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4024868 No.4024868 [Reply] [Original]

Universally better on the second playthrough. FFVIII is one of the few games that as I'm beating it for the first time, I really want to start the game all over again right when I beat it. With Chocobo World A++

>> No.4024946

I disagree, but respect your opinion.

>> No.4025791

There's lots to love, op. I'm glad you're enjoying it.

>> No.4026456

ff8 was easier after I figured out how to use an elastic band to draw magic while I slept.

>> No.4026489


>putting all that effort into finding a way to make the game play itself when you could've just refined items into magic

>> No.4026515

drawing death from a dragon is easier than farming tomberry knifes

>> No.4026560

FFVIII's story only starts to somewhat make sense on a second playthrough.
Like how the main villain was present for most of the game in some way rather than just at the end

>> No.4026563

Or like how Squall is actually dead and/or in a comma, since that fan theory makes as much sense as the Rinoa/Ultimecia one.

>> No.4027204

I started playing it about a month ago, but stopped about 3 hours in. The fucking boss battles are way too boring, spamming GFs over and over again.

Is there a hack that rebalances the summons and spells and speeds up the animations, or just make them more powerful but usable only once per battle?

>> No.4027218
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best FF game

>> No.4027220

Don't tonberry knives give you like 10 or 20 deaths per 1 refine.

and you have to kill at least 20 tonberry's to get a GF in the game.

So you should really have all 6 characters with their own 100stock of death if you plan on getting all the GF's in the game, and Tonberry is vital for Disc 4 gameplay anyway

>> No.4027228

If not bait, you shouldn't be spamming GFs, you shouldn't have random encounters on. Avoid levelling. Get your spells from items and cards. If you need to spam GF's you can teach them Boost to strenghten their damage by smashing button while animation is playing. Most efficent way to dish out damage is by limit breaks. Keep your HP under 1/4 (it's safer when you have high HP by not lvling too much and having high end magic junctioned to HP stats.). Naturally you want high Str stat too. In battle skip turn (triangle button) until your character gets Limit Break. Lower the HP, higher the probability. Squall, Zell and Irvine deal most damage thanks for multi hitting attacks. Later in game you also get Aura and Meltdown spells to get more Limit Breaks and ignore enemy's def stat.

>> No.4027232

>using GF's
anon.. that's how you start to lose your characters memory.

but really, the gameplay is pretty bland and not optimal for GF abuse, if they die during battle, they don't learn skills and abilities.

like >>4027228 says, but I just keep one character at low health, Squall, 'cause easiest, and most damaging, and least obnoxiously engaging limit break.

it's pretty comfy to hit RB a few times while he swings, then sit back and hit the bong while he does his special followup move

>> No.4027235

Absolute masterpiece of a game. OP is also correct on 2nd playthrough.

>> No.4027237


>> No.4027241

JRPG's are meant to smoke weed while playing..

>comfy at your own pace dialogue/cutscenes
>comfy at your own pace battle/action
>comfy at your own pace random encounters
That shit is built for relaxation.

>> No.4027385

if you play cards even just a little you'll have plenty of tonberry knives

>> No.4028790

FFVIII is the most kino Final Fantasy game.

>> No.4029243

you think that maybe squall died when he got stabbed by the icicle at the end of disc 1 during the parade? It makes sense considering how weird everything gets afterwards.

>> No.4029267

Yea, people couldnt handle it so for 9 they went back to uguu kawaii moeshit

>> No.4029724

Difficult to not binge play, but satisfying if you don't.

>> No.4030104

It's the only game where you literally cash in your cards at the end.

>> No.4030853

Squall is dead is the dumbest fucking theory I've ever heard, and I've heard that Ben Drowned Zelda story before.

>> No.4030939
File: 1.99 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_3218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shit Tier theories
Squall is Dead (tm)

>Dumb tier theories
Rinoa is Ultimecia

After the events of the game, Ultimecia went into vacuum manufacturing

>> No.4030946

People will grasp at any straws they can to make the story seem less terrible.

>> No.4031012

except the story isn't terrible

>> No.4031071
File: 51 KB, 546x455, fishing hot girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 top quality bait.

>> No.4031786

By "2cd" do you mean "2nd"?