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File: 1.29 MB, 800x450, soniccd.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4195119 No.4195119 [Reply] [Original]

THIS is "good" sonic level design?

>> No.4195141

Nobody's ever claimed Sanic CD had good level design, in that regard, it's probably the worst of the old ones.

>> No.4195146

It seems you're too stupid to properly control Sonic's trajectory after hitting a spring, OP.

>> No.4195158
File: 1.36 MB, 270x235, gitgud.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why can't I hold right and win!??!?!?!
>Sanic CD sux
>Le bad level desing

>> No.4195191

>implying that doesn't look fun as heck

>> No.4195204
File: 1.60 MB, 480x360, soniccd2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then why do people like it besides maybe the ost?
you have literally no control in situations like pic related
no anon, I like the genesis sonics, but CD is terrible. git gud is a poor excuse for bad level design

>> No.4195217

having no control and being bounced in the opposite direction you're trying to go with no way off the ride isn't fun

>> No.4195231

The reason you don't have control is because your reaction speed is too slow and your mind can't figure out that there are routes through the bumpers and springs.

>> No.4195237

I thought classic sonic wasn't about going fast anon

>> No.4195247

You don't have to go fast anon, you have to BE fast.

>> No.4195252

this is what sonic autists actually believe

>> No.4195256

I still don't understand the people who justify its level design with the "exploration" card.
Exploration based level design usually works best when you have a sense of place, with the things you are exploring for having a logic behind being there.
CD's levels are just designed specifically around using the time travel mechanic, resulting in abstract nonsense. It feels contrived and gamey as a result.

>> No.4195263

Sonic CD. CD. more storage space. bigger levels.

Not being limited by size meant that there was no incentive to make the games as compact.

same reason people sometimes prefer midi tracks over music

>> No.4195269

people like it because it has the best exploration out of the 4 (or 5) games

and despite the jumbled ass level design you can get through the levels quickly like a normal Sonic game

It also had Metal Sonic, Amy and animation

>> No.4195272

anon at what point was there ever made any sonic the hedgehog game that wasn't contrived and gamey and full of dumb shit

>> No.4195287

Most Sonic games aren't under the pretense of exploration-based gameplay.

>> No.4195294

Looks like someone has never played Sonic Spinball, the section that was inspired by the game. Also you type like a little kid. 'Git gud', faggot.

>> No.4195303

epic roast man!

>> No.4195509

This should've been a loop.

>> No.4195514

This is good Sonic music

>> No.4195871

Gee, no wonder video games devolved into cut scenes interspaced by quick time events. People really considered this "good" "gameplay"?

inb4 a sonic fanboy slings his adult size diaper at me

>> No.4195945
File: 17 KB, 200x200, eggman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to whom? I'm on the fence about this sort of thing. Are you a new person who's going back and playing these? As much as I'd like to make the argument that they made them that way on purpose, I don't think I can. It could be just purely coincidence that getting the emeralds is difficult because of the stages. Sonic CD was one of the first video games I ever played and I have a lot of fond memories of it but I'm totally open to picking at it so don't get fucking offended if you're a diehard Sonic CDfan or something.

Sonic 1, 2, and 3&K have a somewhat conventional approach to stages. There are upper paths, lower paths, middle paths, and generally have some kind of coherent flow. Each stage usually has a certain architectural quirk or may feature machinery.

Sonic CD and Chaotix's stages are STRANGE. They look beautiful, the artists drew things that really popped, and there may be lower paths, middle paths, and higher paths but for the most part they are landscapes with random assortments of things to bump into, play around on, and get lost in. The layouts may have been just been random things dropped everywhere in a tile editor but I totally remember them because of that. These two games stand out to me because of the clusterfuck level design being paired up with glorious psychedelia. I'm happy to have played these things.

And all of the Sonic games communicate Eggman extremely well without having to speak to you. Reasons for liking Classic Sonic often has less to do with nostalgia and more about the effectiveness of non-spoken narrative. Eggman loves what he does and in the stages he leaves his little toys and carbon footprint everywhere. You're traversing through his messes and at the end of every stage you always run into him finishing up the job. He really is a truly gifted man who tinkers probably to fill a void somewhere in his life.

>> No.4195982
File: 2.75 MB, 376x376, 1476682016236.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, there are tons of people going back to play the originals because of Mania and you'll always run into people like OP who never understood the charm or are thinking too hard when it comes to enjoying these things so it's almost like the whole thing gets lost on them because they went in with the wrong mindset.

Going back to find out just what made some things good is often a pleb indicator of sorts, as you'll have people confusingly asking "People liked this??????" or people outright saying that Sonic was never good because the special stages tossed them out on their asses. Haha, I've been there.

>> No.4195992

I'm not new to sonic anon, and I have always felt that sonic CD is a total mess but for some reason it's regarded among sonic fans as actually being one of the best? granted when you consider that every sonic game made after 3&K are terrible that shouldn't be all that surprising. still though, while I refuse to outright call CD a BAD game, I can't defend it all that much. more often than not, even when not exaggerating to convey my point, I found myself being flung around the stage and being turned around by some hidden spring that sends me on a seemingly endless rollercoaster. not that it's ALWAYS that bad, in fact it does kinda start to simmer down in the later stages, but the almost complete lack of any coherent platforming sections more akin to the traditional sonics bothers me. the built in excuse for all this that is constantly shoved in my face is git gud, and while I can certainly understand it being used to excuse actual challenging gameplay, being thrown off my intended path by a hidden trap and having to wrestle with the springs, bumpers, and hell even the controls just irritates me.

>> No.4196009

>being thrown off my intended path by a hidden trap and having to wrestle with the springs, bumpers, and hell even the controls just irritates me.
Well I'm sorry, I guess. The thing is though all of them have something annoying in them and you can't always be guaranteed a perfect playthrough the first time and that's why replay is encouraged for basically any game. The more you play the more you get to know this stuff. It gets burned into your muscle memory.

Robot that rolls down the hill behind you in Spring Yard Zone? Gotcha
Obnoxious starfish from Sonic 2? Gotcha
S3&K? Entire game is easy, blue sphere is the real challenge.

To be apt, you just gotta play more.

>> No.4196371

Aren't you trying to name good things about Sonic CD? Even her sprite is ugly.

>> No.4196471

>when you consider that every sonic game made after 3&K are terrible
Sonic Adventure is better than 3, better than Knuckles, better than most of 2

>> No.4196479


i was going to post a rebuttal to this post but i glitched through the floor and died before i could

>> No.4196483

Your problem is a sense of dissonance with the character the game is about. You want to go fast, and you have an intended path, and you want to finish everything perfect, and you want to get the emeralds.

Sonic the Hedgehog simply does not care.

Sonic has no intended path. He doesn't care what ending he gets. Sonic is riding the wave. He's just running around and having fun.

It's not a good game for someone who has a lot of things to worry about, because it's really in no rush to get to the point. You have to relax and if you can't relax you need to stop playing and go do your laundry or something.

>> No.4196509

I agree that Sonic CD's level design is ass, but you know what I don't see discussed often? How shit the boss fights are.

There's 7 boss fights, 4 of them are "regular" boss battles, but they're dead simple and lazy, I guess the 1st one is understandable since it is the 1st boss, but the last boss has no excuse being so brain dead and anticlimactic.

The other 3 are an annoying pinball game (get to the top and you win, that's it), hold right and jump occasionally and the Metal Sonic race. My problem with the last one is that the race should have been the level, not the boss, there should have been a proper fight with Metal Sonic AFTER the race instead.

>> No.4196570

Who's ever playing this sucks hard

>> No.4196590

Sure looks fun

Can't wait to play it!

>> No.4196636

>a video game being gamey is bad
Go play Call of Battlefield or something.

>> No.4196647

Seriously, how do you fuck up so badly? I admit that Collision Chaos can be a bit frustrating at times, but the guy playing is butt fucking retarded. Almost as if he's purposefully playing this bad to make the level design seem worse than it is.

>> No.4196707

Say what you will about CD's level design but the person recording shouldn't be playing any video game with those pitiful reflexes.

>> No.4196816

Sonic isn't about fighting

fighting is a nuisance that you're trying to avoid

>> No.4196865 [SPOILER] 
File: 21 KB, 320x224, 1502999596263.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only sonic game with good level design is sonic spinball if you ask me

>> No.4197443

>reading comprehension

>> No.4197556

>It also had Metal Sonic, Amy
it's weird people shit all over shadow and not the OG sonic recolors

>> No.4197595

well, adding a female version as a love interest is a strong tradition in videogames

should there have been another pac man game where he has a trenchcoat and gun?

>> No.4197804
File: 288 KB, 652x538, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of bad level design, I was messing around in S3&K and decided to look at the bottom path. This seems literally inescapable as Knuckles unless you backtrack and climb up the wall at the start of the pit. Was this an oversight or did the devs just hate Knuckles?

>> No.4197808

knuckles can go slightly higher than a standard jump if he remains in the air after going fast, have you tried spindashing and then jumping, or does the water slow you too much?

>> No.4197814

Just tried it, it does not.

>> No.4197816

*it does not work, the water does slow you down too much

>> No.4197994

What the hell is up with all the Sonic CD bashing here lately?

>> No.4198015

>well, adding a female version as a love interest is a strong tradition in videogames
yeah and that's bad. her original design is literally just a pink sonic in drag

it's just funny sonicfags make so much fun of shadow and recolors just in general when sega did it themselves in the first place

>> No.4198043

it's mario with a higher skill cap. you fucking retarded dickwad

>> No.4198048

I don't think it's the sonicfags making fun of you.

>> No.4198076


>> No.4199410

By the time Shadow came around there was an entire decade of bullshit fan characters.
Plus Amy is a hedgehog. It only makes sense that she would resemble Sonic. I've never understood the modern Amy look as it makes her look more like an echidna or something

>> No.4199648

Lmao sonic fucking sucks, take of yor glasses retards

>> No.4199664


>> No.4199673

Wow, I remember having a ton of trouble on this stage, must have taken a few years off my life blowing all that blood to my head.

>> No.4200441

Funny you mention holding right and winning. I experimented ages ago how far I could get in the game just holding right and mashing jump with fast forward enabled in an emulator, I made it through the first two acts before it deteriorated. I tried the same in 1-3&K and didn't get nearly as far.

Granted I'm not getting any good futures by doing that, but if stages can be navigated so mindlessly like that I don't see how time travelling and exploring them could ever be fun anyway.

>> No.4200534

I never was a huge fan of Sonic CD. The levels seemed to go on forever and everything seemed all over the place. The music and graphics are probably the only redeeming things about the game.