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11518101 No.11518101 [Reply] [Original]

Can you use neat isopropyl alcohol as hand sanitisier?

Or will that mess with your hands? It dries them out or something, right?

Is that why recipes, such as the one below, include a bunch of other stuff? To stop your hands drying out?


CNN says neat alcohol is "harsh" on the hands which is why hand sanitisers include emollients:


>> No.11518491
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Would neat isopropyl alcohol be good as a hand sanitiser?

Or would it irritate your hands too much?

>> No.11518503

The things you use to wash the dishes is good enough, dont be such a spaz.

Also the only thing you will accomplish by putting isopropanol in your hands is getting yourself killed

>> No.11518513

Alcohol is pretty rough on the skin, simple as that. If your hands are all dried out and chapped you're just creating new points where you can be infected and it just feels shitty.

>> No.11518517

>The things you use to wash the dishes is good enough

Just let the suds sit for 20-30 seconds.
Also this :>>11518503
>dont be such a spaz.

>putting isopropanol in your hands is getting yourself killed

Whit, whut?
I've been spaying my phone, hands, and stuff with "denatured" ethyl alcohol, but I've got some isopropyl too, what's the actual danger?

>> No.11518550

Ethanol and Isopropanol arent the same thing. Pouring Ethanol into your hands will give you dry skin at most. pouring isopropanol will give you a stroke.

>> No.11518587

>pouring isopropanol will give you a stroke.
I guess I could still use it for doorknobs and light switches?
Or maybe ant poison?

>> No.11518885

Corona is an enveloped virus, so the usage of soap and water is more effective and less harmful for the body

>> No.11519002

Washing hands all the time for healthy people is likely a overkill in the case of SARS-Cov-2 in my opinion. The natural skin flora is very effective against enveloped viruses defensins and many anti-microbial toxins released by the micro-organisms, which naturally inhabit the skin will deactivate Coronaviruses within half an hour. Unless somebody manages to stick a huge part of infected sputum on your hand or you are doing something like intubation etc., not touching your face, especially not the mucus is the best way to ensure no contact infection can happen. It’s basically a fat bubble and not very stable at all even washing your hands with any significant tenside concentration is enough to be pretty certain. One should also keep in mind contact infection isn’t the major route of transmission and it isn’t a viral hemorrhagic fever, which needs to be prevented a hundred percent. If you‘re a risk group it’s different, but than you should likely consider not going out at all.
Animal models have not shown skin toxicity or mutagenic potential according to some. But others say there is a suspicion of it having mutagenic potential. I would always be a little bit top careful and not use it, since it’s not officially labeled as hand sanitizer (to my knowledge) and other options should be available.

>> No.11519029

it's not great for your body and if you're exposed long enough it can soak into your skin and actually enter the bloodstream.