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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 624 KB, 1280x1801, sin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10052778 No.10052778 [Reply] [Original]

>JP only game only has an EN dub for some reason
>game is still completely incomprehensible story-wise

>> No.10052921

S&P has a good story! The voice acting is good! Fuck you!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10052929

They should have just sent the JP version to the west without any localization, period.

>> No.10053143

Going from memory, I think the plot is post-apocalypse Earth has bad fascist guys and resistance group couple. Resistance group couple receives help from ayylmao woman. After resistance group couple defeats fascists ayylmao woman betrays them and tries to consume Earth. Resistance group couple defends Earth and decides to have a kid. Never finished the sequel.

>> No.10053934

this is one of those games where the box art looks cool as fuck but once i look at gameplay footage i lose all interest in playing it

>> No.10053938

What? It looks cool as hell in game, there's so much shit going on, camera changes are crazy in that game

>> No.10053945
File: 130 KB, 350x280, 1681524183719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japanese game records the english dialogue and theme song first, because it's funny
nothing personnel kid

>> No.10055507

>brats with guns the game

The graphics were amazing, though.

>> No.10055517

Something with the ruffians being artificial meat that turned bad.
Something about nazi whatever dudes
Something secret alien woman

>> No.10055536

Fuck. What a good game, they don't make them like this anymore. Like a good comfy house-made dinner.

>> No.10055974

>S&P has a good story!
Yeah if you like Eva and Chrono Cross

>> No.10056756

>Eva has a bad story

>> No.10056887

it does lol, but it doesnt mean it cant be entertaining

>> No.10056967

nta, but what's a game you consider to have a good story? just to have a frame of reference of your taste and critical thinking. "it does lol" sounds like you don't really read much.

>> No.10056982

This is the most schizo game I've ever played. It feels like it's released in alpha state.

It's all over the place, none of the scenes match together coherently. It feels like it was definitely rushed and incomplete.

The tutorial is the most fun part of the entire game. How's the sequel?

>> No.10056987

>The tutorial is the most fun part of the entire game
I think you haven't got the hang of it. The best level, imo, is 2-2, but the whole game is very polished and full of endless action that demans constant attention and performance from the player.
TL;DR get good.
The sequel is good too, but balanced toward the wiimote instead of regular controls (good use of the wiimote though)

>> No.10056992

NTA, but I'd say pretty much any RPG or point and click adventure story. Since both genres tend to put more than 30 seconds of thought into the writing.

>> No.10057005

But Evangelion has 26 episodes, movies and extra material. It's a very fleshed out story actually.
I just asked anon about games because we're on a games board, but I wonder what's a story he considers "good", if he thinks Eva doesn't have one.
I know, he could easily just cite any classic like the Iliad and evade the question, but I hope he answers honestly.

>> No.10057013
File: 144 KB, 680x960, Double-S.T.E.A.L._-_The_Second_Clash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a list of Japan-only vidya that are almost entirely in english for some reason?

>> No.10057023

I agree with everything you said, but add "and it's fucking awesome" at the end. How the fuck do you think the tutorial is the best part?

>> No.10057089

The tutorial actually makes you dodge roll, double jump. You can try and get a high score and collect all the little yellow tokens. And the shooting gallery. It takes advantage of all the games mechanics.

The ACTUAL levels are quite boring and easy and don't utilise the games mechanics all that interestingly.

>> No.10057396

>budgeting issues is....le deep

>> No.10057412
File: 453 KB, 1600x1900, 5F450922-46C7-4D48-B31B-87180FC8B6D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game is still completely incomprehensible story-wise
I can summarize the story with a link

>> No.10059142

ninja gaiden remake on pc engine

it was translated into english and also chinese (hudson had a chinese team develop it, so the scrolling kinda sucks but its still a fun version)

>> No.10059552

Only one I know of is Metal Wolf Chaos but the reason is pretty obvious

>> No.10059991

>The ACTUAL levels are quite boring and easy and don't utilise the games mechanics all that interestingly.
Post a video of yourself effortlessly going through 2-2, preferably on hard mode.

>> No.10062241


>> No.10063039

True, Airan’s voice is cute!

>> No.10064301

>playing computer games for the story.
Go watch TV mate.

>> No.10065163

I haven't even played it and I agree

>> No.10067495


>> No.10068519


>> No.10069008 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 459x259, trashure2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tranime aesthetic
>cacophonous soundtrack
>shit level design that overcompensates for it by throwing too many style over substance boss battles at you

Why anyone likes Shit & Extrement (or any Trashure videogame) is beyond me.

>> No.10069013 [DELETED] 

>australiakun lonelyposting
A classic

>> No.10069046

If you're trying to bump threads that you don't like off into the archive you need to make a thread(s) once they hit Page 11, retard-kun.

>> No.10069074 [DELETED] 

You've made hating on Treasure your personality trait and I respect your commitment to the bit.

>> No.10070784

Any other rail shooter with melee/deflecting mechanics?

>> No.10071296 [DELETED] 
File: 531 KB, 960x1440, mfwhenever I see a Trashure character design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~ Top 10 Trashiest Treasure Titles ~

#10: Alien Soldier (Treasure's boss-rushiest gimmick game, the little level design it does have is pretty much a complete joke; controls are fucking garbage)
#9: Sin & Punishment (gimmickily turns into a sidescroller on the final level; gimmicky bosses like the Tetris one or Missile Command one; tries to incorporate jumping in a rail shooter but the platforming designs blow dick)
#8: Astro Boy - Omega Factor (basic bitch bmup gameplay which has to be expanded via a lame collectathon gimmick; boring filler shmup gimmick segments almost break up the inane bmup monotony)
#7: Silhouette Mirage (polarity system makes the game feel too contrived leading to some of the most annoyingly gimmicky boss / level designs in Trashure history)
#6: Radiant Silvergun (scoring system makes it feel too much like a puzzler, punishing you for killing an enemy that isn't the right colour; cringey jarpig elements; like Alien Soldier, too many bosses and too little worthwhile level designs)
#5: Ikaruga (combine RSG's gimmicky scoring with SilMir's gimmicky polarity shield, double your gimmicks double your fun!... if only you COULD have fun playing a Trashure game...)
#4: Dynamite Headdy (over half the Scenes in the game flat-out suck, lacking proper level designs that focus not on platforming but instead on fighting bosses or shitty gimmicks like turning into a shmup or showing off a 3D floor; also the shittiest bonus rounds conceived for a scotformer)
#3: Gunstar Heroes (Dice Palace consists of braindead puzzles and worthless mini-bosses; second to last level turns into yet another terrible shmup gimmick section; final level isn't a real level, but just another lousy boss rush)
#2: Gunstar Super Heroes (takes Gunstar but makes everything about it shittier, most notably the inclusion of horrible "homages" to several SEGA classics)
#1: Mischief Makers (Olympics is a marathon of retarded mini-games, plus many more shitty gimmicks in this overrated kusoge)

>> No.10072321 [DELETED] 
File: 408 KB, 1024x1280, cm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over, auster. you lost.

>> No.10072601 [DELETED] 


>> No.10072750 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 420x324, bangai_kino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your favorite Treasure game didn't make it into Australia-kun's top 10 shitlist
Feels good, man.

>> No.10072767
File: 3.00 MB, 480x360, panzer_zwei.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Virgin & Punishment
the Panzer Chadgoon

>> No.10072779
File: 1.07 MB, 837x955, smilingsegata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based & Chadurnpilled