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15146049 No.15146049 [Reply] [Original]

The southwest especially Arizona and California need water to grow the nations foods. Why not build a pipeline from the Great Lakes? It could be done through eminent domain, if they refuse the president could use national security as the pretext. If they try to stop it still we just blow their Midwest brains right out of their fucking skulls.

We will get the water one way or the other.

>> No.15146051
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NAWAPA has been a plan for decades but the elites don't want it because they're using environmentalism to stop technology.


>> No.15146052

Doesn't make economic sense

>> No.15146078

just clean ocean water

>> No.15146083

>the nation's food

>> No.15146085


If a third world shit hole like Mexico can do it, the fifth largest economy on earth can do it. But that's not what they want. Commiefornia just wants to leech off of middle America in every way possible.

>> No.15146092

civilization was bound to die at some point.
nothing last forever
just as people - some grow old and die of old age
some get malignant cancer and die young
civilization has malignant cancer: dogmatic anti-science growth mongers / you

>> No.15146096

I once read Michigan's sportsman alone constitute one of the world's largest free-standing armies. So go ahead. Go for it. I'll pop some corn.

>> No.15146097

I don't see any reason to care about California. It should be under permanent quarantine, if anything, and have its population slowly starve.

>> No.15146112

Ok so how much would it cost to pipe water from the great lakes to the colorado river. The Colorado plateau is at a 2 km elevation, then water flows downhill. A solution is to dig a tunnel at sea level elevation under the Rockies. Pumping up water 2 km high costs at least 5 kwh, although most could be recovered as hydroelectric power. I say this trek uphill could be powered by wind and solar power plants positioned on the sides of a man-made river, pulling up the water from a series of reservoirs. The pumps dont need to work constantly, only when there's wind or is sunny. Cost? I dont know but Mexico will pay for it.

>> No.15146119

Most of the cost will be security considering you're about to turn everyone from the Great Plains to the Great Lakes into ecoterrorists

>> No.15146120

>up water 2 km high costs at least 5 kwh,
I mean, this is the cost for 1 cubic meter.
Similar schemes could be done in other arid regions. Big European rivers dump fresh water into the Mediterranean and black sea, this could be pumped to the middle east. And why not have a trans-atlantic pipe pumping amazon delta water to the Sahara? It might work by gravity alone by digging the tunnel into these Saharan depressions. The pipe itself will be made of BPA, a super material.

>> No.15146129

I dont understand this meme that local people are fundamentally opposed to pipelines and its some kind of red line for them. Like why would anyone care?

>> No.15146137

Oh boy. Why would a part of the country thats largely opposed to the existence of the west coast not want give them access to one of the world's largest supplies of fresh water as we enter an age of water insecurity?

Gee, boggles one's mind

>> No.15146534

Because you retards have solved the problems that have lead to your water shortages.

So you’ll just drain those lakes like all the others and then want to fuck something else up.

ANYTHING over actually being efficient.


>> No.15146539

Leaf here. You want my water come and get it faggots.

>> No.15146576

It would actually be less expensive and more efficient to desalinate than to pump it across the rockies.

>> No.15146615

Commiefornia ruined their land usage by allowing huge swaths of top-tier farm land to become suburban sprawl.
Instead of having high-density urban infrastructure right next to highly productive farms, they ruined everything.
This is a state so dumb that they allow for the trapping and killing of beavers, instead of allowing beavers to placed on every river and severely saving water before it goes into the ocean.

>> No.15146768
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The Rockies are a problem, but even before you get there, the elevation increase is high. "Flat as a pancake" Kansas has over 3000 feet of elevation gain, while flat Nebraska has nearly 5000 feet of it. These aren't mountains, they're just long, continuous elevation gains that require powered pumping the entire way. If it were mountains, perhaps a pass or tunnel could be used, but as this is just general elevation gain, it can't be avoided.

>> No.15146781

Not if you use the energy on its way down with hydropower. Its a 2 km fall from Colorado to California.
But you can avoid that by digging a tunnel under the Rockies

>> No.15146879

Intentionally design pump storage systems are 60%-70% efficient. For something that's not designed for storage but for transit, you'd be lucky to get even 50% of the energy put into it, back. Tunnel under the Rockies is scifi nonsense akin to using a transporter beam to move around water. Plus it doesn't address the pre-Rockies elevation problem.

>> No.15146953
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>> No.15147010

This >>15146137
And this >>15146534
It's not the rest of the country's fault that a small subset of said country decided they wanted to build a bunch of cities and specialty crop farms in an arid environment. Then, when faced with water shortages arising from the consequences of their own actions, instead of using their own tax dollars to foot the bill to build desalination plants along their own 840 miles of coastline to solve their own problem that's specific to them, they want to force the rest of the country to subsidize the construction of an impractically large pipeline to their exclusive benefit. You'd think the state that prides itself on being the xth largest world economy all on its own would be able to do something as simple as provide its residents with potable water.

>> No.15147032

At that point you might as well just do desalination

>> No.15147045

who's their general

>> No.15147360

>Tunnel under the Rockies is scifi
Tunnels are real, the digging isnt harder because a mountain is taller

>> No.15148352

>just clean ocean water
>If a third world shit hole like Mexico can do it, the fifth largest economy on earth can do it. But that's not what they want. Commiefornia just wants to leech off of middle America in every way possible.

>> No.15148357

Why do people make such a big deal out of water in california? They have water, is it a crisis if they dont have infinite water?

>> No.15148363


>> No.15148384

Try and die, aquathief.

>> No.15148414

Your post is completely inorganic. I have never met anyone that fiercely opposes sending water to the southwest, your fake anger appears as an attempt to meme and normalize such feelings no one has felt before. Its just such a random thing to be combative about.
And the threats of violence are so lame, you wont do shit bitch, drop the tough guy act.

>> No.15148419

>I have never met anyone that fiercely opposes sending water to the southwest,
Not that anon, but you obviously have never met any of the 150 million people that it affects directly, and the other 100 million it affects indirectly via higher food prices due to California's excess water use.

>> No.15148465

>have never met any of the 150 million people that it affects directly, and the other 100 million it affects indirectly via higher food prices due to California's excess water use.
I know over 6 million people and no one cares about this, you are manufacturing a problem

>> No.15148472

>noises from basement.

>> No.15148477 [DELETED] 

bot post

>> No.15148494

Do you have any fucking idea how expensive time-consuming and daunting of a task it is to dig long underground tunnels?

The world isn't a dreamland were wishing for things make them true.

>> No.15148536

If you cant pipe water from the ground you don’t deserve the water. Conserve the USA

>> No.15148584

>hey guys let's spend even more money on california

fuck off

>> No.15148609

lol, lmao even

>> No.15148617

Cities drain their local aquifers and point fingers at farmers who are growing alfalfa and almonds in a fucking desert
Farmers point fingers at cities who can't live within their means and insist on sucking up resources from hundreds of miles away
Every single Californian gets what they deserve

>> No.15148626

Real life doesn't work like Sim City

>> No.15148635

why not let everything past texas and colorado dehydrate starve to death and die

>> No.15148641

the rest of the country would be a lot better without the barefoot drug addicted streetshitters and tent-dwellers of Utah, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona an California

>> No.15148647

its like once you get past texas you enter the land of the hills have eyes where the homeless are zombie drug addicted carnivores that hunt peoples pets and steal their trash at night, then beg for change all day

>> No.15148649

Why not just replace California with other states?

>> No.15148651

Random drive by's, poisoned cookies, organ harvesting tents and busses, etc. would cure the world of the homeless druggies. Is how China did it there.

>> No.15148661

So spending a shit ton of money to use water that is vital for at least 45 million people in two different countries, just so we can make the desert flourish?

>> No.15148680

those exact ingredients are what made california the homeless capital of the world

>> No.15148700

>those exact ingredients are what made california the homeless capital of the world
No, socialism and unchecked immigration has caused that.
Dead people from killings and mass genocide are not "homeless" anymore.

>> No.15148704

every year, around christmas time, i wait for a bitter cold night. preferably below zero. i head on down to the store and get the big plastic bottle of everclear, even put a bow on it, christmas cheer ya know? then i go find the crummiest bum in downtown i can and i give him that bottle. happy holidays! they always hesitate at first, like something inside them recognizes what could happen, but they take it nonetheless. only ever seen one guy afterwards, been doing this for 8 years.

>> No.15148705

Not reading the replies but California needs to drink its own water, by building reservoirs and desal plants. The Mountain West might have to import water but Cali does not.

>> No.15148713
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This same shit thread is made on /pol/ every other week.

It's not happening because California water policy is explicitly against this sort of thing, does anyone outside of California even bother to do even the most BASIC research on this topic.

>> No.15148716


>This is a state so dumb that they allow for the trapping and killing of beavers, instead of allowing beavers to placed on every river and severely saving water before it goes into the ocean

beavers and industrial agriculture are incompatible, and the farmland becomes sprawl because by the 60s the soil had leached so much it was basically desert without nitrated fertilizer. Also, suburban housing uses less water because suburban homeowners have to pay for it unlike farmers. Noticing a problem?

>> No.15148719

They could build more lakes like every other state has to do. Record rainfall and snowfall in Cali mountains, but they just let it run off to the ocean and waste it, then demand water from other western states.

>> No.15148725

This reminds me of the famous movie Chinatown

>> No.15148726
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The answer is "too much". Similar plans were concocted for the SF Bay with the Reber Plan which was killed because it was too stupid, and would destroy the SF Bay. It's why the Delta Tunnels are still in limbo because the state water board can't decide if it will actually save water or just subsidize farm water use further.

Either way this question is stupid. CA Water Policy is to reduce water use overall and reduce imports from the snowpack and Colorado River (which is Colorado's snowpack). This is being done to save CA's agricultural industries by killing off ranching, because water needed for livestock and onions feed constitute over half the state's water use. Unironically, if all the ranchers went back to Texas where they came from CA would have enough water for the next century despite climate change.

>> No.15148729

>build lakes
>those democrats
okay grampa

>> No.15148731


More water retention and begging for more rainfall is a recipe for failure. If your water policy is the equivalent of rain dances and pots it is a shit water policy. Desalination and better water use systems, such as requiring all lawn/garden water to be recycled greywater, are much better answers. You cannot seriously pin this on Democrats not building enough water pots when the problem has nothing to do with water pots.

>> No.15148736

I live in Chicago. I enjoy our delicious, free, fresh water available on tap for nearly free. If you want it, move here. Abandon your god-forsaken arid hellscape.

>> No.15148738


California has more water retention than any other state and it is still not enough. If more retention is built farmers just take more because the state is obligated to release enough water for them to use for free. In return you get $2 hamburgers. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting a different result, in this case building more water reservoirs will not increase the available water supply it just means more lakes go dry when it doesn't rain. Hence the big push for desalination.

>> No.15148739

Didn’t the injuns have a recipe for that? Just do a rain dance, and rain will come to you.

>> No.15148740


chicago is cold and has black people

>> No.15148742


Notice how California is not run by indians and there are less indians in California than Francophones. There are more Californians with pure pre-Anglo Spanish ancestry than there are Californians with provable pre-spanish indian ancestry.

>> No.15148747

I'll add that there is an aquifer problem in the western parts of those states you mention especially as we go south.
They'll drink the Midwest's milkshake. Hell with Cali

>> No.15148749

Chicago is not cold anymore. It is on the same latitude as Rome. And thanks to climate change, it has had the warmest winter on record.

>> No.15148751

welcome to the rez, paleface

>> No.15149054

California hasn't built meaningful flood infrastructure or reservoirs in over forty years. They have spent $140 billion (B) dollars on a train from two "podunk" areas no one wants to travel to or from. While homelessness has exploded under the largest opiate epidemic ever recorded. And during this metastasis their local governments are promising windfall payouts based on ethnic hierarchies or sexual fetishes.

All while the Salton Sea slowly begins to lift toxic dust into major population centers.

Good luck with your pipeline project.

>> No.15149068

There's already a pipe called the Colorado River that goes about halfway. Just build a few nuke plants to pump the water from Lake Michigan to Colorado.

>> No.15149155

Mountains don't stop at the surface either. You won't be funneling through potting soil.

>> No.15149178

Some guy named bill roberts, fat, Irish/0polish 5’10

>> No.15149207

Don't ask the feds, big boy. Come and get it.

>> No.15149246

You california libertards deserve nothing. You shit on other states, its only fair you tech trannies try to make water from the ocean. No fresh water for you.

>> No.15150377

tunnel denialism is so sad

>> No.15150390

>You won't be funneling through potting soil.
So? You can tunnel through rock. What kind of arguments are these?
Rock hard?

>> No.15150446
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Yes, rock is hard. Tunnels through rock are usually either short or only for every high value transport, which isn't applicable to water. Like some other anon said, reality isn't SimCity. Do the math on how much water volume would be needed, what size pipes would be needed to carry it, and then how many hundreds of miles of rock you'd have to tunnel through. Your TBM fantasies are based on you watching something on the Discovery Channel about the Chunnel (mud) or Musk's very short tunnel in Las Vegas. You're trying to IFLS! reality, which doesn't work, especially not for a low value commodity like water.

>> No.15150469

It costs a billion dollars to dig a mile. So 2000 miles costs 2 trillion dollars. Thats 10% of GDP for a single year. It can be done, it will create jobs!

>> No.15150474

>The Martina has a shield diameter of 15.55 metres, an excavation diameter of 15.62 metres, a length of 130 metres, a total weight of 4500 tonnes and an annual operating consumption of 62 million kWh. The machine started work on the Sparvo tunnel in 2011, with drilling of the 2430-metre north tube completed in 2012. The drilling of the 2600-metre south tube was finished in 2013, bringing the 5-kilometre tunneling project to an end.
Using Martina TBM, enough water could be carried through the tunnel per day for Los Angeles and Orange counties average daily consumption. Martina can tunnel about 2.5 km per year and costs about $300 million per km. For it to tunnel through the Rockies would take centuries. It is the largest hard rock TBM in the world.

>> No.15150503

Low IQ flyover rednecks would become staunch environmentalist the second the federal government said anything about supplying CA with water from the midwest. I doubt they would actually accomplish much, since most of them are incompetent, but flyover Republicans would absolutely do their best to make things difficult for the federal government, and for minorities, Hispanics, and west coast liberals in California. The entire ideology of the poltard is centered around paranoia, conspiracy theories, and blaming minorities and liberals for their own personal problems.

>> No.15150585

Dig in segments with multiple machines. Just buy them in Germany and put it on their tab

>> No.15150661

Tunnel realism

Tunnels are possible and can be great! But we shouldn't delude ourselves. They ain't easy, quick nor cheap.

>> No.15150670
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Say it cannot be done, and then there is Elon who says "hold my weed sneed"

>> No.15150674

This estimate is hilariously naive

Leave estimates to the engineers
And double them after they're done for good measure.

>> No.15150685

Even disregarding what a joke Elon is

You're forgetting that the digging isn't even the whole story. You need to proof the tunnels from erosion, earthquakes and so on. On top of requiring tonnes of pumps and other machinery. It's madness.

>> No.15150776
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>> No.15150790

>It's madness.

>> No.15151033

Just buy 100 Martinas and teleport them 5000 feet underground bro.

>> No.15151039

You don't get to dunk on rednecks in the same contrived example that would prove them right.

>> No.15151050

Using Greek deity terminology like Apollo/Artemis, what would be an appropriate name for a mars program?

>> No.15151055
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>blaming whites and sane people for their own personal problems.
Sounds like left-wing losers. Ironical.

>> No.15151232


>> No.15151256

>build giant metal buildings with sloping roof several football fields long and enclosed to preserve humidity
>create pipeline to ocean
>pump in water
>use refraction of sunlight to superheat water from above (look at solar death rays on youtube)
>place water traps along inside of structure
>as water evaporates, it is collected at top of structure and then runs down into traps
>water is osmosis filtered as gravity brings it to large containers
>trucks move water wherever it needs to go

>> No.15151263

How much are you willing to pay to flush your toilet?

>> No.15151287

The practicality of it mainly resides in the fact that fresh water is going to be more precious than gold if we do not find ways to clean and use it effectively. Draining the great lakes for the sake of the west coast does not solve the problem. The technology needs to be advanced and cheapened. Current designs of desalination plants need reworked and updated. Power consumption is not needed at all if done properly. Locations with a steady decline from sea level would be ideal for such stations as it takes the load off the pumps drawing from the oceans. Manual decontamination of water would not be necessary if alkalinity of reservoir being processed is held for a sufficient period of time by virtue of hypersaturation. Salt buildup could even be extracted and processed secondarily for commercial use. The critical factor for energy will simply be the transport of the water following processing.

>> No.15151296

Why not just reduce the population so they don't need as much food and thus no pipeline is needed

>> No.15151462

the civilian population isn't exactly where the water problems come from, it's mostly agriculture. but the cities could be doing a lot more to take better care of their water. Las Vegas is probably one of the most efficient in the world at handling their water and Phoenix, LA, and San Diego have no excuses for why they aren't at least on par with Vegas despite having greater and older populations.

>> No.15151533

>the civilian population isn't exactly where the water problems come from, it's mostly agriculture.
Anon the civilians eat agriculture

>> No.15151788

This is fucking stupid. Pipelines have been made for literally centuries and often times someone is upset by it, but nothing ever happens. The people of the USA scream about doing shit all the time, but never do it. You'll get five rednecks bitching about it on FOX and nothing else. Eco-terrorists? The average american can't even terrorize a teenage wage slave without hiding behind a manager.

>> No.15151794

California needs to be nuked, not more water

>> No.15151829

They aren't just feeding their own population of people only in arizona and california, US is the breadbasket of the world, much of it gets exported.

>> No.15151838

They already leech water from tons of water sources exactly how you are describing. How about they learn to conserve what they have?

>inb4 muh food
Grow your own.