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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 140 KB, 1280x720, smb infinite lives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3484305 No.3484305 [Reply] [Original]

Can somebody explain why modern numale millennials obsess over retro games, yet ignore the things that made them good in the first place?

>Dude just get rid of lives and continues, what an outdated concept!
>Okay so lets just give the player infinite retries, because who cares, right? (Super Meat Boy)
>Well that sucked. Instead, lets give you no lives and have you restart the entire thing if you die! (Binding of Isaac)

How is 1 better than 3 lives or as many as you can acquire through good play?

>> No.3484313

You mean Gen Z. Millennials are the ones who grew up with these games to begin with.

>> No.3484314

Somebody should teach them the value of a quarter

>> No.3484319

>Instead, lets give you no lives and have you restart the entire thing if you die! (Binding of Isaac)

what's a roguelike grandpa?

>> No.3484329

Ever think roguelikes were poorly designed garbage, son?

>> No.3484337


>> No.3484358

Can somebody explain why modern numale millennials obsess over retro games, yet ignore the things that made them good in the first place?

>> No.3484367


I graduated in 2000 and am probably older than a majority of this board. I am a millenial, I also know how to tune a carburetor and drive a manual trans. I feel like my generation is the last hands on get dirty men as most kids I meet seem to take pride in there uselessness. I had to change a male co-workers tire yesterday wtf?

>> No.3484426
File: 7 KB, 184x184, img (34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the golden apple of retro videogames is inaccessible, or wholly accessible, however he, the numale, cannot access them because they (the games) are in the past. and they'll stay in the past because nobody makes games like this, unless it's dark souls, and, gosh dang it, the numale can't seem to find time to play dark souls.

so it is that the numale accesses the games by swapping trivia about it, but he dare not play them because to get anywhere at all, he'll need to apply effort, which he is not wont to do.

he will avoid things like hardcore mode in arpgs because to work, to trod down the gates into true gamerdom is to apply himself in some way, and the numale, being a cuck cannot countenance the idea of being "too serious" about games.

it's necessary to spin back the wheel of languidity by showing him the companies that be do not respect him, nor his hobbies, nor his friends, but only his green, green money.

>> No.3484428

Oh shut up. You're probably 40.

>> No.3484430

>meat boy
>binding of isaac

>> No.3484442
File: 94 KB, 750x748, img (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the last hands on get dirty men

>> No.3484479

Taking video games seriously as a grown-ass man is 200% millenial/gen-z shit.

Literally toys for children

>> No.3484491

>I had to change a male co-workers tire yesterday wtf?
Seriously wtf. That's pathetic.
I watched someone change a tire once. Then last year when I drove over a screw, I changed the fucking tire. It's not hard.

I'm not a manly-man in the slightest.

>> No.3484497

play isn't just for children.

do you have a better suggestion?

because if it's sports, you're on the right track. but how are you going to make adults go out and play sports after a long hard day at a job they hate?

>> No.3484501

I always thought the lives system was pretty poorly thought out for home console games. I mean, you get tons of repetition of easy levels in the beginning of the game but it becomes more and more time consuming to get practice on the more difficult later stages.

In any case, Game Genie was always a thing.

>> No.3484512

kids born in the 80's are different than kids born in the 90's i think, myself was born in 1981 and i'm sick of being grouped with all these new sjw fags

>> No.3484520

I graduated in 2000, I'm 32. It was a stupid ot rant, I just smoked weed for the first time. I stand by it though
laughed, well played
agreed, I'm very enthusiastic about the hobby and like to have my setup just so but games are like peanut butter cups, there's no wrong way to enjoy them.
good onya. You're more manly than he is

>> No.3484521

Because most people are retarded, they don't understand anything. I have nothing against people who are legitimately incompetent retarded, but there's something very irritating about people who can't think in a basic straight way and are loud and wreck things for others.

>> No.3484523
File: 134 KB, 1600x871, ran9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 40 and graduated in 94 so he's not even mid 30s. Still a youngster. As you get older you care less and less who is a "real man" because it doesn't fucking matter. You care less about everything actually, especially shit like politics and sjw, numale nonsense because bothering yourself about that bullshit is pathetic. I just like playing old games and spending time with my family. This is a cool board for old guys, but if you're 40 and find yourself frequenting boards like /pol/ or whatever, honestly killing yourself is the only realistic option.

>> No.3484524

the fuck nigger this thread aint about you fuck off

>> No.3484536

i'm not very old but 1. why are you telling me what i should and shouldn't like and 2. why do you care in the first place

>> No.3484542

>You care less about everything actually, especially shit like politics and sjw, numale nonsense because bothering yourself about that bullshit is pathetic.

No way, politics is definitely an old people thing. My dad lost interest in most things by the time he was 80 but politics and sport were two things he was heavily interested in. SJW is just a masturbation thing for stupid people, it's not real politics unless it's to do with the actual homeless and other real issues.

>> No.3484554

I look at old people that rant about politics the same way I look at someone with downs syndrome. Pat them on the head and move on.

>> No.3484558

Well that may be so but it doesn't change the fact they are smarter than you and doing something with their life.

>> No.3484560


Okay, one of you fuckers had better finally explain to me the difference between a numale and a tamale.

>> No.3484563

and where will this so called success lead them too? The American dream is dead poncho, you're just a cog in the machine, to be thrown away and replaced when broken.

>> No.3484572

eh? I didn't say anything about the American dream. Maybe their politics will help change things, maybe it won't, at least they're trying something rather than fucking playing videogames all the time so I don't think you can throw stones from your /vr/ tower.

>> No.3484584

You've just learned that Edmund is a fucking idiot.


>> No.3484587

>Well that may be so but it doesn't change the fact they are smarter than you and doing something with their life.

Yes, yelling at clouds about Hussein Obummer is my life aspiration

>> No.3484606

There are many, MANY, indie devs being idiots on game balance

>> No.3484631

When exactly did the "one credit clear only" and "quarter munching was completely legit design with ABSOLUTELY no ulterior motives" revisionism kick in? Because maybe it's just me, but i'm old enough to remember this not being a thing back in the day, and it's only crept into niche gamer message board parlance kind of recently

xxXxCAVEfan(DXRacerEndorsed)STG4lifeXDXDxxXX writes:
>you see, in japanese game centers it's an unwritten rule that when you Game Over, you put your cigarette down on the ash tray and let the chap breathing down your neck have a go"

Yeah, maybe in some cases an arcade game was built intentionally with this mind. Don't get too rosy about it. Saying or implying they were ALL purpose-crafted and noble creations like that completely whitewashes the profit motives that these companies abided by. Operators weren't fucking saints either. Fuck your romantic horseshit.

There was an interview with Battle Garegga designer, Yagawa, where he explicitly and literally said he made design decisions in that game with the express intent to eat people's quarters. Look it up. STG weebs & arcade game lifestylists/romantics still suck that games' dick to no end.

>bubuubaubu suicide and rank control is totally legit, nothing to do with quarters and capitalism. watch the kamui superplay demonstration. you don't understaaaaa

lol what a scumbag Yagawa was, but at least he was an honest one, unlike you sycophants that screech bullshit today

>> No.3484639

git gud

>> No.3484643

I'm the same age as you. I guarantee OP is like 22.

>> No.3484650

>There are many, MANY, indie devs being idiots on game balance

Binding of Isaac Rebirth was for the most part alright, there was bad stuff, and weak stuff but it was fairly balanced.

Literally every update Edmund has added has ruined the game.

>> No.3484652


>SMB infinite lives trick

it's not infinite lives.

>> No.3484656

>Japanese culture is based on being polite and generally not getting in any one else' way

The 1CC is an aspiration, and requires numerous playthroughs to achieve. It's not something you do willy nilly at an arcade unless you're playing a baby game.

>> No.3484667

>generic pachinko game, designed to extract moon money out of bored salary men
Exploitation. Scum! Cancer killing games

>generic iOS game, designed to extract in-app purchases out of pre-pubescent children and whales with no impulse control
Exploitation. Scum! Cancer killing games

>generic big budget console game, designed to extract DLC purchases and season passes out of yuppie numales
Exploitation. Scum! Cancer killing games

>generic arcade game, designed to extract allowance money out of kids living in the 80s & 90s
The Pure Land

>> No.3484685

No, I don't really believe those are "cancer killing games". You should spend less time whining and making assumptions, and spend more time gitting gud.

>> No.3484690

>Well that sucked. Instead, lets give you no lives and have you restart the entire thing if you die!

If you're older than that mechanic I'll eat my shoe.

>> No.3484692

Quality thread

>> No.3484694

Can someone define 'millenial' for me?
I've heard anyone up to 35 included in this umbrella term. I was born in the early 80s, my sister 70s. They are Gen X, am I not Gen Y? How am I occasionally lumped into the same category as a 12 year old? We're miles away from each other if only from a cultural standpoint. My interests are not relevant to them and vice versa.
Honestly, the more the gen public uses the term, the more post-baby boomers will be lumped into one large whipping boy demographic.

>> No.3484696

The millennial generation is generally considered people born between 1982 and the early 90s.

>> No.3484698

A 12 year old would be gen z or something. Millennials are not people born after 2000.

>> No.3484705

Gen Y is the same thing as Millennial. It's just not as popularly used.

>> No.3484709

Why, though? This buzzword didn't exist until a few years ago- you guys remember this right? Hell, I recall Morgan Webb mentioning 'aging gen y hipsters' on x-play and I felt attacked..ha.
My point/problem here is that I don't hear gen z in convo in media. Nor do I hear why this special term needed to be put on these special snowflakes. X, Y, Z. Then it all ends. What the fuck does the millenium have to do with my generation specifically? And why 82? Its all hullaballoo

>> No.3484712

Gen Z is kind of a placeholder term for kids born after 2000 I think. It will probably eventually be replaced with something else.

>> No.3484715

>why 82

Because the people born that year graduated high school in 2000.

>> No.3484801

I just saw a thread on another board say 80-2000 is the group. Insanity.

>> No.3484814

hahah i always shit post like that when Im stoned.

>> No.3484817

because they are terrible dumb weak people and you are great and deserve to feel validated for having a true passion for your hobby unlike the kids these days!

>> No.3484862

Lives system was to extend play time. You had to get gud and overcome or puss out and use codes or get a cheat device. You would clear games in a day with unlimited lives. Games were limited in size and the needed a steep difficulty curve to make a few levels take time to master.

>> No.3485054

2000 seems way, way too late. 80-95 would be as far a I'd be willing to stretch it.

>> No.3485067

I thought Iain Banks was dead.

>> No.3485092

True, but as you improve on the early levels, you're probably more likely to have more lives later in the game.

>> No.3485134

And this is why the world is going to shit. Eh why should I care or take the time to be informed, how does that benifit me right now, its not like I cushy situation could ever change.

>> No.3485153

The music defener

>> No.3485160

Damn anon at least give him some burn heal first before you do that

>> No.3485190

>Fat slob just doesn't care about things!

>> No.3485214 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 546x455, fishing hot girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why don't the kids like the exact same things I liked?
>This is a travesty! Please agree!!!

Why do you care what a bunch of kids do with their electronic games?

>Whale tier troll thread

>> No.3485220

Not only do you improve through repetition, but it also acts as punishment for messing up. No repercussions when failing means there's little reason to put in effort in the first place.

>> No.3485221

This is some comedy gold.

>> No.3485223

This guy gets it.

>> No.3485229

>No repercussions when failing means there's little reason to put in effort in the first place.

Disagree. The reason to put effort in should be that you find the process of playing and improving rewarding in it's own right. A game that forces me to replay the boring first few levels every single time I turn it on is just wasting my time.

>> No.3485236

I'm more pissed off that most "gamers" today are really just people who spend 90% of the time watching their surrogate friends on youtube play them.

Had a whole afternoon of gaming planned with my nephew recent. Tons of games retro and new all around us and he chooses to whip out his tablet and watch idiots on youtube.

>> No.3485252

You really need to be less invested in the earlier generation being exactly the same as your generation. You are the type of person that grows into a bitter old man complaining about everything and disliked by everyone.

It's his life and his interests will be different from yours. You can learn to accept that things change and go with the flow or let it "piss you off" and just stay sour and mad. Your choice (and it is a choice).

>> No.3485364

>A game that forces me to replay the boring first few levels every single time I turn it on is just wasting my time.
If you were good at the game you would progress rather than having to replay the first levels over and over. It's high stakes play, not for everyone.

Seriously though, I feel like there should be a balance. Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2 had this, where you'd need to progress far enough into a world before being able to save or get back out. There being a punishment for failure doesn't mean you need to be sent back to the very start of the game every time.

>> No.3485371

I'm honestly so out of touch with modern gaming that I don't care at all.

People can play whatever they want as long as I can play games pre-1999.

>> No.3485384

>If you were good at the game you would progress rather than having to replay the first levels over and over

Tell me, how good do I have to be at Super Mario to turn it on and not have it start me on 1-1?

>> No.3485386

Where did he say he only played videogames? Besides, he's free to think of the situation however he feels like it.

>> No.3485431

Decent face, horrible horrifying body.

>> No.3485438

shut up

>> No.3485460

I learned how to change a tire by watching Beavis and Butt-Head.

>> No.3485492


>> No.3485508

>Tell me, how good do I have to be at Super Mario to turn it on and not have it start me on 1-1?
Your problem there is that the game lacks any kind of saving function, so I'm not sure how that has any relevance at all to what I was talking about.

>> No.3485513

Okay then why did you quote me and reply if you were just going to talk about something completely different? Obviously that wouldn't apply to games with save features... why would you even mention that?

>> No.3485528

You were criticising the lives system in video games, to which I replied, and now you're suddenly talking about how Mario makes you start from the beginning every time you turn on the cart all the while accusing me of going off-topic.

As I've already addressed, SMB1 doesn't have a save system. This is why you start from the beginning. It's not even a good example for whatever point you're trying to make, since they put in the warp system to allow you to get back to where you were.

>> No.3485536

That was a different guy from last night. I was commenting on games that make you start from the beginning feeling like a waste of my time after a while. More so when the first few levels are easy.

I don't care here or there about lives.

>> No.3485670

I-I think that may be photoshopped, anon.

>> No.3485698


People are just specializing. That's the way society goes.

My 13 year old brother doesn't know shit about cars but he writes better code than anyone I know my age.

Society is shifting away from self sufficiency and towards finding one thing you do really really well and offering that as a service to people.

>> No.3485737

This. Each generation learns different skills for the world they're raised in.

>> No.3485797


>> No.3485810

I'm 36, /pol/ and politics is okay, its what most guys our age talk about. I definitely care less though. I'm more into family and career these days. Also fuck numales. I don't even think SJWs are a problem until people actually responding to their shit. It's completely possible to ignore them

>> No.3485842

This post is horrifying on all levels

>> No.3485942

Don't worry, you'll graduate high school one day

>> No.3486074

Your brother is 3-5 years away from having a license, of course he doesn't know about cars.

Basic auto, home and electronics repair are a right of passage to manhood, not a specialized skillset you hone for employment. It doesn't take long to learn in your spare time.

>> No.3486097

I doubt anyone in my neighborhood can download as much loli porn in their entire life as I do in one day.

>> No.3486362

A tamale is a traditional Mesoamerican dish made of masa which is steamed in a corn husk or banana leaf.

A numale is just beans and rice thrown in a bowl by lazy fucks.

>> No.3486697

I'm older than you are.

>> No.3486808
File: 12 KB, 237x250, toaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tons of games retro and new all around us and he chooses to whip out his tablet and watch idiots on youtube.

hmm, you shoulda forced him to play one level of a retro game (or die), then he can watch a video.

hopefully, he'll get hooked on the game.

kids have to try things before they realize they like them. poor little bastard probably hasn't realized old games are fun.

>> No.3486814

>implying society as we know it isn't going to crumble.
>implying you shouldn't have multiple things you've gained mastery in, lest you become a casual shitter at life.

>> No.3486902 [DELETED] 

But most people just get AAA and spend their time doing what they want to be doing instead of what they expected to do because some recently madeup idea of what a man is.

I'm 23. I don't know how to swap a tire but I can start a successful ecommerce business in a week to earn more than enough money to pay someone to do it and all other car repairs for me. It's a waste of time unless you're so insecure that you think being a "man" is important.

>> No.3486910

But most people just get AAA and spend their time doing what they want to be doing instead of what they expected to do because some recently madeup idea of what a man is.

I'm 23. I don't know how to swap a tire but I can start a successful ecommerce business in a week to earn more than enough money to pay someone to do it and all other car repairs for me. It's a waste of time unless you're so insecure that you think being a "man" is important or you live in the middle of nowhere which people do less and less.

>> No.3487032

I once argued with an alleged "girl gamer" who said "Name ant AAA game and I've played it" even though I kept telling her that 80% of that shit barely qualifies as a "good game".

>> No.3487038

may your hypothetical business be prosperous anon.

>> No.3487161

"well. iiii like it, and that's all that matters. it's decent, anon. and i can spend my money ANY way i want to!"

>> No.3487457

>implying those games are bad at all

You can like /vr/ and well done games that crib concepts from it and spin it a different direction, you know.

Both Isaac and Meatboy are fun to play with nuanced mechanics and physics, and smartly designed to keep you playing with lightning fast restarts/no-lives and roguelike randomization respectively.

I'm guessing that you just have a hate boner for Edmund's style or something he said online. He's a bit Hot Topic Newgrounds tryhard, but eh, whatever.

Anyway, for what those games are, they did their things relatively early on and well. They weren't obvious me-too memes, and I can think of far worse numale retro games that miss the point far more egregiously.

>> No.3487467

Let me guess, Spelunky is also bad, isn't it?

>> No.3487475

The difference is the arcade game rewards skill.

>> No.3487535

If Super Meat Boy didn't have unlimited lives it would be a crap game

>> No.3487668


>> No.3487764

You need to confiscate his tablet, lock it away, and force him to play retro games, starting with the 2600 and moving on up through the generations.

Teach him the pathways of our great culture. He'll become a better person for it.

If you fail to correct this behavior while he is still young the boy will grow into a numale and end up raising another man's child.

>> No.3487776

lmao actually do him a favor and give him books and teach him to cook.

>> No.3487784


Oh wow. I was a millennial all along. Time to get OFFENDED.

>> No.3487836
File: 97 KB, 857x701, thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question for you all.

If one of these numales developed a modern homebrew game for an old system like the NES, would you be more likely to consider playing it?

>> No.3488038

no, because the gameplay would probably eat ass.

>> No.3488061

Yeah don't listen to 4chan. They think it means kids born after 2000.

>> No.3488117 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 533x447, loli rub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Had a whole afternoon of gaming planned with my nephew
should have gamed with his boipucci

>> No.3488291

>lives in meat boy
oh hell no

>> No.3488295

i don't mind infinite lives cause usually theyre built around the game and make sense. the worst shit though is easy-ified remakes that invalidate the point of having lives at all.

>mario advance 4
>save after every level
>game over literally means nothing

>> No.3488304

Fuck off with your bullshit, you're the type we're talking about.

>> No.3488353
File: 11 KB, 480x360, fedora vaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Both Isaac and Meatboy are fun to play with nuanced mechanics and physics, and smartly designed to keep you playing with lightning fast restarts/no-lives and roguelike randomization respectively.

>> No.3488362

/pol/ is a decent board and having political interests is more a thing for aged developed minds and aiming for a grasp on how the world is functioning is also a good thing so i dont really get your singling out /pol/ especially compared to some of the other boards.

>> No.3488371

Jesus stop you're a fucking idiot, having a interest in politics is to have a greater understanding of how everything works and that means a greater chance of predicting things that will effect you. It's as valid an interest an any other and honestly you just sound like a low i.q defeatist cunt who rots away on games with his cigs and sweaty gunt hanging over his levis.

>> No.3488372

You realise it's only through living in the democratic safe west that allows you to live in ignorance right? Wait til shit hits the fucking fan and then see how your thirst for understanding wtf is going on politically grows.

>> No.3488373

And yet look at how far garegga has been pushed. His design intention isn't relevant at all, the reality is whether intentional or not he created a game of extreme depth that has entertained experts for 20 fucking years who show no sign of gettting bored or letting up on optimizations. Dumb cunt.

>> No.3488375

I was about to be a hypocrite and post a little sarcastic message about how everyone in this thread has better things to do than cry about sjw boogeymen on /vr/. This clever post made the whole thread worth it. Very underrated.

>> No.3488385

>Okay so lets just give the player infinite retries, because who cares, right? (Super Meat Boy)
So I guess Castlevania and Ninja Gaiden don't exist anymore.

>> No.3488631

>/pol/ is a decent board and having political interests is more a thing for aged developed minds and aiming for a grasp on how the world is functioning is also a good thing
this is all well and good til you realize everything /pol/ pretends they understand about the world is purely ideological cartoons

but yeah i guess the worst of /pol/ is more apparent on other boards than it is on /pol/ itself nowadays

>> No.3488664

That's been the trend as long as there's been civilization (cue Adam Smith), but maybe it's accelerated as technology has.

>> No.3489752
File: 41 KB, 432x495, fishing41a2f058112cfed5106cac2697344eea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Successful bait thread is successful