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File: 206 KB, 800x1112, 79976-gunstar-heroes-genesis-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7417309 No.7417309 [Reply] [Original]

Just played level 6 and i understand why you guys say trashure

>> No.7417441
File: 49 KB, 459x259, trashure2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be the dregs of Konami
>believe you're good enough to found your own company
>make some of the worst console games of all time full of retarded gimmicks and half-arsed designs
>hipsters decades later pretend your games are good because it reminds them of the indie trash from current year they love eating up
pic related

>> No.7418328

I like every level of this game, it's my favorite run and gun, but damn why do Treasure Games have the worst possible art design?

>> No.7418898

kys auster

>> No.7419091

Literally who?

>> No.7419192
File: 43 KB, 339x435, satania44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just got massively filtered

>> No.7419202

>hipsters decades later pretend your games are good because it reminds them of the indie trash from current year they love eating up
I remember reading magazines as a kid praising Treasure's output, Gunstar Heroes and Silhouette Mirage specifically, never actually played any of their games aside from Sin & Punishment which was decent

>> No.7419219

Dynamite Heady is one of the worst examples of forced mascots, even more annoying than Bubsy or Ristar. Even Earthworm Jim was less jarring.

>> No.7419220

I think there's one guy responsible for that unfortunate fact, though I can't remember his name

>> No.7419237

Amiga sucks

>> No.7419260

OK zoomer. Everyone (magazines and players) rated Gunstar Heroes very highly back then.

>> No.7419346

give me a break faggot.

>> No.7419539

>you guys
It's literally 1 guy forcing the grade school-tier word shifting meme.
But congratulations, you hate a popular game, you now officially fit on neo-/vr/'s /v/ herd mentality.

>> No.7419574

>bumps the thread like a retard
you sure showed that roofucker

>> No.7419581
File: 26 KB, 340x337, Cyborg_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its so fucking hideous, every character looks like some bizarre mutated offsrping of Jet from Cyborg 009, its so offputting. Feels like some tranny tumblr indie art shit that was ahead of its time, but not in a good way. No wonder these faggot hipsters latch onto it nowadays.

>> No.7419584

The problem with that game is the colors.

>> No.7419631

It was a cool and fun game tho

>> No.7419697

Made it to the guy after the muscle guy on the last stage so not really but okay

>> No.7419714

Not really. Half of the game plays like a shmup instead of a scotformer and the scotforming gameplay itself is way too basic and dull.

>> No.7419721

>you guys
It's literally one faggot and I bet you're him.

>> No.7419726

opinion discarded

>> No.7419798

Sometimes I feel like doing some charity to the mentally challenged. After all, (You)s on shitpost threads are the only thing this loser has.

>> No.7419821 [DELETED] 

>hipsters decades later pretend your games are good because it reminds them of the indie trash from current
Nah. It's not that but rather their scarcity and lack of marketing leading retarded hipsters into beleving teojiegjifesjiffhniggerniggerfufuvjvirgfenifejfuck they'rep art of soeooooom e w dfforfwwff clubbub/.

>> No.7419859

Or they grew up with them and have fond memories of them because it's part of their childhood and clearly haven't played it lately.

>> No.7419890

So you didn't beat it?

>> No.7420156


It's okay, you just have bad taste.

>> No.7421236

I usually like how their games play (with the exception of Dynamite Headdy, I always felt it was stiff compared to other platformers), but their level design style is not for me.
I really prefer stuff focusing on the fundamentals of level design over crazy setpieces and bosses. This kind of stuff causes a great first impression, but the spectacle transforms into fatigue on repeated playthroughs to me.
Mischief Makers is the worst offender to me, the level design isn't really all that crazy, it is just very gimmicky. I love the game's movement, especially the mid-air boosting stuff, but there are too many objective-based levels focusing on uninteresting stuff.

>> No.7421285

>I love the game's movement, especially the mid-air boosting stuff, but there are too many objective-based levels focusing on uninteresting stuff.
I can agree with this. For me, MM gets a pass because once you understand how those gimmick levels work it just becomes about movement again as you aim for S ranks.

Gunstar Heroes has cool stuff but the character movement really isn't the star of the show, it feels very stiff to me. Still a cool game, but I'm not crazy about it. To me Gunstar Heroes is like a B tier version of Contra or Metal Slug. Still good, but not top of the game.

>> No.7422158

I hate 2D run 'n' gun games. I really do. They are all shit.

>> No.7422186
File: 277 KB, 936x612, sega_devs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THANK YOU. Finally getting some traction in trashing Treasure.

Konami was an absolute gem for the Mega Drive. The fact that you can get games like Tiny Toons and Zombies for relatively little cost while Alien Soldier costs hundreds is ridiculous.

And don't get me started on their Saturn trash.

>> No.7422294

>repeated playthroughs
Why do you do that, though?

>> No.7422301

Why is this game so hard?

>> No.7422971

Because you aren't using the fire + laser or fire + homing weapons which are OP as fuck.

>> No.7422979

I just started playing last night thanks to this thread and beat the first two levels no sweat with the homing gun
OP you're an idiot this game is sick

>> No.7422985

you will die alone in your vendetta against this company.

>> No.7423001

>sega devs
Your image needs more Nextech, SIMS, and Technosoft, all of whom were far superior to Trashure.

>> No.7423073


>> No.7423736

I like that every level is something different in MM.

>> No.7423749

t. OP

>> No.7423767

I don't. It's schizophrenia: the game design.

>> No.7423791
File: 227 KB, 1888x1416, 117456135-56a258643df78cf7727492bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Treasure games are bad

>> No.7423813
File: 35 KB, 200x200, d12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


US Gold and Ocean were publishers who acquired existing games or contracted with freelancers, they didn't have any in-house developers.

And they were both shit.

>> No.7423818

>you will never be spanked by a giant human again

Why live

>> No.7423862

>"too many people like it"
I fail to see why this is considered a negative

>> No.7423871

keep your weird fetishes to yourself

>> No.7424398
File: 33 KB, 600x350, 93e269b99fe7734583e25c933c8f83bd4aa63762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will die alone in your vendetta against this company.

I will die alone sucking Treasure's cock anyway. At least I can validate some smart opinion havers on the way out.

>> No.7425524
File: 168 KB, 746x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget good ol Westone, love playing this hidden gem on me Sega System.

>> No.7425797
File: 1.93 MB, 1203x629, Treasure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Treasure is a perfectly fine developer and that is my completely unmotivated non-cognitive dissonance related take on the matter.

>> No.7425886

the games play fine but the enemy animations that basically work by selecting segments of the sprite and moving them around are sinful. you can tell every boss in alien soldier was designed to make animating them this way as easy as possible.

>> No.7425892

Who cares about this shit

>> No.7425896

>no yu yu hakusho
Coomllector, I am dissapoint.

>> No.7425897

probably just me considering i've never seen anyone mention it but it's still wonky as fuck and looks like bootleg brazilian shit

>> No.7425928

honestly, that's the only md treasure game i don't like.

>> No.7426524

You can get a screensized segmented boss moving around smoothly and performing different attacks far easier and more effective than doing a huge barely animated sprite on Genesis due to ram constraints. The movements are usually well thought out and decent looking for the time. Contra Hard Corps, CV:Bloodlines and the Rocket Knight gamds do a damn good job of it too. I remember being impressed seeing someone fighting Bravoo Man in Gunstar at a game store as I'd never seen the tech used like that. If nothing else Treasure knew how to do impressive tricks on the hardware.

Also feel Treasure games have well defined difficulties - you're playing quite different games if you up the difficulty, with new attacks/stages to boss encounters, more reliance on your character's whole moveset, and sometimes added enemies that don't appear on other diffculties. Superhard on Alien Soldier seems like pure masochism, supereasy isn't easy in itself and later becomes 'thank fuck I made it to the next boss' checkpointy.

>> No.7426639
File: 31 KB, 640x480, seeyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


While I wouldn't go so far as to say that McDonalds game was good, it was far better than it had any right to be

>> No.7427324

try alien soldier, it's gunstar heroes minus the shittiness

>> No.7427395

>start up alien soldier.bin on kega fusion
>your weapons have ammo

>> No.7429661

Treasure has several character designers. I'll do my best to spell things out.
You have HAN who's responsible for the long lanky characters with sharp angles that evoke science fiction/mid 90s anime (that's just where people's heads were at)
>Alien Soldier, Gunstar Heroes, Guardian Heroes, Mischief Makers, Rakugaki Showtime
Koichi Kimura does the cute whimsical characters at the company and seems to have a fascination with hieroglyphics, tarot readings, and other things occult.
>Dynamite Headdy, Silhouette Mirage, Stretch Panic
K.Shindoh and H.Iuchi (Treasure was a relatively small company and you could describe the staff as versatile. K.Shindoh was a support character designer and H.Iuchi was the master of background art and scenery in all of the games.
>Yasushi Suzuki (ships and machinery)
Sin and Punishment, Radiant Silvergun, Ikaruga

>> No.7429671

I think most of the designs are tacky but I like some of her games.

>> No.7429780

This the worst post I've ever read on the internet.

>> No.7429815
File: 285 KB, 591x501, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Han was the best artist they had but Kimura's designs were my favorite.

>> No.7429867

I prefer later treasure. I think bangai o on ds is their best game. I like S&P2 too

>> No.7429939

Really? It's not a good post, but it's kind of tame. Maybe I'm just jaded.

>> No.7429967

>level 6
is that the shitty level that's just a straight line and drags on forever, the shitty shmup level, or the level that's a shitty boss rematch rush?