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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5780736 No.5780736 [Reply] [Original]

What is your earliest gaming memory?

>> No.5780739

pong, amstrad games, game and watch

>> No.5780749
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Smurf for Coleco Vision.

>> No.5780759

Is this game made by Konami or not?

>> No.5780764

I think it was made in-house by Coleco, but Konami's Cabbage Patch Kids (which came out 2 years later) looks very similar... so who knows.

>> No.5780768

Gorf on the Vic20.

>> No.5780771

Mean 18. My dad would have to do the command prompt for me but I remember being totally entranced by the part where you enter your initials. Barely understood how to play though. I was ~3 at the time.

>> No.5780780

Playing the duck hunt game with gun control when i was 4 or 5

>> No.5780786

Playing Super Mario Bros 3 at age 7

>> No.5780792
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Trying to play this. When I was like 5.

>> No.5780827

Christmas 1979: Sears branded Atari 2600 with Target Fun and Gunslinger

>> No.5780840

Dig Dug at the bar with my dad or Pac Man at the grocery store with my mom, both would have been when I was like three and a half years old.

>> No.5780849

konami, believe it or not, has a couple msx ports on the colecovision
>Athletic Land, rebranded as Cabbage patch kids
>Antarctic Adventure

in modern times, the Brazilian Opcode is too busy making quick and dirty msx to coleco ports

>> No.5780852

I was born on the tail-end of retro, so it would be illegal to talk about it here, but some of my earliest memories involve playing my grandma's gameboy and the Simpsons arcade game.

>> No.5780854

Born in 1999 but grew up playing NES/SNES a lot. It's either with DKC or Mario 3.

>> No.5780857

My babysitter brought over a copy of Pokemon blue for me to play. I'd seen pokemon before, but didn't know anything about it at the time. I had to be in maybe 3rd or 4th grade at most.

>> No.5780925

Getting an NES for Christmas around 1989, same year my grandma from across the country came to visit (which was rare). I kept jerking the controller to the right to make Mario jump further.

>> No.5780934


Playing Duckhunt on the NES. Bust have been the early 90's. Sitting in front of the screen and shooting clay pigeons in my older brother's room downstairs. We had an awful green shag floor, but it was okay, this game was cool as shit.

>> No.5780935

Sadly a zoomer, and my earliest memory was Generation 4 Pokemon. I discovered retro gaming later on, so now I collect and play shit.

>> No.5780937

If it redeems myself a bit, I have a SEGA CD that I'm going to play the Lunar games on.

>> No.5780947
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Nintendo Color TV Game clone. I think it was this one.

>> No.5780976

I wish I could say it was something different, but honestly it's playing the first level of OG Sonic the Hedgehog. All I really remember is the trees on the beginning of level 3. It was even our game console but it was at our house and I don't remember why. I was probably 3.

>> No.5780993

The very first gaming memory that I can still remember was playing Donkey Kong on a game console that had a controller with a joystick and a bunch of buttons in a square formation.

I can't remember the name of the system.

>> No.5780996

Playing my older bros 360 when i was 4.

>> No.5780998

Super Mario Bros. in 94-95. We were over at one of my mom's friends' places and they had an NES.

>> No.5781000


>> No.5781028

Super Mario at a friend's house when I was 6

>> No.5781046

Sadly, I don't have one. What makes it worse is that the TV I use is complete garbage and needs to be replaced, because I can't use the native resolution.

>> No.5781050

My older siblings got a SNES for Christmas 1995 and they were all taking turns playing Super Mario World
I think this is the earliest memory I have, actually

>> No.5781056

Super Mario 64 with my Dad and Brother.

>> No.5781059
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>> No.5781060

Probably playing superman for an xbox original

>> No.5781076

Either playing my Nomad doing errands with my mom or playing SMW all day until my dad got off work. I can't remember much really.

>> No.5781084

Playing an old sonic game with my mom and drinking some kind of soda I've never had since

>> No.5781134

My bro.
>>5780854 here and I recall having a ton of memories with Gen 4. I will never forget being incredibly mystified by the one commercial for the game where a bunch of kids are collecting pokeballs falling from the sky. Magical times.

>> No.5781140
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i was born in 1997 and my first gaming memories are playing crash bandicoot games on the ps1 in the early 2000s

>> No.5781143

Do you still have that PS1? I'm so glad I have all my old SNES stuff, which came with quite a bit of games too. I can't remember how I got it exactly, either a neighbor or a cousin, but I still play it often. My first "new" console I ever got was the GameCube one Christmas. Still have that as well.

Somewhere in my house also exists a Game Gear I got with my NES, but unfortunately I don't know where. I recall playing Sonic 2 a lot.

>> No.5781161

Nope. I think it got sold to a pawn shop in like 2005, which is around the same time they stopped making new ps1 games

>> No.5781256
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I played something on a cocktail table machine during a vacation in Italy, probably Galaga, I must have been around 6.
My first definite memory is playing Moon Patrol on a school trip to the local ice rink.

>> No.5781265
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donald duck's playground, probably around 1985

>> No.5781267

Trying to shoot the fucking dog in Duck Hunt.

>> No.5781268

Fuck, same here.
Played my grandad's coleco when I was 3 or 4.
I was so amazed by it, they bought me a Sega Master System for my 5th birthday.

>> No.5781278

Playing Colecovision Donkey Kong when I was ~3

>> No.5781281

Playing Crash 3 on PS1 in 99’

>> No.5781287

duck hunt using a famiclone named dynavision.

>> No.5781303

I played it at around the same age, actually. There's even a photo of me at around age 3 (or less) with the coleco vision around.It was my aunt's.
Besides Smurf, I also remember playing Donkey Kong and DK Jr. a lot on the Coleco, and around age 6, I got a Famiclone, which also had these games and also galaga, a sequel to Galaxian which my dad loved to play on the Coleco.

>> No.5781346

Mixed Up Mother Goose, second grade.
What's weird is that was in 1998, a decade after the game came out.

>> No.5781354
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My earliest gaming memory is trying to shoot the dog in duck hunt on my dads NES.
20 years later I main the duck hunt dog
>go figure right

>> No.5781367

Playing Mario 3 on the daughter of a friend of my family's NES and consistently dying in the first chasm on 1-1 because I didn't know you could hold B to run faster and jump higher.

>> No.5781371

Cocktail cabinet version of pac man at the local diner in my shit town. Age 3 or so.

>> No.5781462

Return of the Jedi and Little Computer People on my Grandads C64

>> No.5781595

I can't judge too harshly, I first discovered retro games through emulators, and even when I bought an NES I had it hooked up first to my parent's big rear-projection HDTV, and I spent years playing nes games on PSP despite the heavy ghosting. To me it's good that you enjoy the games, not so important if you aren't fitting someone else's standard of acceptable video input. I hope you can get a tube though, it's a big difference coming from LCDs with upscaling

>> No.5781623
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Playing Crash Bandicoot with my uncle who passed earlier this year. He loved Tomb Raider and after I inherited his video stuff, found that was the last thing he played.

>> No.5781640

TMNT on the NES

>> No.5781642

Skifree and Doom Shareware

>> No.5781659

Are you Finnish?

>> No.5781805

playing mario kart 64 at some barber shop as a wee lad

>> No.5781812
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A-Maze-Ing for the TI99/4A. Figure I was probably around three or four.

>> No.5781813

or maybe DOS prince of persia and EGA leisure suit larry in the land of the lounge lizards (and programming in qbasic)

>> No.5781814

The Vs. Duckhunt lets you shoot the dog.

>> No.5781874

Atari 2600 first time playing at my cousins house. Was so amazing back then.

>> No.5781881
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Playing Sonic 1 on my dad's Game Gear, followed by him showing me Sonic 2 on his Mega Drive. He loved Sega.

>> No.5781891

Seeing a Centipede machine in the back room of a country store in 1988.

>> No.5781908

Watching my dad play the original Super Mario Bros in the mid 80s. Don't remember when the household got an NES. I got to play occasionally and I was terrible. I'm still bad at Mario to this day.

>> No.5781943

Game and watch, and those TIGER handheld LCD games.

>> No.5781948


Crying because I couldn't make it over the second jump in stage 1 of smb1 and getting my mother to do it. I was 4.

>> No.5781964

Watching my siblings fight Whispy Woods in Kirby's Adventure, but they wouldn't let me play because I was too little.

Then my brother lent the game to a classmate and never got it back. So I was gypped out of having kirby as a childhood game.

>> No.5781990

nope, burger with brit ancestry

>> No.5782042

Some sort of educational videogame for children on msdos, I think. I think it might have had Disney characters. It had vivid colours. I only remember one part of the game, where it's a mine with moles wearing miner's helmets, and one chooses words, and one's choice teeters on the edge of the minecart, and if it's the correct answer, it goes in, and it falls out if it's incorrect.
It would be great if somebody could identify that.

>> No.5782063

Altered Beast on Master System and trading my older brother some shitty tethered remote controlled car for the console and the games.

I was the third owner and it was a Hang On/Astro Warrior system.

>> No.5782091

My older cousin showing me how to get the warp whistles in Mario 3. He seemed like a video game wizard to my 3yo brain.

>> No.5782096

playing spiderman on n64, I was 4 years old.

>> No.5782143
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always had an Atari 2600 since i could remember. didnt seem particularly interesting, but i would play river raid or pac man on occasion.

neighborhood kid was amazed by it. kept coming over every day just to play it. got real annoying but my mom kept making me take care of him.

>> No.5782160

seeing someone playing some megaman game on NES and then getting to play NES for my self

>> No.5782223
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My first videogame memory was being with a girl some years older than me, playing Sonic, probably the first one.
I was mentally handicapped so I didn't understand too much about what was going on and why things were moving like that in the screen, but I was amazed and the ring sound made a big impact on me.
It was big too because that was one of the times I've been closer to a girl. Probably even less than one meter.
I don't think I ever touched that controller because I would have shit my pants.

>> No.5782245

Playing a TMNT game on NES with my cousin at my grandma's house.

>> No.5782248

When my dad brought home a second hand Atari 800 my great uncle gave my parents. We had Star Raiders, Pacman, Missile Command, Space invaders and a word processor cart.
My first game ever was Pacman, at age 5, in 1988.

>> No.5782284

It's almost like you can tell who's here from /v/ for the summer.

>> No.5782303
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What bothers you anon.

>> No.5782398

Karateka on C64 in then still Soviet Russia.

>> No.5782421

Blue Max Commodore 64

>> No.5782429

>Why the hell did he quit then?

>> No.5782434

Atari 800? Awesome. You had access to some Quality Arcade Ports. I have an 800XL that I have used the most. I don't really use my 600XL or my 1200XL. I'd like an 800 but funds are shit for my collecting habits right now.

>> No.5782509

Playing Mario/Duck Hunt, Mike Tysons Punchout and Mario 3 with my cousins when I was probably about 4 or 5.

>> No.5782523
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My first encounter with video games. Good times.

>> No.5782528
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This but in black and white

>> No.5782674

Playing Astrosmash on my Intellivision when I was six.

>> No.5782689

Christmas Morning - either 1992 or 1993. I got a Sega Genesis along with Streets of Rage 2 and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (the EU version for some reason). I played SOR2 first and immediately fell in love, and Sonic 2 was amazing as well. Two great games to start off with.

>> No.5782831

born in 2001. I remember being stuck in kokiri village in oot because I was a dumb baby.

>> No.5782903

Playing Galaga on my older cousin's NES knockoff while camping by the beach, around 1995 I'd say.

>> No.5782907

some 2600 game, probably pitfall, despite the console already being old by the time I got to play it. it was at someone else's house, a friend of my father perhaps

>> No.5782929

The ones that stick out the most and I can pinpoint vividly in my mind are:
Playing DKC in a friends house during his older brother birthday in 95.
Playing Wave Race 64 with my dad. This one is the one I cherish the most, since it was the first console and game Ive ever had and having my dad playing with me was great. Born in 1990 by the way.

>> No.5782938

Friggin swear it bois, I remember that a young me was watching the demo play of NES SMB and, when Mario did reach that section between second and third pipe, the demo ended normally, and, after that flash, in place of Mario, at start screen, was Luigi! And I remember that I did watch the demo again, but Luigi went a little further than Mario, and after the third pipe, he did stop and fire a green straight flying fireball! Then after it, he did turn itself to the pipe (third, in the case), like Mario usually does. And the demo ended, returning to good'ol Merio. Pls don't laugh at me, guys.

>> No.5782947
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Does this count?

>> No.5783008 [SPOILER] 
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Raiden trad in the mid 90s

>> No.5783363

Banjo-Kazooie, Rogue Squadron and Episode 1 Racer

>> No.5783448

>8 Eyes
>Fester's Quest
>Demon Sword
Eh. Okay haul for a kid. Parents might have wanted to punish him with that Fester's Quest though. Pretty strange of a parent to buy them a game with "Demon" in the title too.

>> No.5783590

I know it's generic but mine is Sonic 2, Genesis.

>> No.5783786

My brother renting The Wizard, and after watching it me trying beat SMB. 3

>> No.5783798

My brother making me pick Liu Kang on Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks when I wanted to be Kung Lao.

>> No.5783806

My first game was Mortal Kombat 3 on Sega Mega Drive.Then i was 4 years old LOL

>> No.5783808


>> No.5783975

I remember being very little and my mum and I were in a fish and chip shop. While we were waiting we sat down at a tabletop cabinet. It was switched off but my mum explained to me what it was. The clearest part was her explaining the 2 player button with its icon of two people and me hammering away happily at that button without a care in the world. A lovely memory from 1984.

>> No.5783989

Playing WizWar on a C64 (I think) at my dad's friends house who lived two doors down. He died a year later only 35. Heart failure I think. I still remember his Intellivision and Model Train.

>> No.5784000

Playing Sonic 2, and getting to the Aquatic Ruins stage before having to go to bed.

>> No.5784003

same year and crash 2

>> No.5784025

there was a picture of me in diapers playing SF2 on snes
i remember playing sega master system games too
it all kind of blurs into one though

>> No.5784118
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My dad had one of these, I remember playing it. We also had an Atari 2600 but I have no distinct first memory of playing that one so I think I played the handheld first.

>> No.5784129
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Earliest vivid memory is buying this on cassette and playing through it with my dad on c64. Was probably 3 or so. I loved this game and complete many times.. I would later find out this version is objectively the worst.

>> No.5784136

sega master system II and Doom

>> No.5784146

Playing Megaman 2 and SMB 3 on NES at a friends house

>> No.5784152
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Probably Super Mario Land. As a kid playing another Mario title that wasn't part of the Land series felt weird as my fav was Mario Land which is the real weird one.

Also my cousing gave me a Master System II with Alex Kidd in it, I think it was circa 93/94, it was a blast playing Alex Kidd In The Miracle World and still is for me, such a special game, I used to call it "The game with the kid that eats hamburguers" only to find out decades later that Alex only eats hamburguers in the US/EUR version that comes with the BIOS. In the physical copy eats rice.

>> No.5784160
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Not my earliest, but I remember sitting in the back seat of the car being driven home, thinking about Sonic and finally clicking with how to beat this boss. Then getting excited to put my strategy in action and see if it works.

>> No.5784163

Fucking Fisher Price's Barn Yard Rhthym and Moos, followed by Disney read-a-long games. Followed shortly by Freddie Fish, Sly Fox, Putt Putt, and Pajama Sam.

Then finally I start to get into what you'd actually call a video game with Toy Story 2 Action Game, which is still fantastic but horribly short. Then a shitload of other Disney action games and finally Halo: Combat Evolved.

>> No.5784215

going to a friends house and playing duck hunt then I was hooked.

>> No.5784254
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>> No.5784380

Playing Moon Patrol in the arcade at the local swimming pool. Also, playing Hybris on my dads Amiga 500.

>> No.5785296

Born in 84. Ice Climber on Nes.

>> No.5786317


>> No.5786323

loading my dad's LttP save, falling into the pyramid and dying

>> No.5786420

now kiss

>> No.5786427

Not that strange that more than 1 person started with Smurf. It was an impressive game for the time, it was popular for Coleco owners.

>> No.5786459

>Born in 84
>So insecure about my age I have to announce it
bugbois. lol

>> No.5786539
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MDK1 on my MS-DOS.

>> No.5786578

Getting my first Game Boy with a multicart when I was 5, early 2000s. Really fond memories of sitting with my family in a Chinese restaurant playing Mario Land, Rare's Spider-Man, Jurassic Park, Motocross Madness, Tennis etc.

>> No.5786589

NES, playing SMB1+Duck Hunt and TMNT 2 at a friend's place.

>> No.5786592

playing ninja on my zx spectrum 2+

>> No.5786598

Probably a Pac Man arcade cabinet, and Stampede on the Atari.

>> No.5786627

how can i readdit gold this

>> No.5786629

Shufflepuck Café

Battle Chess

Atari 2600 but i dont remember the game

Then on consoles that would be Mario Bros on NES and Tetris on GB

>> No.5786840
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I have vague memories of several vidya related things.

I remember watching my two older brothers play Pokemon Red and Blue through the link cable in the living room once. I didn't have a copy for myself so I had to watch them play and it was very interesting, I still have a vivid memory of seeing Hydro Pump being used and the animation and sound that went along with it while both my brothers laughed.

I also remember going to a Sega arcade in my local town along with my two brothers. I don't remember much about it except the first two arcade games in the front door which might've been Daytona. It closed down in 2000 or so and it's really sad since it probably had some Sega classics I'd love to play today. Nothing occupied it for years so there was always a big sonic on the side of a wall of an abandoned building for the next five years or so. Always a reminder that it was there for me. I still google it from time to time and find forums from years ago discussing and even official wikis have no information about which is really sad, not even a picture.

In terms of playing a vidya for the first time, fucking around in Pokemon Red/Blue whenever my brothers were at school was what I'd usually do. The first game always had a weird impression on me due to how the sprites were. I can still never see the ledges as anything other than brown lines you can't go up on, the lines on the cycling road look like train tracks, Red looks like a fat kid instead of a kid with a backpack, rocks look like big marshmallows.Odd memories I guess.

>> No.5786949
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I had one of these as a kid. Other than that: Golden axe arcade. The cabinet literally had a timer and my dad would sit next to me and feed the thing coins. Didn't matter if I played shitty or not, you had to keep feeding it.

>> No.5787078

Based. I had the exact same one. Tiger games had cool design.

>> No.5787170
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staying at a hotel with my parents and sister in '97 they had a lodgenet set up, you could switch between snes games but I'll always remember super mario world being the first we tried.

>> No.5787186

It's either playing some strange puzzle block pusher game on an Atari home computer or a Bugs Bunny game on the NES.

>> No.5787193
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>What is your earliest gaming memory?
Table-top space invaders, dad popped into a pub around mid-day and took me in with him and let me have a go on it, had to stand/kneel on a chair to play it, must have been 1978-1979 i'd have been around 2 or 3 years old at the time, Jerry Rafferties Baker St was playing on the jukebox

Weird the way some memories like that stay with you

>> No.5787194

I remember this. I was too young to understand that it costed money, so I was just told not to touch the controller.

>> No.5787207
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reader rabbit on our apple iie or whatever

>> No.5787248

So did you complete any of his unfinished save files for him or decide to leave them as be?

>> No.5787262

Sitting with my dad playing Mixed Up Mother Goose. It took us like 2 days to get the PC up and running because nobody knew anything about them then. But it was glorious.

>> No.5787264

It was as Radio Shack Tandy something, a computer and keyboard all in one you hooked to a TV. The game was Fast Food, you control a mouth and try to catch junk food flying across the screen but if you ate the pickles you would eventually burp and lose.

>> No.5787269

I had one of those, I played the shit out of it.

>> No.5787275

Playing on her, sounds like a fun game

>> No.5787409
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Does playing playing at Plumo at the Zoo and Bailey's Book House on the school computer count? I didn't get into actual game until I was around 8 or 9.

>> No.5787501

wow i remember that, a friend used to have that toy. what's this called?

>> No.5787563
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Tomy Racing cockpit. Looks a lot smaller than how I remember ;-) I wonder how old I was.

>> No.5787574

playing a pong on a german multi-game pong-like machine 'kinderspiel'

>> No.5787594

Space Invaders and Asteroids clones on a VIC-20.

>> No.5787653
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Oh man i member that!, but mine had the screen above the wheel

>> No.5787796

Was this the first castleformer?

>> No.5787801

Playing atari at my aunt and uncles

>> No.5787814

Born in 91, when I was 5 or 5 I remember playing Super Mario and Duck Hunt on a famiclone during Christmas .
I remember we also got a huge color TV that year as well with a wooden case.
Played with my parents but I don't remember if my sister was already born or not.
Good times, one of my happiest family memories before shit hit the fan.

>> No.5787845
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oh god not those. we didnt have a tv or console in my house till i was probably 11-12 so the closest thing i got was taking some mexican kid's tiger game. I lost it long ago but i still have some of the sega lcd games mcdonalds was giving out.

>> No.5787858
File: 45 KB, 640x480, octopus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember I was at the park fair one day with my dad, and I saw pic related sitting in one of the sellers huts, and convinced my dad to get it for me, I was a fan of aquatic creatures as a kid, especially octopuses, so probably my dad figured that's why I wanted it. I still remember my dad saying something about the seller, like it was a scammer or something, but probably it wasn't too expensive, because when I got home, it turned out it wasn't a video game, but a prank toy, it had the shape of the Octopus handheld, and the screen looked convincing as far as I remember (probably not very but I was like, 5), and you could fill it with water, then if you pushed it, water would squirt from the speakers into your face.
I was most disappointed. I don't remember if I ever used it as an actual prank.
I never actually played this game by the way outside of maybe some wario ware minigame.

>> No.5787881

>game and wash

>> No.5787962

playing amy's first primer and other educational games on my dad's computer. I really enjoyed this one game that was just a parrot that repeated whatever you said in a mic.

>> No.5788396

Playing donkey Kong country with my mom when I was 4

>> No.5788415

playing Super Mario Bros on the NES and my family calling the Koopa troopas flying chickens, and myself being confused because they were clearly Turtles And only some of them had wings. I guess those blurry little Sprites on the old TVs we're pretty easy to misinterpret but come on.

>> No.5788416
File: 7 KB, 640x400, cosmos-cosmic-adventure_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure it was Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure or Jetpack

>> No.5788428

The year was 1999, age 2, and watching & playing with my siblings & then-teenage uncle play Top Gear Overdrive and Off-Road Challenge on N64. Those were magical times where some games that are mediocre can be fun.

>> No.5788851

>The year was 1999, age 2
>being younger than my oldest kid
Not sure if I should yikes or just not @you. Definitely a cringe in there somewhere.

>> No.5789096

sitting at a table with a large television that had wood panels on the sides playing super mario bros. for the nes

>> No.5789104 [DELETED] 

god damn jews

>> No.5789134
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents bought me a PC back in 04 and it came with a SNES emulator and a shitload of games. As the roms were in alphabetical order, the first videogame i've ever played was this Addams Family one.

>> No.5789138
File: 85 KB, 632x720, comfymemories.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing 1943 Battle of Midway in the little arcade at the mini golf course in the town over.
I also have early memories of playing Duck Hunt and Mario Kart at a family friends house. I would twist and turn the controller when hitting corners, because it obviously helped.

>> No.5789346

Smashing the buttons Pac Man in a pub when I was 3 years old and then literally wetting myself

>> No.5789354

There was NES demo system in a department store that I used to play on a Saturday morning when my mom dragged me shopping with her. You could select a game and play for about a minute before it cut out and went back to the home screen. Kung Fu, Mario Bros, Duck Hunt... blew my fucking mind. I can still hear the demo music now.

To this day, an NES seems too expensive and unobtainable. I never had one and I went to keep it that way.

>> No.5789358
File: 213 KB, 1600x960, NES_M_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related

>> No.5789365


Yes! Had a TMNT one too


Pure feels, I remember those old cocktail cabinets so well as a kid in the 80s


Totally forgot about those. Amazing. Thanks anon

>> No.5789412

Not really “my” memory, but I’d watch parents play the Donkey Kong Country games when I was 1 or 2 years old, and they were good at it. Then my grandparents would come visit, and I’d wordlessly go and hand them a controller and want to watch them play. They didn’t play video games, so they would die and be bad at it, and after a few deaths I’d go take the controller back and hand it back to my parents.

>> No.5789418

Spiderman or Superman on the Atari 2600. Just playing at home, arcades were never a big thing where i lived.

>> No.5789429

Me too, its plaing river raid and enduro.

>> No.5789497


Born in 1997 kek

You are part of the council but we do not recognize you as a master.

>> No.5789505

It was late 1999. Don't expect me to be born years earlier, since that's in all purposes impossible without lying.

>> No.5789569

>mfw the literal boomers of /vr/ seethe that some 90s babies grew up with fourth and fifth gen stuff which is allowed here
I was born in 1995 and most my childhood gaming was playing a bunch of NES, SNES and Genesis games with my dad. My adolescence was full of zoomer shit but my early childhood wasn’t. I probably have spent more hours in River City Ransom than any other game.

>> No.5789571

For being that old you memetalk too much.

>> No.5789642

My earliest gaming memory is me sitting in my dads lap, watching him play some old DOS sidescroller. I remember the game being ice themed and the player character was a penguin.
It was probably 92 or 93.

>> No.5789780

Earliest was playing some sesame street learning game.

Favorite was getting a N64, my parents and uncle went in on it together. They had it already hooked up with Ocarina of Time plugged in and running under a sheet and took me up after my party to show me. That intro cinematic and music gives me the feels because of that.

>> No.5789785

probably my mom carrying me on her shoulders to buy a copy of smb3. I have earlier memories but they are really vague. Like playing shitty intellivision games

>> No.5789824

I haven't had to yet, he was pretty thorough when it came to completing a game. So I reckon I'll just end up preserving his saves and play through what he left me separately. I'm keeping Tomb Raider for last.

>> No.5789923

Playing Mario and Tetris on NES with my parents and siblings on family game night when I was 3 or 4 years old.

>> No.5789943
File: 10 KB, 300x218, 300px-Nintendo-NES-Advantage-Controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you playing NES Donkey Kong on an NES Advantage controller?

>> No.5789948

Playing Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 on snes when i was 5 in my uncle's farm. 2001, snes was rocking on Brazil this time yet.

>> No.5789960

it was probably a coleco

>> No.5789962

Dune 2 and Aladdin on PC

>> No.5789994

It was either Bubsy or Mario All Stars

>> No.5790014


This song

>> No.5790102

Watching my brother play this:

>> No.5790119
File: 5 KB, 194x259, Pluggy Boi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember playing hundreds of hours in one of this.

>> No.5790168
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>> No.5790965

when I was like 2-3.

>> No.5791071

>The year was 1999, age 2 and a half

That's not even a thing kid. I should know since I'm the kind of memetalk.

>> No.5791153

>born in the 60s and using 4chan

>> No.5791283
File: 523 KB, 1789x2358, laura-nardoni-commanderkeen2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw the only people in this thread who have similar earliest gaming memories to mine are europeans

>> No.5791396
File: 16 KB, 188x268, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did this place have any vidya? Because if so, probably here. I guess slot machines you could look at as video games

>> No.5791490

Was he a fan of the franchise as a whole or only the first game?

>> No.5791563

Commander Keen I think

>> No.5791607

Franchise, I was probably three or four when I watched him play the first and I know he'd at least gotten to Rise last gen. Lara Croft was basically his waifu though I don't think he would have known the term.

>> No.5791621
File: 2.99 MB, 640x452, Poly-Play (Arcade, east germany, 1986).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe the earliest memory must be those LCD games like Nintendo's game and watch. But not the actual Nintendo stuff itself, since this obviously wasn't available in east germany in the 80's. But rather the many eastern block, russian and maybe chinese clones. Those LCD games were quite popular at the schoolyards back in the day.

But I also remember playing Pong at an east german youth camp in the late 80's. And also playing the only east german arcade machine Polyplay there. And of course also playing some clones of western games on the east german home computer KC85 at school. I never owned an computer for myself after the wall came down (I got a C64 at around '91 or '92 with a tape drive).

>> No.5791625

Dude sounds really cool honestly. Sorry if I'm getting too personal with you. I've had an uncle I was close with who passed a few years back and know how it feels though the stuff I guess you could say I'm closing the gap on is different from yours.

>> No.5791721

>gif of a random disney channel show
yeah you showed those zoomers, of which yourself isn't a part of, hehe.

>> No.5791874

Yep he was. Our taste in games ran a bit different and we'd kinda moved apart as I got older but I still felt like he and I were the most alike in our family. It's alright, in fact I appreciate talking about it. Sorry for your loss anon, its an awful thing but all we can do is continue and hold their memories in our hearts

>> No.5792094

Who the fuck is insecure about being born in 84?

>> No.5792745

Being around 2-3 years old and seeing my Dad play Metroid on the NES. I remember seeing the box and thinking how cool it looked.

>> No.5792772

mario kart ds

>> No.5792804
File: 24 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

felt like a genius when my first move was to check the skull
ok so I probably played mario and duck hunt before hand but this was the third game for sure

>> No.5792861

Super mario bros 2 on the famicom

>> No.5792936

t. born after the 90s

>> No.5792945


>> No.5792994

The megadrive, with Sonic.
I got it very late, and it was the first video game I ever played or saw, and I loved it. It was like a cartoon, but I could move the character myself.
Even now, I still have fond memories of the Green Hill Zone.

>> No.5793151

SMB/Duck Hunt

>> No.5793216
File: 11 KB, 648x405, prince-of-persia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still holsup

>> No.5793497

Learning to play Super Dodge Ball on the NES as a kid around the age of that kid in the OP pic. I held the controller upside down without knowing and learned to play with an inverted d-pad, and then cleared the game, including the "secret" ending. Been in love with gaming since.

>> No.5793536

Picking out Metroid from behind the glass case because I though the flying thing on the cover was a ninja face.

>> No.5793697

Playing my brothers metroid on the original gameboy as a kid, that and watching the older kids play zelda, smash64, and pokemon in daycare.

I swear I have a memory of fucking around on wasteland and not knowing what the fuck I was doing on my big bros pc.

>> No.5793702

I have vivid memories of playing diablo 2 with all the cheats enabled, then my brother told me I was old enough to play without cheats and I remember getting fucked by the sand bugs in act 2. Idk why he took off my cheats I couldn't even read.

>> No.5793707

BabyFag here
Trying to catch Brocks Onyx in Pokemon yellow when I was like 4 and then him knocking the ball away and saying "dont be a thief" Kind of freaked me out as a dumb 4 year old that it was talking to me.

>> No.5793710

Playing Burnin Rubber on the Amstrad 464+ with my dad one Christmas.

>> No.5794109

When i was 6 I distinctly remember spending hours trying to catch Pidgeotto in Viridian Forrest. That same year I also remember spending a lot of time trying to beat Brawly and Wattson in the then-new Sapphire

>> No.5794151

born in 91, most involve my older brother (7 years older)

Earliest memory, and the experience that made me fall in love with gaming was
>sneaking out of room, staying up late after parents were asleep and playing 2 player SilkWorm on the NES.

Then in no specific order after that, big memories that stick out to me for whatever reason.

>Spent a few days having a sleepover at family friends house (mom was pregnant and got somewhat sick)
>played Hogans Alley on the NES, and everyone laughed when I shot the women and kids
>watched everyone else play NBA JAM/Super Mario World/Disneys Magical Quest

>brother buying a bag of loose used cartridges from his friend
>got the likes of Chase HQ/ Jungle Strike/ Final Fight/ F_Zero/ probably a few others

>had a blizzard in 1996, everything was absolutely fucked.
>one family had a generator and a huge house, allowed us and several other neighbors stay for several days
>for some reason watching the movie Monkey Trouble and playing Super Pitfall on the PC sticks out in my mind.

>aerobie frisbees were the big thing
>kid got one stuck on top of a random dudes house
>offered everyone in the group a free NES game if they climbed up on some random dudes house and got it down.
>brother got that shit down and was given Wolverine NES for free

When I first watched AVGNs video on Wolverine I kind of laughed. I beat it as a kid, I didnt realize its shortcomings at the time. And I found it funny that it was given to us for free anyways.

Video games have always been something special for me, because it helped me connect with my older brother, and I connected to my younger brother with them too.
Just something that was always there, Brother had an NES before I was born you know.

>> No.5794359

Playing Vectorman and Sonic with my sexy cousin

>> No.5794362

that's obviously a scene from one of the Zenon films

>> No.5794490


>> No.5794506

"sexy cousin" i... see.

>> No.5794629

Either my older cousin showing me how to catch fairies in a bottle in Link to the Past, or playing Sonic 2 with my uncle.
This guy gets it.

>> No.5794668
File: 430 KB, 655x486, NES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Duck Hunt with the light gun. So good. Also, the second world in Super Mario with that iconic music and running on top of the stage. But my fondest early gaming memories are playing Sonic 2 on my Sega Genesis.

>> No.5794702
File: 299 KB, 620x372, 1476780262294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>00s born zoomers who weren't alive when retro gaming ended, and who only just started forming memories as 7th gen gaming began feel compelled to post here

>> No.5794723

this board is about retro games, not about our childhoods.

>> No.5794741

my first console was the GBA and my first game was superstar saga, which i vividly remember calling "the nintendo brothers game" because of the opening credits. i also got a copy of the GBA port of the original metroid (port, not the remake) so that was pretty fun too, if not confusing
>whiny boomer feels compelled to use this board as his personal venting space
seethe harder

>> No.5794745
File: 132 KB, 750x1084, He had traded honor for disgrace and Sasuke's love for his hatred, and even then he had died smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phooey to both ya, later on those things will be retro and we'll all be as old as dirt.

>> No.5794763

Some bmx game on what i think was a sega master system at a friend from school's house, never found out what it was, maybe that alex kidd bmx game?
Properly I guess it would be playing Fury3 on the windows 95 demo disk with my dad doing the flight controls and me shooting, still love that game.
Also crash bandicoot 2 at a different friend's house years later, that's what convinced me to beg my parents for a playstation and that's when I properly got into videogames, before that I just had a gameboy.

>> No.5794868

Playing Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes on the original Playstation. It was the first gaming console I ever recieved from my mother.

>> No.5794896

how do you guys have such good memory? i just remember it was some platformer at an arcade

>> No.5794912

Playing Super Munchers on a Mac. I tried playing it again recently on dosbox but the windows sounds instead of the old mac sounds makes me feel sad. I should probably try to emulate the old mac OS but I'm too lazy/dumb.

>> No.5796989

Even with VC I really don't think you should even be allowed to post here unless you are 2001 or under

>> No.5796998

Why not? Again, this board isnt "/vr/ - My Childhood" it's about retro games. Who gives a fuck when you play them, and what does playing a game 30 years ago opposed to now add to discussion aside from blog post garbage?
If they dont change the rules to include more generations, then I see no reason for boomer posters to resent younger posters for enjoying the same thing they enjoyed when they were a kid now.

>> No.5797032

Not quite sure, but they probably happened at around the same time. Playing Skywire on miniclip with my sister and co oping Lego Star Wars on the wii with my neighbor. Good times :,)

>> No.5797085

playing mario and duck hunt on the nes on a 13" crt

>> No.5797208

Having my brother input game genie codes on zombies ate my neighbors

>> No.5797212

fuckin eh. gorf

>> No.5797216

1989 was a good year.
but in 1987 i remember playing the shit outta pitfall on 2600. got the nes in 89

>> No.5797220

build that wall.
this is our /vr

>> No.5797223

my nintendo came with super Mario bros/ duckhunt and the zapper

>> No.5797239

so... were you 5?

>> No.5797243

big brother is watching you

>> No.5797339
File: 29 KB, 695x408, enduro-android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enduro with neighbors, one uncle and my father, i was 4.

>> No.5797391

I used to go to an annual swim invitational in Las Vegas. Circus circus had a giant arcade.

>> No.5797425

5 or 6*

>> No.5797441

golf or space invaders on atari 2600 with my family.

>> No.5797446
File: 71 KB, 750x943, kvg34e98o6m11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Educational PC games, Nethack on my dad's PDA and Dreamcast.

>> No.5797757

Sitting there like a dumbfuck in Super Mario World's first level while the koopa slid down the hill and killed me.

>> No.5797779

Atari 2600 was before my time, but I tried Enduro on a whim and it was fun as fuck.

>> No.5797815

I don't even know what you're talking about, I've been here since the board was created and I haven't touched /v/ since like a decade. Maybe you misread something.

>> No.5797850

The absolute earliest I think would be Jumpstart Preschool when I was like 4.

>> No.5797927

zoomers NEVER use original hardware. If you never even once played these games on a crt then your opinions are worthless. These products are dead and dying. This board should be for those who used then at the time, or have them now because they specifically feel having missed out, due to having been there.

>but emulation and my pis
don't even reply to me

>> No.5798101
File: 563 KB, 1536x2048, 445_682_1238858806666_Casio_Great_Savanna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my 1st game.

>> No.5798235
File: 76 KB, 828x958, IMG_20190808_224233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this board should be about nostalgia circlejerk NOT the actual games

>> No.5798394

i use pi2scart, would that be some kind of gray era?

>> No.5798483

Playing Super Nintendo at a cousin's house.

>> No.5798570

This board should be about the games. And if they are about the games, then we should require you to play them as they were intended. Emulation is simply not the same experience. These are long endeavors. 6-60 hours at times. If your experience is weighed down over time because of how you consume it, your opinion is of lesser value and you should really not pollute the board with your altered experiences, no matter how minute they may seem to you, the fact is that you and I havent experienced the same thing. It is also my belief that there core differences yet to be documented, as well as simple psychological differences that naturally come with the two different approaches. One involving third party software and the evernagging fact that you are reliant on you hardware and software to perform perfectly at all times despite the fact that its emulation. This alone is immersion breaking, and in a world where the industry is young and the label of gamer is still largely a pejorative term associated with slackers and drones not of the particularly or especially intelligent variety, I would prefer we all stick to the root experience and judge that accordingly.

>> No.5798643

this but on the tandy 1000

>> No.5798650

You make my heart go boom boom boom

>> No.5798670

Playing SMB1 and shitting my diapers, I thought I was growing a tail like bowser

>> No.5799243

Because in my case, it was a shock. A genuine one, and twenty years later, I still remember how I felt the first time I played a video game. I felt like I could just touch the screen and get swallowed in, and in comparaison, the real world was so lacking in colours.

It's /vr/ - Retro Games.
Not Retro Gamers.

We don't care if they play Fortnite, as long as they play Masters of Magic on the side and come to talk about it here.
Actually, I welcome these millenials, because if they play old games, it means they're open-minded, and thus deserve respect for being willing to put up with games that are probably older than them, just for the sake of curiosity and discovery.

>> No.5799262

So if you play Pong but don't wear bell bottoms you're not a real gamer? A game is a game. Someone playing FF7 on their Switch today is still playing FF7. You're just pedantic.

>> No.5799268

>Someone playing FF7 on their Switch today is still playing FF7
Not him, but all these remakes games aren't base game. There are always fixed bugs, sometimes new music, and so on.
And also, for most people, it's not much about the game, but about the memory you have of it. For example, I remember doing the Shinra Tower in FFVII in the middle of the summer, when it was hot as shit, so I associated that slow office music to heat. It's engraved in my mind.
What I mean is that, no, it's not the same. Re-release might be different, you might have different expectations, you will definitely have a different experience, and that's what that guy is angry about, I suppose.

>> No.5799451
File: 54 KB, 667x600, casio-handheld-game-airforce-figther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this, my 2nd game.

>> No.5799743
File: 144 KB, 364x273, Elfbowling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Elf Bowling

>> No.5800431

Playing Kid Icarus on NES and calling the grim reapers "psycho grannies"

>> No.5800451

Prob pacman or space invader clones on commodore C16. I remember Death Race well too as my C16 caught fire while playing it. Console wise, I got a master system in 93 and had Alex Kidd and Psycho Fox as my only games for like a year. Then the megadrive with the 6 game compilation. I stayed up all night once playing a rental of ghouls n ghosts when I was 6 and my mum was 'entertaining' downstairs. She gave me some red wine and I puked up red shit all over the game manual and got to keep it cos the shop didnt want it back.

>> No.5800463

My mum couldn't afford games so much for me so I still had a megadrive when the ps1 came out bit my uncle who bought me up as his own got one on launch. I used to stay with him a lot and we used to play Crash and all the demos and die hard. Then we would watch action movies together and fall asleep. I'm sorry for your loss, it's been over 20 years since me and my uncle did this but we are still really close and I couldn't imagine losing the guy!

>> No.5800471
File: 315 KB, 350x220, Wheel_of_Fortune_1987_screenshot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game right here, around 2-3 years old

>> No.5800478

Where was the arcade? We had one in my town called Sega Park - Southampton

>> No.5800576
File: 44 KB, 640x480, family-dog-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My earliest gaming memory was playing an SNES game at my cousin's house where you played as a dog running around inside some house. My memory of it was really fuzzy, since I mostly played Duck Hunt or Super Mario World with my cousin. But for whatever reason that dog game stuck out as my earliest memory of playing a video game. I was never able to remember what game it was until at least 20 years later when I found a copy of it in an untested lot of games I had bought. It turns out it was Family Dog. It's a pretty disappointing game, but it was such a huge relief to finally identify it after wondering for all those years what it could have been.

>> No.5800736
File: 2 KB, 320x197, BB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the first time I heard my mom say, "shit" lol

>> No.5800913

twisted metal on ps1 at a cousin's house

>> No.5800982

my father brought home a knockoff nes so we tried to get it to work.it eventually worked but like shit. eastern europe

>> No.5801006

Have sex

>> No.5801048

>for most people, it's not much about the game, but about the memory you have of it
proof that muh real hardware only purists are just nostalgiafags. Writing these essays about which basically devolves into "no true scotsman" fallacies isnt proving your point.
This board is about retro video games, not retro systems, not blog posts about muh childhood, but about the fucking games themselves.
I agree somewhat though, as you said newer releases are somewhat different so the discussion may be funky because of those differences, but the overall quality of the games still stand through every release. Enough so that discussion can still be had about the entire range of releases regardless. It only gets fucky with remakes like RE2make and the FF7 one.

>> No.5801139

I can't believe the nude smurfette glitch ended up being real. use to try to do it but never could. thought it was just a rumor. how the hell did shit like that get around back then anyway?

anyway my earliest gaming memory is playing Kangaroo in an arcade and wondering why pac-man on the side of the arcade machine looked nothing like pac-man in the game.

>> No.5801157
File: 77 KB, 960x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related in 1986.

>> No.5801184

Unboxing a brand new NES Christmas eve.

>> No.5801220

I was 2-3 and played a DOS game called Danny's First Program. When I found it again at 13 on a shareware disc I shat bricks.

>> No.5801541

I dunno, I remember people talking about having to cheese Crash Bandicoot 3, but apparently the remake that came out recently was fixed, so you can no longer use your sprint power to cruise through earlier levels.
And it get worse with games that came out on several supports, like Star Control, who came on DOS and 3DO but each game was completely different.
It's a huge issue and I still think most nostalgiafags are just annoyed new players don't "discover" games by accidents like they (we?) did, but rather only try games even being spoiled to hell and back.

I remember when I played Zero Wing by total accident, and I discovered where that "all your base are belong to us" came from.
What's that shit about Scotsman though?

>> No.5801565

Did you also learn Zero Wing was completely mediocre before it was mainstream? Good soundtrack though.

>> No.5801578

>I was born 2001

Gameboy Color - Rayman

>> No.5801582

I dunno, I liked it. The way you could collect colored gizmos to makes your shots better appealed to me.
I prefered it over the R-Type games.

>> No.5801690

Seeing my brother play resident evil on ps1 and crying my eyes out

>> No.5801717

Aaaw. That's a terrible first memory.

>> No.5801749

Around 1994-1995 most friday’s we would get pizza at the little ceasar’s in K-mart and go home after to play Sonic 2 on my Sega Genesis. When I later got the N64 and Maro 64 it was incrdible since 3D games were still so new at the time.

>> No.5801834


>> No.5801878

Find Jesus

>> No.5803374

Taking turns playing supermario bros on nes with josh and lucky. Their mother was my moms best friend. She was murdered by her ex-husband and he got away with it. He cut her brake lines while visiting her at her mothers house. He yelled at her and she drove off and crashed at the bottom of a nearby hill and died from the airbag crushing her. He had the car crushed and there wasnt enough evidence to try him for murder they say. Mother may have been in on it, she was batty and mooched off her daughter badly. Josh and lucky had to go live with that batty woman.

>> No.5803457
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Playing Sonic Adventure and Mario 3 with my aunts.

>> No.5803465

>play them as they were intended.
this bait gets cringier with each post

>> No.5803742
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playing Parappa the Rappa demo disc that came with my cousins new PS1. or getting smacked with a slipper by my aunt because I messed with her Gameboy

>> No.5804371

missed the point
>switch port is the same

>> No.5804420

You fuck, where did you get that photo? I'm reporting this to cyber police

>> No.5804532

>What is your earliest gaming memory?
Finding a secret area inside a secret area in either Wolfenstein 3d or Spear of Destiny.

>> No.5804545

Earthworm Jim on seger geneshit

>> No.5804547
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>tfw no hot aunts to play Mario 3 and Sonic with

>> No.5804557

Playing Shaq Fu on Megadrive and finding all the secret areas.
I miss secrets in games.

No, a closet with just some ammos isn't a secret.

>> No.5804762

Me and dad playing Captain comic and Cat's alley. It was 1992, i think

>> No.5805289
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F. Godmom for DOS (1991)

>> No.5805345

Opening my Magnavox Odyssey on Christmas morning and playing Submarine for 3 days straight. Good times

>> No.5805348

Zombies ate my neighbors on snes.

>> No.5805350

probably playing Robotron on a Mattel Intellivision at the school i went to when i was 4~5

>> No.5806756

Watching my brothers and cousins play SF2 and cuss at each other because one was spamming hadoukens. I was 4 or 5 at the time, I just liked seeing fireballs coming out of Ryu's hands.

>> No.5806851


>> No.5806882

Playing my mum & dad's ps1 as a kid and having no idea what I was doing.

>> No.5807119
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My Mom helping me play crash bandicoot by jumping over the pits for me when I was five years old.

>> No.5807130

>tfw never had a mom this cool

>> No.5807169

Super Mario All Stars for the SNES i was always stuck at the sea level

>> No.5807898

>Not even wrapping the presents.