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File: 3 KB, 128x192, Intangir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2832697 No.2832697 [Reply] [Original]

ITT OP enemies

>> No.2832785

You mean interesting enemies? Because hitting attack and casting the same boring cross-aligned magic gets really boring after a while.

>> No.2832941

Penance in FFX

>> No.2832943

The boss in FFX that turns you into a zombie then heals you. I think there's more to it, but I forget.

>> No.2833006
File: 3 KB, 76x78, Dullahan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using your own summons against you.

>> No.2833106

>rig setzers slots with echo
>kill thing

So hard

>> No.2833112
File: 4 KB, 256x224, Fucking Zoidbergs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally every other enemy in the game has some way to circumvent their crap except these guys.

>> No.2833117

paralyze the boss proceed to rape him with sabin + edgar

>> No.2833118


Congrats on playing snes bug version and exploiting a shitty bug to kill one monster

>> No.2833121

>>playing ff1 nes with a balance party!

>> No.2833371
File: 26 KB, 512x448, 24-capture_17082011_071105[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're below level 16, these are a pain

>> No.2833432

The odds of the warrior or knight getting killed by the mindflayers are astronomically low even in the busted NES version where the items that specifically protect against them don't work. In fact, in only has a high success rate against w/b.mages.

>> No.2833440

>playing through FFX maybe two years after release
>keep hearing how Yunalesca is a bitch to beat
>don't realize I'm fighting Yunalesca until it's already started
>counter zombie status with items and switching out
>she heals me for free

It's like these people never carry any status recovery items. FFX is the only FF aside from 13 where status is a critical issue when dealing with bosses.

>> No.2833447

I think you mean sexy.

>> No.2833448

>Bishie male lamia with a self-fellating ouroboros tail

Those were good EXP though. The real nasties of this game were the gold mammoth in the prehistoric chapter and ninjas that attack you if you abandon the mission in the ninja one, if I remember correctly. Also the Wrestler boss with the OP attack who can kill you in the ending sequence if you haven't leveled Masaru in the final chapter

>> No.2833548

>ninjas that attack you if you abandon the mission in the ninja one

oh I never even thought of doing that, but I might now

>> No.2833620

It's how you can tell people never played the older FFs. Not carrying some form of status effect recovery around with you was an invitation to get your asshole reamed.

>> No.2833630
File: 9 KB, 220x206, DQBag_o_laughs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck these cunts

>> No.2833696

>specifically protect against them
There is no protection, since the Prorings protect against death element spells. The Sorcerors' attack has an instakill effect added to it, which doesn't count as death element. They do however, work on things like Rub and XXXX like they're supposed to.

>> No.2833731


not retro

>> No.2833805

did we fight the same boss, from what I remember you WANTED to have zombie status on at least one party member because she had an attack that could instantly wipe out any character that wasn't a zombie

>> No.2833827

I think it was called Mega Death (heh)

>> No.2833864
File: 10 KB, 90x55, 55_002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cabal Core Defender form C&C Tiberium Sun FireStorm. The dude appear in the end and can wipe your army easily. His appareance is a real surprise, the final Cabaal (Skynet) wall fall and core defender rise to screw you to death.

There is multiple ways to kill him, all awesome.
+ Overpowering him by using a really massive force and surrounding him
+Place artelery on key point of the map to hurt him while he crushed your forces.
+Bomb the fuck out of him since he has no AA
+Lock in on an isolated island by breaking bridge.
+Throw him in the river by destroying the bridge while he is on it.

>> No.2833868

Report if you do anon, I am curious if it is possible to legitimately beat the chapter by fighting your way out or it just gives you a bad end

>> No.2833870

>+Lock in on an isolated island by breaking bridge.

I'm not sure those were possible, as far as I remember there weren't any bridges in the area, except for that small island with the missile silos - on what is the other corner of the map.

I just built 40 Orca bombers and they killed him on one or two runs... and also created a huge as hell hole in the landscape (the deformable terrain in TS was so awesome).

>> No.2834041
File: 12 KB, 155x200, chry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2834569

damn this doggo is fucking ript

>> No.2834623

Are those the piscas demons in the sunken earth cave? Because fuck that cave - everyones getting poisoned and paralyzed, i don't need that.

>> No.2834625

I remember defeating her pretty easily because I didn't now that they were zombies until after she cast Mega Death.

>> No.2834627

Close. They're the tougher palette swaps who can paralyze the whole party with a special attack, and their regular attacks can randomly kill you, even if it only does one damage.

The regular variety you mentioned is a pain in the ass early game too, as they're pretty strong, and you can never run from them.

>> No.2835853

>literally this faggot

how do I beat him? Everbody has status suffering, cant do shit, like 5 attacks and Im done, and Im like lvl 43 overall and have very good gear. I can protect marle with an accessory from status change, but thats it.

>> No.2835857
File: 4 KB, 186x174, Chrono_Trigger_Mega_Mutant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot this pic

>> No.2835861

No, they seriously don't. The theory was that you can buy anti-death rings in the town before you first start fighting mindflayers, but they don't work on NES because fucking NOTHING works on NES.

>> No.2835864

She casts it after putting it on two party members. Odds are, even the first time around, she'd cast it and leave at least one character still alive. You also don't need to un-zombify anyone until you want to heal them, so I never used it on characters with full HP.

>> No.2836051

A faggot.

>> No.2836053

Well, you could always buy some Safety Helms from that church in what was once a desert, if you did Fionna's sidequest to restore the forest. That should help with the status effects, at least. Also, the red flying cyclops thingies in the Black Omen? They should be carrying some Gold Studs to charm/steal, if memory serves, which should cut your MP costs by 75%.

>> No.2836059

They do work against instadeath spells. On a solo run, the best way to level is to grind the Eye in the Ice Cave, since a Proring cripples him.

Should have chosen the Prism Helms bro.

>> No.2836063

I guess I'm the only one who found Intangir super sp00ky. I think I ran like a little pussy bitch the second I stripped its invisible status and saw what was _really_ standing there waiting to lick up my blood.

>> No.2836076

Jesus fucking christ

I remember the boss gauntlet at the end of FFX. Sin Left and Sin Right wasted all my mana and Genais/Core fucked me up. And that's where I left the game and never finished it

It was much harder for me than this piece of shit Yunalesca. I just used items and she healed me through the whole fight.

>> No.2836089

I don't know, three or four hits from a sorc is usually enough to trigger an instant kill on someone. Only real defense against them is to wear ultra-light armor so your evade stays high.

>> No.2836512

>not casting doom on the first turn
How shitty can you be at magic grinding?

>> No.2836741

No joke. That cunt gave me my first game over on my first playthrough. She slowly Zombies your party 1 by 1, then uses MegaDeath, but thre's also some other mechanic where I think she casts heals on you so you have to have 1 person not Zombied and the other two Zombied or something to that effect. The hard part is that the Zombie status effect never really came into play until that fight, so most people don't have many items to cure it once you realize what her gameplan is.

>> No.2836750

>actually resorting to the Vanish/Doom trick
It's like you want to be boring.

>> No.2836768

There's this hacking tool that a lot of people use on FFVI. It kind of installs some modifications automatically upon opening a ROM in it.

One of these pertains to the second "strategic" battle in the game. The monster always in front of Kefka has a chance of casting death upon attacking at the same time. It happens a lot. Incidentally, Gau should also have a few undead rages so this makes the fight a very interesting one.

It's kept like this in Ted Woosley Unceonsored. It'll take you for surprise if you play it (as it should be) so that's why I'm using spoilers. Funnily enough, I think the people behind the GBA remake knew about this: an offshoot of the enemy in postgame is a boss, and it follows this idea.

>> No.2836787


>> No.2836846

These guys were how I got my team to 16 in the first place, guy.

>> No.2836848

Not him, but if you kill them, you still lose the chapter for abandoning the mission.

>> No.2836932
File: 1 KB, 120x96, Spikey_Tigerpng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucker right here. The only boss that necessitated any amount of grinding in the game.

>> No.2837325

The first thing that came to my mind was one of Seymour's forms who did exactly that instead of Yunalesca

>> No.2837550
File: 149 KB, 551x480, 26-RS3LP-Extra-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the dragon color swaps from Romancing SaGa III. Fuck them all.

>> No.2837820

What game?

>> No.2837851
File: 200 KB, 837x576, 1301967795442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live a Live. SNES game with imported translation patch. Tactical battles, mega-man esque character select. Great RPG.

My submission: Pic related. Not OP only when you're versed in the game. If you're newbie with Knight Ramza who uses only 1 save file, I got bad news for you son. Time to restart the entire game.

>> No.2837875

that's probably the only time the game made me think
>hey I have this Yell ability
>whoah, I'm getting more turns
>okay now let's try Accumulating power over and over

and that was it

>> No.2837980
File: 9 KB, 120x120, 120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitches don't know about my blaster