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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 138 KB, 2200x1677, Neuralink-graphic-e1594299472339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15679956 No.15679956 [Reply] [Original]

Goodbye free will and free thought

>> No.15679964

Hello AI gf

>> No.15679982

What is it?
Induced interactive schizophrenia will at least keep the troons at bay

>> No.15680004

You will install a mandatory brain chip
You will give the government access to your thoughts and memories
You will not think about anything that isn't government approved
The chip will alter your behavior and you will become the perfect citizen

>> No.15680009

free will never existed to begin with.

>> No.15680011

>government government government
the only people investing and pushing this tech is large companies retard

>> No.15680031

>large companies don't interlock with the government at every level

>> No.15680038

A corporation wielding this power is even worse.

>> No.15680041

Mark of the beast.
In every brain.
Open up your skull goyim open wide.

>> No.15680046

Those who don't have it will simply not be competitive in the sla- labor market and will naturally die out on the streets. You don't have to take your chip goyim if you don't want to.

>> No.15680050

>share my degenerate fetish porn fantasies with the government 24/7
>turn several governmental agents into brainless coomers

>> No.15680056

go back to your bunker, tranny.

>> No.15680062

you have no idea how the world works. you'd be a perfect candidate for this

>> No.15680064

Kek you're right. In the future this technology probably will make you more intelligent to some degree. Employers will view anyone without it as a lesser human. Then the cattle will have no choice but to install a government tracking device in their skulls. Humanity is finished lmao

>> No.15680068

this is how I sound like.

>> No.15680073

Not more intelligent, but employers can install corporate brain apps to "enhance" and better control their laborers. There's lots of value to be had.

>> No.15680076

>large companies
actually its just startups

>> No.15680081

The covid 19 "vaccine" WAS hecking Neuralink midwits. No refunds niggers HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.15680085

Does it somehow repair neurodivergence? I don't feel like that system would work on a universal level.
Only because the government gets money and other bullshit from the lobbying. We live in a corporatocracy.

>> No.15680223

Lmao look at this retard

>> No.15680227

Will you pajeet niggers fuck off already and stop posting low quality non-/sci/ vaporware scam threads on /sci/

>> No.15680255
File: 532 KB, 586x514, thunderf00t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are you going to tr00n out, Phil?

>> No.15680259

anyone tries this on me VILL be eating lead and knives;
I'm ready to die.
This isn't even a hard decision, they're actively pushing a fate worse than death.

>> No.15680260
File: 192 KB, 512x512, 1633739767787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15680282

You will install a brain chip, just like the vaccine. If you don't you won't be able to keep your job or study, enter restaurants or any public spaces. There is literally nothing you can do

>> No.15680294

Neuralink doesn't stop buckshot or booby traps on acres of land surrounding a cabin.

>> No.15680313

What the frick is wrong with /sci/? Are you all not only fricking morons, but morons that will take every opportunity to spill unrelated bullcrud? there isn't a single person itt who knows what they're talking about?
>neuralink is read-only
>neuralink does nothing that OpenBCI doesn't already do, without the invasive brain surgery
>there are no "apps", there is no "brain interface", just electrodes reading your brain patterns

>> No.15680314

>neuralink is read-only
>neuralink does nothing that OpenBCI doesn't already do, without the invasive brain surgery
>there are no "apps", there is no "brain interface", just electrodes reading your brain patterns
no difference

>> No.15680323


>> No.15680336

be my guest and go first in line, then think about killing a prolific politician and tell me who shows up at your house

>> No.15680356

Hey goofball. My young daughter was in the room while you're flying off the handle saying fr*cks. Put a lid on it next time, hothead.

>> No.15680360

>My young daughter

>> No.15680369

coincidentally, the skull shape of the model here looks african

>> No.15680371

She's 4. Why? It won't excuse what he said.

>> No.15680374


>> No.15680390

so we'll just have to see what happens

>> No.15680460

Anyone who thinks this shit will do much of anything will be disappointed.

>> No.15680481

don't forget your medication

>> No.15680494

Same thing.

>> No.15680671

>this is somehow a bad thing
We have culture and shame to do the same thing.

>> No.15681085

>open source geeks eventually build their own
kek fagget do you even science

>> No.15681087

>Goodbye free will and free thought
Moot point. They didn't need any hi-tech means to steal those from the overwhelming majority of the population.

>> No.15681467


>> No.15681475
File: 16 KB, 490x586, 463454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only people investing and pushing this tech is large companies retard
I wonder if there's any connection between the tech industry and government. If only In-Q-Tel and DARPA existed. Seriously, it's time to remove the golems from society, by force if necessary.

>> No.15681523

Which work hand in hand with the government you absolute buffoon

>> No.15681827

This doesn't work

>> No.15681895


>> No.15681914

>what is lawful interception
>what is a subpoena
>what is the NSA
everything that a corporation knows about you is knowable to a government

>> No.15681940
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>> No.15681942

They won't care unless you're actually preparing to shoot up a school or something.
Corporations on the other hand, would would give you intrusive thoughts like "mmm a McDouble(TM) and a large cup of Cherry Coca-Cola(TM) sounds good right now!" And they'd sell your thoughts and preferences to advertisers that can't afford to advertise directly to your brain.

>> No.15681945

>They won't care unless you're actually preparing to shoot up a school or something

>> No.15681949
File: 111 KB, 801x1011, 35234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They won't care unless you're actually preparing to shoot up a school or something.
Yes, which explains why they indiscriminately collect and store information on everyone. "People" like you aren't fully human.

>> No.15681999
File: 774 KB, 860x888, 109-1092592_pogchamp-emote-png-transparent-background-poggers-emote-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turn niggers into star citizens via chip implant
Holy shit! SIGN ME THE FUCK UP!!!

>> No.15682040

>Insinuating (You) had any of those in the first place

>> No.15682054

R/thedonald and /pol/ddit refugees need to be permabanned
Go outside

>> No.15682501

>Hello AI gf
... Eudeamon style.

>> No.15683756


>> No.15685573

stfu retard