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File: 212 KB, 850x601, 1676239766638777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9656453 No.9656453 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Mischief Makers the only game where HAN's character design looks fitting and not like an abomination?

Marina looks amazing and almost mascot tier. Look at Silhouette Mirage, Astal he helped with or even the Guardian Heroes freaks where the weirdness and realistic proportions just look uncanny valley

>> No.9656457
File: 2 KB, 200x137, MischiefMakers-unusedmarina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her whole design is great

>> No.9656468
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>> No.9656475
File: 1.72 MB, 582x1176, Zohar_art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile other Treasure games

>> No.9656482
File: 14 KB, 299x224, megido.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9656484


>> No.9656485
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>> No.9656495

falcon > fox > monke

>> No.9656547

Enix oversight

>> No.9656552

I don't get the Enix meme. Aren't they just publishers?

>> No.9656595

They probably produced it, too.

>> No.9656793

What was his problem

>> No.9656797

down bad

>> No.9657476

Is she pooping

>> No.9657479

Glad you liked that pic I posted in the other thread, OP. Honored, my mang. Take care.

>> No.9657598

her tiny calves and lack of feet weird me out, especially with her massive thighs. the propeller things on her head also seem too long. not a big fan of her swollen palms, either. all in all, could be worse.

>> No.9657847


Massive thighs, paws, and "ears" seem to go with the animal-person theme - she's a rabbot.

>> No.9657852

(oh, and by saying that I am not intending to disagree with the suggestion that her design should weird a person out - in fact in my opinion it leans too far into furrydom to be entirely tolerable by any civilized viewer, though Marina is still a cool character who even looks cool most of the time despite her lapinity and I do like her game so it's not really a big deal)

>> No.9657946

I remember there was some squabble between Treasure and Enix regarding who owns the IP.

>> No.9658006

well that makes more sense, then

>> No.9658016

I bought my copy of Mischief Makers from a guy who would later go on, with his brother and two friends, to murder a retard with a hatchet, a brick and a hammer and become the subject of several investigative TV shows.

Also, i didn't really like the game much.

>> No.9658113

You don't have a point beyond "I think this looks like this in my opinion!"

Can't really agree. Gunstar Heroes did look iconic enough to pass as a first party title. It was Sega fan's answer to Contra III. "Fuck your plumber machine our shooting game has a board game in the middle" is what people would say on the streets. No you can't look it up the internet wasn't available to the masses yet.

This topic would have more legs if its foundation was based on more than just some random opinion.

>> No.9659041
File: 99 KB, 668x1024, 36818742d7883178bd9022559477b15b-668x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean just open your eyes and look at the pictures in the thread

>> No.9659080
File: 13 KB, 196x257, download.jpeg-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally missing the top of his skull
>they put this on the cover
But yeah sorry that I don't have double blind studies to prove someone's art fluctuates

>> No.9659093
File: 168 KB, 206x326, 29c18ec1-cb75-4f60-89f9-0ad58624e519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9659140


>> No.9659147
File: 233 KB, 324x468, bga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is high art in comparison. Even if Marina still has HAN face, the proportions, details and color make her look much better than his usual doodles. The side characters and standard enemies as well

>> No.9659153
File: 1.94 MB, 2043x3013, f2527dca802c19b988_d91cafbe_2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9659170
File: 471 KB, 1164x1164, 22ro3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides the point but I'd also bet Alien Soldier would have been more successful if the protag looked more like Merco

>> No.9659174
File: 217 KB, 1024x1024, aliensoldier-1647498121585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of this abomination

>> No.9659179
File: 1.12 MB, 2048x1767, 1444495201393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9659185

oy vey

>> No.9659236
File: 40 KB, 225x350, 49461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marina always reminds me of picrel--or vice versa. Red and white just works.

>> No.9659336

Marina is a robot instead of a human, so she can get away with just about any kind of body proportion no matter how strange it looks.

>> No.9660436
File: 263 KB, 702x483, 1675596058161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's human Mirko

>> No.9660671

Wait when does this happen

>> No.9661234

Their deal before Square disemboweled them was that they would pick up a promising, atypical project for funding and then give the team a bunch of supervision from consultants in order to make sure it came out strong.

It worked most of the time. Shame Horii did Chunsoft dirty on Dragon Quest. Nakamura was far more integral to the quality of the Famicom games than Horii was.

>> No.9662165

Ending sequence where the clancer sage turns Marina and the antagonists into humans.

>> No.9662483

I would let him fuck the gf

>> No.9662941

I wrote literally cannot bring myself to play this game, even though I know there are other unlockable character, simply because I do not want to waste even 30 minutes of my time looking at this faggot. Someone really should have boxed his ears and told him to try again, or at least had the graphics artists disregard the hideous proportions

>> No.9662958
File: 189 KB, 640x425, goblin4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shake shake
>Penny falls out

>> No.9663086

When I first saw this, I thought he had turned into a girl.

>> No.9663102

what's wrong with alien soldier design? Not that knight isn't possibly better, but alien soldier is ok to me. Game was destined to sell poorly because it was stuck on a dead system in Japan, which was the one market likely to buy it, and it was already outclassed in the eyes of graphics whores by 3D games. Could have sold better if they had put it in saturn though.

>> No.9663110
File: 182 KB, 1024x839, 9k=(14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a good question, his worst effort is probably human heads, so maybe non-human figures were what he needed. Still it speaks to a thread I saw once here about how certain famous, distinctive art styles couldn't be used more than once for a game because the art styles are so big and heavy that they'd overshadow everything else. You couldn't make more than one game with Picasso as art director, the whole thing would end up designed around that art. It's just intrusive and too unique and loud to not fit the mold. This guy's art fits that same idea, maybe. Like it was ok once on gunstar heroes, and maybe mischief makers was a fluke, but otherwise it's to the point of detracting from the final product.

This guy must have gone to the captain tsubasa school of art.

>> No.9663121

that picture actually makes me feel sick

>> No.9663449

All of HANs art rules and OP is a gay little beta nerd that I'm gonna groom and rape lol.

>> No.9663730

Is it actually 100% real or doctored (or fan art)?

>> No.9663751

what happened with dragon quest?

>> No.9663765
File: 111 KB, 800x413, 9k=(15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure that's an official promo image redrawn from an original comic panel. Anyway, if you look up "captain tsubasa proportions" you can see some shit. It's all over the place.

>> No.9663767

Alien Soldier was literally one man's passion project that he insisted on making all by himself. It was always going to be niche at best.

>> No.9663887

do you think the game influenced him to become a mischief maker

>> No.9664026

Chunsoft developed the first 5 games + Torneko's Mystery Dungeon. Yuji Horii only worked as the writer/scenario designer of these games. The programming, game balance, and other things people hold DQ in high regard for were Chunsoft staff, and Koichi Nakamura was the actual director of 1-4. Horii, being a copyright holder and hype man, eventually ditched Chunsoft, portrayed himself as the creative visionary behind DQ (which is only partially true), etc.

Horii is absolutely part of what makes DQ good, as you can see from the creators he collabed with on DQ6-9 utterly failing to make good RPGs without him, but Chunsoft was massively important to the games before 6 and got fucked.

>> No.9665271

i know manga was literally created because japs can't draw but this is grim

>> No.9665283

Epsilon Eagle is cool as fuck

>> No.9665982

No wonder Japan got so mad at that black football player for making fun of their short legs

>> No.9665994

Megido was cool, though.

>> No.9666302
File: 27 KB, 250x315, Silhouette_mirage_ad_i_think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is mere cope as Mischief Makers inferiorates to other games, even graphically.

>> No.9666305

You have bad taste

>> No.9666310

Cool and looks like a badass contra character

Fucking weeaboo-tier anime design

>> No.9666467

Everyone knows Mischief Makers and no one knows the ugly trash you posted. Your existence is a cope

>> No.9666543


>> No.9666718

it's him, he's the trouble maker.

>> No.9666723

>make falseflag thread
>It doesn't work
>Samefag some more
You never learn

>> No.9666841

rough. Can't say I'm surprised. Still, interesting how even in a society that places the group over the individual, there is still the "main man" phenomenon where one person on a project, etc. gets a disproportionate amount of attention and praise as the "sole force" behind it. The phenomenon still fascinates me but it's difficult to find reasons for it because I can't find the words to describe it ("main man" being my feeble attempt).

>> No.9666865

>anime Zyzz
I will now play your game

>> No.9666881

his shit looks good here, but it definitely feels like something people will find polarizing and probably grow old and unappreciated after long periods of exposure

what are you crying about now? anyway, silhouette mirage is known about by old nerds since it was a WD published title on PSX. Dunno if it has weed smoking surfer dudes in it because I've never played it (nor mischief makers for that matter), just adding some background info so you can educate yoself.

obviously it's not all that bad. Usually shit art comes from either bad artists or from dudes just rushing to finish their weekly panels. Tsubass stands out because it's classic bean head, go nagai style, and then it also has horribly drawn composition AND bad proportions. Tsubasa really stands above as a special crap pile, and it's funnier to me that it's a big part of why Japan likes football in the first place.

they're both cool, you're just a flag

I thought he looked more like a KoF character myself. Maybe not enough weird gay straps on his clothes to be KoF though.

and on the subject of that,
what does human marina look like?

>> No.9667349
File: 22 KB, 466x384, human-marina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole thread makes me feel like people nowadays just wanna complain about anything just for the sake of it. Fucking sickening.
>what does human marina look like?
Pic related, looks depend on the age you set up on your savefile at the beginning of the game.

>> No.9667365

Because your mother shake shake shaked you as a baby.


Lmao goldfish fins typed this post people were always like this

>> No.9667376

Which Marina is canon though

>> No.9667393

It was never confirmed, so i assume that it's a case of a "choose your own ending" thing.

>> No.9668371
File: 378 KB, 1200x1200, gunstar-heroes-header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finding weird art weird and talking about a suspect pattern is t-truly sickening!
Get a grip you drama queen

>> No.9669161


Not sure what this thread is about but this looks like shit

>> No.9669201

props to treasure for finally giving the microcephaly crowd some representation

>> No.9669747

>shoulder windows
Stop posting porn

>> No.9670594

In a just world MM was a bigger success and the trio got a spinoff game

>> No.9672231

Do the others have human versions too? I bet the monkey just looks the same

>> No.9672253

Han is a masterful artist you are just a huge faggot

>> No.9672307

Did anyone ever translate the comic in the Japanese manual

>> No.9673385 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 459x259, trashure2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you're a biased Nincel. Marina is just as disgusting a design as the rest of HAN's abominations, and her game is the most overrated that Trashure's shat out.

>> No.9673391 [DELETED] 

>using the incel insult
That's kind of funny coming from a perma khv like you, auster.

>> No.9673403 [DELETED] 

lol what a joke. silhouette mirage is one of the worst trashure games out there.

>> No.9673410 [DELETED] 
File: 2.62 MB, 983x1600, trashure_designs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, Trashure, the world's first tranny tumblr indie dev studio from Glorious Nippon. Their tranny character designer is responsible for many shit designs like the ones you see in Wario World and all the other forgotten underground schlock they've released over the years. Pic related is just one of many examples of his "masterful designs". Is it appealing? Is it memorable? Then you're doing it wrong, according to the Trashure trannies. It has to be ugly as fuck abstract garbage thrown together haphazardly so you can pretend it's deep and artsy. The end result, in actuality, for any normal and sane being that hasn't cut their genitalia off, is one of pure revulsion and confusion -- a completely normal and valid reaction to Trashure games.

>> No.9673435 [DELETED] 

Here's the thing australia-kun, you're no different than a tranny. You might still have your little virgin penis down there, but it's as useful as a mutilated tranny one. Soon enough, you will be ACKstralia-kun.

>> No.9673438 [DELETED] 

trashure just makes a bunch of weird shit and everybody's like ooo, so innovative.
konami blows them out. the goemon series alone beats trashure's entire catalog.

>> No.9673443 [DELETED] 

>samefagging and trying to set up a war between konami/Goemon and Treasure
You're as desperate as always, and as always, your childish "strategies" will never, ever work.

>> No.9673449 [DELETED] 

now that we're on the subject, guardian heroes is one of the worst games ever made. half the time you dont even know where youre at or what youre doing, the other half youre mashing through an extremely gay story.

>> No.9673461 [DELETED] 

I don't think you know what you're doing when playing any game, austroon. You lack skill and testosterone in order to do do.

>> No.9673489 [DELETED] 

samefag? is it such a surprise to you that other people dont like your crappy little tryhard studio?
konami vs. trashure is very appropriate. the foundation of trashure is one of the worst contras in C3 and the absolute worst castlevania in SCV4. then they leave konami because they think they can do it better, but newsflash my special little boy, they cannot.
gunstar heroes isnt half the game that hard corps is, dynamite headache isnt half the game that rocket knight adventures is, and so on and so forth.

>> No.9673527 [DELETED] 

Come on Auster. It's time for you to give up.

>> No.9673528 [DELETED] 

i dont think so, faggot. i play these kind of games all the time. my favorites are ninja gaiden black, god hand, and streets of rage 4.
this is not a skill issue. it's objective reality that theres a bunch of shit on the screen almost all the time. there is a reason why this game doesnt have a standing legacy on its own, its always padding to bolster a saturnfag's list.

>> No.9673670

>2 3D action games and one fan game from a console bemubo.
Si THIS is the power of the bernieposter/trashureposter.

>> No.9674646

Who was the mischief maker though

>> No.9675919

Nintendo quality control unironically

>> No.9676128
File: 531 KB, 960x1440, mfwhenever I see a Trashure character design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are faggots unironically pretending Misshit Makers has good art? Top kek.

>> No.9676135

Another lonely sunday, eh auster? As always for you.
Nice to see You save pics of James.

>> No.9676509

Treasure games like Silhouette Mirage are my favorite because they're unconventionally weird in their own certain way, and the art style carries a lot of that (and it's good art btw)

>> No.9676513
File: 3.00 MB, 510x360, we_edutainment_now.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude, what if... we put shitty gimmicks into every single one of our games?

Treasure... was a mistake...

>> No.9676582

>Auster is bad at math
The worst kind of autismo, not even useful.

>> No.9676585

Auster loves n64 games, that's not auster. Stop misappropriating boogeymen.

>> No.9676595

>Loving anything video games
The only thing you love is humilliating yourself for years and becoming a lolcow
>I'm not me i'm a boogeyman!
I feel sorry for your existence

>> No.9677948

Soul: The webm

>> No.9677980

How in the world is this bad? Trying way too hard, "ma'am."

>> No.9678718

NTA but
>grade school math in a platformer

>> No.9678883
File: 2.27 MB, 686x480, Dice Palace was a mistake.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty gimmicks... shitty gimmicks out the AYYYYUSSSSSSSSSSS

>> No.9678885
File: 40 KB, 448x339, sinpunishment_missilecommand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude, what if... we just ripped off Missile Command for the final boss?
Trashure, not even once.

>> No.9678892
File: 189 KB, 542x411, silvergun_rtype.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blatantly plagiarizes another company's creation
What the fuck was Treasure's problem?

>> No.9678894
File: 22 KB, 480x360, silmirage_soupjew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Treasure were brilliant at designing epic boss battl-

>> No.9678895
File: 11 KB, 320x224, headdy_basketball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is the shittiest bonus round of any retro game in your path

>> No.9679082

love me some classic auster meltdown

>> No.9679847

Mad that your Treasure thread got pruned yesterday, Australia-kun? Lmao

>> No.9680312

Gameplay doesn't change and also is optional, fussy.

>> No.9680729

No, the olympics part is mandatory for every playthrough of Mischief Makers, the game would be much better off without it.

>> No.9680842

100th post

>> No.9681712


>> No.9683995


>> No.9684026

IIRC, not all events have to be completed to beat the level (you can pick which events you do).

>> No.9684027

The math one and the dodge ball one are extremely easy, also, so "difficulty"/filtering can't be an argument.

>> No.9686392

Not according to my sources.
Koichi Nakamura wanted out. He was tired of making DQ games.
He wanted to create a new ip, but realized he needed the DQ branding somehow, so he asked Hori for the merchant character, and that's how Mystery Dungeon came to be.

>> No.9686602

Exactly, that shit is just a waste of the player's time, like why even include it in the game?

>> No.9686630

Challenge. I get you mean, though. It was hard for me when I was little kid, but I watched people older than me play it with no issue and no complaints.