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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4318582 No.4318582 [Reply] [Original]

>Best retro Star Wars games and best tie-in ever?

>> No.4318584

Dark forces is best star wars game

>> No.4318585
File: 118 KB, 300x375, Swtiefightercd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps they're the best CONSOLE star wars games, but the title of best one ever goes to pic related.

>> No.4318590

Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight

>> No.4318591

i wanna play this so bad but i dont own a flightstick

>> No.4318650
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forgot pic related

>> No.4318651

Then buy one. You can get a decent one for no more than 40 bucks.

>> No.4318734
File: 342 KB, 499x347, SOTE-N64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dash Rendar: Han Solo was a Pussy

>> No.4318739

True story. Han Solo has one of the lamest, most pointless deaths in all movie history.

>> No.4318845

Just the way Harrison Ford wanted it.

>> No.4318853

Used to love this game. X-Wing too.

Never played X-Wing Vs Tie Fighter though.

>> No.4318879

>Gamma One is the Emperor's stool pigeon!
Fuck you, Harkov. You think a minefield can stop me?

>> No.4318902
File: 306 KB, 640x909, 7591_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4319198

Yeah that was actually the worst part. Even though I worried it would be bad (then it was worse) I wanted to avoid any spoilers so I wasn't watching trailers or anything. But I stumbled on a quote in People or someshit at an inlaw's house where Ford said he was really happy with the part they wrote for him and I knew right then he was finally getting his big death scene. Then I wait the whole movie for it and was worse than I imagined.

>> No.4319237

>Never played X-Wing Vs Tie Fighter though.
Don't bother. It's just a rehash of missions from the prior two games along with a multiplayer that nobody uses anymore.

X-Wing Alliance is fresh content that's worth playing, however.

>> No.4319884

These require a lot to play, though...gotta have a flightstick and not be shit, because the games are bullshit levels of hard.

>> No.4319904

I second that. Shadows of the Empire on the N64 gave me a movie-like experience that eclipsed the prequels as a whole. SOTE always feels immersive, while the newer stuff just feels like it's playing at being Star Wars. SOTE is Star Wars. I've got some incredible times on that game.

>> No.4320037

I feel that while his death was indeed lame, it was far from pointless.

>> No.4321349

That time was great. I soaked up the game, the novel, the comics, the figures. It was an amazing experience all combined

>> No.4321364

is this fun without a stick?

>> No.4321373

No. A stick is necessary for the star wars flight sims.

>> No.4321381

>eclipsed the Prequels