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File: 941 KB, 3000x2000, Fir_YQtVQAA9rYV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15044416 No.15044416 [Reply] [Original]

HAKUTO-R edition

Previous: >>15041491

>> No.15044420


>> No.15044423
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>> No.15044426
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>> No.15044427
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Glass the Earth, demigod war eventually

>> No.15044431
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Yes they gave that figure because the AR1, like the Russian engine they are derived from, normally comes in pairs.

A reminder that AR1 were the only non vaporware proposal for liquid fueled SLS boosters.

>> No.15044432

The original batch order of RD-180s back in the 90s was for 101 engines at $9.9M apiece. Later orders got a lot more expense after Russia realized they had a captive market that they could milk a lot more heavily than there were. I don't know if the last ones ended up going for more than $20M per engine, but it doesn't sound improbable to me.

>> No.15044433

Earthers no longer disgust me. They just disappoint me.

>> No.15044437

I wanna go to space so fucking much

>> No.15044441

>/sfg/ anons will shit their pants because he will do all this while doing the sõy mouth
This will make it even more entertaining.

>> No.15044442

I can't wait for the moonjaks made from his face when he posts it.

>> No.15044444

Don't encourage that sort of behavior

>> No.15044445

>Current projected price is $500,000
That still seems too low. There's still two stages, two engines, and a fancy fairing. They're just a bit smaller. The sources I can find on that price are from 2018, and sounds like Astra's old promises to make their rockets iteratively cheaper (ie. bullshit).

>Then eventually Neutron will come along and eat constellation deployment forever
Neutron is gonna get some business because of the rocket bottleneck, but I'm worried it won't be truly competitive. Between the shift on barge landings and Amazon saying it only wants big rockets, Neutron just feels too small. Also, RL hasn't announced any orders yet, and they'd wanna boast that if they had any.

>> No.15044446

You know that it can't be stopped

>> No.15044447

Hey. Don't bring the moonies into this. They're weird and possibly entirely schizophrenic, but they're the most heartwarming of the spacers after the venusians.

>> No.15044450

why not?

>> No.15044458

>I'm worried it won't be truly competitive
I really want RL to succeed, but I fear they came too late to be able to catch with SpaceX.
I remember some anon talking about a "conspiracy" that Neutron is actually going to be the tip of a bigger rocket by the way they are designing it, but I don't know if this has any merit.

>> No.15044459
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damn it's ugly

>> No.15044464

No originality. I'm sick of seeing wojak variations.

>> No.15044468
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Venusians are either balloon cucks spending outlandish amounts of money to live in a tan haze, or atmo-harvesting orbital chads.
Loonies are eccentric at best and outright dangerous at worst.

>> No.15044470

yeah, thank god we haven't been subjected to watching it fly since 2011
that silver beauty on the left however, she's one hell of a ship

>> No.15044476

The Moon is too close to E*rth. It will be the Ireland of outer space.

>> No.15044480

I will personally ensure Lunar dominance, both economic and political, over Earth

>> No.15044481

That's so cool! We'll get an aesthetic Lunar Republican Army, and a cocktail called the moonie shuttle bomb.

>> No.15044483

reminder that it's been 585 days since the last SS test flight
fuck the FAA and fuck the army corp of engineers

>> No.15044488

>too late to be able to catch with SpaceX
Short of utter failure of Starship, there was never a realistic path for RL to catch up with SpaceX's rockets for the foreseeable future. The questions are whether Neutron can hold its own against other 2020s rockets, and how much scraps SpaceX will leave behind by the time they come online.

>"conspiracy" that Neutron is actually going to be the tip of a bigger rocket
I can't see it. Maybe it could be reused with a big heat shield at the base with an aerospike or ring of engines. I'm not sure. The thing is though that the fairing would then be really narrow for a rocket of that size. Plus, can they even get away with that kind of misdirection as a public company?

>> No.15044491

>there was never a realistic path for RL to catch up with SpaceX's rockets for the foreseeable future
Shit, as much as I like SpaceX, I really didn't want them to become a monopoly over launches.

>> No.15044493

The path to long-term survival for any newspace company (aside from spacex) is not launch capability. Launch is a fool's game right now.
RL needs to be throwing almost all their R&D towards in-space systems like tugs and deep-space vehicle platforms and maybe on-orbit construction.

>> No.15044496
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Is it just me or is there zero way for any smallsat launcher to turn a profit? RocketLab, Firefly, Relativity, all of them are aiming to build a medium sized launcher.

>> No.15044500
File: 2.17 MB, 1400x1716, ad astra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone on the Moon or Mars will be socialists in order to survive. There will be no currency unless you buy shit at the American colony Applebee's.

>> No.15044501

Well, it looks they are doing well with their satellite components thing.

>> No.15044503

hard to get a commercially-viable payload small enough for the small-launch payload ranges
need capability, but capability requires mass

>> No.15044504

The AR1 is fucking cool
spacex has proven even a complex engine can be cheap. There’s no reason this engine should cost AeroDyne more than $5 million to produce. Hell there’s no reason it should cost more than $2 million

>> No.15044506

The Moon will be a huge tourist trap, which necessarily involves commerce with Earth and Earther currency.

>> No.15044507

>communists win
Mars will be cut off from earth and collapse.

>> No.15044508

I haven’t checked new figures in the last 3 years, but last I checked Falcon 1 still mogs any and every small launcher

>> No.15044509

With rideshares there just isn't the market for so many dedicated smallsat launchers.

>> No.15044511

Nope! This is a stupid fucking /sfg/ meme. Launch, to orbit, and do it as cheap as fucking possible.

>> No.15044512

As always the chinese moon colony will be the most successful.

>> No.15044515
File: 375 KB, 512x703, MarsDustDevi-AmazonisPlanitia-MGS-MOC-20010401-E03-00938.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Red Wolves
Should be Red Devils, in reference to dust devils, there are no wolves on Mars.

>> No.15044516

Even a best case scenario Starship won’t corner the entire market. We’ve had this discussion and a spacex anon even argued in favor of neutron being able to get a good enough cut to survive

>> No.15044518

There is no way a Martian colony could be capitalist. They have no goods and no people to export them to. It will be a shitty socialist state for eternity.

>> No.15044519

The market is controlled too tightly by the government to be monopolized by any one launch provider. They'll happily bankroll the more promising smaller companies just for the sake of having competition.

>> No.15044521

If we export communism to another planet, we're doomed as a species.

>> No.15044522

Any colony outside earth will, for the foreseeable future, be run similar to antarctica.

>> No.15044523

That combined with the fact that there will always be salty third parties willing to pay a little more for not flying with the best. And neutron might be able to find niches that would better suit customers compared to Starship, especially at first when SeX is selling flights for a little more to make up for development costs so the spread in launch cost between SS and neutron will be way tighter

>> No.15044525


>> No.15044530
File: 708 KB, 1920x873, 1 million human colony city on Mars by Max Rymsha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would the economy of moon/mars look like?

>> No.15044533

For the Moon, are we considering the He3 meme or not?

>> No.15044534

It’s worldbuilding don’t worry they get fucked down the line

Tbh I was trying to base them off the Grey Wolves, a prominent Turkish nationalist group.

>> No.15044536

>Tbh I was trying to base them off the Grey Wolves, a prominent Turkish nationalist group.
I thought of that. I still stand by my opinion, though.

Worldbuilding for what?
What I mean, is this in reference to some existing media? A personal project? Or just a way to fill ten minutes?

>> No.15044539
File: 96 KB, 640x472, Martian_face_viking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there an ass of Mars?

>> No.15044541

Find it.

>> No.15044543

I have absolutely no attention span - so, no.
And you'd need to use pics taken by Viking.

>> No.15044545

Humans will never leave Earth. It's over.

>> No.15044546

As much as I hate the meme, a space colony will probably have an economy unlike anything on Earth.

>> No.15044551

It will be socialist, at least initially. Not as in a rich kid going to college and learning about Marx's BS, but in the basic sense that every economical activity and resource will be controlled by an authority to ensure max efficiency and the best chance of survival for the colonists.

>> No.15044553

Saying "There is no way a Martian colony could be capitalist" is just a dumber way of saying "I can't imagine a Mars colony where people get to own private property."

>> No.15044559

You better hope its not socialist because socialists have an abysmal track record for running those sorts of things with any degree of efficiency.

>> No.15044561
File: 3.52 MB, 6144x2586, 52261907930_f0209511a0_6k001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I'm afraid all I can offer you is the mars benis-shaped tire tracks

>> No.15044565

>the Benis of Mars
Is there a Mirror of Venus?

>> No.15044566

I hate socialists, but tight rationing of resources is the only way in situations of extreme scarcity, like a disaster, a war, or a space colony.

>> No.15044569

What's the point when there's gonna be like 500 people max? It's gonna be like Jamestown 2.0

>> No.15044574

Rationing of resources != socialism.
Any colony would be run like antarctica is, i.e. there would be no economy.

>> No.15044576

>there would be no economy
What moron would go then?
At least the moon will run on Chinese tourism.

>> No.15044579
File: 582 KB, 2318x3593, Saturn C8 Nova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is direct ascent so soulful

>> No.15044580

>What moron would go then?
researchers and tourists

>> No.15044582

>What moron would go then?

>> No.15044583

So there will be an economy then.

>> No.15044586
File: 127 KB, 800x1067, Saint_Petersburg_Lakhta_center_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penile insecurity.

>> No.15044589

Money from tourists will be between earth based companies.
Look at how antarctica works.

>> No.15044591

Calling it socialist is a bit of a misnomer since economics only works at a certain scale. At least until it grows to the size of a large town (i.e. 100k people), there's no reason to impose any sort of formal economic system. Things would simply be rationed as needed and people would perform their tasks or be politely told to fuck off back to Earth.

Once large enough, vital resources (food, water, oxygen) would need to be centrally regulated, however secondary industries (stuff like restaurants or consumer manufacturing) would be just fine under a free market (insofar as any Martian colony could be economically viable without massive gibs from Earth)

>> No.15044596

>I'm just gonna go to this desolate wasteland that has no economic potential and copious amounts of radiations because... I JUST WANT TO OKAY?!

>> No.15044598

This but unironically

>> No.15044599

That money will be from Earth back to Earth. The colony will get change at most, since the cost is mostly transportation. See >>15044589

>> No.15044610
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Kind of just a way to fill ten minutes but I would love to start writing stuff in the future.

>> No.15044611

>be politely told to fuck off back to Earth.
The issue is that fucking off back to Earth costs a shit ton of money and resources, and there are launch windows anyway so they will have to endure the fuckwads for some time.
>secondary industries (stuff like restaurants or consumer manufacturing) would be just fine under a free market
How the fuck are there going to be restaurants? I doubt Mars will ever achieve enough excess resources to spend on luxuries like these during this millennium.

>> No.15044621
File: 372 KB, 1383x1193, 53DD3316-7007-4C85-8E60-69FE402939A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn’t mean to start a capitalism vs communism discussion I just wanted to post some worldbuilding stuff sorry bros

>> No.15044624

I can't imagine 100k people ever being on Mars. What would they do? Fart and shit all day?

>> No.15044626

I can't imagine 100k people ever being on Ohio. What would they do? Fart and shit all day?

>> No.15044630

So, what is the lower limit for people being allowed to own their own stuff?

>> No.15044631

I quantified that by saying it would need to be the size of a large town already. If you don't think that will happen within this millennium then sure. If such a colony is, at that size, so scarce on resources as to make it impossible for even 1% of their working hours to be dedicated to something that isn't a need per se, then it's doomed to fail anyway.

Also I'm not saying that there will ever be that many people on Mars or that it will happen quickly. Only that once it reaches that size there will be some tangible benefit to free market economics.

>> No.15044634

If we are discussing worldbuilding, then what about this:
Nuking the underground on Mars to trigger new volcanoes. Every other time I suggested this, I was told it was not possible, but there was some recent study that said Mars is more active than previously thought, and there is a lava plume there. What about it?

>> No.15044637
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I live in Ohio lol

>> No.15044665
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First for Dear Moon

>> No.15044666
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>> No.15044668
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For the honor and glory!
To be a pioneer!
To be the first!

Because it is there, frankly.

>> No.15044673
File: 5 KB, 224x224, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should be done about faggots who insist we stay and die on Earth?

>> No.15044679

Just make a mobile rover hotel room with algae tank food farming and waste recycling. Power it with massive solar wings and use the energy to power a battery or fuel cell. There, mobile home you can live in untaxed and ungoverned by society, on mars.

>> No.15044684

Things will start to get real on Mars not when there's a big colony that can support itself, but when it's possible for a small handful of people to buy the supplies they need either on Mars or on Earth and start their own semi-independent Martian colony.

>> No.15044693

>tfw no 1080p+ tour of Tiangong with an english-speaking astronaut narrating each segment
So this is how space autists from every other nation has felt for the last 70 years…

>> No.15044695

At that point why not just modify humans to be one with their spacesuit so they can live in space without a large structure to keep them alive?

>> No.15044697

If Proxima Centauri b happens to be either habitable or at least easily terraformable, would it take away the colonial intentions from Mars?

>> No.15044701

We need to go through the gundam era before fully unlocking biogenetic psychic potential that enables us to become free space living humanoid entities.

>> No.15044706

Sort of. If humanity discovered an earthlike habitable planet within reach, why go to mars, even?
The big thing is that the tech to send humans interstellar won’t exist for a long while. 100+ years of mars colonization May happen first, perhaps several hundred.

>> No.15044708

Look I don’t want to be mean but this is such a fucking retarded question. The hypothetical makes no sense considering the fast that proxima is so fucking far away it might as well be unreachable, and terraforming is a complete popsoi meme and even if it just meant warming the average temperature of the planet by 5° celsius it might as well be written off as being too difficult

>> No.15044712

Okay on second thought I half-rescend this post because I’m the anon who always autistically brings up 1g acceleration
Still though; any mention of terraforming is so dumb. In my opinion.

>> No.15044715

Terraforming is so far into the future that it shouldn’t be taken seriously yet

>> No.15044721
File: 28 KB, 437x555, F0334E16-24DF-410C-9324-FDA19C0373E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m probably staying up to watch the Falcon 9 launc tonight. Final papers due Monday anyways.

>> No.15044725
File: 37 KB, 960x411, firsttextful.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there so many fucking Ohio astronauts?

>> No.15044726

what’s the topic of the paper?

>> No.15044729

Serious answer: I feel like people from ohio have a way higher average of folks who become pilots/engineers compared to other states

>> No.15044735

As an Ohioan
>Strong Midwest pro-military culture
>However, not a bumfuck retarded white trash state
>Actual industry and cities in Ohio mean more educational opportunities
So basically, it has a lot of people who grew up with pro-military and patriotic values, but who also have access to decent education. Naturally, that gives you people who might want to be fighter pilots. From there, one might want to become an astronaut.
This is all speculation though but Ohio is actually a nice state

Philosophy, dude. My STEM courses all finished up last week but my electives have finals this upcoming week. Sucks man. This is the first semester at Uni I’m getting less than a 4.0 gpa. I have a lot of B+’s and watching my grades drop sucks.

>> No.15044736

The ISS uses a lot of power.
How does it ground the electricity?

>> No.15044739

There's no reason not to think about it. We just acknowledge that it's not going to happen while we're still alive.
Proxima b is probably tidally locked, though its light flux is a bit lower than the earth so there might be a band of habitable area on the surface. I would answer no to your question, but I really hope Webb observations cause people to start seriously talking about interstellar travel again, even if it's just starshot. The literal USAF used to do interstellar orion ark designs, by the way.

>> No.15044740

spay sex can stagnate in their own incompetence on their own. only a retarded fanboy would blame the regulators for how shit raptor engine testing is going

>> No.15044742

if we're being real just get some research in and make sure professors like you and know you enough.

>> No.15044744
File: 2.50 MB, 1920x1080, 62bde51db7f69d50e1018833_StarMax Horizons 4k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New space startup dropped

>> No.15044745

Oh wow yet another company that will produce CGI and fold in 4 years time

>> No.15044747

why was everyone so down on momentus? I thought it isn't that strange for a company's hardware to fail on the first flight, and they've still got another flight coming up

>> No.15044751
File: 254 KB, 1125x550, 35122CD2-8652-4D9B-AF46-31A43A04B80C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re right, it just sucks because I’m an autistic perfectionist.
Real talk, my dream isn’t to pursues a Bio PHD or medschool, but to become a pilot. I was in the process of signing up for doing Marines Pilot OCS after Uni but I’m disqualified because if I eat a peanut I will fucking die.
I’m getting some medical treatment done to “cure” my peanut allergy but the Pilot OCS recruiters from the Marines, Army, Navy, and Air Force have all told me that there is no way to gaurantee I’ll “make it in” to even try, although it wouldn’t hurt my chances.
It sucks man. I wanted to be like Chuck Yeager ever since I went to Kennedy space Center when I was 5. I feel like my life is GATTACA. Lol.

>> No.15044754

we all help in whatever way we can.

>> No.15044759
File: 79 KB, 4197x1348, 5cf355be6e00f5cba437e880_Logo - White font on transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol how many of these fucking startups are there?

Was browsing LinkedIn and holy crap there are so many satellite tug startups, space infrastructure startups

Pic related, they are building a large internet constellation in GEO


When will it stop?

>> No.15044760

The N1 was wild. Imagine SpaceX putting 33 raptors on Superheavy that haven’t been test fired, and then just launching the stack without a static fire or anything. That would be suicide, and yet the USSR did that with the N1

>> No.15044761

>ass trannies

>> No.15044762

when it becomes clear to investors it makes no sense to invest in small startups
which may be never btw

>> No.15044766

It’s a long story but the best summary is basically “communism is gay, glushko and korolev had a cat fight, glushko won but decided his feet hurt”

>> No.15044768
File: 378 KB, 1572x656, Screenshot 2022-12-11 at 12.36.59 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God these guys are making a hydrogen hypersonic spaceplane


>> No.15044771

Glushko was such a fag. He sabatoged the whole USSR space program because of a damn grudge

>> No.15044774

What's the best science fiction with spaceflight autism? like manifold by baxter.
I'm not going to ask sffg they're weird

>> No.15044776

I don’t have an answer but audibly lol’d at the sffg comment

>> No.15044779

lol that's just the x-30

>> No.15044781

Voyage by Stephen Baxter
>80’s alt history mars mission basically

2001 and 2010
>Spaceflight with cool stuff. DONT READ 2061 and 3001!!!!! THEY SUCK!

The Martian
>Great book

There’s also a Big Gemini trilogy of books but I haven’t ready any

>> No.15044787
File: 2.63 MB, 2376x1669, 1645384481444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biden's administration is drafting an executive order intended to streamline approval for private rocket launches amid a broader effort to bring legal and regulatory clarity for American companies on everything from space travel to private space stations
>The order, slated to be ready for Biden to sign by early 2023, is meant to simplify licensing procedures under existing laws for more routine space activities like launching rockets and deploying satellites
>White House officials have held several "listening sessions" with space companies since Nov. 14 to discuss what rules the space industry would like to see

>> No.15044789

With all due respect I tried The Martian with an open mind and I’m pretty sure I started developing breast tissue after the first chapter

>> No.15044790
File: 293 KB, 828x896, 82221CD9-727E-4FC0-91BD-4D5B9FF222B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Starship is flying weekly by 2032, that would still be an incredibly pace.

>> No.15044792

man that seems way more hopeful than Titan. heard the two were part of the same series.

>> No.15044793

Fair point. I tried reading his second book about the Moon and holy shit it’s just boob jokes and random crap. He also tried to pander a bit to the Muslim camp but ended up making us look like liberal LGBT heroes. What a disgrace. I’m Muslim btw

>> No.15044795
File: 1.46 MB, 1920x1080, it's not that easy in lottery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're willing to anime, Planetes is probably the most realistic and honest spaceflight fiction.

>> No.15044797

>I'm not going to ask sffg they're weird
kek. I think it comes from everyone else on /lit/ constantly shitting on them for being retards, so then they feel the need to shit on anyone they feel smarter than, aka anyone who asks any sort of question. Like a kid acting out in school because his daddy beats him.

>> No.15044799

Yeah that’s accurate

>> No.15044802

yeah lit is good for any kind of literature other than science fiction and fantasy, it seems. though they're capable of holding decent discussions about the three body trilogy for some reason

>> No.15044809
File: 98 KB, 779x514, CF8E7ECF-6751-4005-A3E2-E5E1DAFBB81E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here watch From the Earth to the Moon?

>> No.15044821

of course

>> No.15044862
File: 263 KB, 1170x381, 3E6D7588-0FE4-4AC2-B5A8-277DB31D7460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is imperative that we recover Mariner 2 from heliocentric orbit. America’s first “first” in the space race. A wonderful Venus flyby. A hidden american flag placed on the orbiter against NASAs knowledge. Truly a great piece of lore in the history of space flight

>> No.15044866

The Mariner program was so based

>> No.15044879

I know I’m going down a rabbit hole right now. Mariner 4 successfully made it to Mars and met its primary objectives, and then the cosmic dust detector registered 17 hits in fifteen minutes. They quickly started noticing more and more hits and realized they were flying through the debris of comet D/Swift. It ended up passing through the shattered nucleus where it was bombarded 83 times. Unintentional comet flyby lmao

>> No.15044883

Why would this be an executive order? If they are trying to do some form of legislation it should go through the legislative process. They are going to push some unpopular bullshit, or are doing something that would pass off people in their party into not voting for it, aren't they.

>> No.15044886

That insufferable cunt nearly ruined the whole show

>> No.15044888

They sent those little bastards everywhere. Mercury, Venus, Mars. They built Mariner Jupiter-Saturn and right before launch decided to upgrade the mission profile and renamed them to Voyager. The Viking program was just scaled up Mariner 9s. Gallileo and Magellan were Mariner based designs. And Mariner Mk II became Cassini-Huygens.

>> No.15044890

Fuck that, it would get some unrelated bullshit attached to the bill and end up in limbo. I’d rather just have Sloppy Joe sign some piece of paper immediately have it go into effect

>> No.15044894

I’ll sign it after Apollo 2 when we launch a woman and a color of man on Shuttle Launch System - JB

>> No.15044895

Tanabe is adorable

>> No.15044896

Ah man, I wish I could imagine such a scenario actually playing out instead of most probably actual reality of Mars colonization which would be Earth going "cool beans bro. I am rooting for you" before continuing counting its tax money.
I mean, Earth could have a problem with Mars secession in 500 years (rather than like 100-200 after landfall, as is usually the case in these scenarios) or so once Mars seceding could actually be strategically significant (500 years is enough time for Mars to have become the center of Solar of steel production. Only other place besides Earth where it makes sense, because it has an atmosphere).

>> No.15044898

Tanabe wasn't even a main character in the manga.

>> No.15044908

The US could contract SeX to do 24 starlinks around every planet from mercury to neptune, a dedicated orbiter around each planet, and a lander on every solid solar system body including mercury, venus, mars, and every single moon for less than $2 bil. But they won’t because they are cowards and you can’t spread this across all 50 states without it costing $50 billion

>> No.15044911

• 6 upgraded Starlinks with suite of scientific instruments around every planet
• Mercury sample return
• Venus lander
• $4 billion (just one SLS)

>> No.15044914

Man it’s 2 am and I haven’t finished my philosophy paper holy shit

>> No.15044915

it’s over

>> No.15044918

You live in a post-ChatGPT timeline, anon.

>> No.15044927

time for another failed lunar lander

>> No.15044930

wasn’t that israeli lunar lander also privately funded?

>> No.15044931

sex sex sex with jessie anderson

>> No.15044932

NTA but I too wanna fuck the shit out of Jesse, like overflow her with my cum

>> No.15044936

>it’s all white people in a tokyo office
What. This is a weeb startup company? What on earth

>> No.15044938

thank you very honorable

>> No.15044939

any cute asians tonight?

>> No.15044942

kibbutzim, unironically
that's quite close, but there are no children on McMurdo, which is what makes the difference between expedition and colonisation
PBS made a pretty good series on life in Antarctica if you are interested

>> No.15044943
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>> No.15044946
File: 1.33 MB, 1920x1080, ispace M1 Mission 16-26 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15044947


>> No.15044948

This mission will produce better footage than Artemis I

>> No.15044950
File: 475 KB, 1280x720, ispace M1 Mission Control Audio 59-6 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lift off, about to MECO

>> No.15044952

Yeah no doy it's a lander

>> No.15044953

it was too cloudy to see it from my window

>> No.15044955

They would need to compete it, which would mean legacy companies cant compete, which would humiliate the government because they're paying billions PER satellites right now and will do so for the next decade or so.

>> No.15044956
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Woah that was cool

>> No.15044958
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>> No.15044961
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City lights

>> No.15044965

entomb them alive so they can be one with our birth sphere

>> No.15044966

fucking routine

>> No.15044968
File: 931 KB, 1920x1080, ispace M1 Mission 26-7 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15044970

>RTLS on a lunar mission
I had no idea Hakuto was that small. I thought pretty much any lunar payload would require a drone ship landing.

>> No.15044972

Kill them on Earth

>> No.15044973


>> No.15044975

Ivan pls

>> No.15044977

>I really hope Webb observations cause people to start seriously talking about interstellar travel again, even if it's just starshot.
I'm not sure if Webb will be able to direct image Proxima Centauri planets, iirc only ELT will be able to do that.
>And Mariner Mk II became Cassini-Huygens
Damn, I had no idea Mariner technically lasted up until very recently.
>but there are no children on McMurdo
Yeah, but Chile and Argentina did send pregnant women to Antarctica.

>> No.15044978
File: 492 KB, 976x850, 1654361530651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning I hope Tim dies in an unrelated accident before the launch.

>> No.15044981

If you can suffer through le epic reddit jokes, and something a little nonsensical in order for main plot to happen, it's alright
I read it translated so I might have not get the full dose, but I felt like it's not that bad

>> No.15044984

i think it's meant to encourage legislation

>> No.15044985

Go to bed Scott

>> No.15044989

what is the specific impulse of your detonation?

>> No.15044990
File: 508 KB, 2000x1125, hcJaqic8ZPRLd5dvaMQJeM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biden will be too busy funneling more federal funds to spics and welfare queens in his budget.

>> No.15044991

>complaining about welfare
tell me you're an economic parasite with no ability to produce things and sell them to people getting welfare without telling me you're an economic parasite with no ability to produce things and sell them to people getting welfare

>> No.15044992
File: 1.55 MB, 1515x852, osaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.15044996

Pushing Ice
it gets Rama-esque pretty quickly though
>Chile and Argentina did send pregnant women to Antarctica.
didn't people make fuss about that?
I vaguely remember something about it

>> No.15045010

Project Hail Mary is probably his best so far. Just a solid bromance and speculative xenobiology.

>> No.15045025

Looks like the TLI burn was good. 11000 KM/H increase in velocity, or 3.1 km/s
I finished my philosophy essay and it sucks. At least it’s due Monday.

>> No.15045035
File: 399 KB, 1366x768, kkkkknono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool shot

>> No.15045037

>second mission to be launched on 2024
Why are there so many missions for 2024? I need to make a calendar for those.

>> No.15045039

2024 is a good placeholder for stuff in the future. It also just happened to be the original planned date for the Artemis landing so a lot of lunar stuff is based around that.

>> No.15045041
File: 484 KB, 1920x1080, ispace M1 Mission 1-8-20 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lunar lander deployed and opened its panels

>> No.15045042

>lunar fleshlight

>> No.15045044

All payloads deployed full mission success!!!!
Falcon 9 block 5 now has 132 launches with all of them being succeasful

>> No.15045047
File: 1.08 MB, 1125x1843, 0F83B0DA-99B3-42BB-9D92-498697B6BC55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Triple launch spam incoming

>> No.15045052

stop, my dick can only get this hard

>> No.15045054

Also, if all three launches are successful, Falcon 9 Block 5 will tie the total number of space shuttle launches (135) but with a 100% success rate, and in only 4 years instead of 30

>> No.15045055
File: 1.17 MB, 2500x934, Successcriteria_scaled_en-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4.5 months for landing
Fuck, see y'all in late April 2023

>> No.15045059
File: 87 KB, 568x548, 1643259472307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Falcon 9 is getting boring
Do I have ADHD?

>> No.15045062

No, you were born in the right time to see the beginning of a new space age.

>> No.15045072

It is very concerning that an adult man has a picture of a little school girl referred to as "hot girl". Elon surely needs to know about this.

>> No.15045074
File: 497 KB, 1364x2018, 38F07E8D-6E9B-424F-929A-791A24B2E2E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me, 22
>Going bald
>Mfw I will look like Jeff Bezos or Scott Manley before I’m 25
It’s over bros.

>> No.15045105

>another moon launch
everyone is going these days, but will it be sustainable?

>> No.15045107

Imagine thinking we will ever set foot on another planet lol

>> No.15045108

Musk is a socialist.

>> No.15045109
File: 108 KB, 960x720, 8F189948-4361-43F3-9E31-F96EBF318598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine thinking humans will set foot outside of Africa lol

>> No.15045112

Advanced in AI translation tools along with AR will make language irrelevant.

>> No.15045114

Slippery slope argument

>> No.15045119
File: 140 KB, 1050x549, 12D26D42-CA8E-4BCB-8C2F-F7DB413EC563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We go because we can

>> No.15045123

It probably costs less than 10 million dollars to intentionally induce Kessler Syndrome so humanity will never leave Earth.

>> No.15045146
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>> No.15045232

>Literally Dotcom 2.0
99% of them will die within few years, including SpaceX.

>> No.15045233

>including SpaceX
lmao even.
SpaceX has become vital to US interests in space, it ain't gonna fucking die.

>> No.15045241

Isn’t it amazing that us earthlings have a whole ass planet a mere light-second away from us? Why would anyone want to go to Mars or Venus?

>> No.15045271

good god

>> No.15045275

Because we want to, no reason.

>> No.15045293
File: 348 KB, 827x649, teslabot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think SpaceX will put a Teslabot on Starship for HLS demo?

>> No.15045298

HLS is ultimately a SpaceX-NASA mission, so they'd need to work out with NASA on the mass budget. Also depends strictly on how far advanced Teslabot will be at when the thing is ready

>> No.15045352

Dumbest post on all of /sci/
You can expect mars to be state capitalism with a strong sense of nationalism due to the combined hatred of earthers and need to compete

>> No.15045355

The Expanse

>> No.15045359
File: 2.86 MB, 720x720, Carl Sagan on Reading a Book a Week The Trick Is.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read the charts from the OP

>> No.15045363

The Martian economy is infinitely less important than the Martian philosophies and culture. Mars will be maximally automated and every single person will have a stake in the overall health of the colony and be pulling their own weight. It will be wholly comprised of intelligent and hard-working people of greatly lessened selfishness. The effects that this being the foundation of the Martian society will have will be profound and revolutionary and will mark a turning point in human civilization as a whole.

>> No.15045364

Wasn't the RD-180 proposed at some point, when ULA was planning on bringing production to the US ?

>> No.15045371

Works great in KSP, sucks ass IRL

>> No.15045382

Astronauts are basically football players that decided to get three Ph.Ds in their spare time. One needs to be in peak physical condition, have an incredible breadth of knowledge, and nearly superhuman focus on the mission at hand. Therefore, humans with mild Asperger's (just like Elon, mild enough to function in society but present enough to to be autistically obsessed with spaceflight) are overrepresented in astronauts and aerospace engineers.

I have said for years that the Martian colony will essentially be artificially selecting a race of hyper-intelligent giga autists that will become the next step in human evolution.

>> No.15045400
File: 191 KB, 535x625, Screenshot_20221211_060139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ispace's Hakuto coms GOOD

>> No.15045443

It doesn't work great in KSP unless you're only going to the mun or minmus. The only reason to do it is to avoid docking.

>> No.15045487

>NASA launches a smallsat to the moon
>not important enough for their homepage
Is it really that commonplace now?

>> No.15045496
File: 78 KB, 1200x1000, hakuto r trajectory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit should be illegal

>> No.15045501

Too late, it always had been too late lmao

>> No.15045506

it's mandatory watch, loved the apollo 12 episode

>> No.15045507

/sfg/ official song:

>> No.15045517

Not to shill for NSF, but its space coast live feed looked like it did a good job on last night's launch.
Is the last RTLS Falcon still on the pad?

>> No.15045519

There had been plans for using RD-170/170s in next-gen American moon rockets since the early 90s.

>> No.15045520

chances of orion burning up in the atmosphere during the reentry?

>> No.15045535
File: 15 KB, 1030x1110, 5FE81181-0626-4480-B91C-1937E64DE9CC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASA’s first Mars Design Reference Mission from the early 90’s used something similar to SLS, but with RD-170 powered boosters to help it reach 200+ tons to LEO

>> No.15045544
File: 312 KB, 710x911, 25343411-A601-422D-8742-98ACC6F3D389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s the pdf. The cool stuff begins halfway through

>> No.15045569

yeah that's literally the reason we do anything, because we fucking can

>> No.15045571

>watching callisto protocol
>near future setting
>ships have artificial gravity
fucking entertainment industry

>> No.15045574

What do you expect. Every show/movie has this because it makes filming a thousand times easier

>> No.15045581
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>> No.15045587

This is exactly the plan, to make launches as normal and mundane as planes taking off, the fact they you're bored just means the plan is working and we're barreling towards a golden age of space exploration

>> No.15045589

>Thinking humans came out of Africa

>> No.15045597
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we are approaching critical mass

>> No.15045602

Unironically what is his master plan, whether he is right or wrong doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s cringe and he is focusing on anything that isn’t Starship ugh

>> No.15045609

i unironically think the time he went on pewdiepie's meme review thing broke his brain and hes trying so hard to be popular but is failing misserably due to autism

>> No.15045611
File: 2.91 MB, 1920x1080, 2022-12-11 10-06-50 - 0.00.19-0.01.41.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15045612

At this point, political risk is higher than engineering risk.

Just ask yourself what would happen if the FAA launch license required that SpaceX employees be 13% black and 50% female.

>> No.15045613

expect spacex to get nationalized soon and elon to get epstein'd

>> No.15045614
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>> No.15045616

oh come on this is a ridiculous hypothetical

>> No.15045620

Why aren't they using the 4k channel that they got working for launch? What the fuck

>> No.15045622
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>> No.15045624

That specifically is pretty ridiculous, but the "Musk is getting fat off government handouts" narrative is strong. If there's massive outcry to SpaceX winning contracts then they lose a massive source of revenue. "Political will" is why we have SLS.
Elon desperately needs to shut the fuck up and get off twitter.

>> No.15045627

imagine if they messed up the return trajectory in a future flight and end up spashing down between antartica and cape horn, that would be interesting

>> No.15045628
File: 1.09 MB, 6720x4480, KSC-20221209-PH-KLS01_0033~orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The recovery crew

>> No.15045637

Orion just flew over my house

>> No.15045638

>trying so hard to be popular but is failing misserably

>> No.15045639

Is it? How about the constant, egregious racism at Tesla and horrendous, deplorable sexism at Twitter? Those corroborate the hostile environment at SpaceX, meaning a very sensible, moderate consent decree from some wackjob judge is in the cards - say, prohibit them from getting a dime of Federal money until they allocate 50% of Starlink 2 profits to helping blacks in aerospace.

Suddenly, a couple tiles popping off a heat shield is irrelevant.

>> No.15045642

Acknowledge they're basically correct in all things, that interstellar travel isn't even a coherent fantasy, and that that the understanding of environmental engineering necessary to construct a planetary colony with more than four people in it would be great enough that you could turn the whole Earth into a new eden.

>> No.15045645

There is a reason that RV's are smaller than houses in real life anon, and your hotel room is going to need a whole building's worth of solar wing to maintain itself.

>> No.15045647

you didnt see his wario skit i take it?

>> No.15045648

>Elon desperately needs to shut the fuck up and get off twitter.
Target's already on his back; he needs the platform to win the political fight. An intact US with a political bent anywhere to the right of Biden is probably the ideal outcome. Second best is peacefully breaking away a conservative nation that includes Texas and Florida. The default trajectory blue tyranny and civil war outcomes are far worse.

>> No.15045650

Yeah I agree with this completely. Public opinion has a direct correlation by virtue of politicians wanting to be populist (on both sides of the aisle mind you), so if it becomes “cool” to complain about Elon/SeX having too much NASA priority then there will be a movement to cuck him. And unfortunately other companies like boeing, lockmart, NG, etc. are free from this because they are MIC and spread work across multiple districts so the politicians are doing back door dealings with them regardless of public opinion. That wouldn’t be so with spacex

UGH the fact that SpaceX won the HLS bid with a great rocket at a low price, and congress STILL complained about BO National Team needing a chance is so fucking GAAAAAAAAY. Elon just shut the fuck up and build the rockets it’s in your best interest

>> No.15045653

>environmental engineering
go back

>> No.15045654

Wtf are those patches? Is Sasquatch some in-house name being used for this Orion capsule?

>> No.15045659

If it takes more than four years to travel to the planet in question, then there will never be value in colonizing that planet.

>> No.15045660

Average sfg victim complex

>> No.15045666


Expose the deep media/state and force them to admit their corruption or to turn people away from media entirely onto twitter.

>> No.15045667 [DELETED] 


>> No.15045669

I did. It has 6.6 million views on youtube. He has 120+ million followers on twatter. MSM, reddit, 4chan, etc. are all talking about him every day. He is clearly not failing at being popular.

>> No.15045670
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>trying so hard to be popular

>> No.15045676

He's more popular today than during pewdie pie. His autismo hasn't failed, but rather made an endearing fanbase from the rightwing.

The extremists on the left would hate him regardless because of covid shutdowns/tax the rich/socialist groups have a hate for Musk for long time.

>> No.15045678
File: 103 KB, 1024x781, 69FD5461-8CED-46FC-AC35-9410A2096022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares about being a hero. Von Braun was an American hero when man landed on the Moon and returned safely, but 50 years later he is retroactively a villain. Focus on Starship and become a hero for Moon and Mars colonists. Not stupid fucking Earthers who will just stab you in the back given the first opportunity to virtue signal

>> No.15045679

Well, he's done a pretty good job showing off just how deeply involved in political censorship the FBI has been these past few years. Twitter isn't really in a place to outright replace oldschool media yet, but given the rock bottom trust ratings the networks have been pulling it wouldn't take much for anyone to replace them.

>> No.15045683

How viable is geothermal on mars or the moon?

>> No.15045685

>from the rightwing
From centrists/independants, moderate Rs and moderate Ds. Which are the most numerous group in the USA, so it makes the most sense to appeal to them.

>> No.15045686
File: 481 KB, 1280x720, [1280x720] vtime=[59_36], take=[2022-12-11 10.59.00].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15045687

Even less viable than on Earth, they are geothermally dead for all intents and purposes

>> No.15045689

A-are they aiming for the Skylab landing spot?

>> No.15045690
File: 317 KB, 1024x1024, 6113480a5c2244a7b3974a3acc80b98a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>become a hero for Moon and Mars colonists. Not stupid fucking Earthers

>> No.15045691

>No live video of seperation


>> No.15045693


>> No.15045694

>At its very centre, the Moon has a solid iron core with a temperature of between 1,327°C and 1427°C
Uh bros there aren't and plate tectonics to worry about either

>> No.15045696

that's impossible sweaty

>> No.15045697

Yeah get out of here europe

>> No.15045699


>> No.15045701

> It would take 1,127 days to walk from South Africa to Argentina across the Bering Straight.
> It only took us 90,000 YEARS to actually accomplish this in the absence of pre existing infrastructure.
>It only takes 260 days to fly to the nearest planet.

>> No.15045703

At least we can see the boat

>> No.15045704
File: 504 KB, 1280x720, [1280x720] vtime=[1_04_54], take=[2022-12-11 11.04.18].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15045707
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20221211_090414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orion will land on the ship

>> No.15045708

>emergency capsule adjustment conducted
uh oh

>> No.15045709

You’re delusional if you think space politics have anything to do with left/right politics. Musk deserves all the flak he’s getting for being such an idiot and making a giant mess of twitter.

>> No.15045711

Nope Jeff Bezos owns the patent for this sorry sweaty

>> No.15045712
File: 1.30 MB, 1285x2047, 08a43546b8a616e9073a713e8f42d9b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>extra burn was necessary

>> No.15045713

Compete with who? There will be no profit in private companies shipping goods to mars, and the only reasonable way to wage war is orbital bombardment.

>> No.15045714

So true. They'll reveal the propulsive landing then. And then it'll do a suborbital hop to Kennedy, and another one to Ames.

>> No.15045716

FYI they’re going to let Orion sit on the water for like an hour+ to make sure it doesn’t take on water or anything

>> No.15045718

T-minus ~30 mins

>> No.15045721


>> No.15045723

>Right: Do what you want with your billions, but our ideal NASA budget is $0. Also space isn't real and/or God might not want you there
>Left: Nationalizing SpaceX is only fair, plus we need every penny for more important things like tranny abortions. Also Mars colonization is a very problematic white male Thing, so probably illegal.
Hmm, I wonder which is a better environment for spaceflight.

>> No.15045724

As space launches get cheaper so do costs of space terrorism.
I will make it my life goal to ensure humans remain a one planet species ;)

>> No.15045725

You got a better word for it poindexter?

>> No.15045727

If this capsule is traveling more than ~24,800 mph at 75 miles altitude it breaks the speed record held by Apollo 10

>> No.15045729
File: 1.12 MB, 1753x861, firefox_2022-12-11_12-09-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15045730


>> No.15045732

Actually it doesn’t matter it’s not manned so no record will be broken regardless

>> No.15045734

What KSP mod is this?

>> No.15045735

yeah we have unmanned probes going at significant fractions of the speed of light. this aint shit.

>> No.15045738

>his brains go to trannies instantly
First close all your tranny porn tabs and come back when you have a coherent argument.

>> No.15045739
File: 538 KB, 1280x720, [1280x720] vtime=[1_14_07], take=[2022-12-11 11.13.31].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15045740

Retarded leftist deflection. Try again.

>> No.15045742

Are you referring to the Voyagers?

>> No.15045745

look at the live feed from Orion stream

What the hell are they showing now?

>> No.15045748

This anon is living in the good timeline

>> No.15045751


>> No.15045752

A computer animation of the capsule?

>> No.15045754
File: 794 KB, 493x686, Orbital bombardment - The Pacifist by Richard Hescox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The coherent argument is that Earther governments are insane and getting more insane. Undermining their strength by taking over Twitter is one way to slow that.

I mean, good God, they're in a deranged proxy war with Russia and traded a black, gay woman's basketball player for one of history's most talented arms dealers. Would that shit be done, say, 15 years ago?

Now extrapolate 15 years into the future and tell me with a straight face those insane wokists wouldn't mandate affirmative action Mars colonists or ban methalox engines due to carbon emissions.

>> No.15045756

Holy shit Orion just fly over my house

>> No.15045757

Parker solar probe i think

>> No.15045759
File: 13 KB, 320x233, muldoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Orion is approaching the explosion paddock

>> No.15045761

I still wouldn't call that a significant fraction of the speed of light

>> No.15045763

Really nasa?

>> No.15045768

It's based, changing the name would have required fourteen thousand dollars and three weeks of deliberation

>> No.15045770


>> No.15045771


>> No.15045772

here's to hoping that orion crashes!

>> No.15045775


>> No.15045776

>deranged proxy war with Russia
Russia started the war retarded vatnik
>Would that shit be done, say, 15 years ago?
True, america of the past would never get into a proxy war with russia, much less a cold war. That would never, ever happen ever.

So many retards on /sfg/ today.

>> No.15045778

NASA would never find the pieces if Orion was lost on this trajectory

>> No.15045779

>if you can't enrich the lives of the welfare class your life is worthless
not everyone wants to open a liquor store in Little Mogadishu

also kill yourself

>> No.15045780


>> No.15045781

orion's useless political deadweight holding back the entire artemis program.

>> No.15045782
File: 867 KB, 1200x1200, cf4b3780f562c68d4c826f5ac390db12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we have left the blackout period sober

>> No.15045783
File: 270 KB, 1280x720, [1280x720] vtime=[1_22_22_08], take=[2022-12-11 11.26.46].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15045785 [DELETED] 

We go because we found out where everyone else was peeing.

>> No.15045789

T-11 mins

>> No.15045791


>> No.15045792

We go because we found out where everyone else was peeing

>> No.15045793

>role reversal
kino pegging mission

>> No.15045794

We started the war back in 2010 when we started funding and training ethnonationalist militias with the goal of undermining and destroying military and economic interests in the region that Russia views as vital for their continued survival.

>> No.15045795

Any stats on money spent on Artemis vs. entire history of SpaceX?

>> No.15045796

No citation necessary

>> No.15045797


>> No.15045798

Water? Fishfuckinit!

>> No.15045801

artemis budget is larger than all of spacex's over their entire history

>> No.15045802

they see him

>> No.15045803

Entire SpaceX history costs ~$20B(including starship/starlink). 1/5 of Artemis 1 hardware cost. Artemis program itself costs ~$44B (excluding Artemis 1 hardware)

>> No.15045804

it's also a jump scare simulator for people with brain damage

>> No.15045805

visual on deez nuts

>> No.15045807

Cry more tranny

>> No.15045808

>didn't blow up on reentry
I guess Artemis lives another day

>> No.15045810

Try $200B lol
SpaceX survives on government subsidies

>> No.15045811
File: 246 KB, 1280x720, [1280x720] vtime=[1_22_29_52], take=[2022-12-11 11.34.30].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15045812

>hole in the window
its over

>> No.15045813

$200 billion zimbabwen dollars?

>> No.15045814

lmao baumgartner fell from higher
failed empire

>> No.15045816

NATO = faggots, trannies, niggers, wokeists and vaxxtards
Russia = anti-woke, anti-vax, savior of straight white people

>> No.15045817

You mean contacts

>> No.15045818
File: 194 KB, 1280x720, [1280x720] vtime=[1_22_32_02], take=[2022-12-11 11.36.41].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15045819

Government contracts are government subsidies. Why do you think gov spending is through the roof?

>> No.15045820
File: 5 KB, 214x236, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok tranny

>> No.15045822

I follow a ton of weird faggots on Twitter because they publish interesting research in hard sciences, math and CS, and lots of them follow Elon.

>> No.15045823


>> No.15045824

Post your hand shitskin.

>> No.15045826

Contracts and subsidies aren't the same thing.

>> No.15045827

The point is if the bluehairs will sabotage their slava ukrainy great power competition for a retarded shibboleth, we can't expect "muh Chinese competition" to be sufficient reason for them to keep their hands off spaceflight. They (and any Dem-voting accomplices) are too batshit to trust with the FAA, FCC, or NASA.

Hence, Twitter.

>> No.15045828

what's next after this for artemis?

>> No.15045830
File: 255 KB, 1280x720, [1280x720] vtime=[1_22_33_47], take=[2022-12-11 11.38.26].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15045833

How can SpaceX recover?

>> No.15045834
File: 214 KB, 500x466, 1669388661741658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they didn't encode a binary message in the main chutes

>> No.15045835

artemis 2

>> No.15045836

Two years of waiting at a minimum.

>> No.15045837


>> No.15045838

Yes they are. If gov buys a mug for $10,000, it gives the company selling the mug $10,000.

>> No.15045840
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, [1280x720] vtime=[1_40_09], take=[2022-12-11 11.39.33].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15045841


Wait two years for them to fly exactly the same mission, but with people

>> No.15045842
File: 169 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20221211-133934_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15045844

>two years
You mean 10 years

>> No.15045845
File: 199 KB, 1280x720, [1280x720] vtime=[1_41_32], take=[2022-12-11 11.40.56].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15045846
File: 380 KB, 614x768, Shelby1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologize right now.

>> No.15045848
File: 358 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20221211_094125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15045849
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x1080, 1663962331788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 it sinks

>> No.15045850

>"moon and beyond"
I guess flying around the far side is "beyond"

>> No.15045851


>> No.15045852

Good job frens

>> No.15045853
File: 204 KB, 1280x720, [1280x720] vtime=[1_43_32], take=[2022-12-11 11.42.55].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15045854

go back to /vt/ tranny

>> No.15045855
File: 281 KB, 1919x1079, i-kneel-kneeling-vegeta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15045857

SpaceX declares bankruptcy

>> No.15045858

They need to learn how to turn off autofocus

>> No.15045861


>> No.15045863

>one of the dragonballs didn't inflate

>> No.15045864


>> No.15045865

Congrats you ugly little duckling, you're well on your way to becoming a swan.

>> No.15045866

Lotta salty ruskies ITT. American wins again.

>> No.15045867

Mission update: they have now all inflated.

>> No.15045869
File: 211 KB, 1280x720, [1280x720] vtime=[1_46_37], take=[2022-12-11 11.46.01].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15045870


>> No.15045871

nevermind its not over

>> No.15045872

inb4 rogue wave

>> No.15045873

love from france

>> No.15045875
File: 167 KB, 738x1024, 1668576711473952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15045877

>the wave

>> No.15045878

>Can't win in ukraine
>Can't win in space
>Can't even clothe their troops
Common russia L

>> No.15045880

>be a fish
>happy that you're safe in the ocean and nowhere near the dangers of outer space
>get killed by an astronaut capsule

>> No.15045881


>> No.15045882

There's a meaningful difference between a Mars colony being independent of Earth and a Mars colony being independent of any single organization on Earth. As long as the two largest superpowers meaningfully compete with each other, a Mars colony can choose between the two and play them off each other.

Similarly, a colonist on Mars can achieve a degree of independence as long as there is a choice of larger colonies with which to associate.

I don't see an Earth Mars war in the future unless Earth develops a world government. Earth hasn't even declared war on North Korea.

>> No.15045883
File: 786 KB, 544x2244, 1665383914087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you ever heard about the COVID vaccination policies there?
>savior of straight white people
look at Russia's immigration statistics

on-topic: gulaghomo BTFO once again, how does it keep happening?

>> No.15045884

don't forget the 50th anniversary of the last moon landing in 2 hours

>> No.15045885

We need an environmental report.

>> No.15045887
File: 115 KB, 1024x744, 1661399568369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15045889

finally no longer forced to drink pee

>> No.15045891

Did he just say pneumonia boiler

>> No.15045892

By "white" he meant Jews.

>> No.15045894

Russia started the war in 2003 when they started funding corrupt politicians to be their puppets and launching a large scale propaganda campaign in the Donbass to manipulate their colonial USSR leftover population.

>> No.15045899

>everything must be viewed through the lens of CURRENT THING

>> No.15045900 [DELETED] 

Is this spaceflight related?

>> No.15045902

please see

>> No.15045904
File: 119 KB, 780x877, Freedom 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love being American

>> No.15045905 [DELETED] 
File: 965 KB, 1534x1500, 1667322339770793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck is attempting to duel Suletta after Suletta BTFO all the big three that they had to delay shit for Aerial to be repaired?

>> No.15045906
File: 2.07 MB, 260x330, 1620961136.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15045907

NASA jerking itself off for the next 3 years acting like they just landed on the Moon, some ‘WE ARE GOING’ videos, a delay of Artemis 2, Selecting National Team for the SLD lander, doing this same mission but with a canadian and some americans and getting nowhere.
I can’t be too harsh though it’s not like Starship will be ready either

>> No.15045910

NASA will be back on the Moon in the next 5 years.

>> No.15045911

Shitting on russia is always relevant, and extremely american.

>> No.15045913

Uhh you mean trying to go to the moon for the first time?

>> No.15045914
File: 618 KB, 916x1008, 0DAFD8F7-F5C5-4FA6-B238-2AB37FFC4776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will you fuckers stop sucking off Russia holy shit

>> No.15045916

please see

>> No.15045919

There are a lot of very complex, very sensitive computers we need to recycle from this capsule. So hopefully none of them get exposed to something corrosive like a saltwater environment.

>> No.15045920

rent free

>> No.15045922

When US rids itself of its Jewish masters.

>> No.15045923
File: 65 KB, 520x523, 515D93E8-0FEE-4C0D-AD46-A3799D4FB022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch National Team fail again lol

>> No.15045925

When's the next mission?

>> No.15045926


>> No.15045929

>/sfg/ suddenly flooded with seething neolibs and philosemities

>> No.15045931

>50 years later
>cuck capsules STILL landing in the water, far away from the motherland, with no real destination other than “ehhh close to these coordinates?”

>> No.15045933

>/sfg/ suddenly flooded with seething ruskies
tok kek

>> No.15045934

Still no communication from Astronaut Commander Moonikin Campos

>> No.15045936

Russia lives rent free in tranny brain.

>> No.15045937 [DELETED] 

Kill all vatniggers
Flay all vatniggers
Destroy all vatniggers
Eradicate all vatniggers

>> No.15045938
File: 670 KB, 961x942, Spaceplane alignment chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. Fuck capsules.

>> No.15045940

Kill all vaxniggers
Flay all vaxniggers
Destroy all vaxniggers
Eradicate all vaxniggers

>> No.15045942

I want /pol/ and counter-/pol/ to leave NOW

>> No.15045944

I mean yeah it's Boing! but the CST-100 Starliner hit the White Sands Missile Range pretty much dead on the money.

>> No.15045947

What you call /pol/ is just normal people fed up with rampant trannies.

>> No.15045950
File: 929 KB, 1366x768, 1668487096746620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if your Russian or NATO,you are all nigger Earthers (derogatory) and will get the rope soon enough.

>> No.15045954
File: 405 KB, 1244x655, Orion.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15045955

Normal people don't care about trannies whereas /pol/ is fucking obsessed with them. Go back.

>> No.15045957

t. /pol/
Go back.

>> No.15045961

Sheeps dont think, they follow.

>> No.15045960

Normal people don't even think about trannies.

>> No.15045963 [DELETED] 

You will never set foot on another planet.

>> No.15045965
File: 204 KB, 1400x1400, 9133e384e52b016905e2bbbddca89fb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free Mars
Free Luna

>> No.15045966

>Normal people don't care about trannies
Next you will tell me normal people don't care about forced vaccinations

>> No.15045967
File: 77 KB, 605x821, zogbot pervert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> uppity septics

>> No.15045968
File: 406 KB, 450x680, l ron hubbard dynetics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dynetics Grumman will win

>> No.15045969

>apollo 3

>> No.15045970

Trannies will eventually take over your life. You're a coward defeatist

>> No.15045971
File: 33 KB, 600x482, 9c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15045973

That's a good way to describe Russians.

>> No.15045974

Go back to 9gag.

>> No.15045975 [DELETED] 


>> No.15045977

>knowyourmeme filename
Please go back to whence you came

>> No.15045979

You mean NATO shills. Russians and American patriots are world renowned free thinkers.

>> No.15045980
File: 37 KB, 780x438, pepefroggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep your fetish shit to yourself.

>> No.15045981

Your cult of retards have at least two containment boards. You don't need to embarrass yourself in even more.

>> No.15045983 [DELETED] 

>not wanting to surrender to trannies is fetish shit

>> No.15045985

All sheeps are same regardless of what color of clothing they wear. Herd mentality is collective suicide.

>> No.15045986
File: 448 KB, 1170x673, F5D12B95-AC20-44E3-87EF-76AA3802F50B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait so we’ve already met the SLD lander deadline? Meaning it can only be between Alpaca and National Team? Fuck it’s over

>> No.15045987

>whole societal collapse happening
>hurr durr if we don't discuss it it doesn't exist

>> No.15045990 [DELETED] 

That doesn't sound like it's spaceflight related

>> No.15045991

Leftists directing money away from spaceflight and into trannyism is very mush spaceflight related.

>> No.15045992

At the risk of contributing to the shitting up of a space flight thread with /pol/-tier shit, but notice how this thread about NASA achieving something good is getting spammed by pro-Putin simps?

>> No.15045995

You're the weirdo fantasizing about it.

>> No.15045997

>we are fantasizing about leftists destroying the world
It's literally happening right in front of your eyes.

>> No.15045998

It's all the have left. Russia's spaceflight industry is dead now that Ukraine is winning.

>> No.15045999

>Americans choosing between blue Jews and red Jews bad!
>nations choosing between blue Jews and red Jews good!
Didn't this exact same thing happen during SLS launch? Only it wasn't as noticeable because the other parts of the thread were posting more and drowning it out.

>> No.15046000

Unannounced bids are possible, but with all the big players having already announced, those are the only two teams with a shot.

>> No.15046001

Musk/Putin/Trump/Ye are in the same based camp. NATO/NASA/leftists/trannies in the other.

>> No.15046002

Close your porn tabs then

>> No.15046003 [DELETED] 

US is the country most infested by Jews.

>> No.15046004
File: 32 KB, 960x288, Laughing mission control.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15046005

Stop your shitty projections. Only trannies watch porn.

>> No.15046006

>At the risk of contributing to the shitting up of a space flight thread with /pol/-tier shit, but notice how this thread about NASA achieving something good is getting spammed by pro-Putin simps?
No, I didn't notice that. If you scroll up what you see is >>15045878 >>15045883 >>15045887 >>15045892 >>15045894 >>15045904 >>15045906 >>15045911 >>15045914 raiding the thread, which has nothing to do with space flight.

>> No.15046007

So just like any other country on Earth.

>> No.15046008

>leftists destroying spaceflight is not spaceflight related

>> No.15046009


>> No.15046010
File: 228 KB, 500x357, 1660462826268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15046011

Nope. Keep deluding yourself but Jews are a US problem. Destroy Jews in the US and they disperse too in other countries.

>> No.15046013
File: 728 KB, 1046x814, 19.15.02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Team of Israel?

>> No.15046015
File: 12 KB, 389x427, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur a fucking retard

>> No.15046018

NATO = Israel
NASA = Israel
Leftists = Commies = Israel
Trannies = LGBT = Israel

>> No.15046021

this thread went to dogshit fast

>> No.15046022

Trannies seething over SpaceX again. Nothing news.

>> No.15046023

>3-4 retards raid thread and start spamming random shit about ukraine
>"you're seething"
The only one seething here is you. You can ctrl+f the thread and see nobody was talking about this unrelated nonsense before you and your friends turned up.

>> No.15046024

All I saw was leftists getting jealous of SpaceX achievements.

>> No.15046025

Russia = Commies
Russia = Israel

>> No.15046027

Wrong. US is more communist than Russia at this point

>> No.15046029

Ever heard of Israel? Just curious.

>> No.15046032

>Russians literally flying Soviet flags, praising the Soviets, and looking down upon people who don't like the Soviets

>> No.15046033

There are more Jews in US than there are in Israel

>> No.15046037

I knew it was a bad sign when some retard screencaps from dvach

>> No.15046038

Russia is reminiscent of past Soviet achievements. Meanwhile Ukraine claims to despite the communists but doesn't want to give lands acceded during communist times back.

>> No.15046039

Ever heard of percentages?

>> No.15046043 [DELETED] 
File: 674 KB, 2048x1269, JQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, let's hear all about it.

>> No.15046045

>Normal people don't care
Normal people aren't really 'people', the term is a misnomer.

>> No.15046048

How's it going Ye?

>> No.15046052 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 499x481, 1670783427213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trumptard is back

>> No.15046057

Abigail cam go, but she has to be top less and live streaming the entire time.

For science

>> No.15046058

It looks orange to me. What color do you think it is?

>> No.15046068 [DELETED] 

>Western society
Any more words for my /sfg/ filter list?

>> No.15046085

>Elon Musk

I call it "the NASA experience"

>> No.15046094


>> No.15046098
File: 117 KB, 1177x741, US Air Force posters 1983 space 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15046108
File: 7 KB, 474x640, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A man would probably call this red with a bit of orange. A woman would call it geranium red or some dumb shit.

>> No.15046117

Was there actually a hole in the window

>> No.15046123
File: 54 KB, 602x771, 933773D7-657A-4EDF-BE80-E3E827AC8A43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is happening to Ling March 9

>> No.15046130

>rogue hacker gains control of LPD-27 forward 30 mm Bushmaster II gun
>sprays Orion
>post yfw

>> No.15046132

Well, I call it "ET at sunset", so what does that make me?

>> No.15046133
File: 826 KB, 1200x794, Rotating-Wheel-Spacecraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le warplane space craft
Every spaceship must have the rotating ring thing where fat Americans can still experience gravity. This will allow humans to pretend they're still living on America. And it looks cool, like that movie Passengers where the two Americans wake up early and feed on slop and then fall in love out of desperation.

>> No.15046134

I’d call it 70’s dark orange

>> No.15046152
File: 31 KB, 197x1117, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone please start the new thread already

>> No.15046155

Kek it's rerailed. Just report and pray for janny.

>> No.15046156
File: 146 KB, 450x322, 110802cartoon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15046166

i hate politifags just as much as you but im never helping the jannies

>> No.15046219
File: 124 KB, 652x756, sfg dead space skelly c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15046226
File: 654 KB, 1920x1080, 1643735932131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15046227

I'd call it red orche
t. pigment enthusiast

>> No.15046241
File: 87 KB, 372x391, sfg dead space skelly b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15046246

Instead of wasting a whole decade to send a few samples back to Earth, why can't we just send an automated laboratory to Mars?

>> No.15046247

artemis acheived ultimate success

>> No.15046256

We paid for it

>> No.15046257

>he doesnt know what the point of the complex sample return mission architecture is

>> No.15046262

That's called a rover anon. And an automated laboratory is still more limited than Earth based laboratories.

>> No.15046263

That’s exactly what the Mars rovers have been, note how they can analyze many samples while roving?

>> No.15046265
File: 10 KB, 761x219, grift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15046303

Why don't we just send men?

>> No.15046316

NASA doesn’t have the balls to reuse this Orion for Artemis 2 do they

>> No.15046317
File: 305 KB, 1365x2048, Fjt4qYiXEAUh_C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15046319
File: 19 KB, 585x205, 16.03.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When the Viking Molecular Analysis Experiment failed to detect organic matter, the essence of life, however, NASA concluded that the LR had found a substance mimicking life, but not life.
>Inexplicably, over the 43 years since Viking, none of NASA’s subsequent Mars landers has carried a life detection instrument to follow up on these exciting results.


Can someone explain this?

>> No.15046321
File: 40 KB, 550x412, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like a McDonald's kitchen

>> No.15046328

>some dirt bubbled in 1976
stop the presses

>> No.15046330
File: 49 KB, 900x506, have_fusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JUST IN - US scientists have reportedly achieved a net energy gain in a fusion reaction for the first time.
Fusion spacecraft in our lifetimes. We're gonna make it bros.

>> No.15046334

Press conference LIVE


>> No.15046336

Everything up to Artemis 5 is a brand new Orion, with no plans after that. It’s one big fucking grift

>> No.15046338

Not possible

>> No.15046340
File: 77 KB, 699x525, mars life gale fungi a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mars is a living world but nasa and sfg deboonker queers won't admit it

>> No.15046342
File: 458 KB, 3000x2000, FjuF2C1VEAAOXnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15046344
File: 258 KB, 3000x2000, FjuF4dBVQAAG-P6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15046345

Is this some science paper?

>> No.15046347

>Then eventually Neutron will come along and eat constellation deployment forever
A partially reusable rocket will absolutely not change constellation deployment forever

>> No.15046349

>shadows changed over the days
stop the presses

>> No.15046352

They got too close and JPL is scared of finding anything else even remotely close to being called life, as it would put a halt to all their Mars grifting missions

>> No.15046353
File: 48 KB, 561x528, mars fungi 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15046357

That would explain why they killed Red Dragon.

>> No.15046358 [DELETED] 

Biology textbooks need to change. A woman is whatever feels like it’s a woman and “life” is any dark grainy spot from a martian picture

>> No.15046361

official SpaceX pic?

>> No.15046371
File: 2.76 MB, 604x748, starmax.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the target buyer here..?

>> No.15046372

Gullible investors

>> No.15046375

Artemis 2 crew to be named in early 2023

>> No.15046382
File: 341 KB, 1170x1110, E636394E-C807-4468-BCCD-3B7FD30721BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

place your bets; pick one

>> No.15046387
File: 184 KB, 1024x699, 0CF8E423-E518-4B47-8A39-D20360FC2B33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of the coolest cubesats on Artemis 1 have died

>> No.15046391

the one with the vagina, assuming the government doesn’t suggest MAID for her before then

>> No.15046392
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>> No.15046403

Elon Musk
Joe Rogan
Justin Trudeau
Jim Bridenstine

>> No.15046404

My wife kate reubens will go

>> No.15046411

Why haven't you applied to become an astronaut, aren't you a space flight expert?

>> No.15046414

>almost 2023
>still no space colonies

>> No.15046417

This guy is an astronaut, astrophysicist, engineer, doctor and he has 3 kids.
What have you done?

>> No.15046418

I was born in a third world country. Have to bust my ass to get off this shithole first.

>> No.15046423

jerked off to anime girls

>> No.15046424

Why would they do that though?

>> No.15046428
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Did any of them even get to do anything? I thought the majority were scrap by the time Artemis launched due to running out of power in the interstage. I wanted to see the one hard-land on the moon, that would have been fucking rad.

>> No.15046431
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>> No.15046432

NEA Scout died
A few others too.
It’s harder to find the ones that actually worked lol. The other Japanese cubesat seems to be ok thouch

>> No.15046441

Danuri is gonna do the moon orbital insertion in December 16

>> No.15046442

They said that two sats were maybe going to run out and all the others were charged in the VAB.
Something was fucked.

>> No.15046443

he's nice but what's the joke

>> No.15046452
File: 37 KB, 992x255, tomy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is Tomy involved in a lunar mission?

>> No.15046453

Sir, you're overqualified for the position.

>> No.15046460
File: 37 KB, 400x400, EQUULEUS-3107509939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one? I hope it went okay. If any of those were my project I'd be depressed to see it fail due to SLS fuckery.

>> No.15046465

SpaceX info from press

>Starship uncrewed landing in 2023
>Starship crewed landing in 2024

>> No.15046466

The cubesats must have failed due to vibrations. The batteries were charged.

>> No.15046468

did at least lunar h-map survive

>> No.15046471

Something must have happened. They were fine on the ground.
Btw, if SpaceX had an issue where some of their rideshares died due to vibrations, they’d be 100% blamed for it

>> No.15046472

I blame gremlins.

>> No.15046475

Update us on Tuesday.

>> No.15046476

>it's real

>> No.15046477

Nope. It’s main engine failed and now it’s stuck in a useless orbit. If they can fix the engine, it’ll be okay though

>> No.15046479

Gay niggers from outer space stole the copper.

>> No.15046480

Very unlikely.

>> No.15046481

I can't believe they're just going to mog everyone else again.
Actually, no, I absolutely can.

>> No.15046482

I know this is SpaceX being optimistic but how are they going to get 12+ Starship flights in 2023 and test and demonstrate fuel transfer

>> No.15046487

They won't.

>> No.15046488

They just will.

>> No.15046492

One per month, c'mon make it happen Elon

>> No.15046493

>12+ Starship flights
you fell for bezos propaganda.

>> No.15046494

I don't see what the problem is.

>> No.15046495

Elon is going to land a crew Starship on the Moon in 2023 under budget and ahead of schedule.

>> No.15046496

Artemis/Orion/Starliner do not plan on reuse, they are just sucking money from the gubmint teat

>> No.15046499

You're right, they're going to do 52+

>> No.15046501

an unmanned landing next year? sure, maybe, why not? but a crewed landing in 2024? yeah fucking right lmaooooo.

>> No.15046505


>> No.15046506
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A reminder that Commercial Crew (for Dragon) was delayed for three years.

>> No.15046509
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>> No.15046512

L2 reports that if B7/S24 fly in February, B9/S25 would likely fly in June or so, then the next pair soon after. Projecting 5 starship flights to orbit this year

>> No.15046514


>> No.15046516
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>> No.15046517

we were supposed to have 5 flights this year

>> No.15046519

You need L2 to make logical conclusions?

>> No.15046520

too late and SpaceX is now bankrupt

>> No.15046522
File: 2.33 MB, 800x450, happening.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>January 2024 landing

>> No.15046523

I paid $20 I’m just trying to get the most worth out of it lol

>> No.15046524

or the shitsats were build like shit and just died. It's unironically not that easy lotsa thing could go wrong.

>> No.15046528

Starship being stacked and fueled in 30

>> No.15046529

well if they don't achieve weekly cadence next year they're going to have their bank rupture anyway

>> No.15046531

Bill Nelson said Starship is meeting, and often exceeding, it’s HLS milestones and requirements.

>> No.15046533


>> No.15046534

give us some more sauce anon. What are they talking about

>> No.15046535
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>Elon who? Sorry, I did not hear you. Next!

>> No.15046536

>What did Elon mean by who owns the press? Hello?

>> No.15046549

L2 is super slow and often sparse in info so warning if this is trivial shit
>Hakuto-R scrubs due to F9 engine issues but it all worked in the end
>Booster 7 not coming back ‘till January
>Booster 7/Ship 24 flight is NO LATER THAN March 31. SpaceX believes it will fly very soon
>Lots of pics of stuff I don’t understand
And…that’s it. Very slow between static fires and flights

>> No.15046554

Fuck, I most likely won't be at home in March.

>> No.15046555

>>Booster 7/Ship 24 flight is NO LATER THAN March 31. SpaceX believes it will fly very soon
Another 4 months, fuck's sake. Wasn't it going to fly in October?

>> No.15046561
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Mommy has the situation under control.

>> No.15046562

What would be the best time to get some L2?

>> No.15046563

She’s keeping the engine running

>> No.15046571

she is the source on the methane?

>> No.15046576

good morning sir

>> No.15046578

new glenn perfect fairing recovery years ahead of schedule

>> No.15046583

Guys, NO LATER THAN means it will fly before this date. SpaceX believes it will most likely be airborne before March 31. This is good news!

Wait until the 33 engine static fire

>> No.15046587
File: 87 KB, 927x462, it keeps happening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fairing successfully picked up
Stunning advancement in heavy liftery.

>> No.15046588


>> No.15046589

Good morning, sir

>> No.15046593

I’m glad the situation has been addressed. We all love Elon but the dude is volatile.

Gwynne Shotwell is someone girls should look up to and aspire to be desu

>> No.15046594
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>> No.15046597

I think he's more calculated than many think but he's also psychotically comfortable with taking risks.

>> No.15046600

Starlink was a huge risk. I won’t sleep tight until it turns a profit

>> No.15046606

Starlink was the only way to keep SpaceX afloat.

>> No.15046607

No the other way was not doing Starship.

>> No.15046608

you cant get to orbit without a fairing. this is major new glenn progress

>> No.15046612

Aight thanks, always wanted to get it myself (I have friends who give me the nice bits, plus an archive of it, but I want to see it by myself)

>> No.15046614
File: 42 KB, 569x569, 4B945FF9-D1B2-4350-9642-B4C75AF311E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liquid boosters surrounding a solid core
>Core burns out before the boosters
>Boosters stay attached to the core until they burn out
Indian rockets are fucking weird

>> No.15046618
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good piggy.

>> No.15046621

I feel a touch of irony that it was Gwynne here who said that and not Elon, as if he were, I don't know, distracted or something.

>> No.15046623

gwynne is distracted by elons balls in her mouth

>> No.15046624

Elon will be back to normal when his political obsession fades a bit. This happened in 2020 too

>> No.15046625

Is there any way to sugarcoat this?

>> No.15046626

>We all love Elon but the dude is volatile.
he's not

>> No.15046627

I'd expect the return of company towns focused entirely on resource extraction for the benefit of Earther investors.

>> No.15046630

>they will have to endure the fuckwads for some time.
Peace and quiet will always be just an airlock cycle away.

>> No.15046634

How would a Titan colony even survive? Titan has no raw metals or even rock on its surface. A Titan colony would be 100% dependent on imports from the asteroid belt and the inner solar system for metals.
However, Titan would probably be a great exporter of Helium-3, especially because Saturn’s magnetic field isn’t that bad

>> No.15046636
File: 5 KB, 250x203, tuijoti tuijoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visit pol due to Artemis splashdown
>currently ongoing thread on what counts as a planet and what is a dwarf planet
What an odd topic to have on that board

>> No.15046637

>you cant get to orbit without a fairing
Just need to build dome cities and then burn off the atmosphere with a sufficiently large nuclear detonation. Gets rid of air resistance for launches and is good practice for the Moon.

>> No.15046638

drop the meme already

>> No.15046642


Mentally, many of them cannot grasp spaceflight

>> No.15046643

>We all love Elon but the dude is volatile.
I see the marching orders for the latest talking points have gone out.

>> No.15046645
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Any video links? How to watch Indian launches?

>> No.15046652
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She looks like my gf wtf
Nah, no links. Indian launches have horrible webcasts.

>> No.15046660


>> No.15046665
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I dunno. Mocking the chief executive while you're involved with federal contracting seems like a dumb idea.

>> No.15046668

He lives in a free country, doesn't he?

>> No.15046669

How fucking dumb are you?

>> No.15046675


>> No.15046677

I'm a democrat and I supposed COVID lockdowns and I still think you're a huge fag.

>> No.15046678
File: 524 KB, 1170x951, AD45E811-998E-463A-A605-F45FD87D9C9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s so fucking cringe and beyond normie tier, but it increases the stock in the LotR meme economy

>> No.15046681

Are there any metals in the other moons? (Either the big or small ones)
Did any /pol/tard accuse IAU of being jews or whatever?

>> No.15046684

The question is how dumb is Elon. Maybe he is smart enough not to involve senators. Because they are petty enough to throw wrenches into shit.

>> No.15046686

Good thing there was no federally coordinated lockdown. It was up to the states. But lets not get facts twisted with our epic meme posting.

>> No.15046688

Not having to keep everything airtight and having abundant amounts of water, oxygen, fuel and carbon will sure make thing easier Marsfag

>> No.15046690
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He’s dunked on bernie so many times lmao. I think (or at least hope) it’s because he’s noticed Sanders’ anti space bills always fall flat on their face. He’s never mocked someone like Shelby too directly despite having ample opportunity

I like to think he knows how to play the game

>> No.15046691

>Mentally, many of them cannot grasp spaceflight
why not

>> No.15046692

>Did any /pol/tard accuse IAU of being jews or whatever?
surprisingly only two, and maybe some other dude ranting about numbers lining up or something

>> No.15046693
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Hauling it in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Si2iks2-T34

>> No.15046694

he's a democratically elected president not a fucking king in the middle ages, he doesn't give a shit what some literally who on Twitter says

>> No.15046697

NTA but my hypothesis is that once all the refugees from T_D flooded to that board they noticed all these half-ironic jokes that blurred the line between joking and being serious, and figured everything was serious. Thus you now have a board with a sizable amount of newfags who unironically think kubrick filmed apollo, rockets are fake, etc.

>> No.15046699

>need an entire water hangar to haul a capsule in

>> No.15046701

>by ULA standards this was a successful mission
Still one of the most kino senate hearings ever heard

>> No.15046710

Maybe you should watch that movie before opining on the meme little zoom

>> No.15046712

Its just not that easy in capsule recovery

>> No.15046713

>glen turned her head from elon and said to me in no uncertain terms, "I'm sorry did you say something?"

>> No.15046716
File: 622 KB, 680x513, B40A8C44-AF56-45EF-A80E-F9A689C237CD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s it??? THAT was your moon landing program test? That was just a grift program with no goals

>> No.15046720


>> No.15046728

My take is that the retarded Q shit brought the entirety of /x/ to /pol/. So every thread that has anything to do with space is instantly flooded by flat earthers.

>> No.15046732

Yeah. What the actual fuck is up with Q? It was literally just another one of many schizo joke threads and all of a sudden it made the jump to boomer facebook
Very, very weird

>> No.15046742
File: 129 KB, 1100x733, terry cia bane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the actual fuck is up with Q?
its a glowie psyop

>> No.15046743

>CubeSats were the most interesting parts of the mission
>half of them are ded
Bravo NASA

>> No.15046744
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NASA just now put the capsule in the boat...it 4 fucking hours for that? Am I just a newfag or wtf? Does it always take that long? And when the fuck will NASA learn that it is 2022, almost 2023, and broadcast in more that 720p. I fucking hate NASA with all my being.

>> No.15046746

You have a liar's heart and a coward's mind.
I am overjoyed to not be (you).

>> No.15046748
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>> No.15046753

One of the effects of connecting the world through the internet and social media was amplifying some otherwise small groups, making them vocal minorities. In this case, the whole Trump presidency, and the election in 2020 were so retardedly polarized by the media, that a lot of schizos got emotionally invested in the story. Add to that the derangement and psychosis from covid, plus boomers with internet access, and you have a perfect schizo storm.

>> No.15046756
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Found this abomination


From the Czech Space Week conference

>> No.15046758

They can't guarantee that recovery crews will always be immediately on site and they wanted to make sure that the capsule didn't take on water if they left it floating for a while. It's actually a reasonable thing to test.

I think NASA is legally prohibited from broadcasting in HD.

>> No.15046762

Soccer occurs in the balls.

>> No.15046768
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Ok....fine, I guess that makes sense. Thanks for some reasoning, anon.

Is it? What the fuck? Why? Still hate NASA because of it, get good you faggots!

>> No.15046782

Why are boomers so schizo?

>> No.15046786
File: 37 KB, 566x572, 1668553096371008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What format is NASA video?
>NASA video and multimedia is available in a variety of formats. The NASA TV standard for video is interlaced NTSC, 720x486, 29.97 fps. The standard for HD video is 720p, 1280x720, 60 fps. Tapes ordered from Interface are available in a variety of formats including both DVCPro and Beta. Online video is in mixed formats but generally full resolution frames are the best available option for professional use. Older video does not always exist in the most up-to-date formats.
>Page Last Updated: February 23, 2008

>> No.15046794

>National Abysmal Streaming Administration

>> No.15046800

David Saint-Jacques !

>> No.15046801

it's also because of normiefags who can't into how tripcodes work and blindly accept dumb excuses when they change

>> No.15046805

They've been living for decades in relative stability, with the occasional mild happening every few years. But now there is a new current thing about to destroy their democracy and/or kill them every few months, so they feel like the rug is constantly being pulled under their feet, so they feel crippling anxiety.

>> No.15046810

More like, their life is so boring they believe any dumb shit that will make it interesting.

>> No.15046816

Pretty much.

>> No.15046827

nothing ever happens

>> No.15046828

Starship is his only focus.
He's under greater and greater political assault, to the point that Starship may not happen if his enemies succeed.
That's why he's going so hard on the offensive in the political realm.
Keeping himself in the normies' view also helps them like him, and counteracts the Elon Derangement Syndrome (EDS) which is being put about by the regime.

>> No.15046830

>Elon desperately needs to shut the fuck up and get off twitter.
If he does this he's fucking dead.
He's trying hard to survive and keep the project going.

>> No.15046831
File: 130 KB, 1200x400, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50 years ago this minute

>> No.15046832
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dumb 4channel platitude

>> No.15046834

>Starship is his only focus.
Factually untrue.

>> No.15046838
File: 208 KB, 2688x746, space schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent the whole day putting this together. Here is the next decade in space exploration. More info in the bottom of the image. If you wanna see every small lunar mission, check here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_missions_to_the_Moon#Future_missions

>> No.15046845

Lovely chart. Also relevant https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/upcoming.html

>> No.15046846
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>> No.15046847
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>> No.15046851
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>a net energy gain
They're only referring to the energy produced near the pellet. Extrapolated scientific breakeven was already achieved in 1998 by JT-60. Q = 1 is meaningless achievement, it's not close to the Q value needed to actually produce net power, which is in turn a giant increase away from the amount needed to commercialize fusion. Anyone playing fast and loose with this terminology to get funding should be ashamed of themselves, fucking scam artists.

>> No.15046853

You missed the first two CLPS missions there are supposed to launch in Q1 2023

>> No.15046854
File: 2.86 MB, 5568x3712, 52557646109_887efeb8e8_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why they cropped it when they put it on twitter

>> No.15046855
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>> No.15046856

>fucking scam artists
A lot of people working in fusion are only working in fusion because they're too dumb to make money working in climate change.

>> No.15046859
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>> No.15046863

>climate change
Yeah, that sophisticated group of scammers, ideologists, and useful idiots.

>> No.15046864

I only included the most notable lunar missions because there were a ton of them to check.

>> No.15046865

/sci/ doesn't appreciate the world of zhong guo tiang gong.

>> No.15046869

Well, I guess it was impossible to make a complete chart, but I'm too tired of this now.

>> No.15046871

The first American lander in over fifty years isn't a notable mission?

>> No.15046874

what kind of ship is that?

>> No.15046876

I just don't have the fucking mind to read each of them. I skipped anything that only had the name of a corporation instead of an agency, there were too many cubesats.

>> No.15046877
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>> No.15046879


>> No.15046896
File: 192 KB, 1600x900, 01_new-life-on-mars-by-robert-murray--2001--the-mars-society-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

martian victory

>> No.15046913

Saturn IB milk stool
>extra protection for pad infrastructure
>cute and tidy
>gives you milk
Starship OLM
>a fucking rats nest
>on life support
>dies from a single static fire and needs repair every day

>> No.15046915

american-irish mars colony...

>> No.15046934

At least it was...

>> No.15046945

>Rocket Lab's Venus probe page used to say 2023
>it doesn't now
uh oh

>> No.15046946

Oh shit scott kelly elon musk virtue signaling catfight

>> No.15046947
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>> No.15046952
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What a faggot, lmao

>> No.15046953

Faggot indeed

>> No.15046954

>Mature elected official
>"Please clap" attention whore

>> No.15046956

So many words to say so little

>> No.15046958
File: 60 KB, 746x532, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both scott and mark are such disappointments, liberalism is a mental disorder.

>> No.15046960

that's senator faggot's twin brother

>> No.15046962

Better family genes then all of /sfg/ put together.

>> No.15046965


>> No.15046969
File: 810 KB, 2550x1519, MarsIndustryISRU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moon will be water ice, iron, lithium, nickel, helium-3, and rare earth metals. Being that the Moon is made from a core of the Earth, materials that are common here will be common there. In addition to that, a matter of general exploration to find a very large scale lava tube that can be sealed off from the vacuum and then turned into a ship dock for fleets of Starships and other vessels; and the rest of the spatial volume is pressured to 1ATM at 16.6% Earth gravity. The really low gravity probably, coupled with the ample water ice available, and support of Nitrogen gasses from Earth, lead to turning the Moon into an ultra massive hydroponics facility to decouple food crop growth from the Earth. This way, perishable dependencies for Moon and Mars can be become cross-linked.

As for Mars, see pic related.

>> No.15046981

Aw shucks, but delays are expected anyway. I guess they changed the page silently?

>> No.15046984

I went and checked because of how close the window is and how quiet they've been. Pretty sure they haven't announced anything, so yeah, seems like it was quietly changed. It also no longer explicitly mentions phosphine.

>> No.15046995

Scott Kelly has done more for space exploration than any of us.

>> No.15046998

In the same way we can separate the art and the artist, we can separate the space exploration from the bullshit takes on twitter.

>> No.15047058

i could steal the pdf, but i like hardcovers. should i buy Modern Engineering for Design of Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines (a Tom Mueller recommendation) OR Rocket Propulsion Elements 9th Edition?

>> No.15047086

That's the problem. The mind virus gets in smart accomplished people, or they are forced to go along with the lies because they have too much to lose, and it demoralizes the whole population.

Anyway as I was saying, something something spaceflight

>> No.15047088

The reply to this tweet holy shit, elon just threw hypergolic fuel in the news cycle. Won't post here because it's /sfg/

>> No.15047091

Alright I know it’s not needed and my argument has always been against it, but the ONE advantage of having an entire space board would be that we could have a shitposting general dedicated to off-topic political stuff that would otherwise derail a normal thread. The twitter algorithm just pushed something so fucking spicy and gay but I don’t think it’s a good idea to share it lmao

>> No.15047099

There's not enough content and posters for a space board. Besides, the best quality content on /sci/ is space related, especially /sfg/. If discussion here were to leave for another board /sci/ would probably be worthy of deletion.
Political discussion being common here is probably the consequence of elon musk trying to be the main character of the 21st century. If that weren't true there wouldn't be a starship. So just count your blessings.

>> No.15047102

what did he say now?

>> No.15047109

I've been reviewing spacex contracts as they happen and the prices and amounts all seem very reasonable, especially compared to opposing company bids and even rewards when compared to the open market price of launches

>> No.15047129

They also create an aura of popular support so prominent people think the peasants are about to lynch them if they're not woke enough

>> No.15047130

I don’t remember it being like this 10 years ago. Especially not 15-20 years ago. Is this just a weird temporary point in history or are we on a crazy train with no brakes
I want off this planet I’m so fucking sick of progressive politics. It has infiltrated normal life. And it is intrinsically anti-space (or at the very least, anti-progress because there are a ton of LGBTABCD+ faggots in the space flight sector but it seems like a bunch of them love SLS and hate SpaceX)

>> No.15047132

He just posted "N"

>> No.15047137

Someone please start a new thread im begging you

>> No.15047144

Ride or die. Go find a good spacenews article or go clamber through NASAs image archive for some cool photos to change the discussion. That’s what I always do

>> No.15047145

He said spaceplanes are cool.

>> No.15047149

Because we're sharing tips

There's almost always an unshared photo of jank from starbase that you can funpost with "its over" to splash cold water on the thread

>> No.15047153
File: 194 KB, 1643x1298, x8zeowvkobm51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space Force Starship wen

>> No.15047158
File: 47 KB, 471x600, CsqCCiLWAAAuLgW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was the soviet space program salvageable after the early 70s?

>> No.15047165

>Is this just a weird temporary point in history or are we on a crazy train with no brakes
History never stays in the same place, but we can't know how long it will take for it to start moving again. This might be just a fad that will start to die by the end of the decade, or will stay with us for the rest of this century.
Also, this Foucaultian bullshit has been brewing for at least a century, it's just that it became mainstream only recently.

>> No.15047167

It could have been done sooner.

>> No.15047172



>> No.15047175

You make a new thread at page 10 you morons this isn't a fast moving board like /pol/ or /k/

>> No.15047186

early stagers are the worst

>> No.15047198

maybe if n-1 did better on flight 4 / flight 5 wasn't cancelled

>> No.15047214
File: 279 KB, 1379x909, spacex party van.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is inside?

>> No.15047221

it’s the starbase meth lab

>> No.15047231

musk's chicken tendies

>> No.15047241

It's full of stars.

>> No.15047242

>people lucky enough to work in a very exclusive field contribute more to it than anyone else
Genius take

>> No.15047244

Then shouldn't they be called sustainers instead of boosters?

>> No.15047246

The booster is the one in the middle.

>> No.15047316

senator mark kelly

>> No.15047320

That ought to be legal as long as they source all raw materials in situ.