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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15296599 No.15296599 [Reply] [Original]

Do we really need advanced math in schools?

>> No.15296771 [DELETED] 
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mathfags on left

>> No.15296795

Yes, because some hschoolers need it for their careers and its useful to select future slav- genius of society

>> No.15296801

math (and science) are literally the only useful things they teach in school
can't say I've benefitted yet from the third time they made me read Romeo and Juliet

>> No.15296811 [DELETED] 

poor vocabulary and difficulty expressing yourself = low iq
reading challenging literature hurts your head and makes you angry and frustrated because you have low iq, high iq people enjoy expanding their communication ability, because they expect that they'll have something to communicate

>> No.15296816

my guy, nobody is learning any new vocabulary from the third reading of a play from 500 years ago

>> No.15296822

>sin cos tan
>Advanced math

>> No.15296833 [DELETED] 
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you're not very literate and you have no plans of doing anything to fix it. all of your science heroes were extremely literate, but you can just substitute delusion and self-assigned high iq for putting in the same effort your betters did

>> No.15296840

you know what would have made me more literate?
being taught more stories than the same four over and over again

>> No.15296845

I will quote what the anon above said

>basic trigonometry that a twelve years old can understand
>advanced maths

lul kill yourself

>> No.15296853

My favorite is the people complaining we don't teach kids how to do taxes in school. My tax filing software tells me what to do and I have Google for everything else. Who's having problems paying taxes?

>> No.15296867

your "tax filing software" allows you to file your taxes perfectly representing the simple reality of your finances.

/actually/ understanding tax code allows you to pay fewer taxes.

>> No.15296875

Yes, it is beneficial for those who want to pursue such a career to have the courses available prior to higher education, this allows the student to get familiarized with the content.

Of course, not every student will have such ambitions, and for those that don't, they don't have to take the courses.

>> No.15296895

Try making money.

>> No.15296905

That's what accountants are for

>> No.15296955

>high iq people enjoy expanding their communication ability, because they expect that they'll have something to communicate
Your insults won't make me reveal my stock market secrets

>> No.15297114 [DELETED] 

>stock market
20% gains in a good year - tax on unrealized capital gains
1000% gains in a good year + LMAO@taxes
high iqs don't invest in stocks

>> No.15297409

victim mentality, you had ample opportunity to read other things the 1st time you were assigned to re-read.
imagine going into a class with material that you're already familiar with and not taking advantage of the easy grade and additional free time and instead pulling the victim card over it

>> No.15297795 [DELETED] 

investing in stocks just begging to have your money stolen from you. the gamestop affair already demonstrated that if you make too much money or the house loses too much, they'll just shut down the system and fix it back in their favor.

>> No.15297806

yeah too bad the discussion is about what school was teaching rather than what I do in my free time, so anything outside of the (required) curriculum doesn't matter

>> No.15297881

victim mentality

>> No.15298085

Kill yourself, maybe then you will be an exception for once

>> No.15298088

You are sure to be mediocre at best for life

>> No.15298091

> Basic trig is advanced maths
That aside, if you ever want to build anything yourself without Ikea instructions then you at least need basic trigonometry and Pythagoras at least. But much like how no one reads, even fewer people build their own shit, and if they do they just buy a 3D printer that can auto-level itself and steal STL files so no the majority don't need basic maths skills. I'd go further and suggest the entire schooling system be scrapped, force 90% of people into serfdom and have the 10% who want to actually achieve anything be mentored by someone.

>> No.15298113

u faggots missed the point. All you proved was that most people dont even need basic math. and thats true. Compulsive education is a joke. For the vast majority of people (80+%):

You dont need to know when triangles are congruent.
You dont need to know how the planets go around the sun.
You dont need to know how old some dried shit is.
You dont need to know who killed who when and where a thousand years ago.
You dont need to know where every country is.
You dont need to know how to spell.
You dont need to know multiple languages.
You dont need to know where a line crosses another line.
You dont need to know poetry.

Loser nerds like you trying to force everyone to know the same gay facts you do doesnt help anyone. If people want to learn then good, if not then whatever they can do some basic shit.

>inb4 muh jobs
95% of what anyone learns for their job is learned on the job, that even applies to STEM jobs being honest (whatever is needed can easily be taught in like an afternoon compared to 4+ years).

The problem with people like you is you only associate yourself with people like you, i.e. those who see education as valuable in itself.

Someone like that black person on tiktok doesnt need school, they know they dont need school, who are you to say "basic trig" should be put in their head.

Your elitist replies suggest that just because something is simple to you means everyone should know it. Thats the attitude that you need to abandon to be happier in life. I bet $100 this black youth knows more bball and rap than you. Is he making fun of your ignorance? No, so dont chastise his.

>> No.15298145

Most US highschools don't require anything past Algebra I to graduate, and even a moron can pass Algebra if they actually do their homework (which is the #1 reason people don't pass math, not because they can't understand the concepts). The other higher courses are optional and are mainly for the purpose of college applications (most colleges offer courses that can catch you up to calc within a year).
As a STEM nerd, I'm in favor of the majority of the population not being educated past an 8th grade level. They're not retaining much of the info past that point anyway once they graduate.

>> No.15298213

Do you think people generally should be able to understand the base mathematic principles of industrial society at any level?
They largely don't at the moment, but i think they could and it would open a lot of better possibilities on how to structure society.

>> No.15298303

You think thats bad? They made us read the diary of anne frank in 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th grades.

>> No.15298604

Meme should actually say
>another day without using a prefrontal cortex
Most people only "need" to learn to read and do basic arithmetic. The guy in your pic probably didn't even do that, because the only thing he "needs" to survive is a ride to the welfare office.

>> No.15298611

This utopian vision is impossible in the west now due to DEI. The only way to structure a society like the one you are speaking of is to remove the guy in OP's pic, and anyone that shared a common ancestor with him in the last 50,000 years.

>> No.15298624

Yes you don't need any math at all really. Infact most people don't even use most of their english, history, and science knowledge either. Primary education is probably a waste of time on most people. All you need to know how to do is click buttons on the cash register and scroll through TikTok.

>> No.15298685

Yes much bullshit is needed to waste the best developmental years of the cattle.

>> No.15299416 [DELETED] 

>anyone that shared a common ancestor with him in the last 50,000 years.
don't be so harsh, the chimps at the zoo aren't hurting anyone

>> No.15299481

They might get more out of it if it were taught dynamically like english instead of static memorization.

>> No.15299482

How about art? Most people don't think themselves good at drawing compared to artists, but at the very least they know shapes and colors.

>> No.15299486

Why aren't liberal arts taught liberally? Better yet, why do people think math isn't a liberal art?

>> No.15299487

Teach math and rhetoric at the same time. A bet is you'd see kids doing interesting shit.

>> No.15299492
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>> No.15299496 [DELETED] 

>muh cartoon comic book fantasy life
>look at how dapper and suave i am as i self insert as the mc
inability to differentiate fiction from reality is a low iq characteristic

>> No.15299501

The autistic field of fiction is an underated medium to leverage mathematical application

>> No.15299534

>Writing fanfic
>analyze character actions under setting parameters
Imagine making kids write about how they'd handle meeting a villain from history for a day. Imagination the limit, realistic or no and then they have to go back and calculate whether or not they played by the rules of their own logic.

>> No.15299572

why does we have to suffer for the retardness of the average population
seriously they should kill themselves

>> No.15299584

He's just uses rational trigonometry.

>> No.15299818

I use trig constantly
t. Gamedev

>> No.15299821 [DELETED] 
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self styled science experts with delusions of grandiosity are about as common as it gets

>> No.15299874
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>> No.15299913

You Americans are goddamn retarded.
People that derive no value from sin, cos, tan, etc. shouldn't even be in secondary education (high school). It's pointless. In my third world shithole, these are just filtered out before it comes to that "advanced math". They are funneled into vocational tracks. The black man in your pic is correct.

t. Swiss anon.

>> No.15299994
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SMBC is reddit-tier cancer but point stands

>> No.15300096 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15300103
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Do you need electricity?

>> No.15300315 [DELETED] 

its funny because its true


>> No.15300341

I regularly use algebra in my personal finances and even apply abstracted concepts from calculus to other areas of life.

>> No.15300350

Ah, bix nood means shit dude.

>> No.15300422
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I like how this comic that's always full of heckin' diversity picked the borderline albino ginger kid to be the "not smart" character. Really makes me think.

>> No.15300589

Well yeah, author(s) are unironic faggot(s)

>> No.15300830


>> No.15300840

this but unironically

>> No.15300968
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>do we need advanced math?
>do we need school?
no, unless you're a dumb nigger or a women who can't learn by itself then maybe, but school is just nigger woke cattle and a fucking scam.

>> No.15301181

kids need a hell of a lot less school

>> No.15301202

What they actually need is an entire community with a coherent culture and goals in order to guide them through life. This is literally impossible in the United States today outside of a handful of tiny ultra elite schools and neighborhoods. The rest of kids are literally just bombarded with an infinite series of
until they kill themselves or their classmates. It's unironically true that it takes a "village" to raise a child, but it has to be a fairly homogenous Eurasian village.

>> No.15301219

If you ever want to change your profession later in life then you will need to know one of these things, a basic education gives you a starting point

>> No.15301231

No, specially not in Negro majority schools. You have to accept the fact a significant part of population has no interest in matters of civilised society.
There is no need to teach calculus to negros, it's waste of time, labour and resources.

>> No.15301232
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>> No.15301416 [DELETED] 
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We need strong leadership to make all that possible

>> No.15301422

Agreed. Most people have no need for schools. The vast majority of people has no need for universities.

>> No.15301530

So I got fucking scammed going to college? Fuck the jews i'm not paying my student faggot fucking loans, gonna bust my ass in a trade, save money, have kids and retire lol.

>> No.15301629 [DELETED] 

university are adult daycare for overaged children who are not yet ready to join the adult world even though they are physically mature. the work avoidance aspect of college is the main attraction. maybe they can get daddy to pay their bills for he rest of their lives if they stay in school like a child forever

>> No.15302169

what do you think about people spam /sci/ with their children's cartoon masturbation pics? why are they so eager to do free advertising for the japs anyway?

>> No.15302182

Compulsory education isn't a bad idea up to 16.

There's a thing called neuroplasticity, it's finite. Even if kids are forced to sit through redundant exams, it'll help in the long-run. However useless, it's still important for overall development.

The real problem is making education "inclusive" and "accessible". Advanced high school courses in mathematics and physics have been made easier for some time. When is the last time you saw calculus being part of a high school physics curriculum?

>> No.15302198

Yeah, so instead of this, everyone should just perpetuate some bs they heard on the internet(implying that if you scrapped all this, people would never at least look it up). Surely, a less educated population is not easier to manipulate. Why do you want the vast majority of people to be borderline serfs?

>> No.15302236

>calculus being part of a high school physics curriculum
Is it not?

>> No.15302255 [DELETED] 

Only niggers complain, it's known that the average nigger iq is 80

>> No.15302256 [DELETED] 

its part of math curriculum, phsyics isn't even science, just made up j*wish lies

>> No.15302265

where do i find more of these images?

>> No.15302281
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Only non-chink course I know is AP Calc C.

A-levels and IB don't expect any knowledge of calculus. It wasn't always like this, only in the past 40 years or so has it declined.

>a 17 year old's "advanced" physics paper

>> No.15302309

>understanding tax code allows you to pay fewer taxes.
>read line
>add number
Ok and?

>> No.15302478

Knowledge is always good. It gives you more options.

>> No.15302509

The development of critical thinking is the ONLY thing education should care for. It makes absolutely zero sense to learn Pascal's triangle, factions in a long-forgotten medieval war or IUPAC nomenclature by heart.

All that really matters in education is the cultivation of creativity and critical thinking. To be guided into the logical processes that lead to mathematical results, to be accompanied in the discoverment of what poetry can mean to oneself. To learn the methods of historiography and how they have lead to different results.

But you won't find any of this even on higher education.

>> No.15302551

Sounds like gay utopian horse shit.

this will be ineffective to most students. either they're too thick to be receptive towards it, or just aren't interested.

It's better for brainlets to be filtered by pascal's triangle.

>> No.15302556 [DELETED] 

no, thats awful. midwits and their memorized textbook factoids are cancer.
do you really want to create more reddtiers?

>> No.15302583

That's genius, redditors are incapable of creative thought. They're a screeching hive mind that operates with upcummies and awards, like a skinner's box.

quasi-apartheid is the only way to kill them off for good.

>> No.15302620 [DELETED] 

hopefully the vaxxx does them in sooner rather than later.

>> No.15302628

only fitting that basedience will be their undoing. fucking drones

>> No.15302639

i saw that, moderator. just a little banter.

basedience -> onions fueled appropriation of science

>> No.15302922

>secondary education (high school)
Do you mean Gymnasium or Sekundarschule?
>third world shithole

>> No.15303121

>Why do you want the vast majority of people to be borderline serfs?
Thats already the case. Im simply saying to stop pretending it isnt.

>> No.15303238

Using a cell phone emitting signals decoded with sin e cos lel... he's just ignorant