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File: 29 KB, 468x267, 30403-tifa-vs-aeris[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3870876 No.3870876 [Reply] [Original]

Game Aerith:
>brimming with child like confidence
>flirty with Cloud
>previous sexual partners

Fan vision of Aerith:
>pure shy holy girl priestess

Game Tifa:
>shy, even subdued
>responsible adult
>no mention of any previous sexual partners

Fan vision of Tifa:
>super turbo slut

Why has the fanbase totally reversed their personalities? Is it just because Tifa is a titty monster that they assume, falsely, that she must be a slut?

>> No.3870887

To be fair, Tifa dresses like a prostitute, not saying she is one but ahe is certainly dressed like it.

>> No.3870897

Its something ive wondered for a long time.

The titties are probably part of it. Also its an anime cliche for a childhood friend character to be a tomboy and for the 'main' love interest to be a pure shy spineless love doll. Look at how much of the fanbase hadnt even played the fucking game and it makes sense they'd get these personalities, shitty cliche anime stereotypes are all those people know.

Fuck square for embracing it. Butchering these characters in advent children and especially kingdom hearts really reinforced those characterizations as well. In that game Cloud is the dark and moody edge lord fanart always made him out to be as well. Kingdom Hearts was actually a pretty big part of FF7's portrayal becoming irreversibly fucked.

>> No.3870901

Aeri?(?) is hotter than Tifa.

>> No.3870904

Aeris was subliminally realigned with Belldandy, the character she was a donutsteel of, in the first place.

>> No.3870905

Well it's probably fairly warm in the sector 7 slums so maybe she's just dressing for the temperature. Not her fault she's got massive bazongas.

>> No.3870908

Their personalities swapped in Kingdom Hearts, which a lot of younger kids played before FFVII. Maybe that's a factor?

>> No.3870953 [DELETED] 

Not retro fuck off op

>> No.3870957

It's a 20 year old game, it's totally retro

>> No.3871075 [DELETED] 

Tifa In Game
>works for a terrorist group
>has a big buff nigger for a boss
>hangs around in shitty slums
>works in a bar
>dresses like a skank

burn the coal, pay the toll

>> No.3871078

it's based on the amount of sadpanda doujins

since tifa got tons (and some 3d sfm) while aeris/th barely got any,
canon adapted

>> No.3871080

I don't recall anything in game stating that Aerith had previous sexual partners, just a boyfriend

>> No.3871082

>Durr hurr

>> No.3871085

she's a prostitue when you meet her

>at night
>in a back alley
>"""selling flowers"""
>does not bat an eye when a strager bumps into her

>> No.3871092

You people are embarrassing.

>> No.3871094

>Tifa is a hoodrat who hangs around criminals in a seedy bar
>gee why do people think impure thoughts about mai waifu?

>> No.3871097

Aeris was a "flower girl", which is slang for a whore.

>To be fair, Tifa dresses like a prostitute, not saying she is one but ahe is certainly dressed like it.

Everyone designed by Nomura dresses like a prostitute, especially the males.

>> No.3871163


There seems to be SOME connection.

>Other girls used prostitution to upplement their day jobs. Some flower girls for instance would stay out later than their more virtuous peers, looking to sell a different kind of flower when night fell. “Flower-seller” even came to be known as short-hand for prostitute; one of the many reasons why being a flower seller was a disreputable profession, and perhaps why Eliza Doolittle from the play Pygmalion, herself a flower-seller, is so insistent of her virtue: “I’m a good girl I am!” Customers looking to hire the services of a spell or part-time flower girl typically had to do so in the open.


>George Bernard Shaw played upon the perceived moral ambiguity of the flowergirl in “Pygmalion.” While Eliza Doolittle protests her virtue by declaring, “I’m a good girl, I am,” her father is entirely amenable to prostitute his daughter to Professor Higgins for whatever he can get. Henry Mayhew’s testimony confirms the historical veracity of this ambivalence, while emphasising that the majority of flowergirls struggled to scrape a living by selling flowers and chose to retain moral dignity in spite of their poverty. And the cathartic moment in Shaw’s play when Eliza throws Professor Higgins’ slippers to the floor dramatises this crucial assertion of self-esteem.


>> No.3871246

Aerith was pure before she met Cloud you faggit.

>> No.3871247

To be fair, Tifa did go and try and be a prostitute pretty early in the game.
But then again so did Cloud, so whatever.

>> No.3871312
File: 8 KB, 160x256, Aeris Chainsaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aerith was poor with a mother to support and she maintained a gigantic secluded flower garden inside of a major city where flowers were a total anomaly. Why in the hell wouldn't she sell them? Remember what the people outside Honey Bee Inn were paying for them? She was making a living selling flowers, period.

In FFTactics she reprises her role as a flower merchant and gets taunted to the point of threat that she *should* be selling her body instead, clearly pointing out that she was not.

You can put your dicks away now.

>> No.3871319


I *think* that it's a shout out to the Victorian notion of flower sellers being ambiguous. The player is meant to question whether she is just a flower seller or something else. However, she is clearly just a flower seller in the end.

>> No.3871326

>Cloud desperately wants to impress Tifa
>Joins SOLDIER as soon as he's able
>Horrible experience
>Tifa forgets about Cloud, fucks Johnny
>Cloud comes back
>Tifa pretends to be his one true love

Tifa is trash. IDGAF about the other characters, but she's pure trash. Also, how is the front of her face and body not one huge scar after Sephiroth slashed her point blank back in Niblehiem?

>> No.3871327

barret is pure

>> No.3871338

Damn her for not falling in love with the asshole shut in! Doesn't she know a girl is supposed to save herself for the one brooding guy who loves her but is too fucked up to act like a normal person about it? Fucking trash like every woman.

>> No.3871339

it's because tifa is so sweet that most doujin have her becoming a cock hungry slut.
they have a real hard-on for corruption and all that.

>> No.3871345

>johnny meme.
every time.
dude is such a desperate cuck that later on in life he opens a bar that is constantly losing regulars because he won't shut up about how great tifa is.

>> No.3871370

see >>3871097
but also, that's kind of the point. It's an old ass trope; tough chick who punches and kicks is soft on the inside, but it works because it organically invites character development (unless you literally tell your audience the trope at introduction like some shit modern anime).
Same with Aeris(th I guess). Her personality betrays her outward appearance, which is good. It means she can take Cloud and even the player off guard and surprise us just through conversation.

>They got their personalities the wrong way round in the AC movie and onwards because of how they look.
It's almost as if the game had at least some level of depth in each character as opposed to them all being skin deep.

>> No.3871387
File: 22 KB, 350x253, 0883-Ending-FMV-Aeris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cloud: You were...serious?
>Aeris: No. But I liked him for awhile.
This line was included specifically to establish purity in spite of a previous relationship.

Also the whore jokes can stay jokes. Everything superficial about Aeris is a literary device to contrast her with her environment (not hard to figure out).

That said, OP is right that her character has been butchered along with Cloud's outside the real FF7.
As for Tifa....can't tell. She's a supporting character everywhere she goes. Perhaps the original Tifa would have the same reactions to Nu-Cloud.

>> No.3871597


You're banking on a japanese game playing with western victorian era literary tropes when there is no hint toward that. Other than Aeris being a flower girl, and a character in a victorian era novel being a flower girl, you have identified nothing comparable. Unless you provide evidence for that theory, it's remains unbelievable.

>> No.3871624

He just really, really wants to picture Aeris giving head to some slob in a Midgar alley. Like his life depends on it.

>> No.3871712
File: 10 KB, 228x217, crying chihuahua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He just wants a better world for his daughter

>> No.3871751
File: 134 KB, 311x372, best girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there's a reason Yuffie is true best girl anon. Yeah she's a loud, troublesome sneak thief but she's an honest loud, snarky, troublesome sneak thief. Her fans love her for being a loud, snarky, troublesome, sneak thief. No delusions, no reinventions.

100% best girl.

>> No.3871775

Tifa dresses like a lesbian. I just thought I would put that out there. All she needs is a lip piercing to seal the deal.


>> No.3871836

>his daughter

>> No.3871886

creators have pulled from seemingly unrelated stuff before, so it's hardly unbelieveable.

this whole thread is theorycrafting, and that's necessary because there aren't confirmed answers to all these questions.

>> No.3871901

blood only goes so far.
my best friend is more of a brother to me than my actual brother.
anyways, did barret have a wife or was that just dyne?
i could have sworn he said he was married

>> No.3871910

That's because their "personalities" in battle were more memorable than those in the "plot", retard.

>> No.3871928

Barret has the most mature character arc in the game.

>> No.3871931

And even she was ruined in the compilation, hell she was a completely different character in Dirge of Ceberus.

>> No.3871940

That's true though, just look at FF8, which is (supposedly) based on "real teenagers" with "real teenager problems", featuring yet another asshole shut in constantly surrounded by his harem of hotties who all lust after his cock no matter how much of an utter prick he is to them, and have little to no personality beyond that.

>> No.3871963

Selphie is into Irvine´s dick though.

Play the game faggot.

>> No.3872124
File: 664 KB, 669x688, 1482053649183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barret is the reverse of the common "white cuck" trope.

>> No.3872135

>You're banking on a japanese game playing with western victorian era literary tropes when there is no hint toward that.

Who knows. One of the writers may have studied Shaw in college. The poverty in the cyberpunk style world of Midgar may have evoked a connection to Victorian poverty in one of the people on staff, so they made her a flower girl.

>> No.3872139

Damm what a cuck.

And where is the father?

>> No.3872160


>> No.3872205

i just checked.
he had a wife named myrna who was sick.
she got killed when shinra destroyed the town.

>> No.3872217
File: 67 KB, 852x480, 000MMI_Jim_Carrey_010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh, i just remembered that this happened in me, myself, and irene.

>> No.3872291


Eh, she didn't get it as bad as the others. She just mostly got stuck with the genki teenage sidekick role.

>> No.3872461

Not to mention she lives in a better home than anyone else in the slums. Fancy house with gardens versus shanty town buildings made from trash. Why would poor people want to buy flowers when the money is better spent in buying food and other necessities? Why would well-off people go out of their way to a seedy section of a city to buy flowers. All the evidence points to Aeris being a whore.

>> No.3872724

Oh god yeah her fucking "crush" or whatever you want to call it with Vincent is cringeworthy.

Square is really fucking retarded for extending the universe with VII's cast who already had completed character arcs, but then again I guess I can't blame them since the entire point was to milk it for cash which wouldn't have been possible with OCs.

>> No.3872860
File: 236 KB, 590x657, GenesisCGModel-CrisisCore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since the entire point was to milk it for cash which wouldn't have been possible with OCs

And yet they did it anyway.

>> No.3873148
File: 69 KB, 904x735, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3873157

Holy fuck

>> No.3873161

"Men" like this should just be put out of their misery.

>> No.3873163
File: 370 KB, 300x302, 1428746355009.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that related story

>> No.3873169

You missed the joke.

>> No.3873290

Religion makes people fucking stupid.

>> No.3873310

it's not even "religion", christians of the past would have beaten the wife and not feel any remorse. It's the modern conception of proletarian religion, as cuck as it gets. that's where all the white guilt and modern left psychology comes from

>> No.3873313

one day, that husband is going to snap and absolutely fucking murder that bitch of a wife.

>> No.3873315

No it's just pure stupidity.

>> No.3873319

I kind of pity the man, and I do see this happening >>3873313 if he doesn't sue her for divorce and move on with his life; she's not gonna cheat on him once.

>> No.3873324

this is probably fake news considering there are 0 other sources on this story.

>> No.3873329
File: 102 KB, 960x720, superbike with leather seat11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh I pity him for sure. He allowed his belief to completely blind him. Or he's blinded by something else and pinning on religion because that's easiest.

Either way he's dumb as dirt though and that's what's funny about it. So is she for that matter. It's all funny. Some dude out there is probably laughing his ass off extra hard at the both of them too.

>> No.3873343

>TiCl shippers

>> No.3873358

I always wondered why women talk of men as "stupid" even if they're known for being shallow and we build and created civilization, art and practically all advances in the world. Then I had an epiphany; men are dumb in women's mind because they can easily be fooled by women. And if a stupid woman can easily fool men, is he really that intelligent?

>> No.3873362

Both men and women are humans and humans are all prone to thinking they're far smarter than they actually are. This inevitably leads to hubris, and the hubris of others is like delicious candy.

>> No.3873374

Imagine a world where men never taught women how to read or write.

>> No.3873409

Poor baby, your mom must have really been hard on you.

>> No.3873413

It's not the women who are a problem, it's the Jews.

>> No.3873416

too ez desu

I would've had a much better, and more structured life had I gotten to live with my dad instead.

But, because my mom is a selfish woman, she was able to keep me in custody and ruin my life.

I never learned to wipe my ass, I never was taught to brush my teeth, she worked night shifts, and I wore thrift shop sweat pants to school until 8th grade when I dropped out, ran away, and turned my life around to make more money than she's made her entire working life.

>> No.3873428

I always thought Barret was Mexican.

>> No.3873445

So a shitty person came from shitty genes and shitty upbringing? That all makes sense.

>> No.3873509

what stopped your dad from being an asshole too? That doesn't matter to you, does it? You found your excuse to say this >>3873374
and that's all that matters. Being an asshole and a coward go hand in hand dont they? You just wont admit you're a scumbag, so you look for an excuse.

decent people dont need any excuse to be decent either

>> No.3873527

It sounds like they were both assholes (his dad clearly didn't fight hard enough to get time with his son) but he blames the person he was stuck with the most.

Clearly neither of them were prepared to be parents and they jumped into it before they knew they wouldn't work together. It is kind of sad. To think the amount of anger and misery that proper contraception or even an abortion could have saved.

>> No.3873632
File: 81 KB, 450x600, RIMG4288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally how

>> No.3873658

How could someone from a planet with no Mexico be Mexican?

>> No.3873667


This to be honest with you. Might have been a hot look for her.

>> No.3873741

I meant like his in game sprite, idk man. Young me thought he acted like my Mexican friends growing up.

>> No.3874041


Honestly Im more concerned about Vincent's loli love interest. Just. ew.

>> No.3874327

RICED. 黑人男孩怎么会甚至竞争?

>> No.3874346

>I always wondered why women talk of men as "stupid" even if they're known for being shallow and we build and created civilization, art and practically all advances in the world
lol how DO you keep the women off of you with an attitude like that. fucking hilarious.

>b- b- but it's true!

Using that as the premise of your argument paints you out as some extremely socially-awkward nerd.

>> No.3874448


>> No.3874473

so you're telling me I'm not wrong?

>> No.3874537

I'm gonna need to see some pictures

>> No.3874556
File: 1.85 MB, 981x2600, Shelke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3874669

what could possibly be wrong with wanting to fuck that

>> No.3874712

She's legal so honestly nothing

>> No.3874719


What happened to the art design of the FF7 sequels? Why was there zero attempt at keeping the same aestetic and designs? These characters look like they're from completely different universes and time periods.

>> No.3874801
File: 591 KB, 1280x960, 1373192031692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The question mark should be read as a tongue click.

>> No.3874845

I feel like he always got caught up in everyone else's bullshit. He's the one that had the most important reason to fight.

>> No.3874853

actually I'm insinuating you will have a lot more of a fulfilling life if you don't walk around with an insane victim/persecution complex towards all women bumping around your head.

>Why do women think they are SO SMART!? Don't they REALIZE that they OWE EVERYTHING to MEN LIKE ME?!?

>> No.3874928

No, you are simply a fool and so is every internet retard with their own headcanon. Most people were children when they played FF7 or teens at most and were 100% unaware of any of this innuendo and stupid sex brained bullshit that horny and unfucked adults like to insert into video games. She literally is just a girl that sells flowers.

>> No.3874931

Not sure if you're joking but yes that is what they are supposed to do

>> No.3877232

Consistency and Square Enix go together like apples and oranges.

>> No.3877284
File: 257 KB, 600x709, 1439711427735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't a girl entitled to a few mistakes in her life? God knows my past isn't spotless. She and Cloud end up together in the end, that's what really counts.

>> No.3877309
File: 60 KB, 525x176, tetsuya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay so here's basically what happened.

Tetsuya Nomura is a talented artists and probably an okay guy.

He did some designs on games like FF7, Parasite Eve, probably other stuff. People like his designs so he get's popular and you know what, he deserved too.

Okay so here's where things go south. Just because you can draw doesn't necessarily mean you can DESIGN and it doesn't mean you should be in charge of shit.

So basically a popular talented and probably okay guy got put into a position he probably really shouldn't have and without someone to keep his feet on the ground his baloon when twice round the world to crazy town

>> No.3877335

No Cloud ends with Yuffie.

At least he did in my last playthrough.

>> No.3877365

They explain in the game that shinra keep an eye on the last ancient. They probably hiver money to aeris's LOL to raise her in good condition. I agree that secter 7 isn't the best location to protect something valuable but it!s what the game told us.

She also probably not really need the money earn with the flowers.

>> No.3877372
File: 1.97 MB, 288x216, yuffie kiss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3877389

you do realize that the person they use as an image figurehead isn't actually making decisions right

>> No.3877396
File: 740 KB, 2410x1709, Y4f66iz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.

>> No.3877407


He IS the one drawing this shit though

>> No.3877428

the things he's drawing appeal to the target audience of shallow 14 year olds with disposable income that they didn't have to earn

he did his job perfectly well and the fact that there are profits at all reflect that

it's not about art, it's not about quality, and it's not about integrity, it's only about money.

>> No.3877440

if anything, the mere fact that the first game was sold to 14 year olds of 1997, and 5 or 10 years later they cash in on the epic legacy with another game that uses the characters or setting, that game, you see, is still targeted at 14 year olds, only not the same 14 year olds, so of course it looks different, and you know what, those original 14 year olds, their preferences don't matter, because of course if they loved the first game so much, they'll buy all the other cash ins no matter what, so of course, _of course_ the designs are going to be different. they're selling it to different 14 year olds. they SHOULD be different because it doesn't matter what YOU want, it matters what will bring in the MONEY.

>> No.3879078


Nomura gained TONS of power though. He went from just an artist to a director and producer. He IS the one making the decisions.

>> No.3879328

yeah it's just the body and clothes

hard to make someone that looks like Aerith guzzle 10 or so cocks while being fucked by a Marlborough while not looking like rape

>> No.3879765

Yuffie was always my choice

>> No.3879850

flower girl is a known slang for prostitutes

>> No.3879926


{{citation needed}}

>> No.3880106

Who is the biggest slut Tifa or the dogfuckeR?

>> No.3881769


>Tifa is just short for Tiffany

>> No.3881832

Not to mention

>skirt with long frontal slit revealing a lot of leg and even her panties
>red jacket, coifed hair, and bulky jewelry for grabbing attention
>bright pink form-fitting dress with bigger neckline that Tifa's top
>dress can be quickly unbuttoned

>> No.3881845

Here's your Citation. Flower girl does mean prostitute in many areas of Asia.

>> No.3882928

>>bright pink form-fitting dress with bigger neckline that Tifa's top
If Aerith was a prostitute because she couldn't survive otherwise she still superior to the whore by choice that Tifa is