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10562887 No.10562887 [Reply] [Original]

Tibia is an MMORPG from 1997.

Looking to decide on a server and recreate the Yotsubas.

Tibia: https://secure.tibia.com/mmorpg/free-multiplayer-online-role-playing-game.php
FAQ: http://pastebin.com/2C1vdQvM
Beginner Guide: http://pastebin.com/ppWS1kt6
Useful Links: http://pastebin.com/WK8cm3wm

BattlEye Integration: http://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=3950 (killed most if not all bots)
Prey System: http://tibia.wikia.com/wiki/Prey_System
Analytics Features: http://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=4160
Quick Loot: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Quick_Looting
Imbuing: http://tibia.wikia.com/wiki/Imbuing

>> No.10562931
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Kolega jest akurat knajtem to on wali z aksa, a ja jestem druidem i walę z ruszczki

>> No.10563690


>> No.10564034
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Bosnia Edition

>> No.10564102
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I think this is the 3rd or 4th Tibia thread I've seen ever since I found out about 4chan in 2008.

Anyway, after 10 years I returned to the game and tried the server Havera because I wanted to avoid other brazilians, unfortunately 160 ping means a lot of deaths and time wasted at higher levels so I settled in Ombra and got my first level 100 a few weeks ago.

Being a lone wolf is comfy, I could be level 200 now if I had someone to hunt with, specially a blocker, but I'd rather do my own thing at my own pace, chill in hunts while listening to music, explore all these new places and do some quests instead of joining a dominating guild and have to be online constantly to meet goals and follow membership rules.

>> No.10564112

Best Tibia is Tibia before 2008

>> No.10564117

Do you still play?

>> No.10564495
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We're going places

>> No.10564508

My friend who plays Shittygay (as I call it) says that Shittygay has an unusually high number of players who are drug addicts, criminals, or otherwise just fucked up people. Is this true in your experience?

>> No.10564515

You mean Polacks and Brazilians?

>> No.10564632

I hear all kinds of stories about brs on there, but not really and polacks. But no, I meant more in terms of people from NA. The main discord that I use has tons of tibia players in it, and I've just heard all kinds of stories about NA Tibia players staying up hunting while on coke, beating their girlfriends, going to jail, etc. Something about the game attracts these people?

>> No.10564803

I don't play on American servers so I can't really say. But no, I wouldn't say I've noticed anything out of the ordinary.

>> No.10565272

Let's get a roll on

>> No.10565401

Well, yes I do. That screenshot is from a few weeks ago like I said.

>Best Tibia is Tibia before 2008
As someone who played the game way back and returned to it recently, I disagree completely.

>> No.10565413

id play if /vr/ anons do it too, i honestly can't play this game solo it's too boring

>> No.10565669

2024 and the first thing you want to do is play tibia with /tg/.
Honestly, give up here and go play solo or go block for >>10564102
The last time someone organized here it only lasted a month and then everyone disappeared as if nothing had ever happened.

>> No.10565975

I don't mind as long as we're playing on a pvp server

>> No.10566989
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For someone who hasn't played in 15 years or so, there's a lot of new content to discover. Yalahar seems nice so far.

>> No.10567409

Good luck then, if you manage to gather a small group then i'll join, because i'm not buying premium for a possible 1-2 week play with low levels.

>> No.10567474

There's always 7 days premium

>> No.10568016

Only if your account is old and you're coming back, but that is still a gamble. I never got any email from them, but i had friends who always got them.

>> No.10568443

Fuck CipSoft.
ibiantis.online, come check it out.

>> No.10568447


>> No.10569187

No you can't literally just purchase it normally on a fresh account, that's what I did. It's about 3 EUR

>> No.10569190


>> No.10570367
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Something's about to go down

>> No.10572021

i hate the new sprites. <7.4 was so nostalgic

>> No.10572029


>> No.10572059

Not a huge fan of the inflation of skins/mounts either. I always liked the game for it's simplicity.

>> No.10572167

Play Tibiantis. Not corrupt ultra autistic GMs, it's almost 4 years old, it's the only OTS ever that has real 7.4 mechanics. The autista reverse engineered stolen tibia files and they ban ~every cheater because they're of course turboautists

>> No.10572169

Pay me

>> No.10572180
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>7.4 without bots

>> No.10572461

This is new, last time i checked premium the minimum you could buy was 10 days and only once. I'll still only buy if we get atleast a party and so far we only got a shill, a lvl 100 br in Ombra and a random paladin posting screenshots with no information, we're going places.

>> No.10572608

It would be helpful if you shared which server you'd prefer

>> No.10573114
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Avenge me Yotsubas

>> No.10573147

30 years later and they still dont allow you to transfer freely across different server types. What the fuck are they thinking.

>> No.10573186

You can only move to safer worlds if I understood correctly, so you can't move from Optional to Open. That's one of the reasons I'm playing Open to begin with.

>> No.10573485

Post your favorite music from the game; For me it's Rat Cave:

>> No.10573678

Since we already got a level 100 in Ombra, i suggest Ombra.

Old joke is old. But honestly i really like Tiquanda, the flute is the best part.

>> No.10574073

>Since we already got a level 100 in Ombra, i suggest Ombra.
It's me.
Keep in mind that Ombra is a brazilian server, so if you're in NA you'll have 100+ ping, and if you're european it's unplayable.

As you approach level 100, these random pks will start to show up more frequently.
Don't worry too much, in Open-PvP pks are an annoyance rather than actual threats and if they are higher level you'll lose so little experience that you'll recover everything in a matter of minutes. Just remember to always have the 5 standard blessings and the Twist of Fate.
Always have the blessings.

I usually hunt early in the morning so it avoids these guys and I also have them in my VIP list. Another thing is to hunt in places that require quests or are difficult to access like Muggy Plains in Zao for example.
Eventually you'll get to a level these randoms pks will not bother you anymore, either because they'll be much weaker or because they won't even be able to enter the dungeons you'll be hunting in.

Are you doing the Hunting Elite tasks for Grizzly Adams?

>> No.10574640

SA server though. I assume most people are euros here

>> No.10574653

>Don't worry too much, in Open-PvP pks are an annoyance rather than actual threats and if they are higher level you'll lose so little experience that you'll recover everything in a matter of minutes. Just remember to always have the 5 standard blessings and the Twist of Fate.
I didn't lose a single experience point from this guy. He was about double my level. I'm still a bit surprised he managed to one shot me. Maybe my perception of RPs and MSs is skewed, or things have significantly changed.

Sad about wasting my blessings though. In fact I'd probably prefer to lose exp over them since it's so easy to level at this level.

>Twist of Fate
Back in my day you only had the simple blessings paid for with coin + AOL. I'll have to look up how this new stuff works. Honestly a bit confusing.

>Are you doing the Hunting Elite tasks for Grizzly Adams?
Not really. Do you have any tips for 50-100?

>> No.10574732

it's true, i play there as well and this ot is legit, it's been up since april 2020 and there's a solid community of regular players just like the old days, it averages 500-700 people during peak hours, the only downside to it community wise is that there's a lot of pking and the two strongest teams are always at war, server wise the admin sees it more as a personal project rather than passive income like most server owners, so there's zero corruption, if you cheat you will eventually get banned, it might not be immediately maybe but they will get you, regardless of your level, many level 100+ have been banned for getting caught with aimbot etc, this past month alone they banned over 300 accounts, it's really good if you want to feel the 2004 cipsoft 7.4 tibia nostalgia, the server is based on the original 7.7 leaked cipsoft files so it's the closest you'll ever get to the real game mechanics and respawns

example: https://tibiantis.info/library/trivia

tibiantis info is a verified fansite btw

>> No.10574735

also here's the original OTLand thread about the project

>> No.10574743

you didn't understand, it's a bad thing. i don't want to grind dls

>> No.10575108
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>Maybe my perception of RPs and MSs is skewed, or things have significantly changed.
Paladin is the most powerful class nowadays, both in PvE and in PvP. He one-shot you simply because you're too low level yet.

>Sad about wasting my blessings though.
That's what the Twist of Fate is for. It's a blessing meant to protect your other blessings in case you die to pks.

Get the 5 standard blessings then talk to any Temple NPC about Twist of Fate. With it, if you die, a player had been attacking you and the sum of the total damage of his attack is at least 40% of your total, you'll lose ONLY the ToF.
Say you are hunting and a random pk shows up and starts hurling sudden deaths at you. You have 1000 total health and he hits 200 with each sudden death, after he throws the 2nd one, you are already protected from losing all your blessings for a few minutes. Even if he stops attacking, you fully heal your HP and die to creatures, you'll be protected.

See, if you took damage from PvP that amounts to at least 40% of your HP, it doesn't matter if you die to creatures, you don't lose the blessings because you could have died running from the attack.

>Not really. Do you have any tips for 50-100?
If you don't want to do all the tasks, the best for you level are Wailing Widows with Lancer Beetles in Zao, Wyverns in Poacher's Lair, Crystal Spiders with Ice Golems on Svargrond Mountains, Mutated Tigers in Yalahar Alchemist Quarter and the top tier hunt, Ancient Scarabs with Bonebeasts on Darashia's Mother of Scarabs Lair.

All of these give pretty good exp for your level, however, the money is the biggest reason to do them, on top of task points of course. I was pretty lucky and looted 35 wyvern talismans in only two and a half hours of hunt, sold for 18k each, totalling over 600k. Crystal Spiders and Ice Golems can make you some serious money too depending on how valuable ice cubes are in your server, but Crystal Spiders are more dangerous than Wyverns.

>> No.10575190

>Get the 5 standard blessings...
So complicated. I had already done the Pilgrimage Quest, but unfortunately didn't know about ToF :c

I see there's also 7 blessings, not just 5. I assume 5 is what you want to avoid EQ loss, and 7 is when you really don't want to lose exp, or is there more to it?

>If you don't want to do all the tasks
I'm not actively avoiding them, I just didn't get as much exp as I wanted from the early ones. Didn't see the point besides that. I guess completing tasks is more valuable than I imagined

I also got one of those "prey" tasks for for example Frost Giants. Is that kind of thing worth caring about?

Anyway, thanks for the tips. Much appreciated.

>> No.10575242
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Mutated Tigers drop the sabretooth which is used to make the critical hit imbuement, so it is always in high demand and sells for pretty good money, it drops often too. There are few places to hunt Mutated Tigers and usually other people will show up, so it's better to go when the server has fewer people online.

Now, Ancient Scarabs, that is the dream hunt for your level. Doesn't give that much profit but the hunt will always pay for itself if you use great fireballs. The experience can be really good if you have decent skills and hunting technique to lure in a few scarabs with bonebeasts and cast great fireballs in tandem with your auto attacks.
Ancient Scarabs are dangerous though and they cast paralyze all the time, bonebeasts can hit pretty hard too so start slow, killing one by one, until you know how many creatures you can safely manage and then you can start luring and going around them while comboing auto attack then great fireball.

Other monsters like Wailing Widows don't give too much of either exp or profit but hunting different monsters instead of power grinding on the same dungeon for weeks goes a long way to help you not get bored, explore new places, improve your hunting technique and even if just slightly, it can help you avoid pks that look for targets in the most populated hunting areas. Doing quests is also good to break the grind once in a while, specially quests that give access to new areas.

>> No.10575339

>I see there's also 7 blessings, not just 5. I assume 5 is what you want to avoid EQ loss, and 7 is when you really don't want to lose exp, or is there more to it?
The 5 standard blessings completely protect you from dropping your hard earned stuff if you die and greatly reduce exp and skill loss as well, the Twist of Fate protects all the other blessings in case you are killed by a player. If you die to a player you lose only the ToF and keep every other blessing, if you die to monsters while hunting you'll lose all your blessings except the ToF.

The other 2 blessings are "special" blessings that were added much later. All they do is further reduce exp loss by 8% each in case of death. They are more expensive than the 5 standard blessings and generally, most people don't ever bother with them because with the 5 blessings you already have 100% protection from item and equipement loss and a further 16% protection in exp loss won't make that much of a difference unless you are really high level.

>I guess completing tasks is more valuable than I imagined
Isn't that they are valuable, you can ignore the Hunting Elite tasks completely but I think it's worth doing them, it gives you a goal. You get to know new creatures, new areas, make some money, trade with Grizzly Adams and upon reaching Trophy Hunter, he'll let you figh Demodras and Tiquanda's Revenge, they drop outfit itens that can be pretty valuable.

There's also the Turmoil of War task that you can get from a NPC near Kazordoon. You have to be below level 40 to get the task from him but you once you have it in your questlog, you can finish it whenever you want. He'll ask you to kill 5000 minotaurs of any type, minotaurs, archers, guards, mages, etc. After you finish you can fight The Horned Fox, he drops an iten that is used for the Assassin outfit or can be sold for a lot of money if you don't care about outfits. In Ombra the cheapest offer is 2000000 right now.

>> No.10575346

>There's also the Turmoil of War task that you can get from a NPC near Kazordoon. You have to be below level 40 to get the task from him but you once you have it in your questlog, you can finish it whenever you want. He'll ask you to kill 5000 minotaurs of any type, minotaurs, archers, guards, mages, etc. After you finish you can fight The Horned Fox, he drops an iten that is used for the Assassin outfit or can be sold for a lot of money if you don't care about outfits. In Ombra the cheapest offer is 2000000 right now.
I already picked that up fortunately :)

>> No.10575349

Speaking of which, aside from Pilgrimage and Turmoil of War, are there other quests that are level dependent somehow?

>> No.10575387

>I also got one of those "prey" tasks for for example Frost Giants. Is that kind of thing worth caring about?

The prey system gives you a bonus against one creature that you select from a list, you can re-roll the list for new creatures every 20 hours for free, pay an amount of gold that scales with your level and re-roll whenever you want or use 5 "prey cards" to select any creature you want. The bonuses are increased defense, damage, experience and loot rates, the number of stars indicate how strong your current bonus is and you can also spend a prey card to switch your current bonus to a different random bonus on the same creature.
You get 3 prey cards for free as daily reward once per week or you can buy them with Tibia Coins.

You don't have to hunt the creatures that you get on the list, but always reset it for free in case you get a creature that you were going to hunt anyway.
When you are high level and rich enough that you can select creatures with cards and get the best bonuses, that is when the prey system really starts to shine.

>> No.10575426
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From what I know, only the Edron City Quests, Turmoil of War and Pilgrimage of Ashes have a level cap.

Technically, the Hunting Elite tasks from Grizzly Adams also have level requirements but you'll never be completely blocked from doing tasks and getting the points if you decide to do them one day, you'll just have to hunt stronger creatures after certain level thresholds until level 130 when you'll only be able to hunt the strongest creatures that he can ask for.

The Edron City Quests are for low levels that just hit level 8, stuff like hunting goblins, trolls and rotworms. It's alright to ignore them.

>> No.10575971

The only players posting are the rp and the ms. ms is lvl 100 and knows his shit, rp still haven't said anything about servers so Ombra is the best choice so far.

>> No.10576005

I'm in Antica

>> No.10576246

Antica is the most popular server, right now there are 540 people online in Antica and 170 online in Ombra. So both servers are quite different and there are pros and cons for both.

Populated servers means a fast, dynamic market with lots of people buying and selling lots of stuff all the time. Another big advantage is that it's much easier to find parties for hunts or quests and make friends (and enemies).
On the other hand, there is more competition for experience as dungeons and hunting areas will have people showing up all the time and not everyone will be friendly or leave because you arrived first. If you want to hunt in prime areas that give really good profit and experience prepare to fight or be kicked out the moment someone arrives.

In Ombra the market can be a bit slow sometimes but it is still alright, you'll sell most things within a day or two and high demand stuff like the imbuement itens in a matter of hours. It can also take anything between a few hours to days in order to find someone to hunt or do quests since there's not many people and often they'll have their own group of friends already. Now, the pros are that you'll rarely have to compete for a hunt unless it's a prime hunt during peak server hours, also everything is more expensive which is a double-edged sword but generally I think it's better because you can rake in huge profits from itens that high level players want but can't be bothered to hunt themselves.

Tibia can be much more fun to play with a friend but like I said before, I like to chill and play at my own pace so being alone isn't that bad either. I chose Ombra because I think the benefit of hunting without worrying about others showing up and trying to kill me or kick me out all the time outweighs the difficulty in finding a party -of people that are cool to play with- and the slower market. If you like action, talking to people and more stuff happening, you are at home in Antica.

>> No.10576345

I agree with most of these points, but the high population and what it brings is what makes Tibia what it is. Since it's not 2004 anymore, I might as well play on the most popular server, is my reasoning, and make some friends while doing so. I'd rather become the target of others every once in a while than play on a depopulated server. Plus, if you ever get a guild going, it's probably going to be a lot more fun in the long run than just playing a game that is a chat room with mobs.

That aside, I haven't really had issues with spawns being crowded. If I remember correctly, spawns are faster when the server has more people, and it appears to me that spawns are generally faster, and that might even be good thing.

I'm open to change eventually if there's momentum in the thread. It's not like I'm forced to be on Antica.

>> No.10576407

>If I remember correctly, spawns are faster when the server has more people
I don't know about that but it's probably correct. I feel like spawn time in general is faster nowadays.

Another reason I chose Ombra is that since it is a green PvP server I can transfer my character to basically any server should I ever decide to do so, exception being hardcore pvp servers.
It's unlikely that I'll ever transfer since the dominating guild in Ombra seems pretty chill, so far everyone I've talked to in-game has told me they keep to themselves and aren't power abusers.

>> No.10576412

I looked it up and spawn rate is faster and caps at 800 users, and there have been a couple of occasions where they increased the spawn rate overall and set a minimum rate for depopulated servers.

>> No.10576894

Anyone here played Libera in 2003-2006?

>> No.10577212

I actually did. Why?

>> No.10577339
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fuuck I was 1 day to late to renew pacc and I lost my house

>still no official 4chan OT
Anyone up to create one? I can provide my maps/sprites/monsters/spells for free

>> No.10577583

wouldn't it be better if we teamed up on an already running server, or else we'll have like 10 people at most playing alone in the server

>> No.10579457
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>> No.10579674

what exactly is the point of having a house?

>> No.10579786

Do you guys know any good PVP ones? I need to practice a bit.

Back in the day a major selling point was that it allowed you to generate mana while you were logged out. Some botters even had schedules where it calculated when you'd have enough mana to be able to make a run and automatically performed the macro. In the even earlier days you could set up a store and people could check it out and come by and trade, that's why many houses have store layouts.

>> No.10579907

In current Tibia? IIRC they are protection zones like the Depots where you recover HP/MANA faster; you can also buy Hireling NPCs that sell you supplies like special meals, runes, potions and general equipment; and you can also set up training statues in them. So, objectively, its more a convenience thing and highly dependent on where your house is located. Personally I dont think they are worth it after CIP inflated rent prices.

>> No.10579937

>after CIP inflated rent prices
I was wondering if I remembered incorrectly or if it was that expensive before as well.

>> No.10580067

lvl and name? that is if you don't mind sharing
i played there in that period but i doubt you'd know me since i was pretty much a lvl 70 nobody and never got involved with server politics

>> No.10580072

it's been a long time but if iirc rents were pretty cheap, the auctions and player to player prices were very high though since most houses were unavailable

>> No.10580084
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>Personally I dont think they are worth it after CIP inflated rent prices.
Mixed feelings. I was initially furious and some of the prices clearly are not right, but the change did give me a chance to nab me one of the best house experiences I had since early days on a newer server.

>> No.10580384

Lord Maspi

>> No.10580667

to flex your items

>> No.10580675

That's such a girl house. You're such a girl.

>> No.10580831


>> No.10580837

What's the difference between bows and crossbows nowadays? Do people even use crossbows?

>> No.10580840

>You regen faster in dp rather than outside

New Tibia is weird for sure

>> No.10580846

Not too long ago bows used to have 100% hit rate while having a slightly lower average and maximum damage than crossbow. Dont know if that has changed.

>> No.10580868

No idea, in my day crossbows were simply better but more expensive

>> No.10580939
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I miss this house like you wouldn't believe. You know the best part? Whole server will be obliged to see it when they come for the cake event in Cormaya.

I hate Tibia threads. They make me want to support them

>> No.10581186

Please be a girl

>> No.10581486

For me, its East Lane 1a in Carlin.

>> No.10581498

Why would one ever be in Carlin. Even in my first years as a FACC I had no reason to be there

>> No.10582560

Back in the heyday of Tibia, when I was young free acc noobie I spent all my time in Carlin, it's surroundings and Folda.
I think I left Carlin once hitting the road to Venore together with a group but I don't remember if I made it there, I think I turned around and went back to Carlin or something.

I saw how Thais and Venore really looked like many years later playing an OTserver.

>> No.10582672

I was wrong, this is an old fashioned house, you're no girl, you're a granny. And hunting demona and dls. You're so old even a dwarf showed up.

>> No.10582793

That's pretty autistic. I spent most time in Thais because Fibula rots were decent for a low level facc

>> No.10582856

>That's pretty autistic
And you're pretty retarded. I was a little noobie who didn't know any better and playing the way I did was good enough for me.

>> No.10582861

No hard feelings mate

>> No.10583008

Do people train traditionally nowadays? Or is the offline stuff good enough

>> No.10583056
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> this is an old fashioned house
I will never own a house that will not have bloodherbs and coconuts. I like old school stuff and didn't make enough friends to hunt more efficient or cooler spawns. No friends = not a female for sure.

Offline training is enough for most. I would have said offline training is enough for normal people, but these days it is more normal to spend money on wands/rods to train your magic level quickly with training dummies.

For traditional training/online training I think that's maybe a free account thing on slimes/vampires/monks/whatever. Then there are those hardcore top players who might online train distance or melee skills.

To simplify offline training is enough for knights and paladins. For a mage you might want to do something to raise your mlvl so you don't end up playing a year and end up with a magic level of 80 to show for it.

>> No.10583067

But online training is still better right, if I want to get my skill up asap

>> No.10583083
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It's a waste of time for normal play. I'm the grandmaster of inefficient play and even I did not and will not ever online train. Not counting training magic level on dummies.

Hell even making runes in a depot with all the possible regen boosts possible it really is something you would do for sport.

Thing is though anon. In Tibia and any sandbox mmos you can do whatever the hell you want. You want to online train and watch streams? Go for it.

>> No.10583091

>Thing is though anon. In Tibia and any sandbox mmos you can do whatever the hell you want. You want to online train and watch streams? Go for it.
Yeah obviously, but it can still be outright dumb nowadays to do since I'm not up to date with the mechanics.

The thing is, I have a lot of idle time while I work irl, which I could spend making runes or training. What would you do?

>> No.10583131

Make runes.
Sit on my favourite old school spawns.
Hunt boring and easy monsters for beastiary progress. Like somewhere where you know a safe spot you can reach quickly if work calls.
Hunt for imbuement materials.
Hunt for outfit materials.
Go fishing.
Go mapping.

Making runes is the easy best choice for me here at least. I like playing all vocations though so would use them too. I don't think I would be able to reach this level of interest to play anymore myself though. I'd rather just log in for active play only.

>> No.10583143

Damn I don't even know what half of these things mean

>> No.10583195

You're never owning a house for sure now that you're facc. Atleast you can still hunt your dls and your nostalgic dwarf guards.

>> No.10583279

Which city is the comfiest

>> No.10583289

For me, in order

Ab, Ankh, Liberty Bay, Venore, Thais

Giga cringe = Kaz, Edron, etc

>> No.10583290

Do you guys remember the fansite that used to post a comic/image every day? I think it was called TibiaNews? Can I find those somewhere

>> No.10583382

Kazordoon is very underrated. It has the steam boat, carpet, warzone access, and its easy to move in and out of the city because of the ore wagons.
Edron and Yalahar are the cringiest.

>> No.10583407

Yeah but it's depressing

>> No.10583413

>dwarf guards.
Not even my nostalgia will save dwarf guards

>> No.10583425


I remember me and my friend group in our very earliest days (everyone was lvl 0-15) used to mythologize Dwarf Guards and how hard they are supposed to be. I remember eventually killing that lone one somewhere in Kaz as a paladin and telling everyone the next day in school.

>> No.10583578

awesome. i recognize that name.

>> No.10583810

I pity the ones who never got to know the wonders of discovering Folda on their own.
Years later and with hundreds of levels more I still feel uneasy in that Water Elemental cave.

As for Carlin itself - years ago it was the best spot to start as a facc sorcerer - rots under the city, undead on ghostlands, ice islands, Ab'Dendriel not too far away, one of the dwarf mines was also very close. Everything you would want to visit as a noob sorc.

>> No.10583824

Kaz is super cozy. Edron also used to be back when it was the "rich" city.

Yala is the worst one. Literal OT town.

>> No.10583841

t dogon

>> No.10583857
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any mysteriando fags in here?
It's hard to discuss anything related to it, it's always either:
>reddit imbeciles constantly drooling over serpentine tower which is just a lame reference and even Knightmare literally shat on it in the new quest
>discord trannies with their retarded 'what if the knowledge is the reward' motto
>old forum posts where people just larp and make shit up

The only value you can get is from old (and I mean very old) players who used to make content for the game and hackers (like the OG leaked map without edits and people who used Exani Hur and camera exploits). These are the only people who ever made progress in the mysteriando. Fuck that "whoa epic now I know this book is le referencinerio to ghost'n'goblins or some other nerd shit" I want actual ingame progress and new mechanics discovered. At least back in the Knightmare's time the references were interesting (I mean, fucking Crowley, mathmagic, higher algebra, Wolfram scripts in my Ultima clone?)

To not sound so pessimistic, which "mystery" do you guys still believe to be solvable? For me it's:
> The Troll Lady
100% it works but is bugged, just like the Beregar <-> Kazoo tunnel was for over a decade.

>> No.10584057

I met a guy who was completely addicted to this game. Skipping school, having 24-hour play sessions, shit like that. He also got hooked on some drug. He was eventually locked up in a psychiatric hospital, and I think he's still there to this day. I still remember how he asked me to host a private server for him and he was so happy when I finally managed to.
Sorry for the blog post.

>> No.10584375

Sword of fury

>> No.10584980

Water Elemental cave? I rememver when it was actually a Fire Elemental cave and people would rope the FE to the upper floor to get others killed. Fuck I miss luring and trapping with creatures, had a lot of fun doing those.

>> No.10586209

I was re-imagining my own version of Tibia the other day.

The game would have no NPC economy. If people wanted to have currency, they would have to craft coins themselves from raw material, use something else in its place, or barter. NPCs don't sell anything or accept any tender. They don't sell any items. All potions, runes, ammo, etc, would have to be crafted and traded by other players from mob drops. The raw materials in the game would be hardcoded to a certain limit and mob populations would be influenced by how much people hunt them. When an account disappears due to inactivity, the raw materials on the account get recycled back into the game as a random deposit on the map which players have to discover.

Additionally, the PK system would be much more intricate. There would be a degree of five skulls (1-5). Skulls don't go away after a few minutes but are only forgiven when the player who got killed gives his forgiveness (tradable item) or automatically 3 months after the incident. Every time you kill someone you incur a degree of skull, which makes you lose 5% additional XP, etc, upon death. Anyone can attack skulled players for free. Pz locks would however work like they work in Tibia.

There's also a reputation system that's shown next to your name at all times. People with higher rep have the ability to influence other peoples score more than those with lower.

>> No.10586276
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What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.10586298

old tibia's economy is only sustainable as long as there an influx of new players, or else it collapses, one cipsoft founders was an economics phd or masters don't remember which student and he had his thesis about the game's economy, it's a very interesting read, they had to include npcs to account for the overwhelming number of quest items and loot items player's couldn't sell

found it: https://www.scribd.com/document/370272928/Macroeconomics-English?secret_password=FwKM9SIzD6aBHGzdJdKE

>> No.10586304

>they had to include npcs to account for the overwhelming number of quest items and loot items player's couldn't sell

What's the problem? There's no demand for it, so it's trash. I would make it so you could recycle things into more basic materials, and then use it for something else.

>> No.10586389

I remember when they introduced Djinns to balance the price of items, but I still think it's a cope than a solution. Just make the items more rare

>> No.10586396
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Chilling with legends

>> No.10586864
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I wonder why they start this chart for Tibia in 2003.

>> No.10587086

I would guess that's when 7.0 was released

>> No.10587449
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Avenge me Yotsubas

>> No.10587685

What's the verdict?
Any /vr/ server to play on?
It's been decades since i played last time
But i remember the game being vaguely interesting to play

>> No.10587719

As far as I know there's only three people who have posted actual screenshots.

The game is so fast nowadays you could easily reach level 50 by a couple of days. For new accounts you can buy 7 day premium.

I'm on Antica. I can help you get your char up and running

>> No.10589139

Play Antica for the full experience or if you want non-pvp Harmonia/Guardia/Secura or any other old server is a good choice. Just check which nationality is the most dominant on which server.

>> No.10589217

idk about other mmorpgs but i swear this game seems to attract the most fucked up dysfunctional toxic people ever and im not just talking about in game behavior, when you actually get to meet the people irl they're all fucked up losers, i guess it makes sense when you think about it, this little game does get you a false sense of achievement

>> No.10589270

t. Runescape

>> No.10589746

thats pretty much all mmos. they attract people that cant figure out success and achievement in real life, so they latch on to the superficial progression of mmos. its especially easy since early progression tends to go quickly. its kind of like gambling addiction.

>> No.10589773

I play Tibia because success in life is too slow and barely even satisfying to begin with

>> No.10590234
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Was expecting more from this spawn

>> No.10592268

I'm nice and not toxic at all. Worst thing I'll do is latch onto you and be your healslut

>> No.10592441

You're making me horny

>> No.10592531

Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to make the Pirat raids near main cities, just by the newbie dungeons.
You can't hunt Thais trolls without some rat one hitting you from beyond your screen.

>> No.10592576


Which server are you on?

>> No.10594361
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Completely forgot about those guys. Wonder what were they thinking with the placements.

I'm gonna come home and find this thread dead pretty soon aren't I?

>> No.10595418
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Most likely. I'm surprised it lasted a week, since the last time we played it only lasted a month.

>> No.10596463
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>> No.10596693
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Never did a proper hunt on this floor. Too many people coming and going through. Still did all the bonebeast tasks somehow.

I feel like playing, but that's how I always feel at the start of a new year. Last time I played I just did a few hunts and unlocked Black Knight beastiary over month.

>> No.10596891
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It would be more efficient if it wasn't for the Squires. Maybe at a higher level I could clear the floor faster. There's a lot of people coming through but the spawn is so fast and my DPS is low enough for it not too matter much. Backspawns are a bigger problem than people.

I've been trying to find some low intensity spawns because I'm getting bored of mutants. But it's hard to give up since I get pretty decent exp there with literally zero waste.

>> No.10596894

The Unholy Trinity of Tibia: Brazilians, Poles, and Swedes

>> No.10596897

>I feel like playing, but that's how I always feel at the start of a new year. Last time I played I just did a few hunts and unlocked Black Knight beastiary over month.
If you don't make it feel like a job it's pretty chill. No one is forcing you to play every day.

>> No.10596987
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>> No.10597019
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*remains unsolved in your path*

>> No.10597571
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Anyone from that short-lived 7.72 /vr/ server still around?

>> No.10598217

Which 7 version was actually the best?

I started playing before Ankh and the skull system was introduced and am quite nostalgic about it, but the game probably peaked after that. At most I'd say whatever was the version when they introduced bigger potions.

>> No.10598249

I think every old player does this, every now and then the urge to play tibia comes. Also neat screenshot, if it is what i think it is, you've had a quite unique paladin.
Did you play on it?

>> No.10599269

why would you summon creature in that tiny little respawn, does it not block it by waiting on the same floor? or was the guy summoning with each new DL lol

>> No.10599272

7.2 was kino but it peaked on 7.4, and OT wise it peaked on 7.1 IMO, back when all OTS were mostly 7.1 PVPe and the 7.4+ files weren't even available for OTS development

>> No.10599335
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>if it is what i think it is
It's just convince creature, does that rune even exist anymore? Also this brought up a memory when summoned creatures didn't actually take experience from the summoner so mages could hunt cyclopolis and stuff with monks.

I've always had a pet peeve for summons(in all games) and have done plenty of hunts with them too.

Like remember blocking minotaur archers with parcels and hunting Black Knight/double hero/single warlock/maybe even behemoths with them. When mino archers were unable to move I think they had some issue were they spammed damage like hell too or maybe I'm misremembering and mixing it up.

Or using demon skeletons/orc leader with something like dragon lords/hydra/banshees. This is the types of hunts I've did at least.

I don't remember there being an issue with the respawn. It is possible we went upstairs and went back in once we saw flames, but I doubt it. It's 2 paladins hunting dragon lords without human a blocker. I have more screenshots of this other spawn though.

Things I also like.
Poverty hunts where maybe even regen or spending as little as possible will cover your expenses. Compare that to current Tibia heh
Finding that one spot inside a spawn were the monster you are hunting will appear and walk to you.
Summons and finding some niche use for them.
Traps. The item I mean.
This post is all over the place. I didn't finish my morning coffee yet.

>> No.10599434

For me pvp peaked before wands and rods, when mages still used burst arrows. I've never really played pvp after that.

>> No.10599816
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Is there ever a moment you would not be going back for your corpse if you dropped some stuff?

Tried to message him but he was offline.

>> No.10599905

Whats that quiver item? Ammo is no longer equipped in the arrow slot?

>> No.10599919

It is but you need a quiver now and only paladins can equip it. Therefore only paladins can fire arrows now.

>> No.10600281
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There's nothing to solve, it's just a Forgotten Realms reference. Just a sorcerer's lab where they hold some goofy joke artifacts in the basement, possibly partially inspired by the occult research of ancient egyptians (possible due to the fact that half of the secret places in Tibia up to 8.0 are derived from Crowyley's books and he has spent a lot of time in Egypt).

Anyway, check out spoiler for recent 20 years a cook quest to see what Cip thinks about Serpentine Tower. They literally made a monster shit all over it.

>> No.10600408

If I'm not mistaken the screenshot was recording the second Desert Quest of the server.

>> No.10600413 [DELETED] 
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Avenge me Yotsubas

>> No.10600416
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Avenge me Yotsubas

>> No.10600682

Nope, that was the one and only. Jacuzzi was level 20 and we gathered to go do it.
Why hunt black knight? His drops were so rare, xp wasn't that good and spawn time was so long.

>> No.10601208

My only problem with 7.4 is how Ankrahmun is clearly and utterly broken in comparison with the rest of the content of the time. It makes sense in the context of a company trying to get money out of a product, but it dillutes the value of all previous content in a game which has such a charming base world, especially since cipsoft doesn't give two shits to past content.

>> No.10601242

Not only is it twice as long as the real title, it’s not even a clever insult or play on the name. It might as well be “Tibia, or Wowthisgameisoldia as I like to call it.”
Did you think you were clever?

>> No.10601254

How so?

>> No.10602551

I think Ankh was fitting with the structure of other cities and its surroundings. The first city that was truly broken and feeling different than all the rest was Yalahar. It was clearly cipsofts response to the OT cities, with big main city surrounded by easily accesible , thematical exp spots for all levels. You could get 8-400 without ever leaving Yala.

>> No.10602634
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>Why hunt black knight?
It's just an excuse to chill and do other things meanwhile. Alone or with others. It has also served as a good recovery point back in the day for some drops after getting killed due to connection problems.