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File: 86 KB, 540x416, my-grueling-battle-with-contra-i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10224236 No.10224236 [Reply] [Original]

It's alright, but just lacks something. A bit too many gimmicky parts for a game with what, 6 levels?
>Climb over lava with no enemies around
>top down stage
>climb up between spiders' legs and all you do is dodge rockets
>motorcycle stage
>the "ship flies above you while you shoot it" part
>fly on rocket part
weapons are too samey. a tank you can ride that appears… once? most levels are dull and grey. last level is too similar to C1…
all in all, I thought this would be some peak Contra, but with all its advantages (R button, weapon select, overall good control and feel) and "badass" factor (flying on rockets, killing giant terminators and stuff), I don't think it's much better (or better at all) than 1, 2 or 4, which is unironically great.

>> No.10224243

3 is subpar compared to 1, 2 and HC but still a good game

>> No.10224250

I think it was made like an arcade game would be made: short but full of setpieces, gimmicks and cool special effecrs. It's a sequel to arcade Contra games at heart. With NES games you expect longer stages and less gimmicks. Hard Corps was more boss rush style game but with multiple paths and longevity it's also a console style game. Alien Wars is the only one that looks out of place on a home console.

>> No.10224285

yeah, it feels like most parts are just made to make you say "woah, dude" and not much else

>> No.10224297

does gimmicky on /vr/ just mean you're not on autopilot doing muscle memory crap

>> No.10224302

>>Climb over lava with no enemies around
There's environmental danger like lava gushers, no different than avoiding the lasers in Contra 1
>>top down stage
just as gimmicky as the tunnel levels in contra 1
>>climb up between spiders' legs and all you do is dodge rockets
Ok got me here, i dont recall a "survival" boss in Contra 1, 2 or 4. 4 must've had one since it's a meaty contra game, but i cant think of one
>>motorcycle stage
Cant list this as a con if you consider 4 great due to the motorboat level
>>the "ship flies above you while you shoot it" part
Done multiple times in Contra 1, 2, and 4
>>fly on rocket part
Done in Contra 4

catchall term to say "bad" without having to explain why. been that way since 2006.

>> No.10224308

How the fuck isn't any of the gimmicky segments of Contra 3 not muscle memory.
How the fuck are you complaining about muscle memory in a Contra thread.
How the fuck are you complaining about muscle memory on a fucking retro vydia board.

>> No.10224315

Agreed. NES Super C is the only one in the series I truly love. I was hyped by the Nintendo Power backpage 4-screen preview and it didn't disappoint.

>> No.10224327

muscle memory isn't the same as trial and error

>> No.10224348

It's a very fun, challenging, interesting, clever, well paced game.

>> No.10224352

well alright, I shouldn't have brought up C4 really, it was more like an "honorable mention". I'll admit I'm a bit biased since I had low expectations for 4 and it impressed me, but I had high expectations for 3 and it wasn't quite on that level. I also played 4 long ago, but it had me hooked.

>> No.10224359

it means that instead of running & gunning properly for X levels I'm forced to do something else because apparently it was not OK to just run n gun all day like in C1 or Super C

>> No.10224371

It’s an Australian shitposter and his numerous imitators havin a laff. Just disregard

>> No.10224384

>numerous imitators
it's just himself.
also he may not be really australian, that's just his nickname. probably a bongoloid.

>> No.10224389

>like in C1
You mean those tunnel levels are still run and gun?
Waterfall level making you go up?
Riding minecarts?

>> No.10224394

Variety how horrifying. Do you also get upset that you're forced to get off the toilet because apparently it was not OK to sit n shit all day?

>> No.10224416

I used to like 3, but the more I play it, the less I like it.

The hard mode is too hard and is really annoying cheap bullshit, the normal mode is too easy. The weapons feel very unsatisfying, the enemies have too much HP, the weapon swap bug is an elephant in the room of whether you use it and to what degree, too many annoying gimmicks, the top-down levels are the worst level variant of any of the Contra games.

It's hard to describe really, but just doesn't feel like a Contra game. I think they lost the plot somewhere.

>> No.10224450

Contra 3 is probably one of the singles best games ever made, evidenced by the fact I always go back to it and it's one of the first games I play on any new setup I put together.

>> No.10224452

So I assume this means you were filtered because you're a retarded 60-IQ zoomer who's bad at video games.

Do you actually think any real human being will respect your moronic child-opinions? Genuine question, I'm serious. Do you think you've ever made a post on 4channel in your life that cause someone to say "Wow, this post wasn't made by a baby with a shit-filled diaper."?

>> No.10224470

I prefer midnight resistance to contra 3.

>> No.10224857 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 459x259, trashure2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't have let Trashure devs work on their game. Look how much better HC is compared to 3 once they got rid of the Trashure fags.

>> No.10224904 [DELETED] 

wait, is this true? did some devs move to Treasure later?

>> No.10224908

>we have contra at home

>> No.10225095

a late-gen contra on snes would've been more interesting

>> No.10225132

Thanks for the input, TikTok.

>> No.10225137 [DELETED] 

Treasure is more of a Gray company
Konami is 100% a Black company

>> No.10225328
File: 525 KB, 831x524, tuy46e3j776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't Treasure the guys who made these games then quit?
Like NAZCA was the guys who made Super Soldier then quit?

Neo Turf Masters >>>>>>>>>>>>> anything Treasure made, aside from Bangai-O and Princess Crown.

>> No.10225371

>A shoot 'em up with tons of different scenerios with shooting

>"It's a gimmick! It's not as good as the bloop bleep port of the arcade game."


>> No.10225375

>Neo Turf Masters
You just like the Germany music.

>> No.10225383

Gimmicks are supposed to be part of platformers you dumb-dumbs. Right from the start the Donkey Kong devs realized they needed variety and set pieces.

Hipsters so desperate to not like the popular Contra 3 that they will resort to attacking foundations of the genre just to avoid agreeing with "normies". "Oh yeah. Donkey Kong! What a stupid gimmick game. I'm a real hardcore gamer. I don't know no fancy things. Pong, now that's a real game. Just the mechanics and no big graphics, as all real gamers such as myself like it."

>> No.10225394

That's not true. I like the music from the Japan, USA, Germany, AND Australia courses.
Fucking incredible soundtrack.

>> No.10226514

There were a couple of key people who worked on Contra 3, Axelay, Castlevania 4 and Rocket Knight Adventures, but it seems they were never able to achieve the greatness that they reached at Konami.

>> No.10226523

It's a great game, but it's too gimmicky.

>> No.10226528

Ironically, my favorite level is the auto scroller, which is much less restricted than the levels where you walk to the right.

>> No.10226663

Do you know if hc was worked on by those people? That game just always felt like a treasure game to me

>> No.10226762

HC was made as an answer to Gunstar Heroes

>> No.10226783


Contra isn't a platformer

>> No.10227047

>lacks something
The only one lacking something here is you; you lack quality, just as your post does.

>> No.10227064


>> No.10227258

Contra Hard Corps? No, there were no Treasure staff on that game.

>> No.10227287

imagine getting so upset because I said your game isn't 10/10 but just a decent 8/10 title

>> No.10227423

8/10's aren't decent they're very good

>> No.10227465

>Neo Turf Masters >>>>>>>>>>>>> anything Treasure made

nigga, it's fucking golf
you contrarians are nuts

>> No.10227639

>Bangai-O Bangai-O Bangai-O
Wtf is even a "bangai"? And what's with that "O" suffix? Is the game made by Steve-O? You know what, I'll ring his doorbell right now and demand answers! I'm so fucking sick and tired of people unaccountable for their crimes!