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File: 15 KB, 320x288, linksawakening-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4050776 No.4050776 [Reply] [Original]

Try and refute that
Protip: you cannot

>> No.4050780
File: 184 KB, 1920x1080, a-link-to-the-past-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, that was easy

>> No.4050783

boring as shit no personality

>> No.4050784


Yeah, I don't think so.

>> No.4050801

Agreed. OP is a faggot and should be banned for his shit opinions

>> No.4050831

>getting marin to walk up against a wall
>using the power brace on her over and over
first vidya fap

>> No.4050835

There's actually a glitch where you can have Marin follow you permanently.

>> No.4050837

Is this better than the oracles games?

>> No.4050838

I just love how broken the game is, and how many little easter eggs there are. Like the bomb arrow.
Mmm I don't think so sweety
The one thing I like about ALTTP is the length of the game. They really never made a Zelda game that long again with the possible exception of OoT.
Fight me

>> No.4050839

Why do you people have to be so weird and combative about every little thing?

When you aren't having console wars you're fighting fans of the same fucking series over which entry is your subjective favorite.

Faggots. The lot of you.

>> No.4050841

>he just listened to faggotnauts

>> No.4050851
File: 287 KB, 710x600, linkdx_conceptart_QYv4p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out this art folks.
You must admit this is quality strategy guide art.

>> No.4050856


Never really liked Terada's Zelda art. Seemed like it was only commissioned to make the games look more gritty so that Americans wouldn't puss out because the game had a cute art style.

>> No.4050858

The story in Link's Awakening is probably the best in the series (not that that's saying much), but the gameplay in Oracles is a LOT better unless you're a contrarian nostalgiafag.

>> No.4050869

I liked linking up Oracles but Oracle of Ages was difficult bro
Seasons was a blast, won't lie

>> No.4050874

Maybe you're right but then i remember the Oracles games. I liked those game so much i've played them maybe 50 times and now i want to replay them again.

>> No.4050880

Honestly Link's Awakening is not my favorite handheld Zelda.
It ain't bad though.

Minish Cap> Seasons>Ages>Awakening>my mother's cum>>>>Phantom>>>>>>>Spirit

>> No.4050883

Minish cap was awesome but (like WW) I thought it needed more dungeons

>> No.4050905

This game has the best aesthetics out of all of 2D Zelda, ALTTP is kind of ugly, and the NES games aren't worth mentioning.

I wish they really did remake ALTTP and Zelda 1 on the Gameboy but then we wouldn't have got LA and Oracles.

I wonder how all those romhacks that use LA graphics still manage to get it so fucking wrong?

>> No.4050910

Link's Awakening is a meme game.

All zelda games are.

>> No.4050912

>This game has the best aesthetics out of all of 2D Zelda,
Come on, whether you like it as a game or not, Minish Cap has the best aesthetics of all 2D Zeldas.

>> No.4050916

Minish Cap is pure shit. Capcom is an awful developer.

>> No.4050924



>> No.4050928


No way dude. Minish cap would have looked nice as a 3D game but it was super fucking generic as a 2D game.

>> No.4050931
File: 33 KB, 325x326, 14174367688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>super fucking generic

>> No.4050939 [DELETED] 

Oracles are trash. kys
>Minish Cap
>better than LA
Underage detected.

>> No.4051094


How can Ocarina of Time and sequels even compete?

>> No.4051127

i disagree, i think the other anon is right

>> No.4051170

I would say that them oracles are better together

In fact all 3 of them are a unique experience

>> No.4051173

Well it is a matter of opinion so I can't really refute it but may I ask what do you think is the best Zelda game now?

>> No.4051176

Zelda 2

>> No.4051384

I cannot.

>> No.4051463

Shit was annoying as fucking fuck

>> No.4051594


Wrong. Link's Awakening DX was the best Zelda game.

Gotta have that Color Dungeon.

>> No.4051605

wow good timing with that retronauts episode, no way that's a coincidence, right?

>> No.4051623
File: 38 KB, 640x415, miyamoto_shirt-640x415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the game and I feel like OoT owes a lot to it for testing the waters of certain characters and ideas, but it's the worst of the first six Zeldas objectively. Is it better than Wind Waker, The Minish Cap, Phantom Hourglass, or Twilight Princess? Ehhh. Possibly. That definitely puts it in the upper eschelon of Zelda, but still a far-cry from the best.

>> No.4051912

This and constantly needing to switch items ruined the game for me. Item switching isn't bad at the start but the second half of the game is unbearable because you often have to switch literally every new screen, and with only two weapon slots and it taking a full second to load the menu and then another to unload it, it gets really fucking annoying real fast.

Most of the game is as annoying with item switching as oot's water temple was with the boot switching. I can overlook one dungeon of that shit but not most of a game.

It's a shame because for the most part I liked the game a lot besides this. It's mostly a good game. Fuck that stupid whiny ghost though. I made it to the next dungeon and he wouldn't let me inside because it was "scary" so I have to finish this stupid ghost quest that should honestly be a side quest but is fucking mandatory for some reason. Doesn't even give you a good prize, just a generic seashell or whatever the fuck you need a number of to get the better sword. I was really put off by how pointless and forced that section was, and how I had no choice whatsoever in doing it.

The game has a ton of charm and some neat stuff, and when I don't have to swap items constantly it's fun to play. But there's all these annoying little things that get in the way, and after dealing with then long enough they stop being little things and get really frustrating. I had to put the game down after dungeon six because I was just too fed up with it by that point.

>> No.4051923

Also God help you if you happen to select the ocarina when switching items, because then you might get stuck on a loop between the ocarina songs.

And saving the game by mashing all buttons at once was bullshit.

It's a great game but there are a lot of really shitty design choices when it comes to menus and so on. The Oracles fixed all of these, thankfully, but yeah, it's not the best Zelda ever just because the story is not completely stupid for once.

>> No.4051925

The Oracle games are even worse with the item switching bullshit since they decided it would be a great idea to have two-handed weapons in the game.

Granted, they're optional, but who doesn't want to punch shit or swing around a gigantic greatsword?

>> No.4051932
File: 51 KB, 400x323, 1456521471150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Oracles fixed all of these
>The Oracle games are even worse

>> No.4051936

>granted, they're optional
Exactly. And it's just one weapon.

Meanwhile the Oracles lets you arrange items while having a lot of extra menu space so it never gets too cramped. That's why it's better. In Link's Awakening, your inventory ends up being completely cramped, so switching items is a nightmare. In Oracles you always have free spaces so item switching doesn't get too hectic. And item switching isn't nearly as bad in those games beyond using seeds anyway.

Plus now the menu is actually functional and you can save whenever you want without having to mash all buttons. And when you touch rocks/crystals/etc there's no longer a bunch of retarded text boxes.

>> No.4051940

The punching rings need both hands too, for some reason. You're right though, it's not a huge deal.

>> No.4051943

You're right, I didn't remember those rings. It's crazy how much variety they brought to the game, I don't understand why no other Zelda implemented a similar system.

>> No.4051958

I liked the story and gameplay, but why were the bosses so fucking easy? LA has probably got the easiest boss fights of any Zelda game. Also, the picture guy was retarded.
Marin is the best waifu in the Zelda series.

>> No.4051961

It depends.
The oracle games are just all around bigger. Some people like that, but others call it "unnecessary bullshit."

LA is a nicely condensed experience, but the Oracle games are epic adventures.

>> No.4051973

Personally, I feel that a linked run of the Oracles games is THE definitive Zelda experience. An epic adventure involving Princess Zelda and the Triforce that spans two different lands, 14+ dungeons, tons of different items, and gameplay-changing rings. The "legend" aspect itself is refreshing because it's not yet another LttP plot reskin, which is a rarity for "legend" games. And along with Golden Sun, these are the only games I can think of were linking 1. can be done without a expensive link cable and 2. is about continuing and expanding the adventure instead of just tacking on some lame pokemon esque version difference bullshit.

That being said, the Zelda series also have outlier games that aren't about "the legend of Zelda", but about whimsical adventures in strange lands. Link's Awakening and Majora's Mask are these outlier games. And I think that even with it's mechanical faults, Link's Awakening is the best "non Legend" game. But it definitely needs to be fine tuned unless you really enjoy reading the same couple messages every time you touch a particular type of object.

>> No.4051989

>Personally, I feel that a linked run of the Oracles games is THE definitive Zelda experience.
I almost agree. Seasons is probably one of my favorite games of all time.
The only thing holding them back is the linear dungeon progression. Even sequence breaking is next to impossible.

It doesn't have to be as open as the first Zelda (it shouldn't actually, but that's a different topic) but even OoT let you do four of the adult dungeons in any order.

>> No.4052030

The Oracle games are better overall, though I think LA has a more interesting story. All three Game Boy Zelda games are fantastic in my opinion though.

>> No.4052034

>all those romhacks that use LA graphics
Are there a lot of those? The only one I ever played was some kind of kaizo hack, and I stopped playing it after running into some kind of pixel-perfect jump in an early dungeon, I don't want to have to TAS a game to beat it and I imagine there were going to be a lot of those later.

>> No.4052042


I was talking more along the lines of the NES games that use sprites ripped from Link's Awakening.

Legend of Link got it right but they may as well have created a new game too bad they fucking ruined everything with that shitty darkness mechanic in the dungeons.

I think the ideal would just be to remake Zelda 1 on the Link's Awakening or Oracles engine.

>> No.4052080

I've been thinking about the Zelda series lately and I think that the only really amazing games in it are Zelda II and ALTTP. All of the other games are just good, not spectacular, but good.

>> No.4052104

Speaking of sequence breaking and linearity, LA only has one possible dungeon order if you don't abuse glitches/exploits right? I'm not counting that mini dungeon where you find out about the wind fish's dream, since that's like two hallways and a boss battle. Although I did clear that area like two dungeons before I was supposed to, so that's some non-linearity I guess.

Does anyone know if you can do any LTTP dungeons out of order without using glitches? Or is there only one order to go through that game as well? Because I don't think you can do any dungeons in that game out of order without breaking the game a little, but I'm not 100% sure. Also not counting getting a dungeon item and then leaving the dungeon unfinished to complete later, because that's just such an arbitrary and pointless way of doing things out of order.

Same question for AoL too I guess. I've only played through it once but it seemed quite linear.

>> No.4052147

ALTTP light world dungeons have to be done in order. Green pendant from Eastern Palace is needed for boots, needed for book, needed to get into Desert Palace, the glove from there is needed to get into Tower of Hera.

For dark world dungeons the order opens up a lot. Palace of Darkness must be done first.
Swamp Palace, Skull Woods, and Thieves Town can be done in any order at any time, Swamp can even be done last of the 7.

The last 3 dungeons can also be done in a large variety of orders but they have prereq dungeons.
Thieves Town --> Ice Palace + Misery Mire
Skull Woods + Misery Mire --> Turtle Rock

This is with no glitches, although you may be able to keylock yourself in Ice Palace without the hookshot not 100% sure.

It is way more open than AoL, although Zelda 2 does open up the shrine order a tiny bit near the end it's nothing compared to ALTTP.

>> No.4052195


You're welcome to that opinion. Personally I think everything was amazing up until Wind Waker, then it became a mixed bag of "Great" to "okay" and then everything released after Twilight Princess was trash until a Link Between worlds

>> No.4052220
File: 33 KB, 300x268, Super_Mario_Land_2_box_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Super Mario Land 2
didn't realize you all had such complete shit taste

>> No.4052246

Wrong thread?

>> No.4052263


Wrong thread, but boy, Link's Awakening and SML2 really make me miss the weird off beat tone that handheld games had.

>tfw we will never get another Gunpei Yokoi game and his contributions to Nintendo will continue getting swept under the rug

>> No.4052315

Isn't even the best Zelda for GBC.

Oracle of Ages/Seasons are superior.

>> No.4052343 [DELETED] 

Top five in order of best to worst

>Majora's Mask
>Link's Awakening
>Twilight Princess
>Link to the Past
>Ocarina of Time

>> No.4052371

>link to the past
>top 5
nah, good list otherwise though

>> No.4052375

There was literally no excuse to not making swimming an ability so that you don't have to switch to flippers. Same goes for picking up rocks, they could have made it so that when you have the item in the inventory, you can pick up the rock with the B button no matter which item you have equipped.
It wasn't done so that they could artificially lenghten the game. It's crazy how much time in the game was spent just switching items.

>> No.4052430

literal meme game

go back to watching le retro gaymer utubers

>> No.4052431 [DELETED] 

What is your complaints with LttP

>> No.4052432 [DELETED] 

It's a great game and I'd call it a tie with LLTP.

>> No.4052437
File: 194 KB, 630x391, Terada09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a nice opinion you have, but in my opinion your opinion isn't worth it and you should stop posting opinions.

>> No.4052441 [DELETED] 

>switch to flippers
Wow buddy did we play the same game? You never have to swap to flippers. Also the item switching is mitigated by being able to swap BOTH buttons, meaning you don't have to have your sword out. Idk what people's problem is anyway, switching items is literally 1.5 sec a pop.

>> No.4052456 [DELETED] 

Oracle of Ages/Seasons are mediocre. The overworlds are vast and empty, with boring characters and quests. Link's Awakening's overworld is literally one of the best in the series because it's compactly filled with content, and the characters are seriously lovable (Marin is one of the best characters in Zelda). The story is generic as fuck too for both games. They aren't bad games but seriously what do they do better than Link's Awakening? Nothing.

>> No.4052473

Ridic easy.

Man, the ease with which this was refuted was almost like this thread shouldn't exist.

>> No.4052482

Woah woah woah. Easy there, bad taste moron.

Look, Link's Awakening is great. It's super cute and I love the over all look and feel of the game and its design, but saying it has no personality and is boring as shit, when it established half the stuff that makes Link's Awakening even good in the first place is pretty, I dunno, stupid to say?

I don't want to flog a dead horse here, but it just seems to me like something that only a stupid idiot would type into a 4chan comment is all.

>> No.4052489

Go away, Bob

>> No.4052657

I think Capcom did a good job with the oracles so they're all pretty close in quality. Saying one is better is more or less nitpicking. LA had a nice setting.

>> No.4052687


>> No.4052702

>LA had a nice setting
To be honest I always hated that Koholint was a perfectly square island. It looked stupid. The dream angle is interesting though.

>> No.4052738

Link's Awakening DX is the only Game Boy Zelda I've played, and I unironically like it more than ALttP.
Can Oracle of Seasons be treated as a stand-alone experience?

>> No.4052772

>Can Oracle of Seasons be treated as a stand-alone experience?

>> No.4052773
File: 4 KB, 160x144, zelseao-35.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can Oracle of Seasons be treated as a stand-alone experience?
Not really, the game ends on a cliffhanger and the whole adventure only makes sense if you continue it on Ages.

Just play both, you won't regret it.

>> No.4052781
File: 2 KB, 160x144, zelseao-58.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...the game literally ends with this screen.

>> No.4052807

Yeah, but each game has its own separate story, villain, characters, and world. There's an extension to the story that loosely connects the two games together. But if you absolutely cannot play both then you can play one without being totally lost. But you should play both anyway.

>> No.4052808
File: 995 KB, 247x268, 1496461912218.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he prefers cute faggot art style to this epic looking shit
Imagine being this gay.

>> No.4052810

Seasons works as a standalone game but I think it's better if you have both games and link them together. One of the games is a sequel to the other depending on the order you play, and Zelda and Ganon only appear in the second game of a linked playthrough.

>> No.4052852

You didn't have to manually equip the flippers in LA, although you are right about the power bracelets.

>> No.4052858

>posting cropped porn
Jesus Christ, will you homos fuck off already?

>> No.4052860

If you want the full OoS experience, just go on gamefaqs and find an OoA link password to give Farore at the beginning of OoS.

>> No.4052880


Japan is just about the only country into the repetitive, overly cute shit. It's not about pussing out, its about being relevant.

>> No.4052885

Too true. Can't they realize this cute shit is grating af?

>> No.4052942

enjoy your (You) you fucking contrarian

>> No.4052945

thats from Aliens you mook

>> No.4052951

how is it even possible to fap to this?

>> No.4053037

>The Oracle games are better overall

OoA is trash though.

>> No.4054647


I mean, I don't feel like my sexuality is challenged because of a game actually utilizing every color instead of just three with excessive wrinkles on everything.

>> No.4054652

Oracle of Ages is far better than this game... Actually, this is clearly bait. I don't even know why I bothered to respond.

>> No.4054670

it's almost like LA is a portable edition of LTTP to compliment the primary series?
sorry gameboy fans.

>> No.4054676


Only 2 buttons forcing constant switching with items, sword, shield.

>> No.4055771


>called links awakening

>wind fish wakes up

What a crock of shit

>> No.4055779

>A Link to the Past
>You never travel back in time

>> No.4056002

People always seem to blame oot for introducing an emphasis on linearity, puzzles and story to the series, but LA alwas seemed like the start of all that to me. LttP had some of that too, but to a lesser degree than LA.

Without glitches, are there any dungeons you can do out of order in LA?

>> No.4056006

>The Adventure of Link
>Link has had other adventures

>> No.4056010

Not counting taking the dungeon items and not finishing the dungeons? No.

You even have to get halfway through the trading quest to progress in places.

>> No.4056017


I'm not going to argue that LA was more linear and puzzle focused, but the puzzles were actually good and challenging, wheras the puzzles in the 3D games are rarely challenging, most of the challenge comes from the player not getting lost trying to figure out which key they missed.

I'm so glad the latest game made dungeons short and condensed to cut down on time spent running around looking for keys.

>> No.4056124

The Glitches were fun
>Jumping out of the first boss room and using that process to pick up the power bracelet, the boots, and the fins
Also beating the dungeons out of order
>Beating the last Dungeon first so you can do a Drum Solo in front of the Wind Fish's egg.

>> No.4056141

Every Zelda is most fun when you're completely breaking sequence.

>> No.4056460

wait im playing oracle of ages right now. should i be playing the other one first lol.

>> No.4056468


It's generally accepted that Seasons -> Ages is the "canon" progression, not sure how or why, but you can play the games in either order.

>> No.4056484

Only for autismo reasons.

There's one map space in Ages that you can only be visited if you play seasons first.

But you don't actually play seasons first. To 100% your ring collection you need to play both games once, and then again in reverse order. So if you want that space filled in on the second loop you need to start with Ages.

>> No.4056627

Wario is my favorite Zelda villain.

>> No.4056679

I played Ages first and the story still made sense and I had a grand old time, don't worry about it

>> No.4056691
File: 2 KB, 160x144, zeldagea-99.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, the games are designed to always make sense and complete one another as long as you link them. The order is irrelevant.

This is what you'll get once you finish an unlinked Ages. Then you can continue the adventure in Seasons and everything will still make sense, so don't worry!

>> No.4056713

That seems weird to me. The final dungeon of Seasons is so short and shitty that it feels like it's just buildup to the linked finale.