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2478805 No.2478805 [Reply] [Original]

ITT game breaking weapons/armor/items/characters

It's impossible to die with the lazy shell armor equipped.

>> No.2478886

It was impossible to die period in that game.

Like 99% of other JRPGs you can always cast heal or use a healing item whenever someone gets to low hp. Recover items were incredibly cheap and the healing costs were low so you never fucking ran out.

You can literally do this every single round and it will work on 99% of the fights in the game.
party member 1: attack
Peach; Cast all heal
Party member 3: attack OR give peach a flower item

>> No.2478893

Super Suit was more OP.
Super Suit Mario.
Bowser with whatever
Lazy Shell Peach as healer.

Best setup.

I also love how you can power grind by using the stars and then dying, and using the star again. I kinda wish Mario RPG had a bit more complexity to it, but I still think its a 10/10 game.

>> No.2478906
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I miss when I was too young to know how to be perfectly efficient in games. I play so many games nowadays and don't even use the latter half of the weaponry introduced.

>> No.2478949

Grinding is ez in the game.

But I agree, somehow my absolute favorite game for SNES.

>> No.2478976

That's when you need to move on to more advanced genres.

SRPGs are basically jrpgs but extra depth is added with character movement. Resources tend to be more limited and characters die easier which means a bit more thinking. Grinding is also either impossible or has limitations in the better games.

>> No.2478979
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>> No.2478986
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>Money is no problem because you're paid a high amount constantly so long as you do even decently on SeeD stuff
>Buy a shit-ton of Tents
>Refine them into Curagas
>Junction Curagas to HP
>Have 3500+ health so early in the game that enemies are still doing ~90-100 to you

Becoming overpowered in FFVIII is actually one of my favorite parts of it

>> No.2479005

Best part by far.

I love getting overpowered. Getting Enc-None very early. Getting a Disc 1 Lionheart. Being able to be level 10 and having near 6000 HP, being in critical around 1500 HP and spamming Limit breaks while taking <100 damage is amazing.

>> No.2479023

I just junctioned 100 tornados to my attack/strength or whatever and roflstomped everything

that card isn't even hard to get

>> No.2479025

recent re play shows how broken refining cards are.


>> No.2479035


FF8 has incredible replay value, the hate this game gets as far as the gameplay goes is mind boggling.

It's like saying you hate deus ex because you can play the game in a multitude of ways.

FF8 isn't my favorite game in the series, but it sure as fuck is the one I've beaten the most times.

>> No.2479039

I wonder if they called it Lazy Shell for a reason.

>> No.2479053

I agree it has the most replay value, outside of maybe 5.

It is so breakable. You don't even -have- to break it for it to be enjoyable. But early access to Enc-None especially is very good, and enemies having pseudo-scaling with you means that you can maintain a low level and only do the good bits which for me is the Boss battles and progressing the story.

Say what you will, but the scenario's you find yourself in as a SeeD (Basically a mercenary) are interesting and engaging.

Pushing back Galbadia forces in Dollet is exciting and interesting.

Escaping from a Prison is exciting.

Taking back Garden from NORG is exciting.

Fighting Galbadia Garden and the huge setpeice that comes with it is interesting.

Hell, even travelling to Esthar and the Lunatic Pandora and Space and what not is interesting.

Travelling through time to reach Ultimecia's castle and Ultimecia's castle itself is pretty cool and interesting becasue it actually makes you fight for your power back before you take on the final boss battle.

I think FF8 is one of the best. Sure, parts of the story are obtuse and heavy handed at times. But it really really benefits from replays, especially since there is a huge amount of foreshadowing littered throughout the entire game for the story.

>> No.2479063


I really have to think the designers knew what they were doing with that particular kind of shit. I mean, the entire point of SeeD was to murder ultra-powerful sorceresses, so being ungodly unstoppably strong was one of the points of it. You can do it linear, or you can go all out, or anything in between. Shit, i'm usually level 70-100 before I ever leave the training areas.

FFT has a decent breaking system too, it just takes a much longer time, though I also don't leave chapter I before being at least level 70 or so, so I can steal the best armor'n weapons and shit.

>> No.2479105

Nerve bullets in Shin Megami Tensei. It even puts bosses to sleep

>> No.2479146

genji glove+ultima weapon on celes or terra

>> No.2479151

Sometimes I like to do the item duplication when I play Wild Arms

255 of each apple and enough crest graphs/secret signs/bullet clips that you're unstoppable for the entire game

Give yourself infinite cash that way and upgrade every ARM to max

it's a pretty fun game

>> No.2479153

Alakazam in Pokemon R/B/Y. The only type (Ghost) that really has any advantage was fucked up and ended up being weak to the attacks. There aren't any bug type attacks that would do enough damage either in that gen.

>> No.2479161
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Equip the Heavenly Shield and the Hades Armor and it acts as if you always have a life potion, restoring your health when you die.

Of course, it takes a fair bit to get these items, but once you have them not dying makes it a lot easier.

>> No.2479173
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Don't mind me, just having the best skill set in the game over here.
Oh, and making several characters obsolete, even one that hasn't even joined yet.

>> No.2479186

You forgot that he starts with a weapon that has Auto-Haste and Absorb Holy and is significantly stronger then every other sword you can have up to that point. The only alternative is to steal Meliadouls Defender as a Knightsword or to poach a bunch of shit.

His Excalibur basically helps to break him. Not to mention his ability to wear clothing, which is significantly stronger then armor in FFT. Its one of the reasons Agrias suffers so heavily in the end game.

>> No.2479210

>Castlevania Symphony of the Night: Crissaegrim
There hasn't been a more broken weapon in any highly regarded game. You beat Dracula in a cool 5 seconds.

>> No.2479217

>SRPGs are basically jrpgs but extra depth is added with character movement. Resources tend to be more limited and characters die easier which means a bit more thinking. Grinding is also either impossible or has limitations in the better games.

I haven't played that many SRPGs, but I see the same issues in that genre that must be solved through grinding like in JRPGs. In the Langrisser and SRW series, there are enemy units that can heal themselves faster than you could do damage to them. This pretty much makes tactics pointless, forcing you to grind either one unit or all units to the point where you can do net positive damage to your enemies every turn.

>> No.2479219

Shield rod is even more broken

>> No.2479290

>Super Suit

Good luck getting 100 jumps as a kid.

>> No.2479324

Mario RPG has so many little secret things to discover, and absolutely none of them are necessary because if you are good/dedicated enough to find them you can already steamroll the game with standard equipment.

>> No.2479326

>Grinding is also either impossible or has limitations in the better games.

I feel like this is a double edged sword. I have given Fire Emblem a few shots but I dislike it because I often feel like you can get fucked over through no fault of your own because you made bad predictions on what would happen next and who to level. And without grinding you can't dig yourself out of that hole.

>> No.2479329

Not to mention Special Attack and Special Defense were the same stat back in those games, so Alakazam could also take a lot of punishment. most physical attacks back then were types that he resisted anyway

>> No.2479330
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>> No.2479368
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Nearly every character in this can be game breaking, but Lakche still takes the cake.

And then there's her Balmung glitch of which I can't find the video anymore.

>> No.2479370


The best part was taking this a step further and getting the star egg item from Grate Guy's casino, making Peach use it on her turns when healing isn't necessary

>> No.2479372

posted the wrong one

>> No.2479378
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>Ctrl+F Orlandu
>All the way near the bottom

Seriously guys. This guy is the definition of broken. The game can be semi challenging up to the point he joins. After that, you can finish the game with him alone.

Also, Citan from Xenogears once he gets the sword, I guess.

>> No.2479383

Oh, how about the vanish + doom combo in FF6? You could one shot almost anything with that, fuck, FF6 in general encouraged players to break the game, and it was AWESOME.

Or what about the lighting + homing combo in gunstar heroes? All you had to do was hold the fire button and dodge, and everything dies with ease.

>> No.2479506


>tfw you can kill gear sized enemies on foot once you start getting the endgame skills

Was funny killing dragons in the lighthouse on foot, but yeah citan is pretty hilarious after he gets his sword, its like his offense triples and he wasn't weak to begin with.

>> No.2479514

That stops being useful on the harder difficulties, though - it damages the enemies so slowly that you get overwhelmed before you can kill anything.

I'd say the real gamebreaking weapon in gunstar heroes was the lightning + fire, what with your ability to block bullets. That and having a second person on the space stage to absorb hits (without taking damage) are probably the strongest things in the game.

>> No.2479523

>tfw never got the final class upgrade for Ash, on 3 playthroughs

I was always missing one of the things you need, every fucking time. I'm considering just looking up a faq on where they all are so I can do it at least once.

>> No.2479993

Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light is that one game where I fucked up everything the second I began farming a boss for rare crystals, making me upgrade everything/rich

>> No.2480016


>> No.2480026

Anyone have a good resource for exploits/becoming overpowered? I love RPGs that are easily broken or messed with (FF2 being one of my favorites for it).

>> No.2480031

what game is this?

>> No.2480036


Vandal Hearts 1

>> No.2480113

>walk, tapping button, EVERYTHING fucking dies

Also, fucking Psychic Pokemon in Pokemon Red/Blue were broken as all fuck.

>> No.2480132

Charm Bullets are even better because the bosses will reck themselves.

>> No.2480156

>grinding in langrisser
That's not even possible.

>> No.2480501

Do you even sheild rod, bro? Once paired with Alucard's sheild it does crazy damage and heals you. Criss is piss!

>> No.2480517

gau+genji glove

>> No.2480545

the shield rod caps out at 255 per hit, at a certain number of hits per second, the crissaegrim actually gets the fastest number of hits per second, and can exceed the rate of damage that the alucard shield gets

Cirssaegrim is faster than the baselard, faster than the barehanded punch with it's two hits per button press, and the only drawback is the lack of healing with each hit that the shield gets

Crissaegrim is more broken because it just kills faster.

>> No.2480548


Sorry bro. Shield rod and alucard shield is far more broken.

>> No.2480568

Orlandu also has a massive base class AD.
Agrias even with his equips will barely do half the damage he does. Orlandu is so powerful that he can kill any boss with 2 or 3 skills (lightning stabs or holy explosion).
That guy alone made a hard ass game turn into a walk in the park.

>> No.2480573

I always loved the name of the final class. It is so fucking badass. Say it out loud:

>> No.2480574

The only "resource" that I used was Absolute Steve's FFVIII guide. It explains pretty thoroughly the early Junction combos you can do.

>> No.2480586

Actually there is a shield that when activated with the shield rod kills the last form of dracula or any boss in the game with 2 activations.
Im not sure if its the knight shield or the iron shield. Its by far the highest damage alucard can do in the game.

>> No.2480606

Final fantasy 5
>master ninja
>master archer
>master knight

equip 2 weapons, x attack and equip swords and you have 8 attacks in 1 turn

>> No.2480624


>forgetting to master spellblade

>> No.2480629

You all oneshot the ninja boss in the very first mission you got him in.

TGCid went first, you walked him his max distance forward, and killed the mission boss with nightsword.

You're all guilty.

>> No.2480630

MFW I killed every member of the Crimson guard during the escape mission and felt like a fucking Baws.

>> No.2480634
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>> No.2480653

Probably the Skull Shield? or one of the other laser shields?

but that only works in that fight because Drac has 5 hitboxes lined up in a row. It's really not a typical situation for the rest of the game.

>> No.2480660
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>Stray Cat Rage has a 33% of doing Cat Scratch
>Cat Scratch does 4x physical damage
>Combine with Genji Glove


>Get Rafflesia rage in early World of Ruin
>Casts Charm
>Programmer forgot to program in a resistance to Charm
>For everything

>> No.2480673
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based pickpocket

>> No.2480674
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>> No.2480676

That Eternal Sphere weapon though. That thing will either ohko or stunlock everything in the game minus the last few bosses.

>> No.2480682

You can get Marvel Sword like 1 or 2 hours into the game though. I didn't post it cuz it's the best, I posted it because it's game breaking

>> No.2480686
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>thought gau was shit for the first five playthroughs
>use gau as part of a self imposed challenge
>mfw he wrecks EVERYTHING with his starting rages

>> No.2480717

I was "that kid who liked gau"

>tfw kids call me gau on playground
>so I bite their faces

gosh I was so angry all the time back then

>> No.2480751

Thinking that Gau was shit was the only exception to my findings that every character in FF6 is fundamentally broken or can easily be put into a broken state.

Now I know that if you were to make an FF6 charac-tier list every single playable character would be in the "OP as fuck" tier.

>> No.2481102

Yeah, I still feel his equipment options alone would make him better. Even if he just had the standard Holy Sword skillset (Lightning Stab is basically enough to carry with its huge range, damage and its capability to hit multiple enemies).

Like I said, Clothing breaks FFT so hard. You can push his PA further with Power Gi's or you can equip Thief Hats and other Speed boosting gear to give him huge speed in conjunction with auto-haste to multi-turn the shit out of people.

>> No.2481259

There is a youtube video floating aroind that show Galamoth going down in 30 seconds to sheild rod alucard combo. Same combo is better when fighting the gold knights in upside down castle.

>> No.2481279

i just equipped three blood armors and spammed heall to be every super boss

>> No.2481323

I stunlocked all of them instead

>> No.2481719

Which ones have you played? Outside of the arena which is risky, you can't grind in the majority of FE games, and many give you pretty decent promoted units in case you really fucked up later in the game.

>> No.2481737
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If you got any of these slimes in DQ5, you could not lose.

Saw my cousin not only recruit a regular metal, but two of these fuckers as well (nearly fucking impossible RNG). Poor estark was attacking in vain...