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File: 118 KB, 300x375, Swtiefightercd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3666480 No.3666480 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best SW games to play for that old-school Star Wars lore feel?

>> No.3666483

Dark Forces
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight

>> No.3666490

Yep, played these, they're a lot of fun, I love the live acting in DF2.
Mysteries of the Sith
Shadows of the Empire

>> No.3666538

Try X-Wing Alliance. Damn fun plus there is a simulator that lets you kind of go hog wild setting up skirmishes for kicks and giggles.

>> No.3666539
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Why, that's a *very* nice canon you've got there...

>> No.3666967

Thrawn is back in the canon and you should be using Mickey Mouse instead.

>> No.3668231

Why? Blaming Disney is as absurd as blaming JJ. Neither had anything to do with the EU purge.

>> No.3668258

Wow, don't you read Disney's twitter account? The Empire are now officially white supremacists. Playing as a Tie Fighter pilot is basically the same thing as joining the KKK.

>> No.3668389

Wasn't that always the case? You could count the number of aliens working for them on one hand. There's Thrawn, but he's kind of a special case.

>> No.3668394
File: 993 KB, 290x198, sinking ship.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Damn Tie Fighter was such a good game.
Wish they'd remake it, old lore and all, with modern technology.

>> No.3670027

How come the stormtroopers are all clones of a brown person then?

Check and mate.

>> No.3670073

They're not, you retard. The clone troopers had artificially shortened life spans, so they'd all pretty much be dead by the events of Rogue One. Plus, there never were enough of them to be able to police the entire fucking galaxy.

>> No.3670076

>The clone troopers who served the Republic became known as Imperial stormtroopers, enforcing the rule of Emperor Palpatine during the early years of the New Order.


Why are you being an asshole too dude, calm down.

>> No.3670090

Elite Dangerous is okay, its kind of like a modern wing commander privateer, but it's by the guys who made the Frontier games

>> No.3670102

But the next sentence in your source states

>As a result of their accelerated aging process, the clones were ultimately decommissioned and replaced by recruits several years before the Battle of Yavin.

But didn't they lucasify all the Original Trilogy stormtrooper voices with Jango's voice actor in the dvd release?

>> No.3670103

ah shit I didn't read that. and yes they did all the troopers have his voice

>> No.3670274

>The clone troopers ... became known as Imperial stormtroopers,
Yeah, that's old information. Never trust the Wook. In current canon clone troopers were NEVER stormtroopers. Stromtroopers are the cheap and nasty replacement for the superior clone troopers. In equipment, training and genes.

>> No.3671107

>There's Thrawn, but he's kind of a special case.
Yeah, he's like Obama.

>> No.3671242
File: 56 KB, 399x599, Baron_Soontir_Fel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got trouble with the GOG 98 version of Tie Fighter/X-Wing not running on Win10 as of late?

Shit used to work out of the box but now it's decided to just stop.

The DOS ones run fine but that is not where my saves are.

>> No.3671258

It could be DirectX related. You can try this. It's made for XWA but it worked with XvT when I had issues with it


>> No.3671278

Nope, that unfortunately did nothing. Still just crashes on launch. XvT works still oddly enough.

It may be a DX thing still though because the launcher, which kinda works, tells me to install DX5 everytime I try to launch the game from there.

>> No.3671374

I'd say let it install DX5. It may be risky but I'm sure you can reinstall the current version. DOS CD-ROM is the preferred version by most, though the lasers seem to travel a bit slow and Xwing only plays in 240.

>> No.3671425
File: 16 KB, 480x360, rough patrol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't let it. It's not on the GOG install, it just gives me an error saying to insert the disc that includes DX5.

Guess if everything fails I'll just have to start again with the DOS version.

But as is I'm working on Wing Commander anyhow. Just a shame that TIE/X suddenly decided to not work anymore.

>> No.3671430

>Wing Commander

Nice. I managed to get a strategy guide for 1 and 2 cheap at a used book store but I've been a bit busy to getting around playing it. Godspeed.

>> No.3671435

Oh and did you copy Winmm.DLL from the Windows system folder to your X/T folder?

>> No.3671445
File: 653 KB, 1280x1760, tie_fighter_poster_by_mightyotaking-d8mwlrt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did now, but didn't work either.

It's a fun game. Even if escort missions can get really annoying with the low health bars of the transports/capships.

I still wish they'd kept the sprites for 3 and 4. The FMVs are alright, but 1 and 2's art fits it more than actors and cgi. At least from what I saw so far.

>> No.3671774

U wot m8?

You're not gonna blame Lucas for that shit are you?

>> No.3672185

>Kind of like a modern Wing Commander Privateer, but by the guys who made Frontier and Elite
So it's a modern Frontier or Elite...

>> No.3672386

Why not? It is his will. Not that I give a toss. The good EU stories are still there to enjoy and new stories have only a trimmed-fat version of continuity to consider. No matter how you look at it, it's a good thing for writing new stories.

>> No.3672394



>>Yet they promote the ever living daylights out of the imagery of the Empire.

What did Disney mean by this?

>> No.3673703

Which should I play if I want to play games with a story? Like cutscenes and OC characters, not stuff directly from the movies.

>> No.3673707

That wasn't Disney you fucking tard. It was some "Star Wars without hate" bullshit fan twitter.

>> No.3673712

>Which should I play if I want to play games with a story?

Tie fighter CD rom edition has the best story in any star wars game to date.

>> No.3673725

Okay! Why specifically the CD rom edition?

Also, do Balance of Power or X-Wing Alliance have any type of story?

>> No.3673739
File: 57 KB, 288x369, swtiefighter_pcbox.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


CD version had the exclusive "Enemies of the empire" expansion pack plus the other expansion content all-in-one.

You got to play a key role in the rise of Admiral thrawn, in setting up the ruse for the second death star attack, and you really feel like your pilot makes a difference in the war. The briefings and dialog from the imperial officers is 100% authentic old school star wars (their arrogance towards the rebel scum is genuine)

The black ops missions are secondary objectives given by a sith cloaked man who is not part of the imperial fleet, and you are following secret sith related dirty jobs directly from the emperor and/or vader.

No other game in the series (or star wars game in general) had a story this good. It is a very long series of campaigns and the voice acting is fantastic.

>> No.3673819

>Why specifically the CD rom edition?

imuse etc. >>3673739

>> No.3674139

I love the SNES games of Star Wars. Especially Super Star Wars Wars Star Wars Wars Star.
Gud sounds and cool graphics but difficult.
Guess not many like it.

>> No.3674306

The Empire is the most visually recognisable thing about Star Wars. Of course a Star Wars attraction is going to be full of stormtroopers and shit.

>> No.3675091


I loved the SNES star wars games. I consider them to be the best action platformers on that system.

Aside from RPGs I had a lot of buyers remorse for the SNES until those games came out.

>> No.3675195

>The black ops missions are secondary objectives given by a sith cloaked man who is not part of the imperial fleet
Holy shit, that sounds awesome, what a creative way to give you optional objectives.

>> No.3675203

It was the guy who wrote the latest movie

>> No.3675251 [DELETED] 

Kind of random/specific question, but I'm playing XWvTF and I'm going through the Melee missions which are basically just death matches. I'm doing one where you're in a mine field and it's normal for a while but then a Millenium Falcon shows up and starts launching missiles at me. Every time I respawn I die within 5 seconds from another missile. I can shoot down each missile, but they come so fast I have no time to try to take down the Falcon or try to get kills to win the match. What is the deal here?

>> No.3675256

Kind of random/specific question, but I'm playing XWvTF and I'm going through the Melee missions which are basically just death matches. I'm doing one where you're in an asteroid field and it's normal for a while but then a Millenium Falcon shows up and starts launching missiles at me. Every time I respawn I die within 5 seconds from another missile. I can shoot down each missile, but they come so fast I have no time to try to take down the Falcon or try to get kills to win the match. What is the deal here?

>> No.3675264
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>> No.3675265
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>> No.3675270
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They are cool bonus objectives too and are all story driven. On top of the regular officer promotions and medals you earned, there were secret sith ranks.

There were sith promotion ceremonies where the emperor your brand you with emblems you earned the secret titles (The emperor's eye" or "The emperor's hand", etc)

These were similar to achievements in modern steam/console games only this was the mid 90s. It made you want to keep working hard to clear the bonus objectives and earn more rewards, and it did so within the star wars lore.

>> No.3675272
File: 220 KB, 1024x459, 575377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was some "Star Wars without hate" bullshit fan twitter
it was the writer of rogue one

>> No.3675281

flight sims

tie fighter
x wing vs tie
x wing
x wing alliance

knights of the old republic 1

super return of the jedi
super empire
super sw

battlefront 2 and you can play classic stages/characters etc. even fun with just bots.

dark forces 2- jedi knight (better than jedi knight 2 and jedi academy imo. all good games though)

>> No.3675298
File: 103 KB, 1280x862, falcon crew who took out death star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Honestly I don't mind. The star wars I grew up with had the imperials portrayed as white elitist Biritsh men and that is what I am comfy with. There were no aliens, women, brown people or aliens in the imperial navy. That is the authentic Empire to me.

They were brought down by pic related and even back then the Rebels were a diverse group (but not diverse for the sake of "diversity"). The rebels were 70s white men with weird facial hair who looked like grateful dead roadies, and they fought alongside aliens, brown people, droids, criminals, and women.

That is real star wars to me, so I don't mind the comments at all about the new film. I don't like forced diversity but in this case it fits.

>> No.3675305
File: 46 KB, 605x625, Rogue One Pilots 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also they nailed the look of the yavin pilots in Rogue one.

>> No.3675321

their race never factored into it you tool.

>> No.3675323

gotta disagree with you, the middle -and right on look like hipsters

>> No.3675326

>and they fought alongside aliens, brown people, droids, criminals, and women.

So did the Empire.

>> No.3675338


Not in the films. They employed spies but the imperial navy was 100% white men.

The expanded universe added female officers and Thrawn, and claimed the empire was "pro-human" and not just pro-white".

>> No.3675347

>The star wars I grew up with had the imperials portrayed as white elitist Biritsh men
No they weren't.

>no aliens
They hired alien bounty hunters and worked with alien criminals.

>> No.3675368
File: 681 KB, 1920x1088, Pilot Rebel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the middle -and right on look like hipsters

Hipsters are try-hards doing their best to emulate the vintage look while downing a pint of the local Craft IPA. The mustache fits that image. They are attention whores trying their hardest to be fashionable by pretending to be anti-fashionable.

TFA is going for the old rebel look because it is a film featuring that same era of rebels.

>> No.3675389
File: 1020 KB, 1440x816, we don't need that scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They hired alien bounty hunters and worked with alien criminals.

No, that was Vader acting independently.

The imperial officers on the bridge scene were visibly disgusted by the presence of bounty hunters and non-humans on their ship.

>"Bounty hunters? We don't need that scum!"

>> No.3675413
File: 55 KB, 856x480, rebel commanders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their race never factored into it you tool.

The rebels were originally cast as a diverse group because Lucas wanted to show various groups coming together to stop the empire. It was more visually appealing to show the rebels as a patchwork organization of various races working together. The rebel ship designs also followed this philosophy as they came from multiple worlds.

A woman was in command even back then.

>> No.3676831

not that

>> No.3678000

>Star Wars Tie Fighter animation
>only on youtube, 720p max

>> No.3678059

I can't believe how much of a missed opportunity and a weak tail-between-it's-legs play it safe film Force Awakens was. I wanted Finn so badly to be the hero. A stormtrooper who goes from bad guy to Jedi hero sounds so much better than what we got. But no, we got the mary-sue wunderwoman and the adventures of her bumbling house nigger sidekick and cameos by tired washed up actors. Fuck you J.J., at least Lucas took some risks, you're just a pandering fuck. And no I'm not defending the prequels and who gives a fuck if Finn is black. Shit, even as the coon he is now he's more interesting than what's her cunt.

Anyway Dark Forces and Jedi Knight should OP play.