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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7482025 No.7482025[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are they ever going to release another game or will they just keep porting Ikaruga forever?

>> No.7482032

Pretty sure they have accepted that they suck, and refrain from any further future releases.

>> No.7482038

I'm playing and planning on translating gaist crusher god.

>> No.7482079


>> No.7482360

Why don't they port the XBLA versions of Guardian Heroes, Bangai-O, and Radiant Silvergun to current gen/PC?

>> No.7482789

>Are they ever going to release another game
fuck off, not retro

>> No.7482820

Maybe they can't get money for anything, did they have a flop in recent memory?

It's not like a company can afford to just make a new game all of the time, especially if you're old and have rank/seniority BS or people expect basic QoL stuff. Gamedev is too expensive; People actually have trained skills and are paid their worth, and it's a lot of money to do on something that is impossible to know will pay you back until the end. Made worse because no one actually wants to pay the real value for games and savvy users avoid paying at all costs (what's this? A hand-made entertainment piece designed specifically to my difficult and particular tastes? Yeah, better gibs me dat for free thanks fag. So glad I pay for top-tier internet so that soulless ISPs can get me my "free" software)

Yet ironically gamers are also the ultimate corporate sheep that will buy anything and defend being retards with money on things like paid online or blatantly predatory DLC with the most basic retard arguments, like "what's wrong, are you poor?" As if that is supposed to justify paying for shit that shouldn't be as it is.

I think you just can't win unless you are some existing enterprise that the internet knuckleheads arbitrarily decide is worth money, i.e. Steam, Nintendo, and that if you aren't then you can eat shit. I expect treasure, in spite of their legacy, fall into the "it's ok to not pay this company" group with too many to make it worth pursuing further new development.

>> No.7482834

You are unusually emotionally invested in a tumblr tranny dev like Trashure. Did the baby get tired of emulating Shitlouette Mirage? Hmm? Hmmm?

>> No.7482912

>did they have a flop in recent memory?
The only things they've done in a decade (besides port Ikaruga everywhere) are Sin & Punishment 2 on the Wii, the aforementioned XBLA ports, and some Japan exclusive 3DS game.

>> No.7483198
File: 49 KB, 459x259, trashure2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares, their games are garbage. literally made by the former dregs of based konami.

>> No.7484236

Everybody important has long since given up and move on. All that remains of Treasure is a mailbox and a cellphone number.

>> No.7484328

This. Just accept they made a bunch of interesting 2d games and move on. We're not getting the old Konami back either, but can still play what they made in the past.

>> No.7484940


>> No.7484948

Not even sure what that means.

>> No.7485025

Should have bought more copies of Ikaruga, M. Maegawa was disappointed in its Steam sales figures.

>> No.7485137

But Dude, GunStar Heroes

>> No.7485145
File: 97 KB, 640x640, 1614816035598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dynamite Headdy sequel never ever

>> No.7485360

none of the sequels treasure made turned out as good as the first game, so maybe that's for the best...

>> No.7485363

how do they afford to keep the lights on?

>> No.7485380

The XBLA versions can be played on the Series X, no?

>> No.7485502

Dude who hurt you.
Besides can't think of anything less "tumblr trannie" than Treasure. Not enough identity politics, trannies are more into that sweet The Last of Ass 2 or whatever.

>> No.7485530

Yeah. Gunstar Super Heroes sucked (it felt like a bad retelling; difficulty was non-existent; saving two exceptions, returning bosses were a downgrade; Golden Silver doesn't even come down to fight (even when it had sprites for that in the game)). The different plotlines based on difficulty was interesting, but when the game is that easy it just feels like a grind to see all of them.
The least we say about Guardian Heroes Advance the better. Even the visuals were fucked up, didn't even have the fancy math-based effects in any other Treasure games. I don't think anybody will be able to explain that one.

>> No.7485836

Xenia runs the first two pretty well, and the XBLA version of Radiant Silvergun adds nothing you can't get out of Saturn emulators for the PC.

>> No.7485837

If you must shitpost at least use the the trashcan looking logo.

>> No.7485843

Sin & Punishment 2 is pretty good. Arguably better, though a bit too long.

>> No.7485892

Not buying an Xbox just for Treasure games. And I don't think Bangai-O is backwards compatible, for some reason.
But is netplay possible for Guardian Heroes? The main benefit I'd want from a port (besides preservation, of course), is online multiplayer not being dependent on me or my friends having Xboxes and paying for Live

>> No.7485898

They accepted that they'll never be as good as Konami and killed themselves.

>> No.7485980

fake news

that's so far in the past now

>> No.7486031

>I don't think anybody will be able to explain that one.
Yes, Advance Guardian Heroes was really terrible.I couldn't believe Treasure made such a lazy and ugly sequel. And the Tiny Toons game wasn't looking great too.

At least Astro Boy was very good, although they got assistance from SEGA.

>> No.7486037

>Are they ever going to release another game

>> No.7486049

The entire thread is bad bait