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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9740135 No.9740135 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best RE game in your opinion and why?

>> No.9740163

1 director's cut (non dualshock)

>> No.9740168


>> No.9740193

1 since the rest are just increasingly dumbed down versions of it.

>> No.9740198

RE1 Saturn

>> No.9740257

RE1 DC is the best IMO
but RE2 is my favourite

>> No.9740264

3 because more variety

>> No.9740274

Everything after CV because I'm not a girl to enjoy survival whorror

>> No.9740290
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re4 because it's actually fun to play

>> No.9740352

saturn version

>> No.9740387

4 ofc, anyone who says otherwise is a contrarian

>> No.9740394

RE2 (Remake)
Soon to be RE4 (Remake)

>> No.9740395

4 - the most fun, most addictive, most replayable. It gives me a crazy dopamine rush like no other game.

>> No.9740404

Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 2 (98 & Remake) "still scared of the regenerators"

>> No.9740415

Outbreak, because it's fun and i like it.

>> No.9740485
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>> No.9740504

I’ve only played the first four, the seventh one and the remakes of the first two games so far, but my favorite is RE4. It’s just a lot of fun to play.
My opinion so far is 4>1>3>2

>> No.9740558

fuck the /vr/ candle autist

it is a perfect survival horror game, and this game and the original RE1 define what "survival horror" is.

>> No.9740569

It's survival, but it's not horror. Sorry, you can only go so far with zombies. Zombies stopped being a horror cliche 50 years ago, now it's in the monster category.

>> No.9740572

REmake ruins RE1 by removing all intentional cheese. It turns every character into cardboard and makes the whole thing super serious for no reason

>> No.9740575

Came here to post this. Based first post

>> No.9740602

RE3 is peak Resident Evil. Jill's escape from the city and from Nemesis is the climax of the storyline. You can argue about how bad the progression or guns or puzzles are (actually RE3 is the best RE in the puzzle department), but at the end of the day nothing tops how cool these two characters are, and how amazing of a conclusion to the Racoon storyline it is.
Not only does it deliver an amazing crescendo of mansion->neighborhood->city, but it also just ups the ante in terms of monsters, stakes, and of course the whole thing ends with the whole city being wiped after a cool one-liner.
This game had freaking life-or-death visual novel choices
Nemesis is legendary
I don't accept (You)s disagreeing with me

>> No.9740607

I played it for the first time last year and thought it was great. It’s a perfect conclusion to that first trilogy of games.

>> No.9740627

I agree and then some. People who tell themselves it's "not a real sequel" are fools. It's a better sequel than 2 which in many many ways is just a pale imitation of the first game.

>> No.9740640
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Resident Evil, but actually good.

>> No.9740659

>intentional cheese
thats a crusty cope. capcom was embarrased by the voice acting after the fact which is why you see little to no regard paid by them to the original game.

>> No.9740672

>after the fact
after the fact they lost touch with resident evil, yes

>> No.9740712

i am far more well read on the series than you are

>> No.9740896
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Well put.

>> No.9740921
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2 is good but yeah, I don't know why barely anyone mentions how it's practically RE1 with another coat of paint. I'm pretty sure 1.5 was scrapped because they didn't know what they were doing and went "Let's just make RE1 again since that worked". The police station is pretty much Mansion 2.0 and the game ends in a lab just like in RE1

>> No.9741112

The only RE I ever enjoyed was 4.

>> No.9741321 [DELETED] 

fuck off you redditor, no one here is impressed by you pretending to like a shitty game just to come off as a pseud contrarian

>> No.9741340

>intentional cheese
Why do retards like this don't understand that the 'cheesiness' of this game was actually not intentional? The game was made on a shoestring budget that wasn't expected to do well. Of course it was cheesy as fuck

>> No.9741346

how the fuck is RE3 dumbed down from RE1,RE2 sure but RE3 ? it got harder combat and better more varied puzzles.

>> No.9741364

The woman who voiced Rebecca and directed the other voice actors said they deliberately did it in a campy and fun way

>The game was recorded, in English only, at a recording studio in Tokyo. it was my show as far as the voice acting goes. I based my direction on making it camp, loosely on 'Dawn of the Dead' meets 'The Blob', meets 'Rocky Horror', but nothing else, since I was not provided with enough information to know exactly what was going on in each scene. That’s just the way it was!
>The game was purposefully acted in a tongue-in-cheek way since the action during each scene was not exactly known, nor was it explained before each scene as in other games which I've directed the actors on since then.
>It was meant to be fun and over the top! This was my first videogame title as director and I'm personally delighted with many aspects of the game, especially since it was a new, ground-breaking game in many respects at that time.

>> No.9741421

>we did a completely shitty job
>but it was on purpose guize!
Of course a simp like you would just immediately believe what a woman says lol

>> No.9741439
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Intentional or not I'm glad it turned out the way it did

>> No.9741460
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Probably the fairest answer I could have got

>> No.9741471

My favorite Wesker line never gets mentioned, probably because you have to let Rebecca die to get it. When he orders Chris into the Tyrant room without her he says "Sorry for my lack of manners, but I'm not used to escorting men" in this really goofy tone that kills me. I think this is probably where he would have offered to turn Chris into a Tyrant in that cut voice line too.

>> No.9741475

RE3 had no meaningful rationing of supplies. It was an orgy of weapons, ammo, upgrades, and gunpowder to the point you easily had enough to put nemesis on the floor every time you met him for the 8 briefcase reward.
I love 3 but people aren’t wrong for pointing out it’s a power fantasy in the RE setting.
It’s the answer to every gamer who asked what it would’ve been like if the STARS members had known what they were walking into from the start.

>> No.9741484

i play RE1 (directors cut) and RE2 killing most ennemies in my way and finished them both with plenty of ammo,RE was never about ammo conservation.

>> No.9742135

Re3 was the coolest and had more of a skill replay appeal. The original was my favorite though - as good as part2 was it couldn't touch its predecessor.

>> No.9742180
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I'm going to try defending Resident Evil 2, at least from an european point of view

- It's like going from Megaman to Megaman II. It takes the template of the first game, and builds over it, improving the flaws
- Replay value is genius. with the second character. Choices made during the first run affect the second one, bosses are different due to everything happening slightly later, and the T00 kept you on edge the first time you played, rather than gettting as annoying as Nemesis.
- Auto Aiming is now a choice, rather than ON / OFF being mandated by the region. More accessible for some people, more of a challenge for others (japan).
- No censorship this time. unless you happen to be german.
- For once, they bothered with translating the game's text. I usually don't care about that, but it was a pretty decent translation for a Capcom game
- The rewards were worth the effort, such as beating the game without continues or using special weapons to unlock the chainsaw. That's bragging rights before achievements
- The survivor mode with Hunk appeared for the first time and watching someone experienced try beating it was an spectacle.

I personally prefer RE1 due to the setting with the mansion, but I RE2 gets my vote as the perfect game. RE3 is the MM3 of the saga by that point, where not every change was for the best and the fanbase was split.

Note: I'm only taking into account the original PSX games. Otherwise I would have a hard time picking between 2 and Veronica.

>> No.9742191 [DELETED] 

fuck off you redditor, no one here is impressed by you pretending to dislike a good game just to come off as a pseud contrarian

>> No.9742239 [DELETED] 

>pretending to dislike a good game
what game? clearly you're not talking about CV (a shit game)

>> No.9742298

Factually RE4

Opinion? Outbreak 1 or 2 ( and RE5 because I have friends and fuck you if it isn't retro according to this one outdated board.)

>> No.9742303

You can't post retardation and pretend anyone could disagree. You have to have a competent point to make, you don't.

>> No.9742306


Re4 un-ironically

>> No.9742503

>- No censorship this time. unless you happen to be german.
I think this is wrong. Resident Evil 2 is the game that got violence banned in german videogames but the game was uncensored. Also, the original full-colour intro for Resident Evil 1 was only found in the DE (and FR) Director's Cut, too. Only from Resident Evil 3 onwards were the games censored (Resident Evil 3 was so particularly bad they fucked up gameplay mechanics and it was pratically impossible to S-rank Mercenaries).

>> No.9742737

The original RE due to having a better soundtrack than Director's Cut

>> No.9742738

>Factually RE4
That's an opinion, not fact.

>> No.9743520

Thanks anon, you spared me having to explain to mouth breathers why 3 rules.

>> No.9743540

That original jap release rock song opening and the ending music definitely make sense in this context. I'll admit, im not particularly a big fan of the original, but i enjoyed how it was more like a action movie with horror elements as opposed to trying to make some like a legit full on serious spooky.

>> No.9743559

The original Director's Cut doesn't have the fucked up soundtrack.
Resident Evil - Good OST
Resident Evil: Director's Cut - Same good OST
Resident Evil: Director's Cut Dual Shock - Bad OST

Which is why the NON-Dualshock version of Director's Cut is often considered the best version of the game on PS1

>> No.9743591

I'd have to dig for a source, but I remember reading that the rock songs were Fujiwara's idea and something he absolutely refused to budge on. Maybe he was a big fan of that group or something.

>> No.9743607

>1 director's cut (non dualshock)
Oh cool, is that considered the best version of the game or something? That's the only version of RE1 that I've ever owned.

>> No.9743640

Are those the only differences between the two directors cut versions?

>> No.9743685

It has all the content from the vanilla music without the bad OST from the DualShock re-release.>>9743559

>> No.9743706

Dualshock also has analog and rumble support as the name implies.

>> No.9743773


>> No.9744354

Crap. you are right, and I missed some key data. I had it wrong. RE2 got censored for the Windows and Dreamcast potyd (grey / green blood)

> Also, the original full-colour intro for Resident Evil 1 was only found in the DE (and FR) Director's Cut, too

Does it include the original japanese music and Chris Redfield smoking while presenting the cast? I have only seen that one in the original japanese version of Biohazard.

>> No.9744389

Resident Evil 2 on Nintendo 64

>> No.9744430


Part 2 was fantastic, but as you said - the original has a base that makes it unique.

>> No.9744624


resident evil 3, it has the most variety of female zombies.

>> No.9744635


>> No.9744643
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They are all great and im not going to pick a favorite

>> No.9744648

They are all great and different just enough that they cover whatever I feel like at the moment.

Eerie, well-rounded, challenging
Easy, relaxed but with a thicker atmosphere and lots of nostalgia
Peak tank controls, most video gamey of them all, for when I want an action experience and a challenge.

>> No.9744817 [DELETED] 

Not the fucking le spooky Disney haunted mansion DEmake that's for sure.

Fucking soulless piece of shit.

>> No.9744879

Unless I'm mistaken, no version of re1 is 60fps right?

>> No.9744883

First playthroughs aren't like that

>> No.9744886

The door animations are, I've been told

>> No.9744887

first time players don't find half the ammo

>> No.9744889

PC version

>> No.9745762 [DELETED] 

It brings me immense joy that no one took the "DEmake" bait.

>> No.9745841

OG CV on the DC. Best mix of old and new RE, dour graphics, moving camera angles, amazing OST, cool story, best Claire, changing level designs for Chris, best villians, Wesker gets his ass kicked, good times.

>> No.9746164 [DELETED] 

This still counts as a (You)

Anybody who says the demake is the best should be permabanned on sight

>> No.9746167
File: 3.05 MB, 960x720, RE1 PC Framerate.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game is locked at 30FPS when in-game in all versions, even PC, but runs at 60 during door animations and in the inventory screen. Webm related, it's the PC version with the Classic Rebirth patch. You can see this info if you press F6.

>> No.9746204

One cool thing that the PC ports do have though is instant camera switching. It doesn't seem like a big deal until you try it for yourself. It makes them play much smoother and it's hard to go back to the console versions for me.

>> No.9746368

Yeah, you just need to patch them with the Classic Rebirth patch and sound mods and they're practically perfect. (The PC versions have much worse audio quality than the PS1 ones for some reason but there's a mod for every game. The music quality in vanilla PC RE1 is especially bad)

>> No.9746430

game is meant to be replayed so irrelevant

>> No.9746784 [DELETED] 

>le spooky reddidit evil haunty disney mansion

>> No.9746795

It is if you emulate it.

>> No.9746838

yes it was and i did,just press X in front of everything thats interesting,you guys act like RE is so complicated,get a grip,maybe if you did your first playthrough when you were 9 yo.

>> No.9746881 [DELETED] 

>thread infested with people who don't really like RE
See you guys next thread

>> No.9747093 [DELETED] 

You mean every single RE4 nigger?

>> No.9747181

I don't like the huge discrepancy between the models and the pre-rendered backgrounds. It looks like shit

>> No.9747286

i had directors cut (non greatest tits version)
but im not well-versed on the differences between the two

im a fucking normie and as kid i would stop for weeks at a time from getting too spooked
i didnt mind the gamecube "remakes"
i didnt mind resident evil zero
i didnt mind code veronica
i didnt even mind RE4
part 5 was the end for me
6 seems like a slap in the face\parody of itself

>> No.9748017

Wasn't one of the things that Classic Rebirth did was lock the framerate? If so, then other anon was kinda right. I remember playing the pc version years ago before Classic Rebirth came out, having to lock the framerate or slow down the cpu because otherwise the game would run too fast.

>> No.9749610

The best is a weird question. The survival horror was perfected with REmake, so that one is probably the best by the standards set by the franchise.
My own personal favorite is 2 however, a lot simpler to play than the other classic games and allows you to just blast shit in the face while navigating through environments at a quick pace. All the RE games have infinite replayability which is honestly unmatched by any other franchise I can think of so from time to time my favorite can shift.

>> No.9749929

Thank you for this. The link for the RE1 sound mod on the Classic Rebirth page was greyed out.

>> No.9749947

RE4 was the beginning of the end for RE games which would lead to crappy sequels down the road.

>> No.9750120

2, expanded and improved over everything the first Resident Evil game made, a masterpiece

>> No.9750301

>OG CV on the DC
Why that version in particular? The 360 remaster looks great, what does the DC version have over that?

>> No.9750320

G. A. M. M.A

>> No.9750650

Deadly Silence is really overlooked. I enjoy going back to that for the quality of life features, especially the door skip.

>> No.9751435
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How else could you design the game without loads of ammo if players intend to bring down Nemesis in every single encounter?

I get what you're pointing out (unfortunately Resident Evil 3 sacrifices much of the survival aspect for Nemesis) but that was the only way to optimize resources without forcing the player to evade/dodge every enemy as that would otherwise be more demanding of a player's skill set akin to advanced speedrunning. Mercenaries is more line with classic Resident Evil since you have to make every bullet count to A-rank with Carlos and Nicolai.

>> No.9751437

Nemesis and 6 are the only good games and 6 bodies 3

>> No.9751439

>i didnt even mind RE4

>> No.9751449

>Does it include (...) Chris Redfield smoking while presenting the cast? I have only seen that one in the original japanese version of Biohazard.

Yup. No japanese music, though.

>> No.9751513
File: 137 KB, 2560x1440, Screenshot (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem. Just don't use the classic rebirth .DLL included because I'm pretty sure it's an older version. Always use the .DLLs from the Classic Rebirth site just to be sure it's the latest version

You can enable "Retro mode" in the config window. It makes everything render at 240p. Pic related

>> No.9751728

I honestly feel like CV and Zero did a lot more damage to the series than RE4. Those games turned the overarching plotline into an absolute shitshow.

>> No.9751745

CV was fun. Zero is a mixed bag.

>> No.9752470

Okay tough guy well the vast, vast majority of people's first playthroughs aren't like that as is evidenced by let's plays and streamers

>> No.9752492

Not him, but why is it relevant what less skilled players do? If you are one of those less skilled players than your opinion on the game is worth less, and if you are an actually skilled player than why even mention what less skilled players do?

>> No.9752654

the orginal ps1 trilogy

>> No.9752805

I don't see it

>> No.9754341

glad i still have my PS3

>> No.9754352

what's up with the kid's haircut change anyway?

>> No.9754808

>Yup. No japanese music, though.
It's funny, Capcom removed the music, but couldn't remove the voice bytes in Chris's segment of the intro ("I Got a Shotgun" and the stock scream). They ended up lowering the volume on them until they were barely noticeable. It seems they removed them in the Duel Shock vesion, though.

>> No.9755102

The general consensus is that Steve looked too much like Leonardo DiCaprio so they changed it. Which is fucking stupid because Leon always did and still does look like Leonardo DiCapario.

>> No.9756116

He looked too much like Leon

>> No.9756912

PS3 has fucked up cutscenes, the 360 version is better.

>> No.9757046

>PS3 has fucked up cutscenes

>> No.9757053

>green tint with xbox 360
okay so its all happening inside the matrix

>> No.9757747
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resident evil 3.

reason:the one with the most diversity of female zombies.

>> No.9759229


>> No.9759249

I admit, there are a lot of horrible tracks in the DC DS edition of RE1. But it has my favorite safe room music in the entire franchise. Really, aside from the boss fights and the kitchen, I prefer the mood of its soundtrack over any other version. Subtle, but unsettling.

>> No.9759659

objectively 3:nemesis but i play 2 more since its easier and 3 can be frustrating some times and kinda force me to use the infinite ammo you unlock from mercenaries but that feels like cheating.
i also preffer 2 soundtrack and the ost is a big reason of why i play classic RE.

>> No.9759679

What makes you think that 3 is objectively the best?

>> No.9759991

i just think it had the best combat and also the best puzzles of all the classics RE,in fact people often forget RE3 had more puzzles than re 1 and 2.

>> No.9760064

Where the FUCK is the scope .D attachment ?!)

>> No.9761745

>people often forget RE3 had more puzzles than re 1 and 2
People also forgot that the Racoon city section where you have to get the train running is by far the most non-linear part of any of the games.
I don't get why 3 gets overlooked so easily, 1 and especially 2 are loved to death but most people just don't care for 3.
Real shame.

>> No.9761774

Because people only look at things at surface level. Same reason they don't realize RE2 is so much of a 1:1 copy of RE1.

>> No.9761824 [DELETED] 

you didn't beat the game

>> No.9761831 [DELETED] 

ive beaten the game with mostly the maxxed out red9

>> No.9762516

>Same reason they don't realize RE2 is so much of a 1:1 copy of RE1
Seriously, it's pathetic

>> No.9762532

Resident Evil 1 Director's Cut Dualshock version (fuck you, other than the clown fart track, the rest of the OST is decent)

>> No.9763920

RE2 is way more streamlined and action-oriented than 1, much less emphasis on puzzles

>> No.9764084

yea sure is superior when the original OST is god tier.

>> No.9765274

DC > X360 > PS3 > PS2


>> No.9765969

>comparison via emulation
You're a moron.

>> No.9765975

I'm glad Code Veronica was my first RE because it means I can still enjoy it while everyone else hates it and all my future RE experiences were much better.