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File: 25 KB, 400x300, 20121127223938!Super_Mario_Bros_2_-_Birdo--article_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1177082 No.1177082[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm curious about this. I know Nintendo had some pretty weird censorship policies back in the day, but it seems like a few things have managed to slip under their radar. Sega, although not as strict as Nintendo, still enforced some pretty absurd acts of censorship on their games; for instance, Ash was dummied out of the U.S. localization of Streets of Rage 3.

One that bugged me most was the U.S. release of Dragon Warrior III. The only way Nintendo would agree to allow an English localization was if Enix removed the gay bar from the game. I think it was kept intact for the later GBC remake, but the ESRB consequently rated the game Teen. Really? Just because some characters identify as gay? It's not like it was a brothel house or anything.

Speaking of the ESRB imposing censorship, a similar thing happened with Harvest Moon. I think one of the games in the series allowed characters of the same gender to be married, but the developer removed this option from the U.S. release for fear that the ESRB would bump the rating up to Teen.

Were there any games that slipped ambiguous details past the radar, or that had characters who openly and explicitly identified as LGBT?

Pic sort of related?

>> No.1177098 [DELETED] 


>> No.1177096
File: 46 KB, 368x522, Ms._Pac-Man_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else thinks Ms. Pacman is just Pacman moonlighting as a tranny?

>> No.1177118


/lgbt/ is oriented more toward personal advice and gay / lesbian / trans generals. Gaming discussion never occurs there.

>> No.1177146
File: 19 KB, 136x184, tumblr_lr9a1kAYdC1r2xmg4o1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any questions?

>> No.1177163

that would be odd, considering in Ms. Pac-Man we have cutscenes of her and Pac-Man meeting and falling in love

>> No.1177189

You read VGCats.

>> No.1177214

In Pacman 2 they have kids

>> No.1177218

Streets of Rage was always the most progressive and feminist series of beat em ups. You go around and beath the shit out of men and women without any differentiation or discrimination. You can even do the same as a woman. Truly a mile stone of equality gender justice.

>> No.1177226


I think people put way too much thought into Birdo being Trans. It's just a little joke, really. Mario characters wear their backstory on their sleeve; for the purposes of a joke, SM@ manual Birdo/Ostro is a boy who thinks he's a girl, but every other one is effectively a girl.

>> No.1177248
File: 262 KB, 850x1109, poison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not Poison Kiss.

Also Roxy is bio.

In America it was originally post operative.

In japan she was pre-op.

It has become popularly agreed on that she is still preoperative.

>> No.1177298

Actually in thousand year door the girl of the three ghost is actually a guy that thinks Mario is cute.

I know there was a hint in Phantasy Star 4 where a guy gave male characters discounts. Never knew there was a gay bar in DQ3.

>> No.1177309

I like to think of Birdo as a guy even on the newer games. Seriously what is the harm of it? It not like gender play any role in a Mario game whatsoever when it came to the Yoshi-like races. "If it is a dinosaur then it can lay an egg" game logic is simple enough.

>> No.1177315

I'm glad I still posess this particular instruction manual. Ostro and Birdos names were switched

Its actually a funny commentary on transexuals. He "thinks" hes a girl. The way they word that is hilarious.

>> No.1177330

So, here's my two cents on Poison. Capcom was told they couldn't show a woman being beat up in a video game and so they gave a condescending look at the censors and said "Fine, fuck you, she's a transsexual. Is that better now? Is it better that you're beating up a transsexual? Does a penis make everything better?" and they assumed the player base would be intelligent enough to realize for themselves that the situation was ridiculous and that it was just a fun video game and that it's terrible to hurt people in real life regardless of their sex or gender.

Unfortunately, they were wrong about the intelligence of the public and our ability to fetishize anything. Now Poison is forever a homophobic joke or a reason to jerk off, depending on your perspective.

>> No.1177340

I like to think that Birdo finally became the woman she always wanted to be.

Ultima 7 let you have gay sex in a brothel. There's always that heavily sexual shooter. I'm on my phone so have a hard time looking things up. But because of Nintendo and even Sega there was just a tiny hint at best for gay characters.

>> No.1177485

And VGCats watch Drawn Together.

>> No.1177491

>Its actually a funny commentary on transexuals. He "thinks" hes a girl. The way they word that is hilarious.

This was written way back in the 80s, so their intention is probably a lot more innocent than you think it is.

>> No.1177510
File: 343 KB, 620x700, final_fight_poison_by_oetaro-d4nstl7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel the same way. There really isn't harm in it. Yoshi is a good example too. What does it really matter? Poison is a fictional character and your personal interpretation is ultimate what matters anyway, girl or trans I'm happy with both heh heh.

If there were any instances of censorship, that might suck in itself, but hell, it was probably just some stereotype anyway. I'm sure there are a lot of retro games where gays are just there for gag material.

>> No.1177569

For the shooter do you mean Cho Aniki?

In Realms of Arkania Shadows over Riva I'm pretty sure the Feylamia was bi. A lot of that game had some undertones there but i haven't played it in years.

>> No.1177617
File: 23 KB, 220x326, damian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Groove on Fight, the fourth game in Atlus' Power Instinct series, had two characters named Damian and Rudolph who were the first openly gay couple in Fighting Game history.

Also GoF is a pretty wicked game.

>> No.1177625
File: 48 KB, 320x224, 0036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daraku Tenshi: the fallen angels is an extremely obscure fighter released in 98
one of the fighters is yurien, a guy who dresses like his sister, yurian


>> No.1177629 [DELETED] 

Im completely fine with those ratings OP, children don't need to be exposed to that kind of thing, particularly in a way that encourages it. It would be like if dragon warrior 3 had characters talking about their foot fetishes or something, it's just not a topic kids need to hear about, a t rating is just fine


>implying birdo doesn't have a mental illness

>> No.1177647

Death, suicide, sacrifice sure that's ok. But a guy hitting on another guy THE KIDS!!!
The rating system in every media is completely flawed. How old were you for your first rated R movie?
And Nintendo most likely thought it was a funny joke. They never really thought the gay right movement was actually going to be as big as it is now.

>> No.1177650


Stop posting, please.

>> No.1177659


The rating system is indeed arbitrary and kids will generally see whatever media they want, but sex and violence are entirely different and that should be a factor in ratings- even a child has context for violence, this person is hurting another person (or themselves) because reasons, it makes sense to them. Sex doesn't, they don't know what it is or what its for or why these people are acting the way they do, their bodies literally aren't ready. Id rather my kids know what sex is before they know what gay is quite honestly, the topic doesn't need any more obfuscation or confusion at that point

>> No.1177661


>he disagrees so it must be bait

why don't you go someplace where you can downvote the bad men away

>> No.1177662

children are susceptible to such things as gay propaganda because its not natural.

>> No.1177663

>T for teen
you know what, nobody except the faggiest fags want kids to learn about homosex. hell most people don't even want kids to know about normal and productive hetero sex until their teens. So get over it. T for teen is the correct rating.

>> No.1177676
File: 23 KB, 313x313, 1344787434995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1177679

Study shown that most kids (pre teen) will see 2 gays as just normal dating. And I never said sex I just said a gay hitting on another gay. I personally see no different between a hetero couple and a homosexual couple dating. The idea that somehow if they see two guys holding hands will somehow destroy the kids ability to ever have a normal life is stupid at the very least.

>> No.1177689 [DELETED] 

This, I don't mean to be homophobic but I'd rather not have my hypothetical kids learn about homosexuality, let alone any sexuality, until they're at a proper age. That's why I don't care for openly gay characters in children's media, unless it's never stated and is subtle like Mr. Simmons from Hey Arnold, where it doesn't affect his character or any episodes.

>> No.1177687


>capcom was told they couldn't show a woman being beat up in a game

Source, what about chun-li? Hell, the first 2 seconds of double dragon?

>> No.1177707

Vivian in the Japanese Paper Mario 2 was actually pretty progressive... sort of. She's insulted by her sisters when they call her a man, but by the end of the game the characters accept that she wants to be identified as female.

>> No.1177708
File: 26 KB, 640x486, Final_Fight_1_Concept_Art_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, her early design drawings clearly have "newhalf" (i.e. transsexual) written on them.

>> No.1177715


>The idea that somehow if they see two guys holding hands will somehow destroy the kids ability to ever have a normal life is stupid at the very least.

It won't do that, what it will do is alter their perception of adult relationships and gender roles as well as muddle their already misinformed ideas about sex, just because gays exist doesn't mean they should be normalized- there's a difference between tolerance and acceptance and gays are not universally entitled to the latter, nobody is. The point is kids should be given a chance to have some foundational knowledge of how adult relationships work before you start throwing in fetishes/alt-orientations like they're normal, some of us want our children to reproduce and bombarding them with gay acceptance culture before they even know what gay is isn't helping

>> No.1177713

Kind of wish Nintendo actually did it that way here. But I guess it would destroy Nintendo's "Family" image.

>> No.1177725

But no study shown that is the case at all. Take gay adoption for instance. All study clearly shows that the kid is perfectly normal and have normal relationships. And I think kids can handle a stupid line like "hi there cutie" from a guy in an NES RPG.

>> No.1177734

>I'd rather not have my hypothetical kids learn about homosexuality

Newsflash: Kids start out gay long before they blossom into adults. By sheltering them from learning about sexuality, you're just ostracizing them racking their malleable young minds with self-loathing, depression and social anxiety. I should know. I grew up not having anyone to identify with because not only did my parents impose a very strict church-going lifestyle on my siblings and me, but the media (at the time) avoided homosexuality like the plague. I thought I had done something wrong, or committed some kind of crime. I was stuck with these feelings and there was no one around to explain them to me, much less were their any sort of role models for me to look up to.

Your attitude is reactionary bullshit, and the exact reason why these idiots like the ESRB were founded in the first place. They want to pacify your ignorance at the expense of ostracizing all the people and things you fear or don't understand. Seriously, fuck you.

>> No.1177745

Can we talk about the characters instead of the politics?

While there's nothing concrete, I strongly suspect that Magnus from Ogre Battle 64 is gay for Yumil. Think about it: almost every person around his age, except Dio, has some sort of love interest in another character, when you dig deeper into their side stories. And given how focused he is on Yumil throughout the story... well... Unless I missed something on my playthroughs, which is entirely possible given how much side shit you can miss in that game.

>> No.1177752


Studies mean very little with such social/subjective subject matter, particularly when it comes to child psychology, they often don't even publish anything quantitative and it's just "these kids said theyre fine"- not that you've cited anything anyways


Newsflash: Just because you're gay doesn't mean everyone else is, most people don't have "those feelings" and certainly don't want you exposing our kids to them, if anyone is being reactionary it's you. How the hell does a kid "start out gay" anyways, do you just instictually know you like dicks and assholes before you even know what gay people do with them, before you even know what sex is you've already got an orientation?

>> No.1177760

I just feel we shouldn't explore sexuality for games aimed at children. I don't think it's an E for Everyone topic. Nowadays we have an E10+ rating, but back then T was the next highest up, so I felt that while a game nowadays shouldn't be rated teen for having homosexuality -- E10+ would suffice -- I don't hold fault with it being rated teen back then. I do sympathize if your childhood was tough as a result, but I feel we should wait until a certain age to show any kind of sexuality.

Besides, nobody looks at ratings these days anymore, so it's not like it's a big deal if something gets rated higher for having sexual content, if parents will buy GTAV for their kids they aren't going to bat an eye at something teen rated.

>> No.1177759

Well half of OP's post was a rant on the ESRB on treating any form of homosexuality as T. But I agree. I know of Phantasy Star 2 >>1177298 is wrong it's 2 not 4. Another is Fallout 2 if I remember right. The problem is that Japan had (and still has) a strong grasp on the video game market and tend to think of homosexuality as a weird thing. And so they see it as a joke more then a real thing. That's why most Japanese games that have gay characters are VERY stereotypical super flamboyantly effeminate with a girly look and also never looking like a gay bear.

>> No.1177763

>How the hell does a kid "start out gay" anyways, do you just instictually know you like dicks and assholes before you even know what gay people do with them, before you even know what sex is you've already got an orientation?
It's actually been shown that most kids has some idea of their sexuality by around age 8-10.

>> No.1177764 [DELETED] 

Would you zealously protect children from concepts like "marriage" and "kissing" and "being in love"? Or do those only become "sexual" when two genders aren't involved?

>> No.1177769

I'm no longer so convinced that Birdo was ever a gender-confused character. From what I've seen, it was often just seen as improper to have the main character fight female boss characters, especially if they looked human and if the MC was male. I wouldn't be surprised if things were changed for the US so that anyone female in such scenarios simply became male.

>> No.1177770

How did no one mention Final Fantasy 7?

>> No.1177772 [DELETED] 

queers are mentally ill i dont want them tellling my kids thats okay

>> No.1177771

...you know, that's a good point, I don't have a counter to that. I guess we should just keep all that out of E rated games.

>> No.1177774 [DELETED] 

>and certainly don't want you exposing our kids to them

Your kids are just as likely as any other to be gay or bisexual. What then? Are you going to keep enforcing your preferred gender roles on them as if it will magically "cure" them of their affliction? Well, good luck. My father and I are estranged now.

>How the hell does a kid "start out gay"
You realize you have an exclusive attraction to members of the same sex, much like you may have realized you have an exclusive attraction to members of the opposite sex. It's pretty simple. Granted, I didn't always know there was a label to describe this, but the feelings were always there. I even tried to force myself to like girls because that's what everyone expected me to do. It was impossible.

>> No.1177778 [DELETED] 


>Or do those only become "sexual" when two genders aren't involved?

They're sort of inherently sexual so no, but when two genders are involved it reinforces a healthy idea of gender roles and displays a model for a productive and ideal relationship- whereas when one gender is involved it's at odds with their biological insticts and can confuse them about the purpose for relationships and their roles in the context of one

>> No.1177785


Well I sympathize with your situation but I still think it's almost entirely environmental- whether social factors or hormonal imbalances due to a chemical-laden first-world diet I just don't think we're naturally wired that way. That's a bit besides the point though- I just want my children to be healthy and productive members of society that will continue my lineage, I have no delusions about "curing afflictions" should they ever come out as gay at a certain point, but I do think a child's mind is extraordinarily malleable even in terms of orientation

>> No.1177786

>I wouldn't be surprised if things were changed for the US so that anyone female in such scenarios simply became male.
Nope, the whole "thinks he's a girl" thing was there as far back as Doki Doki Panic.

>> No.1177793

damn son. Basically articulated my thoughts in a way I can't

>> No.1177796

>I can't put myself in your shoes, so I'm going to make up a wild theory and convince myself it's the truth, despite how strongly these other people insist they were simply born this way

Which is bullshit. I can't begin to fathom why some guys are attracted to girls, but I don't try to convince myself it's unnatural, or that it's all one big elaborate lie. I just accept that human behaviors are often full of feelings that are mutually exclusive to one another. We don't have the capacity to understand things that are that far outside of ourselves, because each person is wired differently. For me to know what it feels like to be a heterosexual man would involve some serious rewiring of my cognitive pathways. It would be like grafting a different personality onto my brain.

>I just want my children to be healthy and productive members of society that will continue my lineage

Nothing about being gay or bisexual is unhealthy, and we're capable of reproduction. What's stopping me from seeking a surrogate mother, or simply jizzing in a cup and letting her impregnate herself with it? It may be unorthodox, but it works. There's also adoption.

Leading by influence won't affect anything. I grew up in a heavily Christianized heteronormative household. I believed I was supposed to be attracted to girls, eventually get married and start a family of my own. It's never what I actually wanted, nor did I have any capacity to experience those needs and attractions myself. It was an oppressive childhood. When I was 7 or 8 years old, I even thought about suicide. There seemed to be way to reconcile between who I was and who my parented wanted me to be, so it seemed like the only escape. I hope you aren't ignorant enough to put your children through the same thing. Better yet, I hope you don't reproduce period.

>> No.1177801 [DELETED] 


>Scientifical evidence proves that gay people are born gay
>I know better

>> No.1177840
File: 20 KB, 350x263, 52088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's just keep politics out of this. The purpose of this discussion is to gather data about early censorship trends, and how LGBT people were (or weren't) represented in retro gaming. So if this doesn't pertain to you or it offends your sensitivities in some way, hide the thread and move on. It wouldn't be fair to have the entire discussion deleted just because a few people want to seize every opportunity to vocalize hatred and bigotry.

That said, some of the earliest examples of gay options in games I can think of are mostly computer RPGs, such as Ultima VII or The Sims. Computer gaming wasn't really subject to heavy censorship at the time, even though games like Doom or Duke Nukem were often the focus of controversy due to graphic violence or promoting "Satanism." Console gaming on the other hand was a tighter market. You had to be on good terms with Nintendo, Sega or whoever else owned the console you wanted to develop for, and they were pretty strict about ensuring any title that appeared on their consoles was "family friendly."

>> No.1177865

Really? I always figured it was another porn board, but I've never been there.

>> No.1177867

>" LGBT people were (or weren't) represented in retro gaming"

Relatively few retro games represented heterosexual people either. Most of them are nonsexual and don't deal with relationships.

>> No.1177876

Well, I'll be damned. I had always heard it was the North American Capcom team being squeamish about women getting beat up. Interesting.