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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 215 KB, 610x350, tmp_9208-PsychoDreamBoxShotSNES-625177659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3971386 No.3971386 [Reply] [Original]

What is that one game you always find yourself going back to despite popular opinion of it?

Psycho Dream for me.

>> No.3971394
File: 76 KB, 640x468, 22410_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ActRaiser 2
Final Fight 2

>> No.3971395

None, I guess I only like popular games. Heresy?

>> No.3971402

Gex 3D: Enter the Gecko

>> No.3971407

Toshinden 3
Street Fighter EX plus alpha

All below-average games, but damn if I don't love myself an anime fighter.

>> No.3971413
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I have 4-player game night about quarterly. The lineup is usually just:
SNES: Micro Machines 2
N64: Mario Kart
N64: Smash Bros
N64: Goldeneye

>> No.3971415

>ActRaiser 2
Same, it's been my go-to action game for years. I love the controls.

>> No.3971424

Bubsy II and Super James Pond on the SNES
Shit's comfy to me

>> No.3971450
File: 70 KB, 500x497, you know you never see much furry porn about gex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gex. I liked it when it was new and I like it now

at least I think it's a game folks generally don't like
that's the impression I've gotten

some places I will not go though

if that fucker only had the cherub city 2 sections it'd probably be my favourite SNES game

>> No.3971471

>ActRaiser 2
Damn nice. It's annoying at points, but I really like it.

>> No.3971798
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I genuinely love the shit out of this.

>> No.3971808


Enter The Gecko and Gex 3 are better

>> No.3971879

Me and a friend love playing smash TV for SNES whenever he comes over to hang out. We still can't get to the third stage.

Always wanted to play this

>> No.3971896

The first Gex was originally a 3DO game, that's why it was so different. And in my opinion, it's much more unique than 2 and 3 because of that.

>> No.3971909
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Played this shit constantly as a kid and still go back to it a few times a year

>> No.3971967

I heard that Super Smash TV was really good on SNES. Never saw someone talking shit about that version, personally.

>> No.3971986

Me and my best friend used to play this all the time too, and yeah, we sucked. The game is actually much easier solo, weirdly enough. Easier to keep tabs on the enemies.

The SNES version is extremely good, yeah. The controls are tight and the music and graphics are great. I have a lot of good memories of it.

>> No.3972009


Are there other platformers that look as good as ActRaiser 2?

>> No.3972054
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there's always something new to find on further playthroughs.

>> No.3972071
File: 73 KB, 640x480, Flink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on what you consider "good" but The Misadventures of Flink on Sega Genesis looks really pretty as well.

>> No.3974158

Bubsy 1. I grew up with it. I can beat it from level 1 with no problems at this point. It's fucking bad.

>> No.3974223

What? These are both considered great games. I think OP meant what games with bad reputations do you return to.
Not sure on snes but adventure of lomax on ps1 is gorgous.

>> No.3974275
File: 43 KB, 329x484, Castlevania_II_Simon's_Quest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
The main reason it gets so much hate is because of AVGN. The music's good, the world is fun to explore (for me at least), and the day/night cycle is fine when you get used to it.
The only problem I have with it is all the cryptic bullshit, but if you have a gameFAQ for it then it's fine

>> No.3974280

Sonic Adventure 1, but that's not really retro. Also PaRappa the Rapper, Ecco

>> No.3974709
File: 6 KB, 256x224, Mystic Quest Legend (E).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The music always makes me smile

>> No.3974730
File: 1.37 MB, 2000x1258, Fatal Labyrinth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fatal Labyrinth


>> No.3974882

>The only problem I have with it is all the cryptic bullshit, but if you have a gameFAQ for it then it's fine

That's a really major problem though. And if you need to follow an FAQ where does that leave exploration?

>> No.3974918

>Sonic Adventure 1
That one IS retro.

>> No.3975062

>The main reason it gets so much hate is because of AVGN

You're obviously underage. I played that shit when it came out. It was ALWAYS seen as the worst Castlevania.

>> No.3975083

You're the AVGN meme spouting underage here, bub.

>> No.3975091

There's something about it, I grant you that, but too many random factors that can fuck you up without it being your own fault in the slightest for most to stick with it.

>> No.3975230

Too bad there aren't other games that explore the theme of God-versus-Devil in such a direct manner. All the other games only deal with theme tangentially (i.e., you fight as an agent of God, not as literally God himself).

>> No.3975247

>Micro Machines 2
This one was kinda too frenetic with the vehicles too fast in relation to the viewport. I remember fests of cars falling off tables all the time due to that. Also the older emulators had buggy sound with sticking sound samples (quite annoying).

>> No.3975250

The game looks very nice, but I remember it to be stupid hard. Also too bad the sim element from the first one is gone.

(Wth is an "actraiser" anyway? Someone who "raises acts" [whatever that would mean]? Or is it just meaningless Engrish that the Japs at Enix happened to like?)

>> No.3975331
File: 966 KB, 1429x1429, 4662-jhqhuharlt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The atmosphere and music is just incredible, and I adore pretty much all of the different character's gameplay.

>> No.3975335
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It has a learning curve but isn't that hard. Many bosses and levels are piss easy.