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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 37 KB, 260x226, Turn and Burn - No-Fly Zone (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3961043 No.3961043 [Reply] [Original]

did you hate kids who bought stupid mario games when they could have photorealistic games on the SNES? makes me think of the indie faggots of today

>> No.3961046

Why would I hate that someone else had different taste than I did? What a horrible way to go through life...

>> No.3961049

I think I'd kill myself if I was like that.

>> No.3961050

I only want to have fun, photorealism in a game is not a requirement.

>> No.3961060


>> No.3961073

>16 bit
Try harder

>> No.3961082

Hey if you grew up on the Atari or NES, a crappy downcolored photo such as that looked absolutely amazing back in the day.

>> No.3961109

I'm pretty sure that usage qualifies as a figure of speech and he's not actually losing sleep over it

This whole being too cool to care about anything online and posting to tell everyone about it really needs to go. Posts like yours add absolutely nothing to threads and as far as I can tell are only made for some kind of weird gratification the poster gets out of it. Why would you go on a videogame board where you're supposed to discuss the merits of different games and then haughtily tell everyone taste is subjective, it's all relative, and acting like something is wrong with you if you have an opinion and want to discuss or argue about it

I miss when being aggressive and psycho online was fashionable, it was a lot more fun

>> No.3961121

>muh realism
>muh grafix

get bent faggot, people like you are the reason why modern games suck
if you want realism, leave your basement

>> No.3961158

>This whole being too cool to care about anything online and posting to tell everyone about it really needs to go.

I feel the opposite. The whole culture of "my taste>your taste" trolling is awful. Getting upset, or even pretending to over someone else's taste is completely worthless.

I like talking about merits of games, but when it comes from a place of wanting to be "agressive and psycho" there's really no point. You don't want actual discussion or exchange of ideas, you just want to be an asshole and complain about people you think are "faggots."

Grow up.

>> No.3961170

well if you feel that way I believe you would be much happier on another website

you have it backwards too, people being aggressive is good because it sparks discussion and you actually get to hear different shit besides "it's all the same man wooo I'm a fucking genius"

I don't even really engage in it I just like to see it, I mostly criticize other people's posting habits

>> No.3961178

>well if you feel that way I believe you would be much happier on another website

Nice try.

Aggressiveness is fine, but it has to have content behind it. What we often get is just bitching and name calling because someone else has different tastes. There's nothing interesting about that at all.

>> No.3961202

I know it's bait, but still, kill yourself.

>> No.3961214

idk about any of you but being able to watch two grown men arguing with profanity over whether sega or nintendo is better is exactly what I expect and want from this board

You have to understand that hyperbole and play-acting exaggerated emotions and reactions to things is one of the things that makes the internet fun. It's something that happens naturally and intentionally suppressing that because you think you have to act "mature" is retarded. The guy who wants to call people nintendtard or sonygger isn't going to turn around and start writing thoughtful posts because he sees cool you guys are saying how you don't care about videogames

>> No.3961230

Acting like a child isn't fun hyperbole, it's just worthless noise that distracts from the possibility of actual discussion.

>> No.3961231

your idea of fun is my idea of cancer, and it's why /v/ is such a cesspit
you can have your "fun" there

>> No.3961242

I learned a lot about the sound hardware of the genesis and snes in particular just being a spectator to arguments, and practically nothing ever from threads that started moving in the "I respect your opinion man" type of direction

/v/ isn't even that, I can't even read /v/

>> No.3961280

/v/ is exactly like that, you're just too old to keep up with its pace, so you want more of the same except slower

>> No.3961284

This. People who think 4chan is just here for shitposting and acting retarded are the people who give this place a bad name. Anonymous discussion is a wonderful thing, but only when it's actually used for discussion. People who subvert it because they just want to act like shitty children are pathetic.

>> No.3961303

>extreme reddit spacing

>> No.3961397
File: 51 KB, 546x455, fishing hot girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3962515

lurk moar

>> No.3962528


The fuckholes that run this place are some of the biggest shitposters around, me bucko.

I've never seen a chan that wasn't run by a flake, a drug addict, or a loser. And they pick in kind for their staff.

>> No.3962534

4chan is run by women and SJW normalfags though.

>> No.3962538


The number of actual women on staff could prolly be counted on one hand. And SJWs are still losers, don't kid yourself.

>> No.3962558

>I miss when being aggressive and psycho online was fashionable, it was a lot more fun
it was never anything but cringe

>> No.3962561
File: 224 KB, 600x450, doom_shotgun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember seeing screenshots like the one in the OP for Turn and Burn in an issue of Game Players, and I thought it looked completely amazing. I used to fantasize about playing it. I thought the same thing when I saw pic related--I was like "whoaaah that shotgun looks sooooo real, how did they get all that detail???"

>> No.3962574


Too bad I had more fun with Heretic and Hexen.

The first Doom was tolerable. The second was just awful.

>> No.3962643

it could be hit or miss but at least there was some creativity

>> No.3963630

Cry more you big baby. :)

>> No.3964587

Did this game require any special chips like Yoshis Island?

>> No.3964602


Hi Janny.

>> No.3964651

pleb tier as fuck. Doom 1 had no enemies of any threat besides maybe shotgun guys. Doom 2 actually added some monster variety and made the game much more challenging

>> No.3964665


Does it matter how challenging it is if you're bored as fuck the entire time? Every level feels like a usermap and all of them suffer from Quakepalette.

>> No.3964681

It really doesn't.Very rarely do actual elements of games get described and discussed. At best you will get some 15 year old posting something like

>God-tier OST guys! DAE?

>> No.3964686

I think Hexen is a boring slog and that Doom and Doom II represent different yet incredibly interesting evolutions in game design.

>> No.3964694


And I could totally see someone thinking that. I just don't happen to agree.