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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3198912 No.3198912 [Reply] [Original]

What was your first retro game?

>> No.3198916


>> No.3198923

One that is actually retro.

>> No.3198926

You're trolling, but, Sonic 1.

>> No.3198927

What do you mean, first "retro game"? You mean "first game" right?

>> No.3198947


>> No.3198998

Mario/Duckhunt, followed by The Legend of Zelda.

>> No.3199003

There could be underaged kids who only played call of duty until their favorite eceleb told them to play Sonic or something.

>> No.3199025

Dark Souls

>> No.3199028

MechWarrior 2?

>> No.3199161

Modern Warfare 2

>> No.3199198

Either SMB/Duck Hunt, SMB3, Tetris, Ice Climbers, or Hang On & Safari Hunt on the Master System. Life memories at 2/3 years old is hazy at best.

>> No.3199253

I remember playing some NES as a kid; in fact, there's still some pictures of me somewhere with the rectangle controller in hand. I remember Duck Hunt quite vividly, so I'll just say that's my first. Other games I remember as a child where Super Mario 64, Donkey Kong 64, and Goldeneye, though I'm not sure if I ever played these (we only had an NES, my cousins had the N64).

The first game I ever really got into was Dave Mirra 2 for the Gamecube though. I was a 1996 birth so the GCN came out right about when I was old enough to actually know what I was doing with the controller. I got into retro gaming when I was 13 because I went back and played Super Mario Sunshine, liked it, and wanted to play Super Mario 64.

>> No.3199629
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>first retro game

What the does that even mean? Are you asking what's the first game I played? I don't remember the very first, this was early on anyway


I can tell you the first games I played on some consoles

NES mario bros

master system alex kidd in miracle world

megadrive tiny toons busters hidden treasure

SNES street fighter II

>> No.3199636

Jill of the Jungle for DOS.

>> No.3199639

Air Sea Battle

>> No.3199673

tetris on the...snes, i think? i think the first game that impacted me was tiny toons adventures, i got far as fuck on that game but couldn't ever get past the first board on mario.

now i use cheats :(

>> No.3199792

I guess it was probably the Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt combo game. We got it with the NES in 1986, I think.

>> No.3200067


>> No.3200120

Born in 95. Hard to say since my Dad had a pretty decent Playstation/Genesis collection since I could remember. If I were to make a guess it would either be Tekken 2 or Sonic 2.

>> No.3200129

why ruin a perfectly good thread topic with that picture
>can't tell if trolling or just an idiot.jpg

anyway, Whip Rush for the Sega Genesis or Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions for GameBoy

>> No.3200161

first game i played was f-zero
it was the early 2000s tho

>> No.3200167

phantasy star

>> No.3200184

And why would you want to acknowledge them and give them a chance to say something?

>> No.3200206

Pong. No shit. Actual fucking Pong.

>> No.3200528

Probably Frogger or that tank game on the Intellivision. Also kind of recall playing Space Invaders on an arcade thing they had at the grocery store when I had to go with my mom. Don't really remember much of anything pre-NES.

>> No.3200529
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Ninja turtles 1 on nes with a kid neighbour in 1989 (during kindergarten), then, a year later me and brothers got our nintendo and the mario/duck/track combo, what a fun christmas.

>> No.3200606
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You guys DO realize some people in here are younger generation who got interested in retro stuff because old games are actually GOOD, instead of just it being nostalgia bait?

I was kind of halfway both, I was born in 1992 and didn't really play videogames until 1999 - but the first console I got was a Dendy. It came bundled with one of thos bootleg multicarts - it had Super Mario Bros, Dr Mario, Duck Hunt, Battle City and Wild Gunman - and a knockoff of Zapper (weird looking one too, it was shaped like a MP5 submachinegun). So yeah, I'd say those games above would be my first retro games? I mean, if we want to go into technicalities, Super Mario Bros was first on the list and the first one I played, so Super Mario Bros I guess.
(If you're curious, multicart was this one: http://bootleggames.wikia.com/wiki/Unchained_Melody_Multicarts#9999999-in-1 )

Also, unrelated: while looking for shit I found this crap:
dude thinks that Battletoads was a typical beatemup. That always cracks me up when shitty reviewers try to get away with playing just one level of the game and acting like they know shit.

>> No.3202634

>I was kind of halfway both, I was born in 1992 and didn't really play videogames until 1999
Born 92' myself, though I played vidya ever since I was like 3 or 4.
I never made a distinction between "old games and new games", I just always played whatever, if it looked good, I would play it, be it old and dated or the shiny new hot thing, though that's not to say the shiny new games didn't also lure me in, though I like Quake 2 as a videogame, I'll fully concede that it was the (at the time) jawdropping graphics that pulled me in (those translucent, square, monochrome laser beams tho).
Syndicate Wars was dated as shit by the time I discovered it, but I still thought it was the coolest shit, again, if it was cool, it could be older than me and that didn't matter.

I never had a SNES (we had a NES, and later an N64), but I would emulate it's games, simply because I knew there were good games to find, and I wanted to play them, I still do to this day (of course, these days, I use a proper USB gamepad, MUCH better than playing with a keyboard).

>> No.3202638

No one cares about your life stories.

>> No.3202660

There's a picture of me, in an old IBM disc box (size of 2 shoe boxes, stacked) full of old pictures me dad took from 70s/80s and in it is one of me, between '88-'90 and I am playing super mario bros. with a red t-shirt and pull-ups.

looks like world 1-3. I'd post it if i had it. cause that TV i was playing on was the size of an ipod but the actual "tube" was about the size of a printer haha.

>> No.3202689


Tie between sonic 1 and paperboy

>> No.3202706

z-out for the amiga 500, an r-type clone

>> No.3202732


Fucking millenials who think they are special snowflakes

>> No.3202798

I was playing Mario 64 in 96 kek

>> No.3202841

Why don't you jump up your mom's asshole?

>> No.3202862

First game I can remember ever playing is Space Harrier on the Sega Master System. I was like 4 I believe. Still own the game, it's got alot of sentimental value to me.

>> No.3204061

Probably Metroid 2, SML, or LoZ:LA

Spiderman 2 and Battle Unit Zeoth were a couple others I may have had that early.

I started with a Gameboy.

>> No.3204064

Ohhhh wait. I played Dark Castle on my Grandpa's Macintosh. Then some maze game and some bullshit games like blackjack and wheel of fortune.

>> No.3204073

> What was your first retro game?
It was probably Monkey Island.
An article in a gaming magazine back in 2006 got me into ScummVM.
After that, I started emulating GB and GBA, after that was SNES and Genesis, and after that was NES and SMS, and after that was NDS.

I literally never had a console in my life, and my PC could only ever run last-gen games - even nowadays I have a toaster PC with 2 GB RAM.

>> No.3204124

Well as a kid it had to be some Atari game, god i dunno which though, we a few. But that was retro at the time. As a grown adult just getting in to retro scene I am play Phantasy Star 2 for the first time.

>> No.3204129

holy shit i can't type today. I mean the Atari stuff wasn't retro at the time, it was cool and new!

>> No.3204394

shit like that makes me feel old as hell anon

>> No.3204412

95 as well. I have a bunch of older brothers so I was able to grow up with an NES and a genesis.

My first game might have been Kirby's Adventure or Mario 3.

>> No.3204435

You're trying way too hard to justify your retro-gaming.

>> No.3204507

I started on PS1, but not sure past that. Probably Rosco McQueen, or possibly something from Net Yaroze on a demo disc.

>> No.3204790
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Commander Keen 2: The Earth Explodes.

>> No.3204802
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>> No.3204815
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Space Invaders on Tandy TRS-80

I can't believe the ages some of you were born, I could be your father. Good on you for liking these games and not the latest Bro Shooter 2016 on XBox Live.

>> No.3204931

Sonic 2

>> No.3205271

Super Mario Allstars

>> No.3205275

1. I dont think /vr/ is a place with many kids.
2. Retrogames are games pre 2000 which one was your first?

>> No.3205279


Not him, but;

It used to not be one, but it seems there's been a massive influx from other boards recently. Quality has hit the dumps.

>> No.3205287

this >>3205279 is pretty spot on. /vr/ seems to have declined in quality a ton in the past year or so.

>> No.3205365
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this at the grocery store

>> No.3205829

95 as well, my first game was Super Mario Bros DX on GBC.

>> No.3205834
File: 62 KB, 570x391, il_570xN.866980906_qmwu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was a young kid during the Atari 2600 era a family friend gave me this 70s pong console, so I guess that. I think pic related, been a long time.

>> No.3205838


>> No.3205941


>> No.3205989
File: 97 KB, 800x800, intellivision-console-pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the late 80's/early 90's, was born in 86 and couldn't have been older than 3 or 4. Dad had one of these bad bitches with Pitfall and Burger Time, among other games that I can't seem to remember. Played the shit out of it and ended up with a NES for xmas that year.

Can't complain. Great introduction to video games.

>> No.3206012

Huh sorta similar. First exposure was a gen 1-ish game (Eric the Adventurous Viking or something on Amstrad PC) despite being born in the 90s. The we got a Windows PC so they first game I "played" was probably Commander Keen or Doom (both first episode sharewares). Then we got a GB and SNES and my love of retro most strongly formed.

>> No.3206064
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Zork on an Apple ][

>> No.3206089
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this is what i cut my teeth on man...

my uncle.. my moms lil bro is like 10years older than me and had a few of these and let me play them.. had other generic lcd type games and then i was bought an atari 2600 and then a sinclair spectrum 128k +2 thats my earliest gaming

>> No.3206872

Final Fantasy 1 for the NES, first game I ever played. I was 3 and understood almost nothing, but my cousin helped me make a party on it.

He told me to use two fighters and two red mages, and 26 years later, I still wonder what was the logic in that.

>> No.3206879

flirting with your mom in the 80's and getting that achievement of seeing her hairy vagina

>> No.3206904

I hope a 14 year old wrote that.

>> No.3207050

I literally play whatever looks good, not really either exclusively.

I figure, anyone who's seriously into videogames of any kind will inevitably get into retro at some point, you go back to play an older game you used to play a long while ago, then you start thinking
>What else was in this series?
>What else did these devs do?
>What are games that had a pivotal influence on these devs that is clearly present in these games?
>What else was in this genre, and how did they compete with each other?

>> No.3207056

>announcing sage
Fuck off newfag.

Emulating on PC is one of the many gateway drugs.

>> No.3207089

I think it was Snoopy and the Red Baron on the 2600. Either that or Centipede, also on 2600

>> No.3207092

Tetris 2 on the Gameboy

>> No.3207101

Honestly, I don't feel like I'm missing out by not playing the newest games. I always played at least last-gen games (think something along the lines of at least 5 years since the release date), and I've never felt like I was missing out.

Emulating on PC was just another way of getting games for me, and I can't give even zero shits about graphics and shit like that.
That said, I enjoyed the GB/GBC/GBA games the most, and the NES/SMS games the second-most.

I dunno, that's just the way I am.

>> No.3207273

Super Mario World.

Not very original but... eh.

>> No.3207280

>I dunno, that's just the way I am.

Like anyone cares about your personality? The fact that you've always acted as a leech and there would be no games if everyone was like you is not endearing.

>> No.3208149
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Pole Position II on the Atari 7800 but kinda late, must have been 89/90 then

>> No.3208376

Shining Force.

>> No.3208379


>> No.3208384
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Shin Megami Tensei I

>> No.3208409

SMB 1 for the SNES

>> No.3208434
File: 269 KB, 1744x1264, Ethan spots a Shiny Charizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pokemon Crystal. Also happened to be my first game in general.I remember 5 year old me wanting to get the game in mid 2001 and playing the shit out of it and loving the game until my sister broke it 5 years later.

>> No.3208894

It's a remake of a retro game.

>> No.3208942

Street Fighter 2. Oddly enough, I don't like fightans that much.

>> No.3209086

I think it was either Galaga or a clone of Missile Command called Rocket Raid. In fact, I think those were some of my first games ever, even to this day I think their simplistic graphics and mechanics make them great for newcomers

>> No.3209092

Donkey Kong Country on my friend's SNES.

>> No.3209108

I grew up in PS2 era, but my dad had his friends SNES with some games, so I would say my first retro game was Donkey Kong Country. Otherwise, might have been one of those PS1 Midway or Atari compilations or maybe our plug and play namco and atari paddle consoles.

>> No.3209118

I think it was something from the SNES like DKC or even from the bootleg Atari 2600 we had on the house but it was when I was 4 or something. Then, growing up, I would emulate a lot of SNES games and play on the PS1 because the SNES was a pain in the ass to connect with RF and with a trio of unresponsive controllers I preferred using the keyboard more.

Either way, let's say DKC on the SNES even though I was born in '97

>> No.3211402

The Legend of Zelda

>> No.3211421

It freaks me out that people are getting into games through non-retro games.

>> No.3211495
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pic related, also goal 3 (kunio kun the one about soccer)

>> No.3211578

>Only 90s kids will get this joke.

>> No.3212515

Megaman X3

>> No.3212538
File: 54 KB, 326x333, super-mario-land-gb-cover-front-26011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first game I remember ever seeing was Super Off Road in an Arcade when I was probably 2 or 3. The first game I played was Super Mario Land for gameboy, which was my first system.

>> No.3212547

I'd have to assume that it was atari, or an atari to pc port… maybe pac-man or Donkey Kong in arcade, or maybe some pong but the first video game that I vividly remember is Mario/ Duck hunt.
Just like the majority of people on this board… I assume.

>> No.3212584

Born '91. My dad is a pretty avid gamer so there was an NES in the house when I was born. My earliest gaming memories are the Duck Hunt/Super Mario Bros combo cart and the *ktank ktank* of the Zapper.

>> No.3212605

If Gen 3 Pokemon was your first retro game then I feel fucking old.

>> No.3213618

That's a joke from somewhere? I just told you off for acting like a snide faggot.

He probably did it as a shitposting attempt and didn't expect a half-decent thread to materialize instead.

I'll admit that Gen 3 blew me away as a kid though, it was such a technological leap compared to Gen 1 & 2, I also was always fond of 16/32bit sprite graphics even as a kid, so it was a visual treat. Also it was fun.

>> No.3214942

It's probably my favourite gen II. One was broken as fuck, 2 was okay. I feel like abilities and doubly battles really made for new interesting gameplay elements that stopped the game from being boring.

>> No.3214954

strange question.
I suppose older than me would be some atari games. Yars revenge is pretty freakin sweet.
Tower of Druaga is my favorite classic namco game though.

>> No.3216268
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It had more longevity as a game, yeah. I ran my clock battery dry after all these years though, but I guess there's always emulating that way, I can use hax to give myself a level 5 team of some of my favorites from around that time from the get-go. I never did play Emerald, either.

>Yars Revenge
Good shit, never got a lot of opportunity to play 2600 games as a kid, that shit was ancient by 92' and I rarely saw one as a kid.

Those games were so simple though, are there any official ports for phones these days?

>> No.3216321

You mean "what's the first game you ever played?"

First "console" I ever had was a Gameboy.

First game I owned was... either Super Mario Land or Wario Land.

First game I ever played was... I dunno.. Duck Hunt maybe? Either that or Super Mario Bros.

>> No.3216326

>The first game I played was Super Mario Land for gameboy, which was my first system

Are you ME?

Actually, the Gameboy belonged to my sister, but I kinda usurped it/played it more.

>> No.3216330
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I wanted a Game Boy with Link's Awakening but the store didn't have a copy of it anymore so my parents got me this shitty game instead.

>> No.3218746

Did you at least get it later?

>> No.3218759

>1998 was 18 years ago

>> No.3218768

My first console as a kid was the ps1, but the only games I remember owning for that were legend of dragoon, ffix, and some wrestling games. I used to spend more of my time at my friends house playing his PlayStation, he had better games.

However when I got a little older my sister had one of those Atari things that stores like 100 games on it and when you turn it on you pick which game to play. There was some baseball game for that I used to love

Sorry, my childhood was actually pretty shitty so I don't remember much from it

>> No.3220242

I am younger (19), but Firered/leafgreen are in no way retro. Maybe original red/blue. I cringed at the OP.

My first was Super RC Pro Am for the game boy. Then River Raid for the atari 2600 in my grandparents' attic.

>> No.3220249
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Earliest game I remember getting, this or Super Mario Kart.

>> No.3220253

It's a piece of shit and isn't in and of itself retro though.

After RC Pro Am and the 2600, the first retro game I actually played a lot was pokemon crystal. I was always way behind the current-gen consoles because the old ones were cheaper at the time. Fuck collectors for driving up the prices of formerly sanely priced games, BTW. they are literally hitler.

>> No.3220260

3 didnt feel like pokemon anymore to me.
4 made yhe problem worse by far though.

>> No.3220263

>it's IMPOSSIBURU to replace a watch battery
Okay, why don't you let me have the cart then if you're not going to bother saving it? because I will.

>> No.3220264

same, i got it for christmas in 95 or 96 i think. i have a very early memory of playing dr. mario with my mom.

>> No.3220414

Underage, please leave.

You must be at LEAST 30 years of age to post on 4chan.

>> No.3222642
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>> No.3222646


>> No.3223884

I've never tried, I don't really know the process.
I assumed they were like, soldered onto the board or something, but they're not, then?

4 felt more distinctly like a departure from the originals than 3 did, in my opinion (and not as good).
I've enjoyed 5 and 6 well enough though, to be honest.

>> No.3223890

Since I'm the youngest of 3 brothers, there was already a game system - either an Atari or then the NES - in my house pretty much my whole life. So while I can't say for certain what my first game was, the earliest one I remember playing was Mario 2.

>> No.3225518

The first season of Sword Art Online

>> No.3225527

Some shit on the Atari 5200.

>> No.3227260
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I'm old enough that I can say without reservation that there was nothing 'retro' when I was growing up.

Maybe fucking electronic football.

>> No.3227373
File: 109 KB, 500x500, Disgusted Zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Piece of Shit
Kill yourself, my man. It may not be retro, but it's certainly not shit, you dick-sucking faggot

>> No.3227434
File: 78 KB, 706x970, video_image-376414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I can remember, Duck Hunt. It was a rather simple game and really clicked with my stupid child brain. After that, Super Mario Bros.

>> No.3227435

>remembering this

>> No.3227667
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It wasn't retro when i played it.

>> No.3229801

Checkers HAHAHA
Lion King

>> No.3231151

Cadillac and Dinosaurs in the arcades.
Mods should do their job and ban
this type of threads they are not even funny,just plain shitposting.

>> No.3231613


my nigga

>> No.3231706

>he bred raptors

>> No.3232067
File: 2 KB, 256x192, spaceinvaders.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This version of Space Invaders for the ZX81

>> No.3232069

>walk through area
>use 6 different four move combinations on other four move combination enemies


>win game

>> No.3234045

You can deconstruct near all JRPGs in similar ways you faggot.