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File: 406 KB, 1066x1093, another plagiarism scandal at harvard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16003257 No.16003257[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

another plagiarism scandal at harvard

>> No.16003278
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>chief diversity officer

>> No.16003282


>> No.16003291

That's nothing.
Wait until they show how Martin Luther King's entire academic record is fraudulent and most of his work was written by his jewish handler

>> No.16003303

Good. Get rid of these charlatans. They give the rest of us [black people] a bad name.

>> No.16003304

"plagiarism" is a social construct weaponized by white systems of power to oppress marginalized voices

>> No.16003308

Did you come up with this yourself or did Mr Goldstein write it for you?

>> No.16003311

That seems unlikely. Declassified CIA files show the CIA was actively involved in the undermining of MLK. They even tried to break up his marriage. They simultaneously funded both the KKK and the Black Panthers in an effort to busy the two with one another and busy society with the two. Why would they be falsifying the record of a man--effectively putting him in a place of prominence--only to undermine and assassinate him later?

>> No.16003314

Are you familiar with Marcus Garvey?

>> No.16003316 [DELETED] 

What it must be like, to live in your low IQ world where everything has a Jew behind it and no black men are smarter than you. Truly, your ignorance must be bliss.

>> No.16003320

No, I'm not, but if he's another one, remove him too. The less problem blacks in places of prominence the better. They're only in those positions for the sake of the hegemony's agenda anyway.

>> No.16003328

No, Garvey was one of the original real voices of real black empowerment, people like him were destroyed and then the black community was taken over by jewish interests which used black communities as a weapon

>> No.16003344
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>> No.16003348

Interesting. I'll look into him.

>> No.16003355

There was a talk on youtube I saw of a blasck trinidadian professor who I can't currently remember the name of but he talked about the jewish role in the trans atlantic slave trade and later about a book he called the jewish onslaught charting the campaign of suppression he faced by jewish controlled institutions.

Tony Martin that was his name, he talked of Garvey too.

>> No.16003360


>> No.16003367

Plagiarism scandals are a clever backdoor. They're hired to get rid of white people, and this trap prevents them from turning on their masters.

>> No.16003436

What is Harvard thinking? Even if they didn't know about the plagiarism her "academic record" consisted of one published paper. Surely they could have found someone better (even her husband)

>> No.16003449


>> No.16003458

Is this plagiarism or just whites being racis again

>> No.16003471


>> No.16003472


>> No.16003477

What? This world exists?

>> No.16003499

Why did you castrate yourself?

>> No.16003508
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>> No.16003571

>why did the CIA force martin luther king to be a dumb corrupt plagiarist?
Maybe they didn’t force him

>> No.16003575

I can’t decide whether this guy is cosplaying Big Mike, or Predator 1

>> No.16003610

>whites being racist again
whites are always and automatically racist, sweaty. educate yourself.

>> No.16003706

People who have high paying prestigious jobs that they're not qualified for are expected to be more pliable than people who are capable of doing their jobs. Dr. Gay or (((her predecessor))) probably hired her for that reason

>> No.16003709

>white uses other people's ideas
>"it's inspiration"
>"it's collaboration"
>"it's better known under his name"
>black uses other people's ideas

>> No.16003748

Obvious cope.

>> No.16003752

That's a possibility, I suppose, but like most things of this nature, the truth is difficult to ascertain.

>> No.16003782

It's Bio-leninism

groups that owe all of their position to the party and have loyalty to the party because of it keeps them in their position of power.
but now applied biologically than

ostracised groups are the perfect supporters

leftists are subhumans who hate you and can only wield power over you by giving the most disgusting and hated people power that they could never have hoped to have achieved themselves then removing it from the non compliant

>> No.16003786
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>> No.16003795

refute it

>> No.16003798

Refute what? You need to make a point and not a word salad in order for someone to refute something.

>> No.16003812

the person in op has no actual qualifications to be in the position she is in
this makes her a tool for those that wish to wield power
no one but them want her there
when she is no longer useful they remove her and replace her with someone more useful to them but equally undeserving

>> No.16003820

“If there’s a way to grab power somebody will grab it. All he, or more likely she at this rate, has to do is say: give me power, or else, all of you, all those evil fat women with a make-work office job, all those foreigners living off the public purse, all those just plain unpleasant people with unhealthy lifestyles; all of you, give me power, or if you don’t, we’ll go back to 1959, it’ll be ok to be white, and all of you will have to make your bed, clean up your room, and do actual work. You’ll be on your own.”

>> No.16003824

>the person in op has no actual qualifications to be in the position she is in
Wrong. She is highly respected in her field.
>this makes her a tool for those that wish to wield power
Who? Reptilians? What fantasy do you have in mind?
>no one but them want her there
She's highly rated by her students.
>when she is no longer useful they remove her and replace her with someone more useful to them but equally undeserving
Just because you can't get a girlfriend doesn't mean you should take it out on others.

>> No.16003828

>in her field
>diversity officer

>> No.16003833

>>chief diversity officer

WTF does this job do!

It it some game of hiring the hiring the most minority people possible:
Left-handed blind Muslim lesbian African with down's syndrome

How does this further the cause of education?

>> No.16003832

Just because you're closed minded doesn't mean other people are.

>> No.16003840
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WOW! every time...
BLAME racism for Black failures

If you can not blame racism then blame the SYSTEM

>> No.16003849

bio leninism

>> No.16003962

Harvard is a jewish propaganda machine. It stopped being about education a long time ago brother

>> No.16003975

It was always a shithole, when it was something different from a shithole? Never.

>> No.16004079

>WTF does this job do!
disenfranchise white male heterosexuals

>> No.16004293
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>> No.16004337
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>no one had a problem with these diversity hires until they became uppity and defended their paragliding friends in the middle east
REALLY makes you think

>> No.16004344

When you bite the hand that feeds, it slaps you. If an individual is hired in large part for their skin color they can likely be fired easily if they fall out of lockstep, since they were barely competent in the first place. I suppose it's in elites' best interest to hire incompetents so that they can be discarded at a moment's notice.

>> No.16004578

>That seems unlikely. Declassified CIA files show the CIA was actively involved in the undermining of MLK
that was your opinion plus a non-sequitur

>> No.16004657

Einstein had zero citations in his groundbreaking 1905 paper on special relativity.
Also, this should not be considered a crime unless those whos work was plagiarized file a complain. These accusations are always hogwash, they find a sentence that barely looks like a sentence written somewhere else and call it plagiarism.
Plagiarism is about stealing ideas, formulas, entire works, not "this book had 7 words in the same sequence as that other book".

>> No.16004703

whites and blacks have been genetic engineering FAR before the field has come into science ... they literally beat different hearts which propels them into different wealth brackets

t. fuck you

>> No.16005097

>She is one of the nation’s leading experts in diversity and higher education, and assumed her role in August 2020.

>Dr. Charleston is a historian trained in U.S. history with a focus on race, women, gender, citizenship, and the law, and an attorney with a specialization in constitutional and employment law.

This woman was trained in a fake field, has a fake email job and receiving possibly 500k salary.
Automation was a mistake. Racial integratiom was a mistake. We need to send them back to the cotton field.
Yes, I am unapologetically going full racist.

>> No.16005098
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>> No.16005113

Lmao a nigger using the word charlatan.

>> No.16005236
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>> No.16005239

>yeah im gonna need you to stop producing students who are critical of the idea that i should have billions of dollars for "managing a hedge fund"

>> No.16005246
File: 380 KB, 2222x1286, GFMq9_yXIAAbni1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le pic related to how this black woman was hired.

>> No.16005250
File: 92 KB, 720x720, 1684197688066905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggers and mediocre women are the only ones who get hired into universities now.
check the motherfucking google scholar page of your new assistant professors. the male ones will almost always have x2 number of publications, citations, and first authorship.
black women will get hired as assistant professors with as few as just under 5 papers.
it's the end of the empire and no one will wipe.

>> No.16005374

>WTF does this job do!
Make everyone take DEI training. Also hire more DEI officers to do more DEI training and more hiring of DEI officers.

>> No.16006812
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>> No.16006841

>They're only in those positions for the sake of the hegemony's agenda anyway.

It's for the sake of population integration; it isn't good, though. Look into the root causes of immigration and it's offshoots. Non-whites, and (maybe) Jews need to go. Asians can stay. Put the woman back in the kitchen to make babies; civilization saved.

>> No.16007138

>for the sake of population integration
I don't want to integrate with black.
I will never integrate with black.
It's a genetic suicide.
Bring back serregation.

>> No.16007144

Woah there buddy you wouldn't be criticizing democracy there would ya?

>> No.16007439

negroes were better off under segregation. under segregation most negro children had a father at home, which they currently do not. most negro families owned their own homes under segregation, which is currently not the case. they had an entire separate negro economy, all owned by negroes and they kept all the profits from their own endeavors, currently most negroes work as employees and all the profit from their labor goes to wall street con artists.

>> No.16007441


>> No.16007443

>She is highly respected in her field.
Just because you're a stupid and gullible brainwashed leftist retard doesn't mean other people are

>> No.16007444


>> No.16007446

>leftist rat is a liar
Color me shocked

>> No.16007447


>> No.16007448

White people are a global minority
Leftists just hate white people
Their deranged behavior makes a lot more sense once you realize that

>> No.16007450

this is best cope drivel you could come up with?
they should really dock your pay

>> No.16007452

shut up commie tard

>> No.16007457

Nobody cares that you can't get a girlfriend.

>> No.16007484

>WTF does this job do!
I got drafted as my dept’s rep for the DEI committee and it’s literally them just sending us emails with fucking articles about diversity and making us cancel actual fucking classes so we can sit in stupid zoom meetings and listen to a bunch of theater and communications doctorates argue over the wording of DEI
documents and create new DEI assessments for instructors to waste more time on, and drafting DEI letters or setting up DEI awareness drives to let everyone know how important diversity and inclusion and shit is. It’s the worst example of an office whose entire purpose is to justify its own existence.

>> No.16008051

But it true
Einstein had no citations in his work and called a plagiarist many times. He stole ideas, he didnt just put together a string of 7 words that someone else did once

>> No.16008068

people dont like the rich, thats why the rich eventually learn to be discreet and to live in secluded mansions in the countryside. The idea of the rich going on fox news to evangelize will prove to be a mistake

>> No.16008086

>negroes were better off when the government didn't psyop their women with Feminism and Welfare.

Fixed that for you anon.

>> No.16008667 [DELETED] 

Feminism and Welfare were just similar forms of manipulations that were follow ups for desegregation

>> No.16008728


>> No.16008882

And nothing long-lasting will be done about it

>> No.16009249

>you don't think usurers should be allowed to game the system and make millions of dollars despite producing no actual tangible goods or services?
>you're a COMMUNIST!
God I fucking hate Americans.

>> No.16009276

What is a ten letter word for nigger?
When will the white supremacy stop?

>> No.16009299

She didnt plagiarize anything

>> No.16009308

I could have sworn someone's already made that argument or close it anyway, so give it time.

>> No.16009320
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lmao I am not deep in american culture so I thought you were talking about THE martin luther
and then some anon mentioned CIA and I was so confused

>> No.16009373

even if he gets a girlfriend, i doubt she will make leftists stop hating white pipo somehow

>> No.16009383

Not only this was done by the FBI and not the CIA but the KKK part is fiction as well

>> No.16009837
File: 366 KB, 1242x1855, blmlk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh 1960s "mostly peaceful" blm guy

>> No.16009840

I'm so sick of niggers.

>> No.16011492 [DELETED] 

they will plague humanity for your entire life, you will never be free of their influence.
if you're ever the victim of a violent crime, it will be one of them that is the perpetrator

>> No.16012182 [DELETED] 

I'd actually consider moving to best Korea because its 100% nig-free, but once you move there they don't let you leave, so if they decide to start importing humanzees from Africa theres no escape.

>> No.16012557

you can escape in a mini submarine

>> No.16012576

Is jus dey cultuah, Black ppl share, playgayrizzm is yt ppl nonsense.

>> No.16013115

CIA is external, bucko. FBI does that sort of thing here.

>> No.16013193

>chief diversity officer
>academic record

>> No.16013696 [DELETED] 

Neri Oxman...

>> No.16013716

Interesting, did they invent gender-fluid/nb/two-spirit to not have to hire actual women? Because I imagine it takes nothing whatsoever to "self-identify" as such and remain a straight male in everything you do.

>> No.16013811

this is COINTELPRO not CIA my guy

>> No.16013812

>negro gets caught stealing
>blames whitey, raycisms and the "system"
every single time

>> No.16013814
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ding, ding, ding

>> No.16013817

what field would that be mouth breathing simian?

>> No.16013825

>All the academic niggas are also stealing, they just happen to steal other people's research
>The difference between regular niggas and academic niggas is what they choose to steal
Very telling, really makes me think

>> No.16014126

The most hilarious part -that isn't being talked about- is how completely terrible this makes ALL black people look.
Basically, they've admitted that blacks can't compete, and the only way they can get ahead is to cheat.
No one else is qualified for these jobs other than white people.

>> No.16014132

>No one else is qualified for these jobs other than white people.
you are talking about fake e-mail-class DEI jobs, its like being a courtesan

>> No.16014179

Did she also ruffle the feathers of zionists beforehand?

>> No.16015017 [DELETED] 

safe to expect so

>> No.16015088
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>He doesn't know about our Moses
I weep at the state of our people

>> No.16016352

negroes are too low iq to ever publish anything of legitimate value on their own, if they're publishing, whatever they're publishing is guaranteed to be either worthless or stolen

>> No.16016985 [DELETED] 

sounds like a lame way to "earn" a paycheck

>> No.16017063
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>negroes are too low iq to ever publish anything of legitimate value on their own,
>man who's work was plagiarized was black himself
>said work that was stolen was good enough to get her to a leading position

The joke is that in both plagiarizing cases (harvard president and chief diversity officer) the work being stolen was primarily from black men. Shit reminds me of pic related.

>> No.16018390

which black soience men did they plagiarize?

>> No.16018510

They also tried to destroy the career of a black gigachad economist at Harvard.

>> No.16019582

black scyence man and dr. peanutbutter phd

>> No.16019834

When will Black men realize that Black women are trying to worsen the position of Black men in order to advance their position as Black women in academia? It's not Whites and it's not Jews sabotaging Black men, the call is coming from WITHIN THE HOUSE!

>> No.16019835
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>> No.16020295

>it's not Jews sabotaging Black men
It is jews, they're the ones who got feminism started to begin with

>> No.16021254

jews also were the ones who pushed desegregation. under segregation the negroes had their own completely separate economy, they were insulated from competition with other races, they had their own businesses, their own schools, their own media, etc. all owned 100% by negroes.
the jews took all that away from them and things for negroes have only gotten worse since that happened

>> No.16021320
File: 6 KB, 130x156, TIMESAND___hoDdiedgg2fu428WqTaEMjS8Y42drC23FcF887r7n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This race is cancelled.

>> No.16021810

>in diversity studies
Why are retards still paying for ivy league?

>> No.16022500


>> No.16023142
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the n word

>> No.16024166 [DELETED] 

Also Eric Stewart

>> No.16024639

Top 5 newspeak euphemisms for plagiarism:

>> No.16025787

i clicked that link and was disappointed to find they only publish original content

>> No.16026880

this pmt

>> No.16028426

its all just different acronyms for the same group of chosen people

>> No.16028432

cant argue with that

>> No.16028931

>ALL black people
What? The ones with the most publicity are Black women not men, in fact Claudine screwed over a intelligent Black male because his work revealed the truth about whether or not the police discriminated against Black people and the chick in the OP stole from her Black husband.

>> No.16028936
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I think he's talking about DEI/ESG in general.

>> No.16028945

Oh okay, that makes sense.

>> No.16029674 [DELETED] 

Ironically the shitskins wouldn't be siding against the kikes in israel if the kikes didn't try so hard to portray themselves as "hello fellow whites".
If kikes honestly identified themselves as just another group of common shitskins then the other shitskins wouldn't thing of the conflict between semitic jews and semitic muslims as a conflict of whites vs "muh based POCs"

>> No.16029884

Harvard is for losers

>> No.16030977
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>> No.16030993

It's just another spelling for Minister of Propaganda.

>> No.16031459 [DELETED] 
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oy vey

>> No.16032420

Color me surprised

>> No.16032462

They also never mention that he was a drug addict that routinely beat the shit out of his wife.

>> No.16032466
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>> No.16032526


>> No.16032605

Wow an actual fucking diversity chief who actually want real diversity had to step down because she went against the dogma. Being the "correct" race and gender be damned.
The cultists shouldnt have this much power. I bet plenty of them are white liberal women as well. They should be punched in the face when they start doing stupid shit like this.

>> No.16033170

or that he was a serial rapist

>> No.16034360

They hold blacks to lower standards because they're racists and expect blacks to all be criminal scum

>> No.16034374

4/10 bait

>> No.16034963

More like Chief White Genocide Officer. Negroes aren't good at propaganda, they're too dimwitted. Even "we wuz kangz" has to be taught to them by Hollywood

>> No.16034986

Don't forget the plagiarism rules are themselves enforced by institutions with a history of systemic racism. You cannot expect them to be enforced equally until these institutions have been fully decolonised. This proves we need more DEI, not less.

>> No.16035014

>MLK wasn't a plagiarist because.... It doesn't make sense that the CIA would force him to be one
Obvious cope

>> No.16035020

Based and correct

>> No.16036068
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>how can you plagiarize if you can't even read?

>> No.16036507

Thats the best defense of groid plagiarism I've ever seen.

>> No.16037632

They really are too dumb to be help responsible for what they do, thats why treating them like humans is so ridiculous. They're dumber than an average 5 year old white child.

>> No.16037765

I thought poltards approve of wifebeating

>> No.16039334

>pol lives rent free in my head
>all I ever thing about is pol and politics

>> No.16039365

Huh, I have seen this comment before.

>> No.16039381

The average 5 year old white child would go under the knife to become the opposite sex and rendered themselves infertile if you let them.

>> No.16039496

It's unlikely they were this violent back then. The whites would have lynched then

>> No.16040041

They weren't, we know this because back then they still had marriage rates in the 60% range (its half that now) and perpetual single motherhood was no where as prevalent.

Welfare and Feminism basically psyop the black community into disarray. Now that same psyop is coming for everyone else.

>> No.16041123 [DELETED] 


>> No.16041524

what the fuck is that? Do I want to google this?

>> No.16041996

depends on how antisemitic you want to become, if you want to go full hitler then keep on researching who is behind all the globohomo garbage

>> No.16042000

There's nothing funny about that. You spend too much time with a cartoon version of us in your head. Take a break from /pol/. You need it.

>> No.16042003

I'm shocked this thread is still up. It's not even /sci/-related really. This board is very disappointing. Too much /pol/ spillover.

>> No.16042005

Kike tears

>> No.16042007

It's pretty funny, that's some goofy nigga type shit.

>> No.16042316

Another case of diversity officers wasting everyone's time and money SAD!

>> No.16042479


>> No.16042491

You guys are well informed. I didnt know about that yenta.

>> No.16043266

>This board is very disappointing.
>oy vey 4chan isn't up to my standards
so go somewhere else shlomo, nobody wanted you here to begin with

>> No.16043780 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16043788

not if you don't let a jew whisper it's demon chants into his ear.

>> No.16043823

Harvard's prestige has declined over the years and so they try to "stay modern" but fail because Harvard has a reputation of being the college of politicians and millionaires, which causes them to double down because they're Harvard and can't do anything wrong. It will only end when employers would rather hire someone from some unknown university.

>> No.16044857

The upshot of all this is that you can plagiarize as much as you want and nobody will ever question you as long as you don't criticize Israel

>> No.16045672


>> No.16045681

specifically when? when did it all go to shit? illuminate me

>> No.16045682

It was a long march.

>> No.16045684

long march or fifth column?

>> No.16045686


>> No.16046233

>t. /pol/ spillover with no sincere interest in the sciences

>> No.16046236

Why are Latinx so discernable?

>> No.16046353

70's. All scientific progress since then has come from industry exclusively

>> No.16046358

Riddim nibbas

>> No.16046376

Quite a while ago, heres a video from a 1980s Harvard graduation which shows off how poorly educated the graduates back then were. That was 40 years ago, things are way worse now.

>> No.16046381

>>16046376 forgot the link

>> No.16047713

lol is that real?

>> No.16048184

thats really what they study at harvard

>> No.16049306 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16049773

omg they're even dumber than (you) are!
i was waiting for one of them to claim that the sun orbits the earth

>> No.16051104

the earth and the sun both orbit their common center of gravity

>> No.16051116

It's to easy for them but it's easy to trick a idiot into stealing something that fucks them over and ruins them.

>> No.16051141

I'm sure you believe those stories that he had wild orgies too.

>> No.16051245

all atheists are sex addicts

>> No.16051985
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>> No.16052003

>women go to college more than men because they're smarter!
>the colleges: here's an intro to taylor swift class

>> No.16053472

not sure where you get that women are smarter. they are on average 3-5 points IQ lower than men during adulthood.
lower IQ fields are populated with women. they're in universities not for achieving greatness or changing the world but for participating in social clubs and signaling to potential mates.
that's why they feel offended when "excluded" while men that were not poozed generally don't give a fuck about social issues.

>> No.16053478

I'm not greentexting that women are superior, I'm using the first greentext to represent the mainstream belief that women are outnumbering men in colleges because they care more about bettering their intellect than men, the second greentext is the reality of what colleges are doing now that they cater to women, navel-gazing celebrity focused bullshit. I am simply having fun at how absurd education has become.

>> No.16053870
File: 63 KB, 640x524, zaErRpq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16055150

Thats surprising. Plagiarism normal requires literacy as a prerequisite

>> No.16055828


>> No.16056478

This picture is hilarious.
>God damnit, the project is due in a week. All they want to do is take pictures. This is the fifteenth picture in six minutes damn its fine just get back to work damn.
>I didn't claw my way out of the ghetto just to watch this shit.
>Been on hold for an hour. Bout had enough of this shit man.

>> No.16057309

>but for participating in social clubs and signaling to potential mates.
and they only got there because of affirmative action requirements

>> No.16058276

College isn't for smart people, its for people who aren't capable of joining the adult world even though they're physically adults.
Arrested mental development, formerly known as retarded mental development. People who presume they're in college because they're smart are coping massively
>i'm in this wheelchair because i'm good at walking

>> No.16059243
File: 45 KB, 347x280, pressing-letter-n-on-pc-260nw-1161061048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16059296


>> No.16060587


>> No.16061784


>> No.16062016

>Black women are responsible for keeping their men down.
One ambitious agent could de-radicalize /pol with that.

>> No.16062515

>/pol/ lives in my head rent free, politics is all I ever think about
why are you even on the science board? >>>/pol/

>> No.16063844

i owe you one

>> No.16064712

don't mention it

>> No.16065797

Thats more than just a mere coincidence, where do you think the legend originated from?

>> No.16067017

you're a class act

>> No.16068401
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>> No.16069087

That is definitely the message they're trying to send

>> No.16069095

The progress is being reverted because we're reaching a point geopolitically where we actually need strong minds to be prevalent in academia again.

>> No.16070035 [DELETED] 

smart people don't go into academia and never have, academia is for lazy, useless do-nothing losers

>> No.16070206

extreme low IQ cope
The fact that you don't have a college degree isn't impressive

>> No.16070378

How the fuck am I stressing out over a stupid mistake in my msc. thesis where I forgot to remove a note and this bitch gets away with literally being so lazy she didn't even let chatgpt rewrite the copy paste shit. Wtf.

>> No.16071313

because you have white male privilege

>> No.16071364
File: 225 KB, 1238x1148, 3,14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is falsifyalbe that time is infinite their for everything was inventet allready their for if you own a idea is simply "age of your unique "programm existence*time calculation speed during your lived live time"

>> No.16071365

i solved solides age 39 what i want to say is that my programm speed is insane exhausting

>> No.16073030
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>> No.16073857 [DELETED] 


>> No.16078035 [DELETED] 

Why are there so many plagiarism scandals at the most prestigious universities lately?

>> No.16078337
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>> No.16079673 [DELETED] 

This. White people are inherently obsessed with the idea of ownership. The notion that someone can own a thought is inherently white supremacist. People of color should not be subject to racist academic standards, ideas belong to everybody. Nobody deserves to have their lives ruined just for saying the same thing a white man did.

>> No.16080493 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 540x673, bossu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16080602

> when you want sex that much

>> No.16081874 [DELETED] 

> when you want mallomars that much