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File: 33 KB, 196x272, Front Cover of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8831380 No.8831380 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any laws (within the United States, or to be more specific: California) forbidding psychiatrists and/or psychologists from assessing and/or diagnosing their patients for any personality disorder (PD) with neither their patients' knowledge nor consent?

I am vaguely aware of certain rules and/or regulations regarding this, one rule which I think applies to this is the "Goldwater rule", however; it does not seem to be in itself a "law" (but more of a "suggestion" made by the American Psychiatric Association.)

I've been told that the "official" way for testing for PDs is *only* possible with the "Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory — 2" (MMPI), additionally; I've already been administered the MMPI (administered to me by a psychologist back in July of last year) and been told that I don't have a PD. However: I'm now being told by my current therapist (the subordinate of the psychologist who evaluated me for PDs) that my current diagnosis—Major Depressive Disorder—Social Anxiety Disorder—Generalized Anxiety Disorder—could completely change at any point during therapy and that she could easily decide that I actually *do* have a PD (without bothering to tell me as to how she would go about diagnosing me as having a PD.) So then: how (exactly) do people who work within the mental health care system go about testing patients for PDs?

I've read a lot about psychological and sociological experiments, and this has led me to wonder: could a mental health care worker go about conducting a "Mental Status Examination" (MSE) to examine their patient for PDs with neither their patient's knowledge nor consent? Is the MMPI (or any other diagnostic classification and rating scales used in psychiatry) really the only way to test for PDs? And if not, how else could they go about it?

Furthermore: how could a mental health care worker possibly know that a patient is being completely honest with their behavior and/or answers?

>> No.8831385

Psychologist here:

You're a fucking retard. Especially if you want to hang your hat on MMPI results.

>> No.8831486
File: 784 KB, 1700x2200, Page 1 of the Psychological Evaluation Report Edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Huh? Are you saying that I'm retarded because I automatically took the MMPI results to heart? I didn't necessarily take the MMPI results very seriously. The MMPI just felt so stupid and like a total waste of 7 hours out of my time and $700 out of my wallet. My first (and previous) psychiatrist even seemed to agree with me on this as he had admitted to me that he believed the MMPI to be: “not very scientific” (his exact words.)

It seems like it would be too easy to “cheat” the MMPI. Let me put it this way: these last few years I've spent a great deal of time reading about psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, PDs, mental disorders, etc. I had first heard about the MMPI back in around June of last year (after I had inquired to my psychiatrist about testing for PDs, and having him inform me of the MMPI and that it wasn't performed at any of his offices.)

When I was taking the MMPI, some of the questions were things like: “I believe that spirits communicate through me. True or False?” I'd see questions like that and quietly think to myself: “this seems like the sort of question that a person with Schizotypal Personality Disorder and/or schizophrenia might answer 'True'. I don't want to get myself diagnosed with schizophrenia, do I? They'll just take away my Adderall and probably prescribe me an antipsychotics like Abilify instead. Regardless, I don't actually believe that spirits communicate through me... do I? Well, I sort of used to. During childhood. And part of my adolescence. But that was then and this is now. I'm 27 now. I don't believe in that sort of stuff anymore. Or do I? Just answer the damn question already! OK. False.”

Picture related: it's the first page of my psychological evaluation report. It shows which other questionnaires aside from the MMPI were administered to me.

>> No.8831605

I have been diagnosed with Bipolar, Schizophrenia, and Autism so that's a load of bullshit. Psychology isn't a real science, it's literally less scientific than economics. If you believe this shit you might be a schizo or hypochondriac.

>> No.8831794
File: 505 KB, 1700x2200, Page 2 of the Psychological Evaluation Report Edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you suggesting that schizophrenia isn't real?

Regardless, whether or not I believe in any of this “shit” is beside the point because it would seem that my opinion is automatically invalidated what with me having been officially diagnosed as having: “Major Depressive Disorder”. Major Depressive Disorder is listed as a “mental disorder” (right alongside other mental disorders like schizophrenia), which I suppose means that I've been officially labeled as being “mentally ill” and: to have anything that I do or say to be ignored and/or used against me.

Most people here in the US seem to believe that mental illness is “real” (on some level, at the very least.) It would seem that labeling certain individuals as being “mentally ill” is intended more as a convenience for everybody else (as a convenience for the apparently “mentally healthy” individuals), so that the so-called “mentally ill” get to be pushed to the side where they cannot be seen by the general public (in places such as: mental health care institutions or ghettos like “Skid Row” here in Los Angeles.)

But, anyway.

The main purpose of this thread was intended to be for me to find out whether or not there are any laws forbidding psychiatrists and/or psychologists from assessing and/or diagnosing their patients for a/any personality disorder(s) with neither their patients' knowledge nor consent.

The “Goldwater rule” apparently forbids psychiatrists from commenting on individuals' mental state without examining them personally and without being authorized by the person to make such comments, however; it would seem that some psychiatrists and psychologists ignore the Goldwater rule.

I would really like to know if there really are any such laws and where I could read about them.

Picture related: it's the second page of my psychological evaluation report.

>> No.8831964

All psychiatric assessments are supposed to be initiated using the clinical interview. A personality test is the least effect

>> No.8832133


I am aware that the MMPI by itself doesn't assess PDs and that it has to be combined with a clinical interview (and as you can see on my PsychEval report, the psychologist who evaluated me actually did administer several interviews.) Regardless, none of this felt all that scientific. I remember when I was going through the questions, I pretty much already knew just the “right way” to answer them. Since I've spent so much time these past few years reading about the various different PDs and mental disorders and their symptoms... I knew how to respond to each and every question in a certain way to get that certain result that I wanted out of it. I knew just the “right way” to behave around the psychologist before and after I took the MMPI.

Here's a hypothetical scenario: let's take a person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). This person has the PD, but neither he nor anybody else knows it yet. He hasn't been officially diagnosed with it. This person wants to have himself tested for PDs to prove to himself and to everyone else that he doesn't have one. The guy could probably be considered to be highly intelligent, and has excellent memory. He's spent a lot of time reading about: psychology, PDs, mental disorders, etc. He knows just the right way to answer to all of the questions. He's also a pathological liar. He's such a good liar that he's managed to successfully lie to himself. He believes his own lies. He rationalizes his own actions. He believes himself that he's a good person, but deep down inside he may know that he really isn't. He wants to prove to himself and to the whole world that he's a good person. So he goes on to get himself tested for PDs. Subconsciously, he knows exactly how to answer all of the questions, and exactly how to behave when he's around the psychologist. And he's going to do just that. Maybe he's doing it subconsciously, or maybe even consciously. He then gets told that he doesn't have any PDs. He passed.

>> No.8832140

>none of this felt all that scientific.
Retard, applying diagnostics is NOT science. It's not even science in harder fields like internology.

Jesus fuck, I can tell you that from this thread though that you are fucked in the head.

>> No.8832263


>applying diagnostics is NOT science

I'm literally repeating something that my first (and previous) psychiatrist told me during a phone conversation about 10 months ago in which he had admitted to me that he believed the MMPI to be: “not very scientific” (those were his exact words.)

The #1 reason that I ever even became interested in getting tested for PDs was because: I suspected that I may had received some sort of MSE for examining for PDs by my old psychiatrist (a PD possibly something along the lines of NPD.) I suspected that I may had gotten myself diagnosed with a PD, and was probably receiving treatment without being told about it. I am aware that under certain circumstances, that psychiatrists will not tell their patients about their diagnosis, such as certain patients diagnosed with: Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).

I asked my second (and previous) therapist about all of this (who works in a clinic completely separate from the offices in which I believe I may had received the MSE for PDs) and she told me that, legally, I would have to be told: that I would be receiving an MSE, of my diagnosis, and of my treatment (if I had, in fact, been diagnosed with anything.) However, when I first signed the forms to see my psychiatrist back in July 2013, I ended up signing a “Physician-Patient Arbitration Agreement” which stated: “NOTICE: BY SIGNING THIS CONTRACT YOU ARE AGREEING TO HAVE ANY ISSUE OF MEDICAL MALPRACTICE DECIDED BY NEUTRAL ARBITRATION AND YOU ARE GIVING UP YOUR RIGHT TO A JURY OR COURT TRIAL.”

I had first heard about the MMPI back in around June 2016 (after I had inquired to my psychiatrist about testing for PDs, and having him inform me of the MMPI and that it wasn't performed at any of his offices.)

My old therapist referred me to a psychologist and I paid that psychologist $700 to test me for PDs back in July 2016 (with the MMPI and all those other questionnaires.)

>> No.8832271

>Are there any laws (within the United States, or to be more specific: California) forbidding psychiatrists and/or psychologists from assessing and/or diagnosing their patients for any personality disorder (PD) with neither their patients' knowledge nor consent?

No, how could there possibly be? They will diagnose what's wrong with you, that's their job. If you don;t want that, don't go see one. You wouldn't ask if a GP can diagnose your physical illnesses "against your will", why would ask the same about psychiatrists?

>> No.8832627


>You wouldn't ask if a GP can diagnose your physical illnesses "against your will"

Of course not. Because there's a difference between the sorts of illnesses that a GP deals with, and the sorts of illnesses that a psychiatrist deals with.

People don't go up to patients diagnosed with something like, say, terminal brain cancer and say to them: “oh, you have cancer? Oh, you poor baby! Then why don't you simply stop having cancer? Will yourself out of your cancer!” And yet, that's exactly the sort of thing that people have said to me in regards to all of these “disorders” that I've been diagnosed with. In fact, I've even had people mock and laugh at me for having these disorders. That's because nobody actually take these disorders seriously, nobody thinks that they're real unless it would be more convenient for them to say otherwise. People can sue GPs or surgeons for medical malpractice. But it does not seem to be the case with psychiatrists.

On July 1, 2013, I finally got around to seeking help from the mental health care system when I decided to see my first psychiatrist. I went in thinking that I'd be able to have an intelligent conversation with this guy about all sorts of topics: ADHD, Adderall, PDs, neurology, genetics, etc.

The guy honestly seemed very tired, inattentive, and possibly falling asleep. He was yawning, nodding off, closing his eyes... at some point he just stopped talking and closed his eyes for about ten seconds while I was describing my symptoms. He would even repeat some of his questions and make me repeat myself several times, almost as if he'd forget my responses to his questions.

I remained patient throughout the session under the suspicion that my tolerance was intentionally being tested (I suspected that he was possibly assessing me for NPD.)

That was only the beginning. I gradually became deeply embittered by the entire mental health care system over the next few years.

>> No.8832674


If you don't want your mental illness to be diagnosed, don't go to a psychiatrist. Presumably you went to see him for SOME reason, if you thought he'd be able to help you WITHOUT diagnosing you then you're a tard.

>> No.8832728


For a long time I wondered if I suffered from some sort of disorder, such as: a mental disorder that negatively affected my senses and/or perception of reality (such as: schizophrenia), or a PD that negatively affected the way that I perceived people (such as: NPD), or a neurodevelopmental disorder that negatively affected my attention span (such as: ADHD), or a developmental disorder that negatively effected the way that my mind detected those subtle cues of people's body's language (such as: Asperger's syndrome), or a mood disorder that negatively affected my mood (such as: bipolar disorder.)

I kept looking for anything that could explain why I continued to fail at just about every facet of life: socially, economically, academically, etc. But I long feared seeking professional help from the mental health care system. I feared being misdiagnosed and/or being prescribed drugs that could only make me worse than I already am. But I eventually gave in and decided to see my first mental health care professional.

Maybe my voice is just so monotone and dull that I managed to put this guy to sleep by talking about how hard it was for me to fall asleep at night. Maybe I really am that much of a boring person, that I managed to put a psychiatrist to sleep. Or maybe it's due to compassion fatigue. Maybe he just stopped caring long ago. Or maybe he just figured that I was there to get a prescription for Adderall.

After attempting to explain my various concerns to him for about 20 minutes, he prescribed me Adderall for the treatment of ADHD. I found it a bit strange that I was prescribed Adderall so quickly, especially after I had read about the side-effects of Adderall beforehand and how some people with drug-seeking behavior often seek Adderall for recreational use. After all that I remember thinking to myself: “really? You're prescribing Adderall to me just like that?”

>> No.8833384

Congratulations. You are mentally ill. Now go find help or kill yourself.

>> No.8833498

>this fucking thread again