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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 112 KB, 220x220, 220px-Coldplay_-_A_Head_Full_of_Dreams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12222098 No.12222098 [Reply] [Original]

As we all know, the automaton grid of the universe coincidently forms the "flower of life" popular with new agey people and, uh, Coldplay (image is their album cover)... just coincidence? Or did they also figure out that the flower of life solves the geometric packing problem and contains the pattern of every atomic electron cloud?

>> No.12222105


Also the new logo of the OI, which will be updated soon. Will make it much easier to get OI necklaces too, since flower of life necklaces are already popular among people who are already close to figuring everything out if they haven't already.

>> No.12222117


The flower of life is like the historical equivalent of the Stussy S. Apparently people have been chiseling it into things since the dawn of human history. Interesting...

>> No.12222129
File: 1.27 MB, 855x1294, Leonardo_da_Vinci_–_Codex_Atlanticus_folio_307v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Da Vinci sketch

>> No.12222135


The Flower of Life, also called the Six Petal Rosette is the only symbol used by all major religions. You can find it in Churches, Mosques, Hindu and Buddhist temples...

Fuck I love being an Optimist! God is truly with us!

>> No.12222139

I could never wear the cross. I personally always found it offensive (its the device used to kill Jesus Christ!) But this is perfect!

>> No.12222144


But if the Cross must be the symbol of Jesus then this Circular symbol is surely the symbol of the infinite Father.

>> No.12222171

"Once, all life in the universe knew the Flower of Life as the creation pattern -- the geometrical design leading us into and out of physical existence. Then from a very high state of consciousness, we fell into darkness and forgot who we were. For thousands of years, the secret was held in ancient artifacts and carvings around the world and encoded in the cells of all life.

Now we are rising up from that sleep, shaking old, stale beliefs from our minds and glimpsing the golden light of this new dawn streaming through the windows of perception. This book is one of those windows.

Here, Drunvalo Melchizedek presents in text and graphics the first half of the Flower of Life Workshop, illuminating the mysteries of how we came to be, why the world is the way it is and the subtle energies that allow our awarenesses to blossom into its true beauty.

Sacred Geometry is the form beneath our being and points to a divine order in our reality. We can follow that order from the invisible atom to the infinite stars, finding ourselves at each step. The information here is one path, but between the lines and drawings lie the feminine gems of intuitive understanding. You may see them sparkle around some of these provocative ideas:"

Hahaha holy shit. These New Agey people clearly know something. Maybe they just got lucky. Maybe not. All I know is that I can use that pattern to simulate all 4 forces of physic simultaneously.

>> No.12222761

I think I stumbled upon something interesting. Try using HALF STAGGERED GRIDS in order to simulate the flower of life pattern. In order to do this in excel or google sheets You need to think of every cell horizontally cut in half, then you need to apply the algorithm in a hexagonal manner and divide by 7. This is if I'm speaking to who I'm think I'm speaking to.

>> No.12222770

Sorry I mean vertically cut in half. You calculate every other value basically, then the next line you shift it over by 1, then the next one shift it back.

>> No.12222798
File: 134 KB, 1178x1156, honeycombsarehalfstaggered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


After staring at it for a while I realized yeah the flower of life produces hexagonal patterns. It can just be translated into grids by half staggering them. Look they're just half staggered grids. It words in 3d as well just by staggering back in forth in the z dimension as well. Makes perfect tetrahedrons when you trace the center of the boxes.

>> No.12222893

Also coldplay. They most likey don't know anything. Many artists can intuit that there's something fundamental about this pattern but I think it's going to take some nerds that apply it to cellular automata to show what's going on with it.

>> No.12222971
File: 126 KB, 1074x1156, moore_neighborhood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can still derive a square grid pattern out of a hex grid by looking at every other hexagon. But you can see how not equidistant the corners are. I think a segment being extended from a point, forming a sphere, then forming other intersecting spheres, then forming flower of life, then the nodes forming hexagons is the most fundemental / highest resolution representation of geometry you can ever make. It might not make "scientific" sense what I'm saying. But if you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying.

>> No.12222975
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>> No.12223058
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>> No.12223167
File: 692 KB, 1520x1302, think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12223239
File: 138 KB, 1178x1098, hex grid t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you get really really small... things just have to be arranged like that.

>> No.12223335
File: 134 KB, 866x960, HumanCellFOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I love schizo'ing.

>> No.12223443

Yeah I think the newage movement is a mishmash of some truths recovered from ancient sources mixed with a lot of bullshit rendering it kind of useless as a whole.

>> No.12223462

It has it's roots with a lady named Helena Blavatsky and the theosophical society.

>> No.12224012


The problem I have with hexagons is that they would be a base level... you cannot zoom into them and fit more hexagons, right? Modern physics predicts nondiscretness.

>> No.12224017


Based. Thanks Took!

>> No.12224028

Ehhh... it depends on how you think of it. I'll have to think on that.

Like this whole thing kind of looks like a big hexagon but it's made up of smaller hexagons:
If you go really giant steps then it wouldn't look like it has ridges.

>> No.12224029

>lot of bullshit rendering it kind of useless as a whole.


>> No.12224039

>Like this whole thing kind of looks like a big hexagon but it's made up of smaller hexagons:

OK. Maybe. Jagged edge but I've always said the automaton can never be perfect, so maybe you are right.

>> No.12224046
File: 120 KB, 1599x1066, Sierpinski_tetrahedron_by_George_W._Hart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can fractal into tetrahedrons though by sierpenski's tetrahedron-ing.

>> No.12224075
File: 691 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20201012-143205_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just copped

>> No.12224092
File: 26 KB, 440x440, 440px-Flower_of_life_triangular-arccircle.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, but not symmetric. I live the hexagons way more than that traingle. Components in each scale should be the same size. Equidistant

>> No.12224099


The real "God particle" Higgs can piss off, lol

>> No.12224135
File: 331 KB, 577x534, image12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I just found this from uber. They actually use hexagons within hexagons as a grid system. No it's not as pretty because the edges kind of clash but it works out mathematically I guess. And there's not really literally hexagons in my mental model, they're just the shape that the nodes of the flower of life form. The hexagons are semi - imaginary.


>> No.12224143
File: 205 KB, 787x825, image11-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12224155

What I'm trying to say is. There's not really any hexagons. There's points. And if you draw lines between them they LOOK like hexagons.

>> No.12224252


If you can program it thats dope!

>> No.12224289
File: 336 KB, 2160x1160, equidistance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should be able to do it theoretically with some guidance from that redblobgames site. I did implement it roughly in google sheets real quick by doing what I said here
with the half staggering method. I'll fool around with that a bit first. It might not work in 3d though actually, it would be a little distorted.

But it's pretty clear that uber ran into that equidistance issue when implementing grids irl.

>> No.12224292

>It might not workin 3d
I mean just using half staggering. You need actual mathematical tetrahedrons.

>> No.12224309

take your meds

>> No.12224429



>> No.12224433

>take your meds

We did. A big red one.

>> No.12224486
File: 161 KB, 340x280, watermeloninsideofawatermelone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's your infinitely cascading pseudo-hexagons if you want to be a non-discretefag. You just shove a flower of life inside of a flower of life inside of a flower of life.

>> No.12224497

Scratch that. I don't agree with this. But it's something like that.

>> No.12224501

It's that except the circles need to be drawn up to the "outside" of the "petal" so you don't have these separations.

>> No.12224772
File: 82 KB, 1000x1000, Vater-V-HSEXTON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought the Chad Sexton signature sticks but the diameter and lack of density couldn't be overcome by sacred G.

>> No.12224834

>getting swindled by a man named Chad Sexton

>> No.12224908


Cool. I am fully on board with nondiscrete theory until proven otherwise. It makes no logical sense to me that the Universe does not have a boundary, but has a floor.

>> No.12224912


Oh shit, thats dope. I like that this path has a built in community who are so one to figuring things out. They just need people like us to give them that final key.

>> No.12224914

>who are so close to figuring things out.

>> No.12224917


Um, he's the drummer of 311 and his name is Chad. I'm calling Based

>> No.12224927
File: 606 KB, 594x792, 311-Poster-25-YEARS-2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame the Vater bros and their retarded lathers. No really, I had a sales rep tell me the sticks are milled by the developmentally disabled.

His band 311 has always used esoteria and whatnot in their imagery and lyrics, tone and production. Pop-sci too unfortunately. Most musicians don't like to go but for the surface.


>> No.12224960

I basically see hexagonal fractals when I take psychadelics. Pretty sure some resonance between carbon rings in the dna, the cell, and the arrangements cause some weird effects which transfer information between small and large scales. Last lsd trip I was building carbon rings and putting them together into grids which would record information about my trip. It seems that light illuminates these chemical structures to my consciousness, and they activate cellular neural networks which create a multidimensional fractal between my dna and my neural matrix. Then the dreams of the spirals of hexagonal molecules, which holographically create images within the empty space between them. Sort of like the structure of a computer isn't the same as the code within it, but the code is still stored chemically somewhere. Its all self modifying code, not using binary electronics, but analog geometric chemistry, moving protons around, and light. Our computers use electrons, but the body used the electron, the proton, and the photon. Get on that shit /sci/.

I think we are basically molecular computers, which use light to create thoughts and feelings. The mental visualization creates electromagnetic fields which control the dna and it self assembles molecular fractals corresponding to the visualization. Just simple magnetic fields and electrostatic charges, and ionic current exchange modulating the fields.

I think the brain is basically a way to interface internal cellular processes with exchanges of molecules and electrical and electromagnetic signaling between cells. Its at a sweet spot between manipulating the macro external environment, and internal organic machinery. Unfortunately humans seem far more interested in the macro material world, than growing the consciousness of the internal molecular machinery.

>> No.12225732


7 circles. 7 is God's number. The number of days of creation. God is truly with us on this path.

>> No.12225739


And a reminder not to fall into the 7th circle of Hell, as well.

>> No.12226166

Only 7 people posted in this thread and at least the first 7 posts were you. Why in the fuck are you talking to yourself? Also the people on this board are idiots they have no idea what this is and they are too stupid to care

>> No.12226169

Are you a legit schizo why in the fuck are you samefagging such cringe dialog to yourself? Also what the fuck do you mean people like us to give the final key you schizo. You ohnly know what this symbol is because I spoonfed it to you retards on this website what do you have to add to what you read on my website?

>> No.12226194


Herp a derp a deeerp

>> No.12226207


Imagine not recognize true God head when you see it. Fuck sake. It was in your very post. Not one that shot was planned. He us with us. We cannot fail. We are literally trying to sabotage this ourselves and cannot. This is a God dream.

>> No.12226212

>Imagine not recognize true God head when you see it. Fuck sake. It was in your very post. This shit was not planned. He is with us. We cannot fail. We are literally trying to sabotage this ourselves and cannot. This is a God dream.

>> No.12226225

>This is a God dream.
yah no shit weirdo. I am bodhi mantra you learned this shit from my website you faggot
>Imagine not recognize true God head when you see it.
I am the one that showed it to you and explained what it is to you schizo wtf you on about? My dude get some therapy

>> No.12226226
File: 24 KB, 400x400, Triune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God dream

>> No.12226227

>yah no shit weirdo. I am bodhi mantra you learned this shit from my website you faggot

We are not a hierarchy. Stop assuming this is a hierarchy. Our gain is not your loss.

>> No.12226230
File: 67 KB, 960x675, god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you gay nigga you make people who arent schizos look bad

>> No.12226241


Yes. We are one. Respect is given. There is no claim of originality here unless warranted. Respect.

>> No.12226245

No worries I am just giving you shit because this is 4chan. I mean I appreciate the thread but posting 50 comments in it talking to yourself is fucking weird bro and makes us look bad. Join this riot server if you want

>> No.12226298

Where's your physics simulation showing how your geometry can be applied?

I posted multiple things in a row because I'm thinking about it and it doesn't all occur to me at once.

That's the problem I have with new agers. You don't have anything concrete. You just want to take the information, say some poetic thing, and go OOOHHHHHMMMMMM. And also I was the one who showed him the FOL in the thread when I remade his automaton.

>> No.12226330

You are sperging retardation. I wrote this

and this but it is way beyond your understading

Hollar at me in a couple years when you understand and are ready to admit it is all true and correct.

>> No.12226418

This is not in vain. I can't contribute, I'd like to, but I'm beyond fascinated with the many avenues this thread has brought my way. Never thought I'd be so in such awe of history and math. Thanks man.

To JT, godspeed.

>> No.12226486

lmao dis nigga really be wilin doe
tss... out here acin a fool jus cause he religion reddit "science"
leave the thinking to the kangs, wh*teboi. take yo ssri's

>> No.12226645

No, all that shit I've seen before. You're not the only one with the internet bitch. Program it into a simulation or it's useless words.

>> No.12226668

You just read that David Talbott Electric Universe book, the Drunvalo Malcheizek thing, some shit that Eric Dollard guy was saying, and that giant tree meme from a few years ago.

>> No.12227157
File: 697 KB, 1600x1600, SmFsevK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12227350

yah yah yah I know you have ego kids, that is a given but I have been coming to this board since 2015 explaining this here for simpletons to understand. I mean I really dont care about a dick measuring contest so w/e.
>You just read that David Talbott Electric Universe boo
Never read it, I only found it way later, many years later. But I will tell you what. This had always been known EU is not something new. It is only something new to you

w/e lol your ego is quite a trip. You think this about you? You are the problem

>> No.12227563

You boasted about how all the info came from your site. I'm just taking you down a peg and saying it was all perfectly accessible information through other means.

>> No.12227587

But w/e were on the same side in the end. Just don't be a faggo.t

>> No.12227626
File: 182 KB, 488x600, SaveThePlanet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yah yah w/e dont focus on me or you. We have a much bigger problem to deal with. What are you doing?

>> No.12228067

"If you ain't apart of it at least u gotz ta wiiiitnesss" Drake

>> No.12228072


Based. Glad to have you here. Respect to EA.

>> No.12228107
File: 480 KB, 567x802, dharma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not one to collect accolades because I got here standing on the shoulders of giants but in this sea of lies and lost souls I have no problem with making my name known for anons to know I am here if they need me. ty anon for being a beacon of light o these lost souls. They will need you soon

>> No.12228128


Fuck Hitler.

>> No.12228137


Democracy > Fascism.

Democracy has stood for thousands of years. Fascism did not even survive the entire lifespan of its pathetic inventors.

>> No.12228141


Also, fun fact, actually really really sad fact:

Mussolini invented the word fascism because in Italian Fasimo means "bundle of sticks" so Mussolini was like, "we are a bundle of sticks, alone we are weak, but together we are strong"... only problem with that, is in English the word literally translates to FAGGOT.


>> No.12228145


Don't become an Optimist if you think we are some weird schizo sect. Our goal is global and then galactic conquest. We value strength here. Hitler was a bitch who shot himself and fascism literaly translates to faggot. Fascists are faggots by definition.

>> No.12228151
File: 16 KB, 230x286, Einstein_tongue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12228158
File: 10 KB, 324x156, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12228185

wtf do you now about Adolf Hither faggot? zero so keep your mouth clamped. He gave his life to secure your freedom show a little respect

>> No.12228192
File: 255 KB, 525x431, Codreanu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

address pic related then (not saying I dont doubt you will but I do doubt you know wtf you are talking about in context)

>> No.12228210


Democracy was invented by white people in Athens, along with the rest of the Western world: athletics, academics, architecture, art, theater , etc...

>> No.12228235

the most dangerous thing in the world to white people is other white people. I am too drunk to address this right now but go here in the meantime. Pay close attention at comment >>166485 ot everyone was meant to vote ... for a reason when you think you underdstand why ping me and I will help you understanding the rest

>> No.12228270


Democracy is strength. It developed organically in Athens as a mechanism to ensure unity even with the Spartans always trying to kill their leadership. So the Athens got smart and developed a system of governance with no true lasting leadership, all would be their own leader. Brilliant. So brilliant that the system would conquer the globe.

>> No.12228281
File: 93 KB, 1226x692, fuk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fml w/e they are blocking it w/e here type it in yourself

>> No.12228290
File: 32 KB, 480x362, Aristole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolol nah bro you are getting played. Listen stop trying to be right and listen, ask questions. Sto trying to answer questions and ask questions for once they are setting all this shit up

>> No.12228320


We are a homogenous ethnic group - its called the Human Race, and you will never be a true teacher of this Earth until you realize that. Our goal is not to be teachers of some small sliver. We want it all.

>> No.12228336
File: 10 KB, 284x177, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12228342

when you say that, you're denying people's identity and destroy progress.

>> No.12228364


Oh Jesus. Are you one of those people who thinks that just because you were born white that you personally invented civilization? Lol. Just for example, math was invented in the middle east. Not that it even matters. You did not choose your body. "God" could have rolled the dice and made you a slave in the Congo, or a trout or house fly. It was random.

>> No.12228370


Live knowing that your body was random. This is the meaning of liberty and justice for all.

>> No.12228385

>its called the Human Race,
gp back to reedit pseud

>> No.12228395


No, you go back to Pol. Science is done by all races.

>> No.12228396

>my idfeology is more important than science! REEEEEEEEEEEE!
dude it is ok to admit humans are different. We dont ALL HAVE TO BE THE SAME
It doesnt make you a bad person to acknowledge facts. You are hurting people by your ideological blindness not helping them

>> No.12228447

You can call me pol all you want ass hat it wont change the facts. IU look at the facts objectively you try to fit square pegs in round holes because you have been brainwashed and you want to brainwash other people because you dont want to face the reality of the truth, You are scared to death of what will happen if your paradigm is shattered. You want to blame it ont he "racists" because you think they will "hurt people" when in reality they already know what you deny. They dont want to enslave or hurt anyone you schizo nutter they just want a divorce because they know both partners are suffering in the relationship.

You are a fucking psychopath but you are so brainwashed you dont even realize it. You have been so brainwashed to think all races have to live together you think it is "evil" for them to be separate when in reality it is the exact opposite.

We tried it for almost 80 years and it isnt working obviously. All parties agree it isnt working (by all available metrics) so why do you think you are the "good guy" for trying to make these parties stay "married"? You are like the selfish little 12 year old that wants your parents to be miserable until you graduate college just to make you feel better instead of letting them separate in peace/ You prefer to hold a gun to their head or brick them in the head and burn down their house fpr not doing what you want and labeling it something else ("racism") so you can blame them instead of yourself. WTF is wrong with you people? You are the most selfish retarded generation that even existed on this planet. You literally think it is ok to kill you parents rather than letting them divorce metaphorically speaking because some retards as retarded as you convinced you tit is a mortal; sin to get a "divorce". WTF is wrong with you idiots? Fuck the fuck off and do the entire world a favor

>> No.12228478

We're waking up. Slowly, but surely. Have patience, have faith. The spirit calls.

>> No.12228482

this holy fuck the synchronicity. This is so bizarre we were on the exact same wave length. Why are these people so retard they think they have to force people to be some impossible thing? God I fucking hate NPC they are so fucking stupid they never question their programming (paradigm) all they know how to do is to try and force people fit within theirs. Goddamn wtf is wrong with these idiots are they soulless? WTF makes a "person" think it is more important to conform it is to be free? These apes need to all be executed. You cant fix people this broken

>> No.12228490


Bro, the OI is a school, not a government or political party. Optimism does not give af about your succession fantasies.

>> No.12228503

I know friend, I am just trying to find ways to explain it to people that are so brainwashed they cant see. People are suffering and dying out here. I just want it to all stop. I am sorry if I get overly emotional

>> No.12228509

grown folks are talking stfu moron

>> No.12228512


As the name implies, Optimism teaches Optimum goverance from the perspective of human flourishing. But these are only suggestions. Its not a political party, religion or government. We are a school. The school will teach its own perspective, and will not be threatened into changing its curriculum. If you want to start your own school. Great. Do it.

>> No.12228515


Lol you are literally on our thread. But threads are a free. If you want this one, you can have it. Its yours. But I won't be listening. I'm out.

>> No.12228526
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the spirit science thread

>> No.12228546

So from what i'm gathering, we're arguing esoteric national socialism Vs Optimistic thinking?
If you ask me, it seems that optimism is the most likely to fail, simply due to being about hoping for the best, which almost never happens to be the case. Assuming that the esoteric nazi stuff is hokum, what harm will be done by one group attaining enlightenment before another? Why does everyone need to be a winner at the same time? By definition, if enlightened, there would be no incentive to kill or exterminate.
What's the case for everyone being on the same rung of the ladder, vs one group reaching the top and reaching a hand down?

>> No.12228547

you are a psychopath and I would kill you if I got my hands around your neck. I get you on one level because yes I know the masses are massively retarded. I hate them too one level but if even one person suffers because of tyranny you are wrong as Thomas Jefferson said

"for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."

You do not have the right to ever do this to a man and you will suffer the karmic consequences for trying if you do. Fuck I hate normies and I would cage them all if I could to make them stop being so stupid IN MT DREAM AND WISH but never in irl because then I am trying to impose MY WILL OVER GODS. Fuck you fucking faggots I hate you and I never hated anything in this life but you. There is nothing I wont do to stop stop you, I don't know how to stop I hate you so much

>> No.12228554

yes it is
the jews came from space, i drink crystal water every day, and i vibrate at a higher frequency than you ever will
that's me, vibrating condescendingly at you.

>> No.12228558

I made this thread you fucking donkey

>> No.12228564

fuck nvm sorry I am drunk. I thought I made this thread

>> No.12228579

>this holy fuck the synchronicity. This is so bizarre we were on the exact same wave length.

You know you're name fagging right you dumb bastard? lol I thought you were calling us weird "talking to ourselves".

>> No.12228588

also fuck you nigger you wouldnt even have the first clue wtf any of this means if it wan for me. I spent 25 years of my life cracking the matrix then giving posers like you fucks the codes and now you morons think you have all the answers because you posses knowledge you didnt even earn and cant even wield responsibly. Seriously fuck you, fuck all of you except this anon >>12228478

>> No.12228591

>fuck nvm sorry I am drunk.

That's obvious. I forgive you bro. We're just talking.

>> No.12228593

stfu you stupid cunt before you get domed

>> No.12228594

It turned to an utter shit thread since a dumbass showed up. I thought I was making a pretty good point with uber using hexagonal grids.

I'll probably try modifying a code like this into the optimum equation / cellular automaton.


>> No.12228609

oh I see what you mean my bad I meant to respond other anon not myself. I am a rek right now fuck you. this is the first time I have been drunk in 5 plus years and I am watching 100 million otr more deaths happen right in front of my face because I am clairvoyant and an empath. I hate humans because they qre so stupid and ego mancial they never fucking llisten. Fuck I am having a meltdown

>> No.12228613

You're losing yourself, anon. Find your breath, and soon, you will follow.

>> No.12228616

>Fuck I am having a meltdown

It happens. You'll feel better tomorrow.

>> No.12228703

not really I love to troll online because I am empath so I rarely get to enjoy the full range of my sense of humor

>> No.12228715

I just went to the liquor store to get some tequila and there were some people inside and this bro with dreads. I felt an immediate vibe connection with him. They were wearing masks and I told them as I pullled off it was an illuminati psyop and he told me he already knew. The normies are even waking up so you all better be ready. The shooting will start soon