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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6420513 No.6420513 [Reply] [Original]

Best Framemiester alternatives

>> No.6420520


>> No.6420525


>> No.6420530

Based and redpilled.

>> No.6420540


>> No.6420587

OSSC or Retrotink 2x Pro

>> No.6420592


way more affordable too

>> No.6420607

good luck finding a decent, working CRT in 20-years from now. They're already getting harder to find, especially some of the nicer ones. And fucking forget PVMs.

>> No.6420627

20 years from now most consoles and games won’t work anymore and emulation will be a must. So we’ll all be on PC with scan line shaders.

>> No.6420631

>20 years from now

Post nose.

>> No.6420634

>good luck finding a decent, working CRT in 20-years from now
I doubt I'll care when I'm nearly fucking 60

>> No.6420663

I find b&w wood grains still with fair regularity. And it's not because they're built to last with those paper caps.

>> No.6420680

I'm not an expert on CRTs, but many that I've come across are quickly losing their image quality, or the borders of the screen are going dark. I've also had two projector TVs fail on me in the last 5-years as well. There won't be many in good working shape in the near future. I agree it's the best way to play /vr/, but looking for alternatives and developing viable solutions is the future, not hunting down decent CRTs to play 40-year old games.

>> No.6420690

Probably OSSC by far. Are Framemeisters completely sold out now?

>> No.6420698

Framemiesters were discontinued years ago and now go for $400+. on the 2nd hand market. Thanks to the OSSC they aren't the gold standard anymore, but that doesn't stop people from paying insane money for them. My guess is because it was an official product.

>> No.6420716

i have original retrotink worth the upgrade to pro

>> No.6420724

OLEDs surpass CRTs in every meaningful way truthfully. It’s just OSSCs that need to improve really

>> No.6420821

They're both valid. The 2x Pro is a nice unit. I'm glad it doesn't have a mini/micro hdmi port. Scanlines are ok. Wish it was more customization, but that would make it more expensive. And the OSSC does that anyways.

>> No.6420861

How are the scanlines on the 2x Pro?

>> No.6420887

>OLEDs surpass CRTs in every meaningful way truthfully

>> No.6420953

ya know what they say.
while everyone is planning for next quarter, jews are planning for next quarter century.

>> No.6420957
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>> No.6421267

For things mean to be connected to a tv like all the consoles and things like a consolized mvs the best bang for your buck is a good tv, something like a sony triniton should be good enough and were made by millions so you can get for free.

If you don't want to have a crt around or are going to connect things with weird refresh rates and resolutions... ossc.

>> No.6421303

>One of the best sc's in existence
>Have a niche market practically cornered with a monopoly
>Coulkd pretty much charge whatever they wanted
>Discontinued product

These fucks need to take Business 101 and pay attention this time.

>> No.6421336

yours wont work, I thread my consoles with love and care

>> No.6421338

>can't ship because heavy and delicate
>local sellers don't have any good CRTs
>can't find good CRTs online for cheap enough prices anyway
Where do you buy CRTs, anon? I just want a good CRT that supports component and everything up to 1080i at a low enough latency, but I'd be lucky to find a CRT that supports fucking composite.

>> No.6421348

I think they had to discontinue it because one of the critical components are not manufactured anymore.

Apart from that, micomsoft is a japanese small company, they sell their product in japan, to the japanese public. The only sales figures that matter are the ones in japan and the rest of the world doesn't exists for them.

Doesn't matter how strong is the demand outside and how many gaijins are begging them to take their money and sell them one, probably is not selling good anymore in japan already so they killed it.

Hell we have the menus traslated to english probably because someone else does it for free for them... Sometimes I wonder how japan became the global electronics powerhouse in the 80's with that attitude.

>> No.6421351

It was discontinued because the main video scaler chip it uses was discontinued. It's likely they'll come out with an XRGB-4 or Framemeister 2 or whatever eventually.

>> No.6421358

I agree and respect that attitude a lot. Fuck the rest of the world, just take care of your own. Though as far as selling niche hardware to sweaty nerds, I see no reason to limit yourself to your own country.

>> No.6421384


>I agree and respect that attitude a lot. Fuck the rest of the world, just take care of your own.

Err, are you telling me that if you can choose between:

- Try to build a global network of sales for your product sell a gazillion of them and earn a lot of money for your company.

- Not to do that, stale when your own tiny market is saturated and die.

You would pick the second one?... and sounds logical to you?.

We are talking about having people who are literaly wanting to throw money at you... and the only ones who are getting that money are the ones who bought one three years ago... that's not very sound strategy...

>> No.6421427

Can you please stop spamming?

>> No.6421450
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>How are the scanlines

Get a CRT.