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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11589109 No.11589109 [Reply] [Original]

made you cry

>> No.11589129

why do universities do this

>> No.11589171

Java is perfect for learning programming. Not too advanced like C++ or even C, you don't have to worry about all that crap when compiling, but also not too simple like python or JavaScript who lack type safety. Not to mention it's been one of the most used languages for the past 20 years or so and every library in existence is written in Java, then maybe some other languages.

>> No.11589182

C# is even more beginner friendly these days and has more industry use, but alas Java will remain in use for no reason. Also >>11589109 this retard is a brainlet if he found data structures difficult.

>> No.11589193 [DELETED] 

>can't into basic programming
These are the people you will eventually train to replace you.

>> No.11589211

Java classes are meant to teach you how to think through things logically, debug, plan programs, etc. It's not meant to get into memory management and other shit. That will come down the line if they are in a CS major

>> No.11589212

What are data structures ?

>> No.11589220
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>and has more industry use, but alas Java will remain in use for no reason
It's not for no reason. Java has been on the first spot of most used languages for the past 20 years only occasionally getting surpassed by C.

>> No.11589229

I have never once seen Java used in my life. I work with cybersecurity (i.e. glorified sysadmin), used to intern for full stack web development, and contributed to a wide variety of open source video games. It's an almost entirely Pajeet language.

C# is like Java, dum dum. It a GC language.

Data structures and algorithms likely refers to all the binary trees and heaps (black white trees, B+ trees), dijakstra's algorithm, that kind of shit.

>> No.11589239

>I have never once seen Java used in my life
I take it you've never once had to make an Android app?

>> No.11589249

I suppose not.

>> No.11589252

I took a class named data structures this semester, it was some stupid logic shit, the most basic basics of set theory, proof by induction (which i already studied in high school), was piss easy
I will be taking graph theory next semester, hope it's not hard ?

>> No.11589254

Java is far more widely used than C# and has been at the top or near the top for nearly 3 decades

>> No.11589256

What you took sounds like discrete mathematics.

>> No.11589261

My University called it discrete structures, anyhow, how would you say Discrete structures compares in difficulty to lest's say calculus ?

>> No.11589262

First year discrete is typically ultra easy.

>> No.11589285

The thing with western universities is that it's hard to know if you understood the course because the problems are super easy and require no critical thinking at least that's the case in my first semester

>> No.11589297

For shitty unis, yes. Most lower level unis in the US are essentially businesses designed to give you a degree and 50k of debt.

>> No.11589310

That book isn't even hard lmao
We used first Sedgwick and then CLRS for our alg classes and it was mostly ok, aside from a few brainlets who kept complaining that they were "not good at math"

>> No.11589313

I don't know about other courses but for physics but we're using masterphysics which has some pretty hard exercices sometimes
Post what you consider a mildly difficult calculus problem ?

>> No.11589329

My java class did this.

First class was basic data structures, if statements, while loops, etc.

The second semester of the second part of the course introduced new concepts with a project due every week, making presentations on the topics we covered, responding to others projects, etc. It is a giant pain in the ass.

It also isn't helped because the professor's code is constantly buggy so the things she wants us to do/respond to aren't actually doable until 1 or 2 days before the deadline, meaning I was always scrambling

>> No.11589362

I dunno, I haven't taken calculus in like 7 years. Maybe the one classic dam problem with the water pressure where you have to take the integral to determine whether the dam will break.

>> No.11589370

Isn't that like ap calculus level stuff ?

>> No.11589858
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second place is advanced organic chemistry

>> No.11589866
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>> No.11589904

How is God spending the quarantine?

>> No.11589911

>Finding Data Structures and Algorithms hard
Double brainlet.

>> No.11589922


Checks out

>> No.11589935

did she actually read it?

>> No.11589942

Surrounded by gangstalkers making my life far more horrible than it would be if I was just regular indigent instead of special-government-indigent.

>> No.11589974

that would be kotlin now, grandpa

almost immediately transferrable to python but still have to learn static typing.

no overly verbose bullshit

>> No.11590263

certainly not