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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 174 KB, 700x547, 41616-final-fantasy-vii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7165339 No.7165339 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck you square

>> No.7165340

Is it 1997 or what? Isn't this game literally on every platform ever now + emulation?

>> No.7165343

It was only definitively announced for N64DD

>> No.7165348

You'd probably need to compress the audio and background graphics, but I bet it could fit. All these 90s multiple CD games shared a ton of data between CDs. They aren't actually that big.

>> No.7165351

FF7 on N64DD on the other hand, would likely blow. It would 100% have longer load times than the Playstation version as well as having to compress assets anyway. Defeating the purpose of playing on the 64.

>> No.7165363

It would be 22 carts, CD was the way to go.

>> No.7165373

RE2 was butchered, needed its own special cartridge and still BARELY fit

>> No.7165391

You can play it on the N64, just load it on your mobile phone and set it on top of your N64.

>> No.7165395

You could completely cut the FMVs though. They aren't necessary.

>> No.7165404

>completely cut one of the game's most iconic and enduring facets


>> No.7165407


Yes, the poorly animated fmvs using low detail models are the reason for FF7's enduring popularly, rather than everything else about the game.

>> No.7165414

The FMVs that show how the game begins, give the date scene its identity, show the death of aeris, give the entire game's ending, depicts the "death" of Rufus, contains the weapons rising, etc can't be removed lmao. Also the FMVs are still charming as well unless you're a zoomer who dickrides nu-SE's shitty ps4 demake. The FMVs literally are 90% of the reason FF7 was popular because Sony gave the game a big marketing push using their visuals.
Go back to /v/

>> No.7165415

Fuck Nintendo for being dicks to developers.

They dug their own grave and chased everyone away.

>> No.7165421

>Almost an hour of story FMVs can just be removed
The absolute state of Nintendrones who haven't even played FF7

>> No.7165424
File: 60 KB, 624x425, 2019-11-20-DRAM-WSTS-1991-2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo thought memory was going to keep dropping like a rock, but instead it flattened out for the launch of the n64. And then the floods of 98 caused a price increase.

I know the carts arent dram but I believe this reflects trends in the memory market.

>> No.7165426

With posts this dumb it is no wonder there is so much shitting on the genre on this board. Who cares about marketing. The only scenes where actual value would be lost is when there is actual gameplay against an FMV. This would be very hard to do on an N64, and probably impossible given the game scale.

>> No.7165437

>I don't like story in a genre centered around story and people liking story in JRPGs justifies shitting on them even though I love JRPGs
What the fuck even is this retarded post?
>Who cares about marketing.
You made it about the marketing and popularity shit for brains.
>Yes, the poorly animated fmvs using low detail models are the reason for FF7's enduring popularly, rather than everything else about the game.
>The only scenes where actual value would be lost is when there is actual gameplay against an FMV.
And also every FMV in the game of which there is about an hour's worth of content.

>> No.7165449

All of the dialogue that make any of the impactful scenes work is delivered via text, just like in 6. And before you claim that you couldn't do FMV in 6, you could have, if it were on either of Nintendo's competitor's consoles. And guess what, RPGs on those systems absolutely do not have more impact than 6, because the FMVs don't matter at all.
7 is somewhat of an exception as I mentioned simply because it actually does use them as backgrounds during some gameplay sequences.

>> No.7165473

The difference is FF6 was designed without FMVs in mind while they are a major part of FF7. Also have you heard the phrase a picture paints 1000 words? How the fuck is seeing the cutscene of Aeris being stabbed not impactful?

>> No.7165516
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>> No.7165529
File: 202 KB, 640x361, FF7allcutscenes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dat sideboob

>> No.7165534

It's funny how western people think Nintendo fans hate Square (and maybe they do, western Nintendo fans), but in Japan, it's Sega fans who hate Square. Still not too sure why exactly, but I think it's because Square never even did anything on Sega platforms.
Japanese Sega fans have 3 mortal enemies: Sony PlayStation, Bandai, Square.
It's funny how it's completely different in the west, Sega fans only have 1 enemy: Nintendo. Although now that's been 20 years, maybe western Sega fans can also realize that the real enemy was PS all along

>> No.7165546

Anyone remember the Final fantasy they showed off for the 64. I liked the chics ass in it.

>> No.7165580

It was a tech demo for FF6, like how they did a FF7 tech demo for PS3

>> No.7165846
File: 46 KB, 624x350, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7165862

The n64dd had the same capacity as the largest cartridge games.

>> No.7165868

No one blew in snes or n64 carts because they worked.

>> No.7165889

Because illustrator didn't notice.

>> No.7165903

YAAAAS Soitendo fans finally get FF7 on one of their consoles in 2019 woot woot!

Right after unmoddable 720p Skyrim and before a stripped down unmoddable port of the Witcher 3!

We just keep winning Nintenchads!

>> No.7166302

has any FFaggot open sourced and backport the original unfucked game to the N64 yet?

>> No.7166547

in-engine cutscenes > pre-rendered cutscenes

>> No.7166552

>N64fag on a mile long cope

>> No.7167472

are you clinically retarded

>> No.7167625

You thought this was clever but it's snot.

>> No.7169420

The FMV's are pretty turbo-garbo even for the time, what are you smoking?

>> No.7170351

Genuine question: If the reason it couldn't be on N64 was because cartridges couldn't hold enough, why didn't they just use multiple cartridges? Would it be too expensive?

They already had to use more than one disk for the PS1 version.

>> No.7170356

>Imagine shitting on the Aeris death FMV
>Imagine being too retarded to realize the main point was that FF7 had too many FMVs for its story for a Nintendo 64 port to be viable
Go back to the shitty PS4 remake zoomer-kun.

>> No.7170358

Banjo-Kazooie almost had a cartridge swapping feature when it was thought players could have 10 seconds to swap cartridges, but because it ended up becoming 1 second this was impossible. This is what really prevented RPGs from being on the Dreamcast.

>> No.7170360

Who cares, FF7 remake has shown how inferior the original truly is.

>> No.7170362
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>> No.7170378

Very interesting. It's cool to hear how fandoms can be totally different in Japan.

>> No.7170382

Haha this is true. I never blew in anything but NES carts.

>> No.7170402 [DELETED] 

What the fuck is this rent-free shit you're smoking? No one brought up the remake, and zoomers love the PS1 much more than any other pre-6th gen console.

>> No.7170406

What the fuck is this rent-free shit you're smoking? No one brought up the remake, and zoomers love the PS1 much more than any other pre-6th gen console.

>> No.7170434
File: 481 KB, 600x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the 'Gooch told me to never come back. I made sure there was nothing to go back to. Fuck the N64.

>> No.7170478

I like how you're still ignoring the main point
Also nah, zoomers shit on anything older than the PS4 nowadays. Seen countless faggots circlejerk the FF7 remake over the original without playing the latter solely because it isn't turn-based.

>> No.7170525

His name was Yamauchi not Yamaguchi

>> No.7170528

Wow, just read a synopsis and found out you fight Sephiroth in the first act of the remake. Zoomers are such attention addled dopamine addicts they can’t appreciate the building tension of a looming threat and have to have a fight with le epic long sword white hair man off the bat.

That completely ruins the tension.

>> No.7170532

Why would you want that? FFVII aged like vinegar, a port with Square trying to fit 3 disks worth of content would have been even worse. The N64 wasn't even a good console, save for the first party releases.

>> No.7170538

Would you rather FF7 64 or FF7remake? Thats what I thought.

>> No.7170543

Non turn based combat is a hard pass for me.

>> No.7170557 [DELETED] 

That's gotta be a sage from me, brah.

>> No.7171879

Nice false dichotomy but neither

>> No.7171947

Why didn't cart games use lock on technology for games that were too big?

>> No.7172020

Do you anons think that if this came out on N64, it would be called Final Fantasy IV?

>> No.7172053

this game was fucking great

>> No.7172068

Sega decided to troll, patent it, and use it once

>> No.7172706
File: 464 KB, 640x448, ffviiaerith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This FMV could be handled by the N64's native real-time hardware

And before anyone replies saying I'm an idiot, yes, I'm aware that the N64 can't do lighting as what you see in this screenshot. I'm just saying the N64's 3D capabilities could handle 3D models for Cloud and Aerith here that are respectable equivalents of what you see. As well as the backdrop, water, etcetera. No it wouldn't be equivalent, but it could easily work

>> No.7172714

Stop parroting this fucking dumb ass nonsense, N64 was ditched by developers because they couldn't make the games they wanted to on the N64 hardware without severly gimping their vision.

>> No.7172716

Yes but these people let console wars live rent free in their head for literal decades.
It's quite pathetic. Feel sorry for them.

>> No.7172721

It could not, The N64's 3D capabilities were significantly under-performing and scenes like this would be impossible in real time until the following generation of consoles. The PS1, with careful control over GTE usage could produce the highest poly scenes.

>> No.7172725

Game carts use mask rom not dram.

>> No.7172729

It isn't a remake, shits flat out bullshit marketing. It is a thinly veiled sequel/re-imagening.

>> No.7172738

Namco used to be in bad blood with Nintendo in the late 80s early 90s to.

>> No.7172741

64 because at least it wouldn't be an insult to the original fans and a result of Square lying to people about what they were saying

>> No.7172742
File: 2.42 MB, 3317x1688, Nintendo-64-Memory-Expansion-Pak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't the loading times be severely reduced by loading in tons of shit in the ram extension?

>> No.7172746

SEGA fans salty about the failed merger?

>> No.7172762

Why do you keep posting this? This whole post is misinformation from a Nintendo fan desperate to recruit support in a console war.

>> No.7172775

Each cartridge cost like 15 bucks plus Nintendo royalties where more expensive than Sony's, meanwhile each cd cost less than 2 bucks and Sony had a 10 dollar royalty deal per game, so you tell me why every body and their mom jumped ships that gen.

>> No.7172793

Because Nintendo never renewed the deal that gave them better benefits than others companies for the Famicom right?
I can only imagine how hard then came when they started making bad money with the Play Station and Nintendo was being sidelined in Japan.

>> No.7172805

I'm a 35 year old man with a wife, child and a house. I am still pissed off at Sony and Square because of this.

>> No.7172808

But it had extra files and was still a ton of fun to play. GameCube got the best version of RE2 anyway.

>> No.7172810

Sure, Nintendo was burning bridges, refusing to listen to their established developers, doubling down on bad decisions, excluding their own people from a supposed dream team, destroying relationships, exiling their own developers in embarrassing public displays, and like you said, creating a shit environment for partners to succeed in. SoJ and SCEA were doing much less of this so naturally developers wanted to work with them and their hardware.

>> No.7172837

Just tell the story thru text, like every other FF before it?

>> No.7172842

Pretty big step back from genre redefining game to by the books rehash.

>> No.7172843

Even better than Dreamcast RE2?

>> No.7172847

It's not like it re-defined the genre for the better...

>> No.7172853

Literally all this did was make it harder to compete with Square.

>> No.7172856

He literally addressed that in his post you fucking autist.

>> No.7172884

Yes but he's a pathetic nincel fanboy. He probably hasn't even played FF7 because he's still waiting for the N64 port.

>> No.7172894

Most people disagree

>> No.7172906 [DELETED] 

Most people also think faggots/trannies/niggers are humans as well...

>> No.7172913

If that's what you're into

>> No.7172916

FF7 does tell the story through text. The FMV is followed up by the test dialogue. The same scene in the FMV is also done via in-game models. The FMV apologists here are being ridiculous.

>> No.7172962

Can you imagine how shitty the gane would look lmao

>> No.7172967


Fuck Nintendo for picking an expensive data medium.

>Game costs millions to create and produce
>Hey lets tack on a bunch cartridge production fees so we can release a game on a system with a smaller market share than the PS1.

Nintendo dropped the ball. Worse, as a kid I fell for their shit. A crappy system with expensive as fuck games that still can't be decently emulated today.

>> No.7172969

>still can't be decently emulated today.
its 2020

>> No.7173019

This is a pretty chill board and I get that you've been in conniptions all month because that orange dork is a 1 term loser but could you cool it with the hate filled outbursts?

It's not upsetting or anything it's just fucking pathetic and distracting from an otherwise solid board.

You can fuck off back to your containment pol now.

>> No.7173047
File: 82 KB, 936x960, 1479685954849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey reddit spacing, it's time to go back.
Also you'll never be a woman.

>> No.7173056

Those are paragraph breaks you fucking retard. Also you'll never see a second Trump term because your orange faggot is a cuck.

I'm a married straight white man btw.

>> No.7173070

Anon doesn't know what he's talking about, 64dd was faster than contemporary CD roms

>> No.7173072
File: 160 KB, 1351x1000, lmjjf0nydiy31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a shitty inferior port of Final Fantasy VII to the N64. This is what you're angry about?

I'd be more pissed about this.

>> No.7173081

Many such cases. Sad!

>> No.7173087

just pointin the type of rom you sensitive faggot.

>> No.7173167

They just recapped RE1's story because it wasn't on N64 get cucked by the shit port lmao
Yes and PC port.

>> No.7173170

You're retarded and just proved you haven't played the game.

>> No.7173195

Playstation posters are truly the worst posters on this board. At least Speccyfags are trolling. You idiots are actually serious.

>> No.7173209

Almost forgot Gamecube got a port too so Nintendo wins 2 times this time heh

>> No.7173218

I just said DC and PC ports are better than GC, learn to read cuck.
You're the one arguing they could get away with having Cloud look at Aeris then a one frame cut to Sephiroth with his sword inside Aeris, pressing new game immediately leading to Cloud at the train with no context, and NO ENDING lmao.

>> No.7173254

Everyone knows Square isn't going to put FF7 on an N64 cartridge. And the fans know it isn't commercially viable. Leave it to the people who will have fun doing it.

>> No.7173257

Do you know what the word "competition" means?

>> No.7173259

We're sorry to disturb your 8k Final FANTASY experience

>> No.7173260

Yeah you better be

>> No.7173263

The DD had WAY faster load times than CD. That's entirely the reason Nintendo pushed for the format. They hated the load times of CD and found those speeds non negotiable to implement.

>> No.7173264

Nintendo are chads, they got no loading times 25 years before the competition

>> No.7173268
File: 27 KB, 380x262, Quest64_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7173297

wouldn't have fit, especially in 97. no idea how RE2 was on there

>> No.7173538

I've imagined what will become if FF7 be ported to Nintendo DS since I bought DS in 2005.
With modern compression FF7 with all it's FMVs could be fit into a 512MByte cart.

>> No.7173565

I have tried to finish this game 3 times and can never do it

>> No.7173570

I have a few SNES carts that required many tries to get working.

>> No.7173574

>and have to have a fight with le epic long sword white hair man off the bat.

>That completely ruins the tension.
This isn't a Stephen King novel.

>> No.7173643 [DELETED] 

You will never pass

>> No.7173667

Oh my fucking god, why are you extending OP's wishes of animosity into the remake?

>> No.7173714
File: 679 KB, 994x1026, Balamb_Garden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Balamb Garden
>Home of SeeD

Based Square shitting on nintendrones

>> No.7173727
File: 8 KB, 326x180, FF N64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have been such ass on the shit 64. Not a cool game at all.

>> No.7173960

Not that anon but you will never pass the test to never be an insufferable faggot

>> No.7173979

Sony was far more lax in what they allowed publishers to put on their console and far more open with their console architecture at the beginning of the generation.

Nintendo was always more hostile to 3rd parties than Sega or Sony.

>> No.7173993
File: 110 KB, 1000x563, 47AEFDA4-A046-42D7-8389-41BE9452128D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moving goal posts this hard

>acting like you speak for the board
>acting like this is a downvote enforced circlejerk like your home website
>pol instead of /pol/

Shut the fuck up lmao

As a brown, there is no creature on Earth more pathetic than a white liberal.

>> No.7174001


>> No.7174126

Shut the fuck up shit skin. We already know you fucking pakis voted for Trump since your shitty little family motel business couldn't survive a slight tax increase you absolute faggot.

>> No.7174157

In not even American, mashallah.

There’s an entire planet outside of your red v blue monkey brained shit. Stop forcing your politics on the rest of us and keep it in the cultureless strip mall you call a nation.

>> No.7174167

This is a movie file. Thats it. The ps1 isnt actually rendering this as if its producing every poly. Instead its playing back a file format that the console supported. Was nintendo short sighted on that front? for the time yes. But we similar shit on a gameboy advance not long after with proper codecs.

>> No.7174198

RE2 on PS was 2 discs due to basically bad delivery and repeated data on both.