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10986396 No.10986396 [Reply] [Original]

Should every series be referred to by its Japanese title or not?

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>> No.10987864

yet here you are using an exonym for referring to NIPHONGO

you will never be GLORIOUS NIPPON YAMATO NAKADASHI you filthy gaijin

>> No.10988384

It pisses me off when people so much as mention that the naming used to be different. It’s been fixed for decades and only serves to confuse people that are trying to play for the first time.

>> No.10988391

I call “Soul Blade” “Soul Edge” because that’s literally the name of the sword and changing the name for the western release was pointless.
I have to clarify what I mean when I say “Soul Blade” but people immediately know “Soul Edge” as “that other Soul Calibur game”.

>> No.10988973

It depends.

If it's a game series that has certain mainline games that most international audiences missed out on (Final Fantasy) then absolutely.

Other than that I think it's just personal preference. I call Rock Man "Mega Man" because I think Mega Man is a better name than Rock Man, however I call Earthbound "Mother" because I think it better represents the series. It's kind of just a case by case basis though

>> No.10989073

>I call Earthbound "Mother"
But Earthbound is Mother 2.

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10986392 No.10986392 [Reply] [Original]

It's unironically one of the best 6th gen 3D platformers.

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>> No.10988418

kek I also remember playing that as a kid

>> No.10988481

>a cartoon series getting a point and click
It was likely shovelware crap but I'd take a good 2d point and click adventure over a platformer any day for a cartoon series.

>> No.10988487

It's mostly a series of minigames, so you won't get a whole lot out of it.

>> No.10988520

>had console, pc, AND gba version of the movie game
gba version is a decent sidescrolling platformer

>> No.10989034

Top kek

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10986319 No.10986319[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>it's got a gameboy player

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10986284 No.10986284 [Reply] [Original]

I never play this game since i was 5 year old child. And Jesus fucking Christ i shouldn't play this shit again. A day before i saw ppl made online mod for it, and Devil made me try this out. Sooooooo many fucking wrong with this game, speed up and drift system, it's so bad, i always was like "hey why mario kart single best kart game" well now i know the true. Mario kart hard as fuck, but it didn't make you use and press unintuitive carp just for staying on the fucking race track. I hate you all, go to hell

>> No.10986306

Your English is atrocious.
That's all.

>> No.10986342

good morning saar

>> No.10986360

my girlfriends pretty good at it desu

>> No.10986367

Are you talking about the blue fire and reserves meta?

>> No.10986496

I don't understand what you're trying to say Pajeet, but CTR is a pretty good game

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10986281 No.10986281 [Reply] [Original]

>imagine playing video games on compact disc

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>> No.10986814

why not?

>> No.10986819

olny 16 color

>> No.10986884

do you daily drive that?

>> No.10986993
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>> No.10987030


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10986261 No.10986261 [Reply] [Original]

Which controller has the BEST D-Pad?
I just want one that doesn't do misinputs, that shit makes retro games unplayable.

>> No.10986267
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>> No.10986273

If you are deaf then the best dpad is the series X one, but it is bloody loud. The 2nd best dpad would probably be a dual shock 4

>> No.10986280

I actually don't mind the Series X controller but the buttons on it don't register sometimes

>> No.10986283

Diagonals have got to suck on that thing

>> No.10986315
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For me it's always been the PS1-2-3 d-pad. I know some people hate it for fighting games but it's the only one I've always been able to reliably do the motions with.

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10986158 No.10986158 [Reply] [Original]

Can the original xbox read a burned audio CD? I want a custom soundtrack for my forza but it won't read my CD.

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>> No.10987738

It depends on the CD type and the music file format. I don’t think it’ll read CD-RW discs.

>> No.10988551

Put the vocal songs from bubblegum crisis onto my og xbox via burned cd. Drove around vice city listening to them.

>> No.10989039

I burned them onto a CD-R audio as .wav. Do I need specific file format?

>> No.10989048

How did you burn them?

>> No.10989062


Fuck yeah she was ahahahhaha monroe fuck

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10986152 No.10986152 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't we have a "Metroid 64" with a graphics engine like this?

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>> No.10986382

The shift to 3D was probably a really exciting and interesting time to be a developer. One which does not strictly have a comparable equal in any other era. When I see people here bitch about 3D games, I just don't get where this talking for developers comes from. Why do you guys assume that the developers at Nintendo didn't want to make a 3D Metroid game? Making a 3D game at that period of time would've unquestionably shown a developer's wit and prowess to the world. Additionally, why is there an assumption that anybody wanted to make a 2D Metroid for Nintendo 64? What is that based on? If you're using this game as a smoking gun, it's probably not a great idea. Audiences and critics preferred Mario 64, OoT and Goldeneye a lot more, and for a good reason.

>> No.10986817

i figured we wouldve seen a metroid game more in the vein of doom 64

>> No.10987052

One fact that people don't realize or just ignore is that Metroid is a niche game and has never sold exceptionally well. Some Nintendo defenders argue that franchises like Metroid, Starfox and F-Zero receive games at long intervals because apparently Nintendo has some moral code that prevents it from making games without some major innovation but the truth is that they just don't sell well.

If Metrois NES had sold 40 million copies, Samus would definitely be the company's mascot haha

>> No.10987090

whyy have joshi diarhea ?

>> No.10987364


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10986148 No.10986148 [Reply] [Original]

What killed the vehicular combat genre?

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>> No.10988014

There's Crossout that fits your description, the game is as bad as WoT and WT and is also made by rusniggers.

>> No.10988020

>with proper controls and physics, and KB+M controls
Sounds like shit. Aiming with mouse in a VC game is a travesty and very poor gameplay. VC is about mastering tight arcade-like controls and fighting for a preferable position, almost like a fighting game.

>> No.10988025

Car combat games never sold well outside of America to the point where half the Twisted Metal games are US-exclusive and the PAL release of Black is heavily butchered. Twisted Metal for USA, Wipeout for Europeans.
Even in America it was still just a small audience. Eventually it just wasn't worth it anymore to keep building a massive franchise solely for a niche audience, and none of the other games in the genre reached even a fraction of the sales TM did.

>> No.10988047

Edgy open-world action games with driving stole their thunder starting with Grand Theft Auto III.

>> No.10988112

Carmageddon did great everywhere. Destruction Derby too.

But yes, car and guns are very much an American thing.

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10986118 No.10986118 [Reply] [Original]

Never seen before, only here

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>> No.10988827

I am polish and have never heard of it.

>> No.10988867


Unironically an amazing game.
Well done story.
Thrilling mystery.
Entertaining puzzles.
Commercially failed because it cost too much and also they didn't suck enough "game journalist + game magazines" dick to be artificially prompt up like most games of the era.
This same game being made today with the correct amount of publicity would probably make millons as a "revolutionary indie game".
I hate the game development industry so much is unreal.

>> No.10988871

Watch 7 first minutes for intro and explanation.

>> No.10989042

Never heard of this game and it looks awesome, thanks guy. Will have to buy it sometime.

>> No.10989060
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naming any finnish gayms feels like cheating

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10986050 No.10986050 [Reply] [Original]

finally finished an OSA run for the first time
all the "fiery" upgrades are fucking useless, i spent cyber modules for the psi projection and it does fuck all against robots and ALMOST fuck all against fleshy enemies, localized pyrokinesis does fuck all damage too, it was useful exactly once when i accidentally triggered 3 eggs which spawned a ton of worms
the rest of the powers that i got were pretty good though, very fun to play like this

also can someone explain picrel? i have 2 pistols, both modified to level 2 but one of them has 0 recoil, is that a "special" weapon a-la unbreakable arrow from thief?

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>> No.10986409

awesome great now I know the name of the game and can look into it. and yeah asking for the name of something you dont know is how you know. are you seriously so subhuman 4th world retard you cant grasp this? or were you just so eager to shitpost like a queer that you didnt think at all. jeez why would someone ask the name of a game unless he didnt know it? and no not everyone recognizes a screenshot from a game they never saw before you subhuman filth. and imagine being such a subhuman gate keeping elitest faggot you think someone cant try to learn about a game. swear tons of you queers need your face slapped to curb that holier than thou attitude you have to others who dont know your game. and you're the one accting like a 12yr old gate keeping faggot over a games name. i'd slap the bitch off your face in person

>> No.10986414
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that would eat through your ammo pretty fast though, cycling overcharged energy weapons is smart though
yeah, it's more challenging to use so you're probably right that only a minority of players use it but it's also pretty fun, on endgame i was able to kill a rumbler with 4 charged wrench hits

>> No.10986506

OSI just augments everything you do so it ends up being the strongest playstyle mixed with other stuff.

>> No.10986545

Why do people complain about this? The thread is clearly meant for people who played the game if you don't recognize it then maybe you never played it and should fuck off.

>> No.10986595

The reason people are calling you a retard is for expecting the OP to pre-spoonfeed you. If you asked like a non-brown I'm sure plenty of people would have told you the game name. Even here, I'm spoonfeeding you social cues; look how helpful this board can be

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10985976 No.10985976 [Reply] [Original]

best sonic game

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>> No.10986147
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They're literally probably the best implementation of the half pipe I've seen next to Sonic 3D Blast Saturn's. I think people hate it because they don't understand how to play it, you literally just hold B and collect orbs until you reach the emerald/goal ring. Both of the songs sound great imo, plus they look really pretty. If you don't feel like going for the emerald you can just play the Bonus Stages instead which are basically the same but good for farming extra lives. And the Chao balloon is cute/kino, too.

>> No.10986249

No, I hate them because
>the emerald is immediately in front of you at the start, your best odds of getting it are within the first 30 seconds, after that you're better off just quitting out
>if you slip onto the walls or ceiling, you'll likely fall off, reducing your speed to 0
Also how dare you put these over Rush's half-pipes.

>> No.10986270

That doesn’t look like Sonic Adventure 2

>> No.10986354


>> No.10986368

This was the first mainline Sonic game I felt was completely mediocre, a sign of things to come. Sonic died with the Dreamcast.

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10985889 No.10985889[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'll start
Joe Biden is my favorite VR tranny, his alter ego Yuru is so sexy.

>> No.10985894
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10985874 No.10985874 [Reply] [Original]

>don't worry about those meshes bro, composite will fix the-

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>> No.10987861

>Do you think the aggressive flickering is somehow less visible standing further back in a light room? Because it absolutely is not.
More ambient light will make the flickering less noticeable. When the CRT is the only source of light in the room the flickering is going to be far more noticeable to your eyes than if it's a well lit room.

And yes, sitting further back makes a difference as well, it's why the manuals that came with TVs typically had a recommended viewing distance. When you sit further back the aperture grill/shadowmask, scanlines, etc. stop being visible.

>> No.10987892

This is one of the most genuinely baffling posts I’ve ever read here. Literally every one of your claims is wrong and leads me to believe you have never actually seen or used a CRT in person.

>> No.10987968

>haven't touched a CRT since 2002
kys underage larper. sick of retards pretending everyone had an LCD or plasma by fucking 2005

>> No.10987973

Thanks for posting this

>> No.10987991

I was born in 2000 and my boomer parents didn’t get an HD TV until 2010, and they didn’t trash the living room Panasonic until 2019.

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10985848 No.10985848 [Reply] [Original]

Is postal still cool?

>> No.10985856

only the original was cool

>> No.10985908

How and where can i play this on mac? Boxer for dosbox stopped working with the recent update.

>> No.10985957

It never was.

>> No.10987135

Cool is subjective, goofy is not. It's both

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10985821 No.10985821 [Reply] [Original]

Do you got the moves?

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>> No.10986801

me either, but it makes me happy knowing that all those super cool guys who were busting moves on these in the early 2000s are all old now and are probably bald. haha!

>> No.10986815

i may be bald but i make it look good

>> No.10986878
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Toooooouuuut m'entraaaaaaaaiiiîne, irrésistiblement vers toi comme avant
Tout m'enchaîne, irrésistiblement à toi je le sens

Comme le jour revient après la nuit
Et le soleil toujours après la pluie
Comme un oiseau qui revient vers son nid
Vers mon amour je vais aussi

>> No.10987058

Hmm it appears that the nearest one to me is about half an hour away (at a Dave and Buster's). Maybe I'll have to check that out

>> No.10987084

More into the korean ripoff

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10985775 No.10985775 [Reply] [Original]

>it's got a dvd player

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>> No.10988250

360 also has the best port of Burnout Revenge.

>> No.10988258

Apostrophes can also be possessive, you fucking pseudo intellectual.

>> No.10988380

I'm willing to admit it helped with the console's success but a DVD player had no impact on any other console that generation.

>> No.10988797

>and its online line up was better
there you go my child, keep going at it

>> No.10988849

I got into DVD collecting at the time and I think I actually used my PS2 more as a DVD player than for gaming.

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10985630 No.10985630 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the best of the GTA trilogy?

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>> No.10988232

>4 is the only one that I drop every time I try to replay it. It's completely boring with no redeemable qualities to the setting or characters. If you like GTA 4 you probably also like plain white bread and watching paint dry.
I've never even considered playing GTA after VCS. The HD era is completely offputting to me.

>> No.10988245

vice city 2

>> No.10988993

>t. zoom zoom

>> No.10989005

>No one even thought it was good when it came out
I did.

>A downgrade from SA in so many ways and inferior to GTA 5 which fully realized the unfinished ideas of 4.
GTA 5 has a worse story, worse graphics, worse physics, worse characters, and spawned the shitfest that is GTA Online which turned the series from being about serious crime to being Fortnite-style bullshit for children.

The only thing I will say definitively that 5 does better over 4 is having a rural/countryside area on the map. Exploring the deserts, woods and mountains north of Los Santos was genuinely pretty fun, at least when the game was new. But the trade-off is that Los Santos itself in 5 is severely inferior to the quality and detail of Liberty City in 4.

>> No.10989081

>The main storyline of SA was extremely incoherent.
Only if you skipped a bunch of missions.
VC was literally just the plot of Scarface.

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10985627 No.10985627 [Reply] [Original]

I like 6-DOF shooters and I never understood why they didn't take off like the normal FPS did. Too hard?

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>> No.10987020
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6DOF means less intuitive controls and more ways to get disoriented. Also there were never any games that weren't just Descent clones, and I assume the sales just weren't there either

>> No.10987062

Yeah I would agree a lot of them are more or less like descent with adjustments or little twists or improvements to them. But sometimes you get something kind of crazy like shattered horizon that comes out and proves there is more room for originality and different avenues to explore than you would think. One thing I've been thinking about is the idea of combining Armored Core style customization and contract/mission selection styles mixed with the descent gameplay but you can also dole out and take locational based damage like in Mechwarrior or something. Just take all that and apply it to the hovercraft style ships everybody pilots in these types of games.

>> No.10987253
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Treasures of the Deep is pretty good. Much easier in 3rd person view.

>> No.10987605

Gyro controls would be a must for any modern 6DOF game. If would likely amend so much of the frustrating clunkiness and unintuitive controls of the stuff.

>> No.10988770

naw, that'd be dope of my dad tho. He won it fair and square

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10985562 No.10985562 [Reply] [Original]

Was anyone else disappointed that it didn't get a remake like Resident Evil 2 did a week after the underwhelming remaster?

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>> No.10987171

Do you know what 1:1 means?
Or have you just not played the original game?

>> No.10987285
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everyone who is a tasteless zoomer

>> No.10987497

this but the remake

>> No.10987549
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They could make Regina sexy tho

>> No.10987557

>implying she isn't already
brain diseased zoomer