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9855651 No.9855651[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are people allowed to be both beautiful and smart, it's not fair!

>> No.9855663

Most undergrads are retarded

>> No.9855724

You make it sound like getting into McGill is a big achievement or something

>> No.9855787

Just improve your appearance and work on your mental abilities then, and stop whining.

>> No.9855795

Life isnt fair. It's really retarded to think it is, thats why most political propaganda uses meritocracy as a convincing technique:

people who work hard get good results, people who dont have good things is because they didnt work hard enough.

90% of people born from poverty end in poverty no matter how skilled and smart they are, 90% who are born to wealth end up in wealth no matter how retarded and useless they are

learn 2 how the world works kiddo

>> No.9855799

I was just pointing out that she goes to university

>> No.9855801

Why are you jealous of her. The fact that she needs to whore herself online is pathetic. Who would want to be in an LTR with a camgirl. Be jealous of the people who are beautiful and don't need to do this shit.

>> No.9855804

You make it seem as if going to university means you are smart.

>> No.9855805

Good genes, good health, good diet, and good environment are all causative factors in both high attractiveness and high intelligence. And good social skills.

>> No.9855807

>Good genes, good health, good diet, and good environment are all causative factors in both high attractiveness and high intelligence. And good social skills.
bullshit, some of the smartest people are dumb

>> No.9855809

Good genes != high intelligence imo but smart people take better care of themselves, can afford plastic surgery, can put on better makeup, etc. Most guys can become hot if they work out enough and get a nice haircut. Few people have truly ugly faces.

>> No.9855813

>Who would want to be in an LTR with a camgirl.

Is writing out "lifetime relationship" really too much to you?

>> No.9855900
File: 18 KB, 800x450, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some of the smartest people are dumb

>> No.9855904

sauce on this thot

>> No.9855927

luckily, she's neither

>> No.9855930
File: 31 KB, 379x379, 1528965087932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bullshit, some of the smartest people are dumb
/sci/, ladies and gentlemen!

>> No.9855935

Nah. IQ correlated with things like reflex speed and beauty, and stuff.

It's just that the most intelligent people usually won't waste their lives in academia for a pittance unless there is something wrong with them, so you won't even recognize them.

>> No.9855948

>going to university makes you smart

>> No.9855962

>Just improve your appearance

>> No.9855964

You're literally retarded. Look at the picture, for fuck's sake.

>> No.9855965


>> No.9855969

Not him (>>9855787) However, if you just think a little bit? What could you do, pretty obvious right?

Eat right, good hygiene, work out (doesn't necessarily have to be weight lifting, although it is preferred in western men, and light lifting or just sports if you're asian)

If you have the money, get braces, assuming you don't have that colgate smile. Trust me, braces can make you so much more attractive, it's ridiculous.
If you have a very weak chin, get an implant. Chin and smile are the most important facial features for males, if you're already at a 21-23 BMI (With bigger muscle size than average person).

INB4 "It costs too much money". No, it costs a fraction of what you will earn in your lifetime. What you get in return for this investment is invaluable.

>> No.9855971

There's certainly a correlation. Stop meming.

>> No.9855972

Okay? I'm in a PhD program, but I'm currently miserable and doing horribly. Getting accepted doesn't make someone fucking smart.

>> No.9855977

I'm pretty sure the base for intelligence and physical attractiveness are positively correlated. I.e. if you're above average intelligent, you have a higher chance of being good looking and also the other way around.
That is to say, if you take 100 children and isolate them after birth and trim them to become a sports athlete, then the smart/logical among them will also excel at their training and will look better in the end. Similarly, if you isolate 100 kids and make them IMO or science competitors, then there's no reason to believe that the 10 best among them will by in the lower 50% in terms of physical attractiveness.
Of course, if you are malnourished and adopt bad posture as well as negative chemical exposure, e.g. higher cortisol levels from always being at the bottom of the food chain, then you can get a booksmart person who's a skeleton or fat and has greasy hair, oily skin and stutters.

>> No.9856129

I've never seen her at McGill. I need to start going to classes more often

>> No.9856326

some of the dumbest people on earth do that

>> No.9856553

how the fuck do you contradict yourself in one post? read through what you wrote ffs

>> No.9856557

wait, it doesn't it stand dor long-term relationship?

>> No.9856793

incels detected

>> No.9856808

>going to college
These two things bear no correlation to one another. They never have.

>> No.9856894

Why did you cross out her name?

>> No.9856911
File: 6 KB, 300x168, pepethefrog032401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post proof

>> No.9856918

Tbh there definitely isnt a correlation, given that the overwhelming majority of people on this planet dont have the opportunity to go to uni. Stop being an idiot.

>> No.9857158

Ahhahahhaa I love seeing all this COPE


You have to invent reasons to discredit her intelligence or tie her beauty up with being a slut because otherwise you can't stand the thought of a beautiful and smart person, well don't worry, after all...

The world has no trouble accepting another ugly and retarded person like you!

>> No.9857178

her ig is 1bambei

>> No.9858288

The thing that's not fair is that people are allowed to be ugly and dumb. We should have implemented dna selection a long time ago.

>> No.9858917

There's no such thing as "good genes" or "good environment." There are only genes and environments which are more conducive to some outcomes and less conducive to others. You can't just put all desired outcomes in one bag and say factors which influence one are "good," and so influence them all.

>> No.9858924
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>> No.9858968

are you me?

>> No.9858978
File: 149 KB, 1000x666, chin-implant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you have a very weak chin, get an implant.

for real though, plastic surgery has come a long, long way in the last few years. those korean doctors are fucking wizards man.

>> No.9858979

I really wish the after picture didn't have a beard. It's very misleading

>> No.9858986

that was a very mild example anyways. $15k can take a man from a 4 to an 8 way easier than it can a woman. i've seen one kid posted on 4chan that was a straight up unlovable hobgoblin and his rich jew dad spent like $30k to turn him into a normal human bean. probably the most dramatic example of male cosmetic surgery i've seen on a guy, somebody who knows what i'm talking about might have the before/after pic.

>> No.9859229

I went to McGill. I can confirm that most students there were not smart.

>> No.9859235

except you right?

>> No.9859239

No, including myself.

>> No.9859253
File: 1.39 MB, 1179x720, 202302feaab89d5a82d1a90cb009dcfc657838426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9859261

Why are you censoring her username and leaving the Patreon intact? Heck, just googling her bio is enough.

>> No.9859267
File: 17 KB, 300x323, 1524661286871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy my photosets


>> No.9859268

He went from basedboy to Jared Leto

>> No.9859273
File: 495 KB, 780x518, 1527285489979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a better one

>> No.9859276


she gets 392*50=19,600 or $235,2000 annually a month for being pretty and that's just going to keep increasing

>> No.9859277

wait, this ones a shoop i think.

>> No.9859278

I cant believe that's real, pic on the left must be photoshop

>> No.9859283

thats fine by me, shes still a clown.

>> No.9859363

pic unrelated

>> No.9859380

It's 2018.

Going to university is easy as long as you put minimal effort in high school. Everyone goes to college that wants to, dude.

>> No.9859384

It's a top 33 university in THE WORLD.

>> No.9859412

The two usually go together actually, the most intelligent people I've known have also typically been the most attractive as well.

>> No.9859424

You know that Canadian universities, even the top ones, aren't that selective for undergrad? McGill's acceptance rate is like 50%.

>> No.9859433


>> No.9859457

sure buddy

>> No.9859478
File: 1.70 MB, 1434x1364, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about this?

>> No.9859483

what the fuck is the point of this goddamned thread

>> No.9859493

Brainlet major

>> No.9859498

>her patreon is making 10k+ a month for semi nude photos
ya i'm jelly

>> No.9859504

Fuck women, it's just not fair

>> No.9859507

It's beta orbiters like you who enable this behavior

>> No.9859509

Asian people have higher IQs.

>> No.9859510

>buy pics
>find her dad
>send them to him
>wait for patreon to go down because DISHONOR FAMIRY

>> No.9859511

How am I a beta orbiter?

>> No.9859514

on second thought, if she does shit like this it's probably because the dad isn't around

>> No.9859516

The Chinese insectoids are also massive scam artists and cheaters

>> No.9859523

You can chase flat, squinteyed, rabbit tooth chinks all you want

>> No.9859656
File: 56 KB, 540x720, barb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't care about good locking people being smart, but thots for some reason i can't think of them as intelligent
that's why every time i see one of those chicks in a hard field of stem there's something that doesn't seem right to me
case on point this girl is a software engineer

>> No.9859662

she's not even that cute, she jsut have good enough facial features, a lot of makeup and a regular slender body

>> No.9859665

>mcgill university
> Marketing & Cognitive Sciences

what kind of major is that?

>> No.9859667

she's already got a bunch of orbiters to buy her pictures so it's probably working

>> No.9859687

Lmao stop posting these lookism morphs, left pic looks like when you fuck around with Sims 2 sliders

>> No.9859713

Ayyyy lmao

>> No.9859900

spoken like a true blainlet

>> No.9859904

I want to impregnate her with 9 babies