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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3595761 No.3595761 [Reply] [Original]

What gave this such a retro feel?

>> No.3595763

I don't know but it doesn't get any more retro than classic nintendo

>> No.3595765

This thread is so old it's getting a retro feel of its own.

>> No.3595772

I find everything earlier than Dreamcast has a retro feel because consoles were analog. Dreamcast sort of has it but it was only a hybrid style analog console which is why I think it is still allowed on this board

>> No.3595803
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>> No.3595809

The fact that it's an old game which influenced other old games??

>> No.3595823


This pretty much. Once consoles went digital in the GameCube era things went downhill. Only analog consoles have 0 lag which just gives it that feel when you play.

>> No.3595826

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.3595836

shhhh, close your eyes and take in that sweet retro feel

>> No.3595840


Consoles losing their retro feel once they switched from analog. First time on vr, underager?

>> No.3595843
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I can't even tell what's bait any more

>> No.3595890

Bait or 6th-gen underage b&.

>> No.3596308
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>What gave this such a retro feel?

>> No.3596318

This. In SNES era, you got true analog cartridges. They needed to burn in for some time though. Then you'd get the true retro feel.

>> No.3596323
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> It's that thread again

>> No.3596412


Is it weird if I think this game has shitty controls? In comparison to Zelda 1, it controls like shit. The fact that you can move diagonal but the sword can only swing in 4 directions, makes it so that you often don't get the intended angle of your attacks.

>> No.3596416

Fedora's curse.

>> No.3596431

OMG this was my favorite game when I was a kid! It was so fun running around and exploring Zeldas yard in the rain.

One time my cousin got really far and found a church, I think he maybe beat it but he forgot to save

>> No.3596450


Because when you think of Zelda, this is what comes to mind. Hyrule here is just very enchanting. It nails that pastoral/church-like feeling.

>> No.3596543
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>> No.3596625

It's probably the artificial difficulty. That's why it hasn't aged well, imo.

>> No.3596719


What is artificial about the difficulty in ALttP?

>> No.3597705

Pretty sure classic Atari is even more retro than classic Ninteno, as well as a few other consoles and computers.

>> No.3597718

*Thauck* That satisfying noise of turning on your SNES and playing this game...

>> No.3597730

>Is it weird if I think this game has shitty controls? In comparison to Zelda 1, it controls like shit.
Actually it's very weird especially when it controls far far better than LoZ which had annoying rotate and alignment whereas LttP just turned and did what you wanted it to do without trying to run all over the place and fucking with position/alignment or being delayed as well as the ability to move diagonally and smooth turning.

>makes it so that you often don't get the intended angle of your attacks.
Quite the opposite, it makes it so you pretty much always get the right angle of attack once you learn how your sword swings from top to bottom if you're facing left or right and from left to right if your facing up and right to left if you're facing down and that never varies. It also hits directly in front of you at the same speed no matter what so it's always a front attack as well. In other words, you always get the intended angle of attack if you're not retarded trying to do an attack that you have no reason to think could happen and the game has never demonstrated would happen and would otherwise be retarded since the sprite clearly is never pointing diagonally in any manner. So you have a perfectly static non changing pattern that you can apply in any situation that's reliable and predictable once you stop being bad at games.

The difference between the two quirks is that LoZ's quirk makes it handle objectively worse for responsiveness and fluidness no matter what, whereas LttP's still manages to handle fluidly and works perfectly if you're not functionally retarded.

>> No.3597734

Random puzzles, random sword damage, random enemy placement, you name it.

>> No.3597736
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>> No.3597793

I've been trying to finally finish this game. The last time I tried to, got stuck in the dungeon on top of Death Mountain and slowly lost the will to keep playing it.
I'm rescuing the elders in the dark world now. Got 3 so far.

I've got to agree with what this anon said >>3596412 Sometimes you swing your sword in the wrong direction or the enemies stay too close to you when you have your iframes on and they keep walking inside your sprite so you can't hit them. Attacking also completely stops any other movement and locks you in that position for too long, making you an easy as fuck target and unable to evade or do anything at all until the attack animation is over. Also sometimes right after either attacking or rotating your input doesn't register properly so you have to mash the button or directional pad two or three times.
I've caught myself wasting lots of arrows and hitting walls because Link didn't change directions like I wanted.

>> No.3597823

By this logic, I could hook up an Xbox 360 to a CRT to make it "analog" and have it feel retro.

>> No.3597841

>rescuing the elders


>> No.3597847

Woops yeah, one of my friends called them elders once and it sticked to me.

>> No.3597859

>Also sometimes right after either attacking or rotating your input doesn't register properly so you have to mash the button or directional pad two or three times. I've caught myself wasting lots of arrows and hitting walls because Link didn't change directions like I wanted.

My brain just exploded.

>> No.3598082

Yes, all the trial-and-error gameplay really brings it down.

>> No.3598145

this is going to sound dumb, but why does Link look so FAT in this game? his sprite looks like complete ass.

>> No.3598185
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>artificial difficulty

>> No.3598527

It's just because the game came out before we were born or just small kids.

>> No.3599864

>Attacking also completely stops any other movement and locks you in that position for too long
The only Zelda that doesn't do that is Zelda II.

>> No.3599875

Because when you're twelve years old and you're the most powerful motherfucker in the universe you need some place to store that power.

>> No.3600734


Being able to move in a lot of directions, but only being able to attack in 4, is objectively bad controls.

>> No.3600746
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Why do you need to swing diagonally when you can easily position yourself with movement?
It's hardly "bad" controls.
I've never had a problem with the game in this respect.

>> No.3600781

This is one of the few old games that DOESN'T have the "retro feel".

To be fair, the SNES was very graphics-oriented, so it's library tends to serve as a bridge between the "retro" and the "modern" within the realm of pre-3D gaming.

>> No.3601015
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>> No.3601206

It's almost like it actually IS retro.

>> No.3601345

goddamn, this art is cool. found tons more here if anyone is interested:
and I agree that this game has a certain unique feel that I can't really put my finger on. I never even played it until 2007 or 2008 either, so it's not exactly nostalgia. but I absolutely loved this game from the first time I played it. maybe it's the midis, the dark world theme was an instant classic for me
even being kind of a creepy song that makes me feel slightly on edge, it still manages to have a warm kind of feel. speaking of warm, this is the shit right here:

>> No.3601378

A Link To The Past?

More like, Gay To The Max

>> No.3601381


I love seeing Alttp fanboys getting trolled

Doing gods work anon

>> No.3601512


For me, the controls create a basic disconnect. Because Link can move diagnolly, it seems like he should be able to attack in that direction as well. I found Zelda 1 much more intuitive; in ALttP, I found I was constantly not getting the intended angle of my attacks. Maybe this is because I played Zelda 1 A LOT before I started ALttP, and I was so used to it.

When I play ALttP now, I find I try to move diagnolly as little as possible. It seems to help orient my attacks. I don't know why I have a problem; feels like no one else does


Thanks for the link! that art is amazing

>> No.3601565

The bosses in this game are fucking hard.

>> No.3601704

The answer is nostalgia.

>> No.3602231

That's why they added the spin attack. So you could attack in those diagonal directions.

>> No.3602495

i agree it has shitty controls but for different reasons. R as the 'pick up stuff' button feels so much more natural but fsr the game doesn't make use of the shoulder buttons at all. glad the gba version fixed it at least

>> No.3602498

the only artificial difficulty i can recall is breaking the door to the theives hideout. and even then that was moreso just contrived than it was unfair

>> No.3602504
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the gameboy/color games have a much better retro feel imo. there's this comfy magic to them that i can't really describe