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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 127 KB, 599x837, aliensoldier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2309870 No.2309870 [Reply] [Original]

This game. This fucking game. I've only been playing it for a few days but it's already in my top ten games of all time. It might even be my favorite 16 bit game full stop.

Anyone else have any experiences with it? Fucking hard, isn't it? But oh so satisfying.

>> No.2309871
File: 57 KB, 1600x900, 15+Aura+orgasmic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you master the dash and beat a boss who'd been recking your shit

>> No.2309883

I like it, but playing as a badass space chicken always feels silly.

>> No.2309887

>tfw blue teddy bear gets thrown off the boat

>> No.2309890

just beat it yesterday. was wicked fun. IMO the most overall impressive game for genesis / md.

did you get to the 5 part boss yet?

>> No.2309893

Who's that sperm stern?

>> No.2309894

Its one of the best games on the genesis

>> No.2310029

Basically the best glorified boss rush game of all time. Contra Hard Corps is the only one that might have it beat.

>> No.2310682

Do I have to post its soundtrack again?!


>> No.2310817

>best treasure game
>best megadrive game
>best 16 bit game
its so damn good

>> No.2311098

Poor teddy bear. He was a bro.

I still need to finish this game. I think the last boss I remember beating was Epsilon-Eagle.

The soundtrack is the shit. It's tied with Gunstar Heroes for the best soundtrack of any game I've played.

>> No.2311582

That space chicken is too big. I still prefer Gunstar Heroes over it.

>> No.2311829
File: 35 KB, 640x448, alfred-chicken-gaiden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never cared much for this one, but I do love that later-years-Genesis crisp, polished look, all limited palettes and heavy dithering and hatching.

Devs got lazy with the reduced restrictions on the SNES; that smudgy, overrendered style is way less appealing than stuff like this.

>> No.2311869
File: 248 KB, 1050x700, Alien-Soldier-Sega-Art-by_zeusdex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Definitely top 5 16-bit era material.

>> No.2312242

Great game but not as hard as some people want to believe. Once you learn how the gameplay works, it's hard to a challenging level instead of to an insane level (like in Contra Hard Corps). And maybe you will find it weird but I find Gunstar Heroes more difficult (fuck you Green!)

>> No.2312258

I personally feel that Gunstar Heroes is a lot more balanced (as in, in pacing and play experience, not game balance) and ultimately enjoyable an experience.

>> No.2312267

It's the greatest run & gun shooter of all time, if not the greatest action game ever. A true masterpiece.

I wish there were more boss rush style videogames.

>> No.2312268

Even if I cheat with quick saves on emulator, I still can't beat Green. On the other hand, I only used quick saves on Alien Soldier after beating a level.

>> No.2312269

>Devs got lazy with the reduced restrictions on the SNES
>implying SNES could run Alíen Soldier

>> No.2312318

I don't think that's what he's implying.

>> No.2312368

The point is that SNES is just as restricted if not more restricted than the Genesis. The only actual plus was more colors.

>> No.2312398

what boss is green?

>> No.2312415

You guys mean the first 7-Force battle, right? The actual fight with Green at the end is pretty easy.

He's the guy in the 7-Force mech, and you also fight him (outside the mech - he's basically a ninja) at the end of the game in the boss rush.

>> No.2312491

oh yea that was definitely the hardest part in the game. lots of fun figuring it out tho

>> No.2312516

What are some good, challenging Genesis games?

>> No.2312519


The SNES also had better sound, and Mode 7.

>> No.2312520

some of my favourite harder genesis games:

atomic runner chelnov

>> No.2312537

I always found Orange in the endgame boss rush to be the hardest part. I could actually get past 7-Force in stage 2 with a few tries, but I don't think I've ever beaten Orange with enough vitality to survive the fight with Black on Expert.

Rocket Knight Adventures

Awesome game, and it's just shy of impossible on the highest difficulty setting.

>> No.2312585

Could have used a bit more Mhz horsepower, a somewhat ampler capacity for 'burst computing', as it were.

>> No.2312617


SNES still has a better library.

>> No.2312646

for RPGs yes, but most other genres are debateable

>> No.2312680

Shmups and beat em ups are the best reasons to own the console, not so much on the other genres.

>> No.2312695

genesis also has really good run n guns. I think snes wins in platformers tho

beat em ups is debateable imo

>> No.2312713

SNES had heavy restricions on sound too, the hardware one being low sound ram for a sample based system and then some nintendo imposed ones.

>> No.2312739

>better sound
>Mode 7
Good for some games like f-zero, otherwise gimmicky and the genesis can do similar stuff by hardware.
This is /v/tier

>> No.2312770

By software*

>> No.2312784

The SNES was capable of producing some really good sound. Take FF6 or Chrono Trigger, for example (and I don't care what you think of the games) - the sound quality is superb.

Now, I prefer the sound of the MD's FM synth, and I generally think Sega's sound programmers did a better job than Nintendo's, but in technical terms the FM chip just wasn't capable of a lot of things that the S-SMP could do.

>> No.2312803

And vice versa. This debate has become beyond redundant, both had such different ways of delivering sound that neither was "better" than the other, just different and differently able at different things.

>> No.2312816

The SNES soundchip also has limitations that the Genesis do better, take for example some Konami soundtracks or Langrisser 2, the notes often sound cut/muted on SNES while on genesis it sounds a lot more flexible, with more natural vibratos/bends. SNES music is often too fake for me, but i still like some stuff.

>> No.2312910

>I wish there were more boss rush style videogames.
Even tho not retro Contra Shattered Soldier is another one.

There is so few of these type of games.

>> No.2313598
File: 44 KB, 440x315, Fuck. This. Shit..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hardest part
After playing some today, I've changed my mind. The goddamn spaceship level is the hardest part.

>tfw everything I shoot explodes into more bullets

>> No.2313607
File: 12 KB, 319x223, epsiloneagle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just how strong is Epsilon Eagle?

>> No.2313619

Played this for the first time a year or so ago and it instantly became one of my favorite games. I love the way the game balances offence and defense with an emphasis on parrying and dodging instead of just non stop shooting like other run-and-guns. Graphics and sound were easily some of the best on the Mega Drive, and performance was pretty amazing, I don't think I've ever experienced any slowdown.
The story if retarded as fuck though for some reason that just makes me like it more. It's an appropriately crazy story for an equally crazy game.

>> No.2313892

So you see a bunch of people talking about a great Mega Drive game and you feel the need to wade in and start talking about the "superior" SNES' library. That's honestly really pathetic.

>> No.2313898

Its way too hard.