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11888512 No.11888512 [Reply] [Original]

I think climate change is real and I support it because I want to live as a raider like Lord Humungous in The Road Warrior.

>> No.11888532

well the good news is that's more likely than you think given the latest data
the bad news is trying to secure enough lube and make up for your twink

>> No.11888550
File: 41 KB, 500x520, Lord-Humungus-Mad-Max-Kjell-Nilsson-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What new information? Also don't worry, all twinks will be well provided for.

>> No.11888947

It's just an inter glacial period of the current ice age. There is a great chance that many people alive today will live to see the massive glaciers come back.

>> No.11889012

>we may have been underestimating this thing
>by 2C we actually meant 4 or 6C
>also 2C by early 2030s or so

>> No.11889088

Do you really need global warming for that? Just go to Australia.