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File: 963 KB, 632x826, TIMESAND___ZephramCochrane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12269387 No.12269387 [Reply] [Original]

Due to infinity hat and some related issues, the Riemann hypothesis is false. See for yourself in my nice paper:
Fractional Distance: The Topology of the Real Number Line with Applications to the Riemann Hypothesis

Stupid criticisms:
1) Definitions 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 comprise a circle because the range of the Euclidean metric could be taken as R instead of N or Q, and despite the fact that the line being equipped with "a function" does not depend on the function's range, be it R, Q, N, or any other thing.
2) The neighborhood of infinity is not allowed by the field axioms which did not exist until long after Hilbert's 1899 paper.
3) The neighborhood of infinity is not allowed by the 1872 Dedekind cut and Cauchy definitions which somehow constrain Riemann's 1859 hypothesis.
4) Although algebra is called the study of mathematical symbols and the rules for manipulating them, infinity hat is "magic," not mundane, and therefore it is not allowed.
5) The Archimedes property of real numbers is not what Euclid said it is. It is what Rudin says it is.
6) By the axiom that every real number is less than some natural number, every real number is less than some natural and, therefore, alternative axiomatic schemes are not admissible. The main point of the paper is to show that the modern schemes for R such as the field axioms and Dedekind cuts do not preserve the traditional Euclidean construction of R.
7) Although all the sentences in the paper contain the formal subject-predicate construction, the sentences are actually incomprehensible gibberish.
8) Although Clay explicitly rules out the trivial zeros at the negative integers, zeros which everyone knows are out of scope, they also ruled out the zeros in the neighborhood of infinity but they just didn't do it explicitly like they did with the negative even integers.

Who will add to the list? Anything I forgot?

>> No.12269434

take your meds dude. no one is reading all that bullshit

>> No.12269595

Tooky no one takes you seriously because your argument essentially is just "no you guys are wrong about what X is, here is my version of X and oh look it has these properties". If you just accepted that you were working in non-standard axioms and therefore your work is not a solution for a community that does not accept your axioms. If you just presented your results as an exploration of the consequences of using antiquated mathematics then perhaps some people would take you more seriously.

>> No.12269630

Axiom: Tooker is right
Axiom: RH is false

This is your paper in two sentences. Also, I read the Weather vane, terrible book John.

>> No.12269680
File: 250 KB, 300x450, TIMESAND___Cover_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's more like
Axiom: Euclid is right
Theorem: RH is false

>> No.12270066

Hey lads I'm a newcomer. Red pill me on this Tooker guy please

>> No.12270072

He's schizophrenic.

>> No.12270145

He wrote a paper claiming to prove the Riemann Hypothesis false which is complete quackery. The proof basically relies on a nonsensical circular definition of the real numbers which doesn't relate to what mathematicians think of as the reals. Every time someone points out a flaw in his argument he "patches" it to move the issue away.
He's mentally ill and honestly engaging with this is kind of cruel. It's too funny to stop though.

>> No.12270166

No no no, it's more like he's special. Yeah, he's a very special mathematician, very.

>> No.12270426

>infinity hat
aka tin hat

>> No.12270458
File: 47 KB, 550x493, rip gravitational waves lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How exactly does the MCM account for the discoveries unearthed here: https://sites.google.com/site/pregeometrictheoryofspacetime/

>> No.12270467

infini tin hat

>> No.12270670

Please help me. We have interval, closed,
0,1 and 1,infinity, closed.

One doesn't belong to any interval. Distance between them is 0, is that correct?

Therefore it's number before 1, number after 1, between them there's a number 1 and it's 0 distance?

Therefore, we can go over every point, just next point to it, and we only go into depths.

I'm lost. If distance between number is 0, they are equal. Therefore all points on numberline, from which to next other distance is 0 are equal.

Therefore whole number line is equal?

How do you call neighbor point and distinguish it correctly?

You should be expert in it.

>> No.12270678

Sorry, it'll have to wait.
My tin hat just got a huge dent in it, have to deal with it first.

>> No.12270994

I don't know. If you tell me what they are, then I will consider them.

>> No.12270996
File: 59 KB, 500x500, TIMESAND___23e667r456789072756856llff679j7xgrtc284798070gggqaaa87g144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12271104

What's it like living with schizophrenia, Tooker? Do you feel like entities or organizations are somehow injecting thoughts into your mind? Like that CIA director woman or something?

>> No.12271487

LMAO that bible quote really threw me off
> And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.
Rather based. Why do schizos feel the need to attack every accepted predicate at once. Why does this hack feel the need to BTFO GR and the second law of thermo simultanously? At least publish it in two seperate papers nigger

>> No.12271802

I wouldn't know since I don't have it. What's it like being a nigger?

>> No.12271814

>racist tin hat
tsk. tsk

>> No.12272130

You being a nigger doesn't make me a racist.