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3966556 No.3966556 [Reply] [Original]

Did you get mad at her stealing your materia?

>> No.3966560

She made me realize how much I prefer learning abilities over just equipping them, and she reminded me just how useless your characters are without materia
same thing goes for VIII and GFs

>> No.3966570

The first time around yes, but at the time I didn't know whether it was permanent or not

>> No.3966571

fucken whore

>> No.3966643


When I first played I had no idea of that part, and was simply exploring around.

And to finish it off the materia was all wrong when I got it back.

It just seemed like a needless sidequest designed to aggravate, and didn't serve any real purpose other than to flush out her character.

>> No.3966669 [DELETED] 

I was more pissed when aerith died, because to this day, I swear she took some of my gear/materia to the grave with her.

Not sure if crazy, or it was a bug, but fuck you aerith

>> No.3966681

Annoyed, and it led to a boring pointless sidequest, which honestly annoyed me more.

>> No.3966683 [DELETED] 

>quit worldbuilding nerds!, it's only the best linear scope games for MY time!

>> No.3966917

Yes, so much so they in all my various playthroughs I've never used in my party when I could avoid it.

>> No.3966992

Yeah, that shit was tough.

Though when I did it the second time, I had already bought some of those super powerful, no materia weapons, so it was okay.

first time I was nearly saved into a corner

>> No.3967026

Quit gettin' mad at video games.

>> No.3967030

That would be a good trick, the Bizarre Bugs outside Wutai drop X-potions 100% of the time and Rapps' Aero3 should be survivable with a few hundred to spare, meaning limit breaks come easily. Unless you are really underleveled it shouldn't be a huge problem.

>> No.3967041

It wasn't a big deal, you don't even have to walk that far to get to Wutai and get them back.

>> No.3967097

It probably felt like a bigger problem than it was, first time around.

Ultimately I got through it, pretty sure I was already abusing Hyper's, so I just relied even more heavily on limit breaks.

>> No.3967179 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3967208

>Implying I encountered her

>> No.3967293

But i like her theme

>> No.3967340
File: 1.49 MB, 1065x902, yuffie-irl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is that expression trying to convey?

>> No.3967481

>when she sees your dick

>> No.3967510

>What did she mean by this?

>> No.3967513

>when she sees your bank account

>> No.3967727

>get mad at the opportunity to do a fun sidequest
No, as a matter of fact I enjoyed it like a non-autist might.

>> No.3967738

I think the only part that would be aggravating about it is that she puts your materia back in all the wrong order.

And I guess being dragged in to a quest you have to follow through with without a warning is annoying.

>> No.3967750

Geez what a fag

>> No.3967904


Oh is the poor eco terrorist mad some one stole his toys? Why not go murder some office workers

>> No.3968014
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a warning to not let her near anyone or she'll multiply

>> No.3968021
File: 31 KB, 500x500, 834041a10b07c0ffd191ce4fa8767bbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it was going to happen beforehand, and even if I didn't, I could never stay mad at the Yuff.

20 years later, still best girl.

>> No.3968049

I knew she was going to because I was using a guide

but I already knew in my heart that yuffie was best girl

>> No.3970971


>> No.3970974 [DELETED] 
File: 432 KB, 723x1023, 51006505_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3971064


She can steal my materia any time.

>> No.3971746

I hated her for it and stopped caring about her.

>> No.3972416

>have a metric shitload of materia
>still have a bunch left over after she robs you
Not a big deal.

>> No.3973309
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>go into a house after she robs you
>find a new materia in a chest
>she drops down and robs you again
fucking reeeeeee

>> No.3973327

The "no materia" part was fun, but retrieving them only to have them scrumbled when equipped again is what pissed me off.

>> No.3973376
File: 134 KB, 311x372, best girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I thought her putting them back in the wrong order was funny and cute. Like she's so eager to make up for everything and be your friend that she got excited and over did it.

Besides it should take like to seconds to rearrange shit in proper order. How much materia do you have fucking equipped.

>> No.3973717 [DELETED] 

Gonna need some sauce m8