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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 118 KB, 300x375, Swtiefightercd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2353530 No.2353530 [Reply] [Original]

Holy cow, this game is fun.
I like it more than Wings Commander III.

>> No.2353584

One of my favourite games!

>> No.2353604

Somehow it feels more real. Like the events and scenarios aren't as scripted as other star wars games.

>> No.2353654

How does it compare to x-wing?

>> No.2353662
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It plays better. It added features like matching speed to target, highlighting individual parts of target ships, calling reinforcements, tractor beams and a Sith apprentice side story.

Some things like the match speed to target was added in the cd-rom release of X-Wing later. It's the same one you can buy on Gog

>> No.2353685

Cool, I'll keep it in mind when I get more cash

>> No.2355542

>Holy cow

>> No.2358681

hell yeah i love Star Tie Fighter Wars!

>> No.2358764

The only complaint I have about Tie Fighter is that I played it before X-Wing, and now I can't get past how much better TF is.

>> No.2358776

Would a modern USB joystick work ok with it?

>> No.2359237

Well, it came out way after X-Wing so that's to be expected?

>> No.2359276

Can we get some screenshots in here?

>> No.2359284

DOSBox? -- Yes, you have to map your various axises to the emulated CH Flightstick or Thrustmaster. See the DosBox wiki for mapper.

>> No.2360107

gog version work just fine.

>> No.2361642
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Any way to make it work with both ?

>> No.2362772
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>> No.2362783

That is a truly great game. Man, there were some great space battle games in that era of the PC.

>> No.2364774
File: 441 KB, 1920x1440, TIE Advanced 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difficulty of X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter and X-Wing Alliance compared to TIE Fighter?

>> No.2366427

>TIEs have no shields
>they're so maneuverable it doesn't matter

>> No.2366452

Haven't played TIE Fighter yet. I'm playing X-Wing first, and it's so damn good. I keep hearing about how TIE is better so I can't wait. Gonna play it after I'm done X-Wing

>> No.2367727

they don't even have built in life support, which is why the pilots have to wear masks.. Surprisingly my favourite craft in game is the default TIE. The interceptor is cool too, but when you're on a unshielded TIE, you really feel your life is on the balance and you depend exclusively on your piloting skills.

>> No.2367925


>> No.2368307
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I love this game.
I love this short.

>> No.2368606

>fly in close behind a target already being attacked by many other TIE fighters, eagerly trying to get the kill
>all those green lasers narrowly missing my fighter filling up the screen

I'm surprised how many times I've gotten away with this.

>> No.2369383 [SPOILER] 
File: 125 KB, 768x712, 1430109565625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oddly enough when flying in a TIE without shields, my biggest worry is not with other starfighters, but with shuttles coming after me. And not just the Escort Shuttles and their TIE munching turret, but the regular Lambda shuttles because they go so slow that half the time I nearly run into them which is instant death without shields.
Thankfully you never have to deal with the pictured motherfuckers without at least a gunboat to fly. The Gunboat is actually better than the missile boat thanks to the ion cannons being able to disable them and allowing you to dispose of them one at a time at your leisure.

>> No.2370306
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>> No.2371510

How is Xwing vs Tie Fighter ?

>> No.2371571

It's just too bad that the enemy AI is so bad. A TIE Fighter can easily take out a Star Destroyer given enough time. Every dog fight is identical, it just turns into cutting your throttle and doing circles until you blow up the enemy. Even entire squadrons of enemy fighters are trivial once you figure out how to lock the AI into patterns. Seems to be an issue that plagues every space combat simulator.

Still a good game, though. I always liked games where you're not some kind of destined hero or ridiculous super soldier that can regenerate from head shots after after a few seconds. At least in the X-Wing series you're just a normal pilot held to the same rules as every enemy you come up against.

>> No.2371657


I don't know about you, but three fighters are the most I can juggle at once. I can handle more, but at that point I will only be running away and dodging fire, there's no way I will be able to return fire without getting blown to bits myself. But yeah, the capital ships in this game just don't have any good anti-fighter capabilities, no beam or flak cannons like in Freespace 2, I don't know if they even have missile launchers.

>> No.2372510

So, this game is generally considered one of the best of all time, certainly on the PC. I haven't played it since release but holy shit was it awesome, even better than Freespace 2 in my opinion.

I never played the two expansions, Defender of the Empire and Enemies of the Empire. GoG seems to have released the collectors edition CD version which is bundled with both. Does anyone know how they compare to the original in terms of length, difficulty and most importantly fun/gameplay? Tempted to grab them.

>> No.2372749

>Battle 4 Mission 1
>have to defend cargo ferries from wave after wave of Y-wings
>no chance of killing the Y-wings before they launch their payload, have to intercept and shoot down their torpedoes
>no key to specifically target torpedoes/bombs in flight
>no lead indicator reticle

Fuck me, this mission was a pain in the ass. It better be the last of its kind.

>> No.2372938

Not really. Not even the last of its kind in Battle 4. Thankfully the next time you're in a bomber and can spam missiles to shoot down enough Y-Wings to allow the neutral friendlies to complete their mission. This time you can get them before they fire their torpedoes.
Keep ordering your wingmen to attack stuff in that one.

>> No.2372951

As far as I remember, Capital ships in the movies had really bad anti-fighter capabilities. In fact, they didn't seem all that useful in general. Not that anything in Star Wars resembles any sort of real combat in any manner, of course.

>> No.2372976
File: 18 KB, 328x259, exploding_tie_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't?! Fack!

>> No.2373139

ONE animator? Damn.

>> No.2373161
File: 42 KB, 465x308, 1429792681546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks /m/

>> No.2373430

>you will never be a cannon fodder soldier for an evil empire fighting against rebels that massively outgear you and slowly build your reputation until you achieve a position of power and respect

They need more games like this

>> No.2373447

You guys heard of the FotG Freespace 2 mod? Their progress is slow, but they're actually close to a release. More interesting than their custom campaigns, is that one could likely recreate TIE Fighter/X-Wing missions in it.


>> No.2373451

I just couldn't get into it because of controls. I know flight sim is always terrible with keyboard + mouse, but at least I was able to play all Wing Commander games with keyboard only.

>> No.2373452


I've been following it but I don't recall the devs ever suggesting that they're close to a release.

>> No.2373453

Disney owns Star Wars now. No fan project will ever see a release.

>> No.2373454

Check the forums. There isn't much left to do ATM.

>> No.2373457

>all sorts of star wars mods for other games still being released and supported
That is nonsense.

>> No.2373459

Enjoy your C&D, m8

>> No.2373461

Disney has bigger things to care about over non-commercial freeware mods for old games.

>> No.2373463

No, they really don't. They have hundreds of corporate lawyers and thousands of interns scouring the web for anything that can even remotely be interpreted as copyright infringement. A stock C&D takes 30 seconds to send. Disney issues more C&Ds every year than any other corporation on the planet.

>> No.2373464

Well have they C&Ded any star wars mod project recently? Because there are zounds of 'em still being released and worked on.

>> No.2373561


>> No.2373568

Collector's Edition
- DOS Graphics
- MIDI soundtrack with IMUSE
- Includes both original TIE Fighter and Defender of the Empire Expansions

>TIE 98
- Updated graphics
- Full orchestral soundtrack without IMUSE
- Includes TIE Fighter, Defender of the Empire and exclusive Enemies of the Empire expansion

Despite being more limited and less lenghty, fans prefer CE due to IMUSE.

>> No.2373571

So this and some of the other shooters are available as bundle on GOG. Are they worth picking up? The only game I know and have played before is Rouge Squadron 3D.

>> No.2373572

>Enemies of the Empire
Fuck, I thought the collectors CD rom release included this?

God damn the number of rereleases and similar names is a fucking nightmare to navigate!

>> No.2373575

It's not. Essentially the Enemies of the Empire expansion was an unreleased pack that only got an official release with the TIE98 remake.

>> No.2373579

Thanks for clarifying. I got my info from here:


Where they talk about collectors CD rom having it. But it doesn't matter, I can't seem to configure controls in a way that makes the game playable, which is a major bummer.

>> No.2373581

Did you get the GoG release?

>> No.2373585

Yeah, and unless I'm missing something the controls need to be configured in game with an absolute mess of a system. I can't even figure out how to change a button to something else, or how to unmap buttons.

>> No.2373594 [DELETED] 

Could you share the collector's edition installer? I'm a bit down on doshes this month.

>> No.2373597

It's £6 mate...

>> No.2373608

Which does sound better, £0 or £6?

>> No.2373631
File: 81 KB, 800x600, sb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll just ask, what's the best way to map controls in these games? it always seemed like they needed both a controller and keyboard, which feels kinda awkward.

>> No.2373634

A gamepad and a keyboard.

>> No.2373642
File: 34 KB, 585x178, Screenshot from 2015-04-28 14:02:19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FYI if you buy the gog version you get the original, the Collector's Edition and the '98 version all together, so you don't have to worry about buying the wrong one.

>> No.2373657

All X wing game are now on steam

Im so fucking happy right now

Id never thought id see this after EA got all of star wars rights

>> No.2373660

I have the GoG version, but I'm damned if I'm going to configure insanely complex controls on 3 seperate platforms. Fuck that noise.

>> No.2373663
File: 46 KB, 468x327, 1264391028130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in the day it was a Gravis pad and keyboard. So smooth I came furiously after every mission. It was magical.

>> No.2373742


You're wrong.

>> No.2373792

Why don't you just search for the torrent on pirate bay or kickass torrents? I'm sure someone will upload soon.

>> No.2374304
File: 47 KB, 572x517, TIE Defender x4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2374538

Jesus christ, those TIE Advanceds are a pain, they're worse than SF Dragons. I dueled with one and it took me nearly 10 minutes to finally kill it, and I only managed to do so by colliding with it head-on after bringing its shields down to <50%.

>> No.2374605

For authenticity? Get foot pedals and a flight stick. The official guide to vehicles and vessels mentions that the TIE used foot yolks.

>> No.2374623

These games are just amazing. Nothing is more satisfying than tailing some dude and blowing him to stardust.

>> No.2374682

>Thrawn will be no more
These feels.

>> No.2375723
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>> No.2375807


Thats some Robotech/Macross ass shit right there. Amazing animation.

>> No.2375890

There's now a torrent for it you can pirate.

>> No.2376154

Now take a guess as to what board made it and had a sticky for a week?

>> No.2376192

The artwork and animation was pretty tight, but it definitely needed someone who actually knew something about directing. It tried way too hard to inject "personality" into its no-name characters and showcase "OC do not steal" character designs for who should otherwise have been faceless pilots. Also, everyone had exaggerated swaying and bobbing motions to their movements. It was like everyone was made of hard rubber.

I liked the earnest attempt at imitating early-80s anime art style, though.

>> No.2377425
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>> No.2377476

They will, in time. The thing is that it would be bad PR to issue any before Episode VII is released. Once they've solidified fan support, expect the C&Ds to fly out faster than 0.5 past light speed.

>> No.2377664


>you rebel scum

>> No.2377667


>Thankfully you never have to deal with the pictured motherfuckers without at least a gunboat to fly

>he doesnt know...

>> No.2377743
File: 17 KB, 534x486, 1427728423318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he couldn't shoot down the bombers before they fired

>> No.2377890

This and Dark Forces are my two all-time favorite SW games.

>> No.2377893

Never played XWA, but I found TIE Fighter to be about the same level of difficulty as XvT.

>> No.2377898

Good but lacks the cohesive storyline of TF. Still a solid game.

>> No.2377904

There's a big Starwars GOG sale btw. Lasts till next friday I think.

But the torrentz for TIE should still be floating around I guess. You can always check out the demo first.

>> No.2377934


More like git precognition

>> No.2377950

I found some of the more difficult missions in both this game and X-wing vs. Tie Fighter basically impossible to complete without some trial and error.

>> No.2378262

XvT's missions were designed for multiple players, though.

Also GOG still hasn't sent me my 1995 versions yet.

>> No.2378827

I might be buying the X-Wing collection from steam. Is there a way for controller support?

>> No.2378836

>implying holy cow isn't a totally keen phrase
great caesar's ghost, you're a faggot!

>> No.2379940

>Battle 6 Mission 4
>cleared out the Z-95s
>disabled all escaping craft
>disabled the platform
>a transport is sent out to begin platform capturing operation
>suddenly 5 B-wings jump in and destroy the platform within 30 seconds

Great mission design.

>> No.2379956

What were you doing? Whenever there's a lull I stick close to whatever I'm going to be guarding, since something will always come to blow it up, and if I intercept from the direction they're going I can shoot down the warheads and shoot up the bombers before they do too much damage. Also, energy management is critical if you want extra speed.

>> No.2379961

I feel like an idiot asking this, but I just picked up the GOG version of Tie Fighter 95 collectors edition, have never played this before.

Is there any way at all to map the controls differently? Playing with a joystick and the keyboard at the same time kind of sucks.

I searched around and couldn't find a way to do this. I found out that you can't map roll to the joystick which also sucks, but I can get past that with practice. Really like the game just wishing I could get over the controls.

>> No.2379973


The B-wings were meant to be unstoppable, they warp in right next to the platform and hose it down with a barrage of lasers. This happens after a certain amount of time has passed so if you haven't completed the capture operation before then, you're shit out of luck. How the player was supposed to know if there was ever going to be such a threat and when was it going to happen, I don't know.

>> No.2380050

>This happens after a certain amount of time has passed so if you haven't completed the capture operation before then, you're shit out of luck.

These are combat missions anon, not a fucking lazy sunday afternoon crossword. You're always at risk and in danger. You have objectives, you complete them as quickly and accurately as possible because you don't know what's being alerted or what's on its way to fuck you up.

Jesus H Christ*
The H stands for Han Solo

>> No.2380110


I would have been perfectly okay with this if the briefing officer left the player any sort of clues that something like this was in the realm of possibility for this specific mission, because it never has been for the past 30+ missions.

>> No.2380225

What kind of joystick/flight stick do you guys suggest for TIE Fighter? I picked up a Logitech Pro 3D Extreme in the store so I wouldn't have to wait for a stick to get shipped, but it sucks.

>> No.2380874


>> No.2381657

>that mission where the big ennemy ship is surrounded by mines
how ?

>> No.2381662

Which one, the one in the first campaign?

>> No.2381715

this one:

>> No.2381731

In the first part, keep your dogfights outside the mines and don't shoot the Lulsa, if you or your wingmen hit it it launches six ace A-wings that want to kill only you. In the part where you destroy it, whittle the mines down bit by bit at range until they're gone and then go in for the kill. It's not that bad.

>> No.2381754

thanks. I will try.

>> No.2382750

I used to use a Sidewinder back in the day. I have that same Logitech joystick as well but I don't remember it being bad. Haven't used it in years.

>> No.2383390

It's very uncomfortable, feels really cheap (was like 40 bucks though so I can't really complain about that), and the base is xbox hueg. I don't know if this is just mine but the deadzone is fairly big as well, especially when playing Rogue Squadron.

>> No.2384329
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>> No.2384359

Is the GOG bundle for these games worth it? Any of them bad or unnecessary?

>> No.2384862

Also feel free to use your ion cannons on the Type C mines which will disable them like any other ship and leave them sitting there for you to deal with once everything else is taken care of and not have a swarm of missiles coming after you while you try to complete the mission.

>> No.2384879

Every single one is up to par at the same level as the Steam releases.

>> No.2385340


This guy gets it

>> No.2385360

Really? Whenever I shoot mines with ions they explode.

>> No.2385585


Refresh your account.

>> No.2385597

Anyone have a torrent of the updated GoG version?

>> No.2386887
File: 214 KB, 1280x768, 1429502877308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]