards calling Musk retarded, a classic

>> No.15289039

Last time it was before the invasion. Now a year later, China cannot let Russian state fail, that means they'll lose out the only reliable friend they have in the world. If Ukraine doesn't agree to it, China will not let Russia fall. Without Russia, China is isolate in the world.

>> No.15289046
File: 23 KB, 676x177, 1679354268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pics related.

>> No.15289049

There are handful of retards that started off as ironic shitposters and have adopted it as their belief system.

>> No.15289059

Nuke Russia and all this theater goes away

>> No.15289084

Calm down, Robert

>> No.15289101
File: 17 KB, 493x436, zubrin f u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15289106

G.. guys please don't talk about politics
It reminds me of when my parents argue D:

>> No.15289109
File: 876 KB, 1170x765, 6ACC3C26-52C7-4C66-B707-8E9B1C672CD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15289115
File: 59 KB, 419x499, The Berserkers 1974 by Mike Gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the reason they're getting divorced

>> No.15289117

spaceflight is tied to politics

>> No.15289119

I'm excited to see America's performance in future wars with carrier battle groups commanded and crewed by diversity hires and women

>> No.15289126


>> No.15289127

They'll be commanded by AI and manned by teslabots. Future mutts will come along for the ride like cargo. It'll be just like The Culture.

>> No.15289135

out of all the /pol/ brain rot I've seen lately, this one I just can't get at all

>> No.15289141


>> No.15289144

((())) neither originated from /pol/ or is a recent thing

>> No.15289147

EARTHER (derogatory)

>> No.15289150

Shaped charge explosions radiate in cones. A big parachute will always catch more of the output than a smaller flat plate.

>> No.15289151

I assume the OLM stops mattering so much if the FAA approves it. For example if the FAA finishes the licensing tomorrow I would not be surprised if they instantly started to remove the scaffolding even if there is more work planned later

Anyways, it looks like Booster 7 will be stacked tomorrow or the day after

>> No.15289154

Don't be a planetist, otherwise you'll be banned from all social media in the Solar System, chud

>> No.15289156

at what point is being fat efficient for long term space travel? There was that one guy who didn't eat for a whole year since he was fat

>> No.15289164

The fat will never escape Earth's gravity well

>> No.15289166


Cumming (from my eyes)

>> No.15289167

And how long until they destack again?
It already scrubbed to April.

>> No.15289189

The flerfers are going to have a blast calling that CGI.

>> No.15289191

Good, that shit’s controlled by lizard jews onboard Moloch station

>> No.15289203

>wHeRe ArE tHe StArS???
>why doesn't it look like my hollywood films??
>where is America?

>> No.15289214

The only reason B7 was ever removed from the OLM last time in the first place was so the workers could weld parts of the OLM more easily. As opposed to every time before that when they removed B7 to add more modifications or fixes to B7 like the hydraulics, damaged Raptor engines, the cowling plate they affixed around the 33 engines to replace the tinfoil, etc.

>> No.15289215

Would you shut the fuck up

>> No.15289220


>> No.15289222


>> No.15289239 [DELETED] 

>Mason picks Ember Spirit carry
>He's farming ancients with a batttleflurry and bkb


>> No.15289255


>> No.15289264

The big ass sail acts like a giant rocket nozzle, converting far more of each bomb's energy into useful thrust. Orion wastes most of the bomb's energy because most of the plasma misses the plate or strikes at shallow angles, and it only redirects the plasma to the side. Medusa gets hit by far more plasma, and it redirects it along the axis of the vehicle.
Also it lets you get away from the casaba howitzer concept which uses a vaporized plate of tungsten as a propellant rather than the bomb casing & fuel. Lighter propellant at higher energy per kg plasma equals higher Isp.
Also it lets you scale up your bomb yields dramatically while retaining the efficiency gains, and bigger bombs are more efficient, so it's a double benefit.

>> No.15289267

Oh shit

>> No.15289268

That has zero affect on Isp

>> No.15289269
File: 38 KB, 479x530, Bout wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Australia visible
> Indonesia not visible

>> No.15289275

>One possible buyer balked at a proposed sale price of near $200 million, one person told CNBC — a price just below the company’s market value as of Friday’s close.
>Meanwhile contingency planning is underway for a potential bankruptcy filing as soon as this week.
>Virgin Orbit has been looking for a financial lifeline for several months. Branson was not willing to fund the company further, people familiar said, and instead shifted strategy to salvaging value.
>Virgin Orbit disclosed in a filing Monday that it had approved a severance plan for top executives, if they are terminated “following a change in control” of the company.
absolutely finished

>> No.15289327

>red on dark blue is visible
>dark green on dark blue is less visible
what did he mean by this? Also I spy Antarctica on the right

>> No.15289329

Hahaha get fucked airlaunch niggers

>> No.15289335

>The company was spun out of Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic in 2017 and counts the billionaire as its largest stakeholder, with 75% ownership.
Didn't Branson cash out most of his shares a while back? I keep thinking I heard that somewhere.

I'm wondering who the potential buyer was. Anyone who knows anything about spacelaunch wouldn't be looking to get involved in this mess. They've got a unremarkable rocket of questionable reliability that can't scale up, no unique IP or side gigs, and less than $100M in contracted flights.

>> No.15289339

Virgin de-orbit lmao

>> No.15289346
File: 63 KB, 747x565, Burnside Clapp zubrin black horse 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> umpteen air launch bullshit projects
> no based aerial refueling projects
I hate it

>> No.15289361

The amount of fuel needed to get from the runway to the speed and altitude of a conventional aerial refueling are minimal. If you can get that kind of architecture to work you're within spitting distance of having a HTHL SSTO, which is why these ideas won't work. The only horizontal air launch ideas that begin to add up use some kind of hypersonic carrier to boost the actual spacecraft up closer to orbital speeds.

>> No.15289373


>> No.15289379

fellow virgins...

>> No.15289387

the orbit will remain virgin...

>> No.15289396
File: 606 KB, 3062x2041, Frs2888aEAAY54-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Empty parking lot today at Virgin Orbit HQ

>> No.15289403

>sad sight
Good riddance to shit companies with gay ideas and grifter CEOs

>> No.15289407

That wasn't a FTS they installed...more sinister

>> No.15289412
File: 588 KB, 768x894, oh no anyway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15289436

Pad termination system (deliberate)

>> No.15289471


>> No.15289513


>> No.15289517

Oh yeah? if it was so easy why didnt you faggots do it in the first place? dumb retards

>> No.15289540
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>> No.15289574

Hypersonic rigid airships negating friction in the atmosphere.

>> No.15289585

>nsf now believes starship orbital is NET may
its insanity. there's no actual expectation of launch and nobody except spacex knows why they're not launching.

>> No.15289614
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Its definitely the FAA

>> No.15289615
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>> No.15289663

The FAA should have no authority over space launches. They do airplanes, rockets aren't airplanes, fuck off.

>> No.15289665
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>> No.15289675
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>> No.15289678
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pretty based actually

>> No.15289682
File: 3.06 MB, 1x1, Gravitics_StarMax_One_Pager_Dark.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one page pdf with info about the thing

>> No.15289683

btw the dome they tested was full diameter, just no barrel sections. they seem like they are actually serious with what they are working on and they have big ambitions which is nice.

>> No.15289687
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>> No.15289688
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Doomer bros, they finished the final shielding section. WTF!! Sugarcoat me this

>> No.15289691

Put rice in the FAA

>> No.15289692
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I guess the name StarMax refers to some maximum payload a single starship can take to LEO?
kind of like Panamax in shipping (small enough to go through the panama canal)

>> No.15289694

its over, they are going to TNT it soon

>> No.15289695

Could be modular payloads that can link up, thus they can easily put foward a 1000 ton space habitat with 10 launches

>> No.15289697

who would win
>a shiny booby
>a 4ASS-grade sewing needle

>> No.15289698

the thing i like the most about the corp is unlike other private station corporations, they are developing a module that can be mass manufactured and sold to other corporations who don't want to have to develop their own stations, rather then gravitics just developing their own space station. essentially they're not going into the business of operating a station, but manufacturing and selling them.

>> No.15289700

ISS is going to get mogged instantly lmao

>> No.15289702

> all that rats nest of scaffolding and red tape
elon should 1. be arrested for these working conditions. 2. be grounded and spacex sold to the ny times

>> No.15289703
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thats the idea

>> No.15289705

It's not just space stations. Add a DreamChaser to one end and a Gateway style solar-electric power and propulsion module to the other and you have an inner-system with forward looking cockpit windows for the crew.

>> No.15289707

yeah thats why this feels like something "real", something easy to mass manufacture, made from steel, pressure vessel just tested outside
instead of orbital reef for instance which is just more oldpspace grift

>> No.15289708
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yeah. they even refer to it as a "module", and not a station. mass manufacturing of modules like this is what will allow the cost of space stations to lower dramatically (alongside reduced launch cost obviously)

>> No.15289709


>> No.15289710

Even the NG proposal is just Unlimited Swan Works with everything made out of Cygnus variants, which are all hand milled artisanal Italian pressure vessels.

>> No.15289714

That'll be infinity trillion plus tip delivered in the year neverever A.D.

>> No.15289716

Legacy space industry


New Space economy that cost 1/100th

>> No.15289719

yeah that is awful, for starmax they literally just weld aluminum rings together. none of the milling bs. its also very obviously designed to fit into starship since no other launcher would be able to accommodate a 7.6m diameter and 9.8m height rigid module.

>> No.15289747

Rocket looks penile

>> No.15289749

>14 universities working on ethics and guidelines of research
oh boy
so the development of this started 1.5 years ago, but do they have anything to show for it yet? supposed to be launched in 2027

>> No.15289765

Is there anything large enough you could put in there that makes sense? It feels as if it isn't wide enough to be useful for multiple sections in a single module, while at the same time it is too wide for general use. Imagine the interior of the ISS, with the same general idea (all instruments and useful shit is embedded in the walls) but all the walls are several meters further apart; which is neat? I guess? But not useful.

>> No.15289775

Grow rooms for hydroponic air re-circulation and food. Zero-G 3D printing facilities More comfortable living quarters allows increased productivity.

>> No.15289776

you could have instruments in the middle too, why not
the customer can customize it to their needs, if they want to fill it with instruments then they can put some scaffolding so that there is shit in the middle as well
in microgravity it does not matter

>> No.15289787

Too bad it will never launch because it depends on Starship (a paper rocket)

>> No.15289789

That's not what "paper rocket" means.

>> No.15289790
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interior is customizable

>> No.15289823

I wonder if Spacex's experience with quickly welding ring sections would translate well to doing that in space for making their own stations?

>> No.15289825

Welding requires an atmosphere for the metal to stay liquid, so it's impossible in space.

>> No.15289828

>What is friction stir welding?

>> No.15289834

Baby don't cost plus me.

>> No.15289839

Just use electron beam

>> No.15289849
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>It was kind of scary to be honest.
Read Asimov's Nightfall. Basically aliens that have gone their entire existence without ever experiencing night because of a weird solar system. Then an eclipse happens and everyone loses their shit as they see all the stars.

>had a bunch of DK space books about black holes and planets and stars

>> No.15289921
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>> No.15289939
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Senator Administrator down under.

>> No.15289941
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>> No.15289953
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My city has severe light pollution due to the massive greenhouse complex in the industrial zone. This is what it looks like from several kilometers away on a cloudy night. Note that the sun was completely down for like 2-3 hours when this photo was taken.

>> No.15289958

Haha benis :DDDDD

>> No.15289959

space companies: we cant keep up with the demand for space launches

reality: aside from spacex, companies have barely launched anything

why are the companies making shit up?

>> No.15289961

Necessary lies. If they're not building rockets it's much harder to justify begging for more money.

>> No.15289964
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so a handheld welding device for space has been a thing for like 40 years now
kind of depressing how much things stagnated

>> No.15289966
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>> No.15289968
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Boris Paton, an Ukrainian that designed the first handheld device designed the latest version in 2018, but he died at 2020 due to old age

I really doubt welding is going to be a big problem in space
there are like 5 different ways to do in this paper

>> No.15289973

its going to need experimentation and development sure, but not something thats going to be a massive hindrance to manufacturing in space (i was too lazy to keep reading the paper but thats my guess lol)

>> No.15289976

yeah the only issue I can see is with splattering and causing small debris
you could mitigate it by welding in very low orbits and in closed-off hangars

>> No.15289987

>ars comment
LMAO bunch of communists seething over Musk like usual

>> No.15289988
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It's true, space launches are boring now.
>Vandenberg Space Force Base
still sounds surreal to me

>> No.15289996

>Musk has nothing to do with SpaceX!
>It's all Gwynne Shotwell!

>> No.15290000
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>> No.15290001
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Clouds Earth: ...
Clouds Mars: WOW!

>> No.15290003
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>> No.15290020

>nearly 2 years since the first full stack
>two fucking years we've had blue balls
When this thing goes we're gonna collectively release the biggest nut ever

>> No.15290040

early Starship was built by random Mexicans Elon found around border to be fair, current version of Starship is wayyy more sophisticated.

>> No.15290051

Space welding is hard, I know it might seem easy since most of the problems with welding come from atmospheric gas interactions but look it's just hard OK that space welding machine is going to cost at least two billion dollars thank you tax paypigs

>> No.15290064

I don't think the limit on launches per year will be a problem this time.

>> No.15290065

They are also mostly transitioning the structural welds to the robot welders in the high bay. In Marcus's newest video, you can see a direct comparison on the same ship where some of the welds were done by hand and others were done by robot and it's night and day. The human ones are much shittier.

>> No.15290066

It will never be a problem. When they have to, they will ask FAA to increase it.

>> No.15290068

I often wonder how you could do industrial-scale anything in space without the vehicle vibrating itself apart. Remember, there were serious vibration concerns inside of Skylab as a result of the bullshit they were doing up there.

>> No.15290069


Guess how much this little rover will cost

>> No.15290072

How do they get away with that shit? I couldn't waste that much money if I sincerely tried.

>> No.15290073

Legacy program.

>> No.15290074


5:35 on the video

>> No.15290079
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>> No.15290081
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It's for the parachutes and retrorockets. However, during the two launches, only sensors and recording equipment was mounted inside.

>> No.15290082
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Where is the money going? bespoke nuts for 10k or something?
there are 4 instruments on it, but are those even part of the cost of the rover?

>> No.15290083

I'm personally blaming women if starship blows up

>> No.15290084

It's always parts and their qualifications so they can survive and work under X conditions. Sure, you can buy some chinese knockoff but don't be surprise when it shits itself after a few weeks.

>> No.15290088

Antisemitic post

>> No.15290090
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>> No.15290139
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>> No.15290175

designing the rover itself
if you were to build a one (1) car from ground up, the cost would be insanely high (like $1billion per car)

the actual nuts and bolts aren also overpriced, but in the grand scheme of things they are peanuts
>why don't they build a series of 100 rovers to keep the individual rovers cheap and spread out the dev costs?
because NASA is managed by idiots for the past 50 years or so

>> No.15290192

Reminder that while Curiosity and Perserverence appear very similar, they basically designed perserverence from the ground up anyway.

>> No.15290201

How much of spaceforce’s budget is going to be wasted on payloads that are destroyed by retards like failtofly

>> No.15290230
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What will public transport look like on Mars?

>> No.15290237

These people don't know anything about Shotwell beyond the fact that she's not Musk.

>> No.15290265


>> No.15290279
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>> No.15290285
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>> No.15290309

>The Economist, citing a source in Ukrainian intelligence, claims Starlink now blocks the operation of terminals used by Ukraine over the new regions of Russia (Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye & Kherson), using 'geofencing'.
>It also states that the terminals are blocked over bodies of water when the receiver is moving at speeds in excess of 100km per hour.

>> No.15290319

Get the fuck out of that hell. Just pick a direction and start walking, you'll be out before you know it. Never go back.

>> No.15290325

>The fat will never escape Earth's gravity well
I'll just buy two tickets
t. 105kg

>> No.15290346

"I'm sorry sir, that second seat is for another person, not your disgusting excess mass."

>> No.15290350

we need Zubrin to beat some sense into Elon again

>> No.15290351
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Wait what the fuck, Senator Administrator Astronaut Nelson is visiting my city? Makes sense considering the Australian Space Agency is HQ'd here.

I might need to take a day off work to go harass him with inane questions about the big orange rocket and its $2 billion+ launch cost. What would you ask him?

>> No.15290360
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How it looks from my bedroom window at 2AM.

>> No.15290365

>muh stars
astroonomers get the rope

>> No.15290367

>multiple engines have melted during flight
>there is no chance of a cato on ascent
IMO reentery is going to be the hardest part but there is a decent chance of an engine exploding on ascent.

>> No.15290373

If the stars didn't exist cities would still suck shit

>> No.15290377
File: 1.07 MB, 4032x3024, 20230322_002810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You poor bastard

Here's a photo of the Southern Cross I took on my phone just a minute or two ago in my backyard in suburban Adelaide, 9km from the centre of a city of 1.3 million people.

>> No.15290379
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>> No.15290385

That is a concrete pump anon, it pumps concrete.

>> No.15290391

Probably not much considering only ULA and SpaceX fly NSSL missions.

>> No.15290393

I can still see the stars if the sky is clear, and even more stars if I go to my family's summer house. They are much more visible there, although I still can't properly observe them due to my eyes. I don't experience vision problems anywhere else, but looking at a relatively clear night sky is hard for some reason. I can't grasp the full picture.

>> No.15290420

To be clear, everything wrong with SpaceX is directly Elon Musk's fault. Everything right he had NOTHING to do with

>> No.15290426

why does ben franklin feel the need to just make shit up
>muh debugging

>> No.15290432

Based US government ending this war soon

>> No.15290456
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34h until stream start

>> No.15290459

You would be wrong. They literally gave a billion dollars to that Failson Pajeet's company for seemingly no reason. This represents 3% of their total budget.

>> No.15290484

35h until scrub

>> No.15290497
File: 19 KB, 332x325, R921-Woomera-Test-Range.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> give everyone night vision goggles
> turn off all street lighting
> enjoy stars free from cityglow
simple as

>> No.15290520 [DELETED] 

>not launching terrorist attacks against power stations to cause blackouts

>> No.15290524

The argument is that it lets you save mass on landing gear
Whatever you ask him make sure you call him Senator Administrator Ballast

>> No.15290564

Ask him when the tower for Artemis 3 and on is going to be built. Mention that you heard the OIG did an investigation on its delay and the company behind it's construction spending the entire budget with nothing to show for it.

>> No.15290590

He has unparalleled skill in offsetting Shuttle cargo, nobody else can occupy space like that man. Ever need a door propped open? Ballast Bill's got your back.

>> No.15290616
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>> No.15290621

>100km per hour
Damn that's pretty fast for their shitty quad copters
Also why don't those cheap jews pay for starshield if they need military applications?
Elon might be the single reason the Ukrainians lose this war if they don't have starlink

>> No.15290654

There's like a few of them in orbit.

>> No.15290694

puhpuhpuhpenuhs romget

>> No.15290701
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im going insaaaaaaAAAAane

>> No.15290726

For fuck's sake, Elon.

>> No.15290728

this is in line with US policy and likely dictated by the Pentagon directly.

>> No.15290732

Why doesnt Spacex sell starshield to china? think of the money

>> No.15290742

>wake up
>still no FAA approval

>> No.15290745

There's porn of this, isn't there?

>> No.15290749

Based Elon
Warmongers seething as usual

>> No.15290756

Everybody sayin zero g factories
Nobody saying one g vacuum factories
What are the economic implications of vacuum in space being free?

>> No.15290757

SpaceX is in full cooperation with the US government you simpleton

>> No.15290762

Why would they be seething? Elon is doing warmongers, like Russia, a favor.

>> No.15290769
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>> No.15290778

The moon is going to make REALLY high quality semiconductors.

>> No.15290785

the tinfoil even looks like the top of starship, funny coincidence.

>> No.15290787

>What are the economic implications of vacuum in space being free?
streamers in the future making channels where they shove random shit out of an airlock and film it.
>"APPLE VS VACCUUM OF SPACE! You won't believe it! (subscribe!)"

>> No.15290792
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>> No.15290957

someone do the needful

>> No.15290965

We haven't obtained a thread lisence.

>> No.15290971
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