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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15142748 No.15142748 [Reply] [Original]

cars have literally fucked up everything and allowed capitalism to tear apart our world
>everybody is forced to isolate themselves in their cars
>public centers free for the people are torn down for highways and roads
>big businesses create giant stores way the fuck out of city centers because of the affordable land and cars, supplying everything to the point where people are forced to drive to them to get essentials
>buildings are forced to spread the fuck out to accommodate the car, making giant ugly parking lots with soulless island buildings
>people no longer see each other because their lives are spent entirely in the car or in their self-isolating suburbian homes
>people no longer talk to other people, meaning political divide worsens. Older generations no longer get to be a part of any community or keep in touch with anybody, making them more depressed and more susceptible to radical conspiracies (I guess same with the younger population)
>no one is in touch with one another, leading people like techfags to do as much damage as they want because they never see the consequences of their actions
>Without fulfillment from sense of community people value money and monetary gain in hopes of filling this void within them
>people start to believe that urban centers should be entirely functional rather than have any beauty whatsoever, without considering the fact that ugly urbanization depresses the fuck out of people and makes them less productive
Urban centers should be full of beauty, both naturally and architecturally, as well as have plenty of free and cheap centers of in person communication. So why the fuck have people let these values slip? Why the hell have we let capitalism and cars destroy human values?

>> No.15142753

>Why the hell have we let capitalism and cars destroy human values?
lmao you don't believe this really do you?

>> No.15142755

disprove me faggot

>> No.15142760

Read The Slaughter of Cities. Cars didn't cause this, people did.

>> No.15142764

yes true. everything u say is true.
but it is too late, pandora has left the box

>> No.15142766
File: 151 KB, 491x238, 5322522352355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's never too late desu

>> No.15142767

This is not /sci/ related

>> No.15142853
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>allowed capitalism to tear apart our world
Socialism does that little retard troll.
DEATH to all socialists.

>> No.15142860

Didn't know I was on /n/
plus we all know what actually killed cities

>> No.15142861
File: 31 KB, 468x469, not-science-needs-pruning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15142871

And the reason people stopped using public transport was to avoid the things that killed cities.

>> No.15142886

true. I miss rail cars. They used to be great before 1964.

>> No.15142959

read Mein Kampf

>> No.15142980

Streets & roads, not stroads

Houston, we have a problem

>> No.15142999
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The reigning economic system is a vicious circle of isolation.
Its technologies are based on isolation, and they contribute
to that same isolation. From automobiles to television, the
goods that the spectacular system chooses to produce also
serve it as weapons for constantly reinforcing the conditions that engender "lonely crowds." With ever-increasing
concreteness the spectacle recreates its own presuppositions.