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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15126640 No.15126640 [Reply] [Original]

Future generations will be braindead from nonstop Internet usage, incapable of forming articulate thought. All the basic life accomplishments will soon be a luxury, the joys of going outside and travelling a distant memory. 80% of the world is considered either third world or developing and yet the elite still want to go to Mars and terraform some desert planet that you can't even breathe in. It's over, we lost. I'm not spending years of my life slaving away at a job knowing it'll never provide me any fulfilment or purpose, I'd rather hunt and starve in the woods for a week and feel alive than spend a lifetime rotting away in a cubicle. Wake up.

>> No.15126645

Wasn't this the plot to Wall-E?

>> No.15126656
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You're not alone in those realizations, anon. More and more people are coming to realize the nature of this dystopia, especially after the COVID fiasco.

>> No.15126710

future generations will be telepathic so they won't need to use internet for 90% of what we use it for today.

>> No.15126930

What should I do? Are there any affordable alternatives? I heard land is quite cheap in most African countries, would farming work?

>> No.15127092
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>it'll never provide me any fulfillment or purpose
If you had bothered to listen to the philosophers you would realize that either way, you will achieve no fulfillment or purpose. You might define one for yourself, but The Will will again gnaw at you until another crisis of meaning hits. Then you'll change tracks again, start bird watching or something, but The Will can never be satiated. Everything you do from the moment you wake up can be fit into distraction, sublimation, anchoring, and the one you're currently ruminating on, isolation.

Its all cope. Once you recognize this, you cannot go back. You'll learn to be just as miserable innawoods as you would be in the techno-dystopia.

>> No.15127132

Land is free in Africa, if you can defend it. They don't have enforced property rights there. Amazonian property might be a better bet.

>> No.15127174

psilocybin, lsd, dmt

>> No.15127197

I wholeheartedly believe this. In my early 20s I developed some sort of temporary ESP. It was bizarre enough I took extensive notes which I look back on to remind myself that I was entirely lucid and the absurd feeling of it.

Its also uncanny that series like Gundam had artificial newtypes that were forced into similar conditions to activate their abilities. The UC timeline was also especially redpilled with how the treated New Jerusalem on the moon. This shit is real and they sprinkle it in our media, and subliminally target us with their symbolism.

>> No.15127208

>I'd rather hunt and starve in the woods for a week and feel alive than spend a lifetime rotting away in a cubicle.
can you just do it already then?

>> No.15127231
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UC timeline? keep going

>> No.15127678
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You have a point, but it is about neither science nor math.